I traveled through the days in Naruto World

The Day I Traveled Through the Naruto World Chapter 111

The other is Big Brother Takahashi, he is already a Zhong Ren. It stands to reason that his strength is definitely better than Xia Ren.But judging from the current performance, it seems that there is no particularly outstanding place. Holding a kunai and a ronin who is good at swords, this is nothing!

Fortunately, there are still days here, just as Mizuki, Li and Takahashi deal with the robbers who rushed in. She has taken out two scrolls from her bag.Two scrolls were opened, and all of them were sealed weapons. Now she was unblocking them one by one, and all the swords were shot out like a storm.

Most of the attacks were kunai, and there were shurikens and boomerangs.These weapons are basically not fatal if they are not the key to the hit, but with such a large number, I am afraid that even if they can't be shot for a while, they will be shot into a hedgehog.

The world of Naruto is, after all, a world dominated by ninjas.Even the samurai and ronin who are quite martial arts, it is not easy to deal with ninjas.

At this time someone shouted and said vigorously: "Don't be afraid, brothers! Let's go together. There are only four of them. If they don't die, we will die!"

Perhaps these robbers also understand that the business of blocking roads and looting and looting the village will certainly not be forgiven.Rather than lay down the weapon and wait for death, it is better to let it go!

Of course, these people were originally desperadoes, and most of them had blood on the knife edge.Knowing that he has no retreat, fighting might still have a way to survive, it must be a crazy fight.

Mizuki's condition is a little better. She has suffered a knife on her body, but was blocked by her gloves and attached arm armor: "Damn it!"

A backhand fist, this is the strength of the foot, watching this punch hit the opponent's chest, you can clearly feel that the ribs have been crushed.

These people are all robbers who have done things that hurt the world. God knows how many innocent people's blood is stained with their knives.And now I want to kill them, of course, the water tree will not make light hands.

The power of her fist is amazing. It is common to break bones. Every punch can penetrate into the opponent's chest. What's more, she can see the place where her fist hits, deeply sunken.If such an injury is not treated effectively, it is clear that the injured can only die in extreme pain.

However, her efficiency against enemies can only be solved one by one.Li's situation is similar, physique is not equivalent to ninjutsu, and rarely has the ability to attack in a large area.The other is Big Brother Takahashi. I saw him release a few ninjutsu, but they are all C-level and D-level ninjutsu. The power is pretty good, but it can't be said to be large.

The only person here who can be regarded as having a large-scale attack, it should be said that only every day!Mizuki gestured to her: "Every day, I remember that you used a ninjutsu of Shuangshenglong when you took the Zhongnin exam. Now it is!"

Everyday understands, nodding in response.

Immediately he took out two more scrolls and placed them on the ground, quickly forming a few handprints with his hands, and in the subsequent smoke, two misted dragon shadows rose.

Of course, the two dragon shadows are not real dragons, but two scrolls on the ground, stretched up every day.Immediately after that, we could see the weapon falling like a storm.

Although Tiantian failed when he encountered enemies who restrained her the last time he used "Shuangshenglong".But not here, her attack can be maximized!What if there are more bandits?She has released more weapons.

Body 221. New encounter

With the stormy weapons thrown out every day, more and more robbers were shot to the ground.Although weapons such as Wuku and Shuriken are not fatal as long as they miss the point, people who are shot into hedgehogs certainly don't feel much better.

The courage of this group of robbers who wanted to work hard at first, after encountering such a blow, quickly disappeared.Seeing the people in front keep falling down, the people behind want to escape.

But after installing B, still want to go?is it possible!

"Li!" Shui Shu greeted Li next to him, who nodded in understanding.

Mizuki used his white eyes to locate, and cut off these people's retreat with a bow and bullet shadow, and then Li chased after him: "Konoha Cyclone!!"

His leg and foot skills are very good, after all, he is tied to heavy objects every day to practice, and he is powerful enough to kick off the tree pole.Now kicking someone on the body, even if it is not dead or disabled, at least it can be kicked unconscious.

At this time, Gao Qiao was not idle either. He took out the ropes he had prepared and tied up all these harmful robbers, and gave them the punishment they deserved when he returned.

If it is from the perspective of the task, to catch these robbers looting everywhere, the task of Mizuki and others is even completed.

But there is a saying: People are not as good as heaven.There was an unexpected situation that happened very reluctantly.

"Be careful!"

Because of the existence of white eyes, the water tree is the first person to notice the problem.

If there is any problem, it should be the mist coming in from outside.If Mizuki's eyes were not wrong, this should be some kind of ninjutsu in Mizuno?

"It looks like we are in trouble." Although this place is far from the country of rain, it is in a dense forest. The high humidity is easy to form fog.But like this, the strange fog that appeared suddenly from all around, as long as you are not a fool, everyone knows what is going on.

Speaking of the water escape technique, it is a pity that few people around him seem to know the water escape, so the water tree does not know it very well.But when it comes to the place where water escapes the most, one is of course the country of water, one of the five major countries, and the other is undoubtedly the country of rain.

But with such a small method, it is no problem to deal with ordinary ninjas.But in front of the water tree with white eyes, this is too pediatric.

Not much nonsense, Mizuki already knows who it is: "Since all the friends in the Land of Rain are here, why bother to hide, come out and say hello!"

I don't know what conspiracy these people have, but a few people are still cautiously standing together, and carefully guarded, lest these people suddenly attack them and hit them by surprise.

The voice fell, waiting for a while.

When the enemy is in the dark, the hearts of several people will inevitably be a little nervous.Fortunately, the other party knew that he had been discovered, and if he wanted to make a move, it was obviously unwise.

So he walked out slowly and came to the distance visible in the fog, but he cleverly avoided the clear line of sight. It seems that he still doesn't want to be seen by a few people, right?

The leader should be a young man, judging from his size, his voice is very thick, and he said: "Konoha's ninja, we are no different from your enemies, but please leave here."

go away?It sounds nice.

Before Mizuki could speak, Li said first: "Are you the leader behind this group of bandits?"

After being quiet for a while, the other party admitted: "Yes, for the necessary survival."

What is this saying?In order to survive?

When he heard these words, Mizuki was a little unhappy: "In order to survive, you are willing to be robbers? Rob businessmen and attack the village?"

According to the mission statement, in recent months, there have been many cases of looting of business travelers and attacks on villages, as well as reports of casualties.The reason for all this is just for their survival?

The leading man still said calmly: "The Land of Rain is a small country. When the Ninja World War, the Land of Fire, Wind, and Earth, who was not raging in the Land of Rain?"

Listening to what they mean, it seems to be saying: Your big country can attack our small country, why can't we fight you?

In the Second Ninja World War that year, because the country of rain was sandwiched between the three great nations, it became the hardest hit area of ​​the whole war. I don’t know how many families were broken and how many children became orphans.

If you are on the side of the victims of the war, the country of rain is indeed worthy of sympathy.But from now on, no matter how you look at it, it's more like arguing!

"Are you looking for excuses?" Mizuki said solemnly: "It is ridiculous to use the war decades ago to justify the crimes committed now!"

In a word, the atmosphere on both sides has become quite stiff.Everyone was on guard, and for a moment there was a kind of rattling sword.

However, the man headed by the other party waved his hand to make his companions not be provocative.At the same time, he replied: "This is not an excuse, it is a fact! The country of rain is a small country with the sorrow of a small country. But this will not be too long. The country of rain is being changed, and you will know it sooner or later."

Does this person sound a bit strange?But before thinking about it, I also know from Takahashi's mouth that there seems to be an internal problem in Rainy Country.

Of course, the Mizuki here should know more, because the Rain Country should be successfully seized by Akatsuki in the near future.And the time will not be too long, the slowest is one or two years later!

Text 222. Back to the Village [Transition Chapter]

The two sides had a confrontation for a while, but in the end they did not fight.Because the water tree side is not sure about the strength of the other side, and the other side is the country of fire, which may not want to offend one of the five powers.

They definitely can't go back to the country of rain unless they choose to escape into the sea.Otherwise, to be in the country of Sichuan, one must consider the issues of the country of fire and the country of wind.

That's why there was no fight, but the captured robber had a bargain.Obviously, the robbers here should be the ninjas of the Rain Country, a group of men gathered.

But the task Mizuki got was precisely to eliminate these harmful robbers.Because she didn't want to leave the stain of mission failure to herself!

The way to solve this problem later is to let the other party select some people, and the rest must be caught back for business.At the same time, he also asked: "You can no longer plunder, our caravans and villages in the land of fire."

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