I traveled through the days in Naruto World

The Days I Traveled Through in Naruto World Chapter 112

The other party agreed, and they have no reason not to agree.Because they also know that if they choose not to agree, maybe Mizuki and his party can't do anything to them, but as long as they go back and report, it may be the crusade led by Shangren.

On the way back, Tiantian and Li said they were puzzled: "Shui Shu, why did you let them go, let alone they are all from the Land of Rain?"

For historical reasons, the country of rain is the most closed one to neighboring countries.The ninjas of the rain country appear in other countries, and as long as they are not fools, they can detect something wrong.

Mizuki understood their question, and simply replied: "The ninja headed is definitely a good Shinobu. The other ninjas are not weak. Our chances of winning are not high. Rather than falling out with them on the spot, it's better. Report this matter back to Master Naruto, and you have also heard that something big has happened in the Kingdom of Rain!"

Of course she is here, this is the "Akatsuki" organization!As the entire Naruto World, the biggest villain organization.

Judging from the timeline, Akatsuki's time for collecting the tail beasts should have started after ruling the kingdom of rain.It can be said that it is very important to send this information to Master Naruto!

One day later, he returned from the country of Sichuan to the country of fire, and handed all the captured robbers to Brother Takahashi to the police station. This task of suppressing the bandits was completed.

"A task of suppressing bandits will take us more than three days. If we count the time, there is still time to go back. This will take us more than ten days."

This is the first time Mizuki has teamed up with other teams, and she gets along well with Tian Tian and Li.Is this a good start?Because after she knows herself, she may often join other teams.

After the mission is completed, it is time to return to Konoha.

When reporting the mission to Tsunade, Mizuki will meet the ninja of the Rain Country by the way.There are also some information that I learned, all together to narrate.

However, after listening to Mizuki's report, Tsunade did not make a clear statement. He just said: "The Rain Country is a small country, but the policy is quite closed. It is not easy for the outside world to explore."

It's not that Tsunade didn't know Sansho Fish Hanzo. During the Second Ninja World War, it was this guy who gave him the title of "Three Ninjas".

In terms of strength, this Sansho Fish Hanzo is no worse than any of the five major nations, and it may be stronger!For such a guy, Tsunade would not be without fear.

But at this time, Mizuki suggested: "Do we need to investigate?"

"No, you just got back from the task, just take a good rest!" Tsunade didn't agree, and said, "I will arrange for others to do things in the Rain Country, so you don't have to worry about it."

Fainted, Mizuki was still thinking about whether he could intervene in Akatsuki's development.However, Tsunade directly rejected this, and it seemed impossible.

There is no way, this is not in a hurry, because if the development of the plot does not change, the ones that should come will always come back.

Mizuki had to ask again, Naruto and Jiraiya also went to the old lair of Oshemaru, how did they progress?But judging from the news that Tsunade got, it should still be on the way.

Think about it, I remember the last time I was looking for Tsunade to take up the position of Hokage, this guy Jiraiya did not spend much time in places unsuitable for children, not to mention he was a person who would waste time again.

The task is submitted and the task is paid.

In order to promote everyone's communication, Mizuki is willing to pay for the task, and wants to have dinner with Li Tiantian.Of course they also agreed, but first look at Neji.

Talking about the guy Ning Ci, when he was sent back for rescue, he thought he couldn't make it, but in the end he managed to survive.Although there are still bandages wrapped, it is almost done.

The two got along for a long time, because of what happened a few years ago, the relationship between Mizuki and Neji was not very good.So for a long time, there was no communication.

But now Ning Ci's heart knot has been solved. After seeing him, Mizuki also asked a little bit, "Ning Ci, get well soon, your teammate Tian Tian and Li are waiting for you to recover!"

Text 223. Announce ~ Confession!?

Ning Ci is recovering physically, I believe it will not be long before he can be discharged from the hospital.In fact, it is ready anytime!It's just that the body is penetrated after all. If you don't recuperate well, if you leave any sequelae, it will be troublesome.

But I have to say one more thing here. In fact, after Ningci recovers, he will stay in Hyuga's home to practice.Considering that Mizuki's team has been disbanded, the most likely way for her to practice is to find a suitable companion if she is not in contact alone?

Okay, let's let go of this cultivation matter for now.

"I am back!"

Back home, Hinata is practicing with the Japanese foot.

Seeing Mizuki came back after completing the task, Nizu said to Hinata: "Temporarily practice here, now take a rest."

Watching Hyuga Hinata leave on its own, Mizuki knew what he meant. She and Hinata had a good relationship since she was a child. It is estimated that after so many days, there should be a lot of things to say, right?

According to Mizuki's character, it seems to be the same!If she usually looks, she is still relatively quiet, and often appears harmless to humans and animals.But as long as she is familiar with her, some of her hidden personality will be exposed.

I think it was the reason for the practice just now, there are still two beautiful blushes on Hinata Baijing's small face.

"Kawaii!" Mizuki exclaimed, and immediately hugged Hinata, and rubbed her face with her own face: "My sister is so cute! My sister is not at home these days, you Did you miss my sister!?"

Hug, rub his face, and finally couldn't help kissing.

Mizuki's intimacy behavior, although he has never seen it since childhood, still made Hinata blush.But there is no way, who is called Hinata is so cute!

For Hinata's love, Mizuki is definitely from the heart, and does not mix a little fake.

As early as the three-dimensional, she thought if she could marry, how good would a wife like Hinata be?A good family background, a good identity, beautiful and gentle, very small and friendly, and very considerate.

Yes, Mizuki here remembers it clearly, and there is a section in Hokage's manga.

It is about Naruto who saw a certain book by Sai and learned that boys should be generous on dates, so he wanted to invite Hinata for a big meal.However, Hinata who was shy in his pocket was found by the opened eyes, and then he pulled Naruto and said that he wanted to eat ramen.

Alas, at this point, Mizuki really wanted to envy Naruto for being able to marry Hinata, such a virtuous and outstanding wife.If Mizuki is still a boy now, he must win Hinata!

"What a good girl this is!" Mizuki couldn't help sighing, but recalling the story of Hokage, he cursed in his heart: "The hateful Naruto, actually turned a blind eye to that violent woman. Why do you want to be? Are Kozakura and Sasuke willing to intervene?"

Recalling that when I was in the three dimensions, I witnessed Hinata secretly falling in love with Naruto, over 700 episodes for fifteen years.I have never understood this Naruto, is he really stupid, or is he completely blind?

Mizuki felt that this was not enough, she didn't want to wait for the plot anymore.This little Nizi is too uninitiated, she has to think of a way!

Seeing that under his pampering, Hinata showed a shy appearance and couldn't help but want to kiss again.But after thinking about it, I held back it for a while, because the plan appeared in her mind again.

Yes, Mizuki has a plan here. She hopes to change the plot a bit, at least in the area of ​​Hinata.I hope the process can be faster, and don't wait to confess under such a dangerous situation when Payne attacks.

If you can, it's best to get Naruto's attention, which of course couldn't be better.

But the first thing that needs to be corrected is that Hinata is too shy.See now?Just seeing my own sister, hugged her, at most I kissed her a little more, and her face was flushed.How can I faint every time I see Naruto?

Seeing Hinata's face red, Mizuki said helplessly: "Sister, you are so cute. But you can't catch Naruto like this!"


Hearing the two words "Naruto", for Hinata, it definitely has considerable magic power.

It's really hard for people to imagine that it was just a hero who saved the United States back then. How did this little Nizi be attracted by that stupid boy?

Mizuki let out a sigh: "A shy look is very cute, but this is not good. If you can't confess in front of your sweetheart, how can the other party know what you are thinking?"

Putting on the identity of his "sister", showing a cliché.

I don’t know who is thinking of Hinata at this time?Just looking at her face, her ears and necks quickly turned red, and her mouth was even more trembling and muttering: "Report-confession~!?"

Body 224. Helpless!

Fainted, because the keywords "Naruto" and "confession" were mentioned, it triggered a series of associations with Hinata.Maybe you thought of confessing to Naruto yourself?result--

After a rush, he carried the fainted Hinata onto the bed.

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