I traveled through the days in Naruto World

The Days I Traveled Through Naruto World Chapter 113

Looking at Hinata who was blushing on the bed, Mizuki was really helpless: "It turns out that a shy character can play like this?"

I always look shy when I look at Hinata. I have to say that this is a kind of enjoyment. Who calls Hinata is so cute!But whenever Naruto is mentioned, Hinata's shy character is really helpless.

I didn't even see Naruto's face here, and he was able to pass out.If we really meet, will we go to the hospital??

"No! You must think of a way!"

Mizuki has already witnessed the love marathon between Hinata and Naruto for more than ten years. Now she doesn't want to wait for several years.Since she is Hinata's sister in this life, she must be considered for her excitement.

When I thought of this, I became more determined!

It was at this time that Mizuki faintly heard a voice from Hinata lying on the bed, like the tender voice of a small milk cat: "Naruto-san~"

"Hey, my sister is so cute!"

Even if he is in a coma, Hinata thinks about Naruto. It's really not a good idea.

Sitting by Hinata's bed, looking at her ruddy face.Unconsciously, an evil thought came into my heart: "I even dreamed of Naruto, do you want to fulfill her?"

Just do it.

Both hands Jieyin: "Change!"

A burst of smoke slowly dissipated, and the water tree in its original position turned into a blond boy.Look at yourself up and down, it's pretty satisfying!

It should be the time of transformation, the movement is a bit big.Hinata woke up in a daze, her eyes saw a familiar figure inadvertently: "Am I not dreaming?"

Because it is fighting with physical skills and power, Mizuki has always been not good at ninjutsu.Even if it is learning transformation skills, it is more for mixed exams.

If you are facing a more experienced ninja, or a more familiar person, the flaws are actually easy to see.

However, Hinata here just woke up from a coma. It is also possible that seeing the person in front of her has already made her lose the ability to think, but she didn't notice it!


Mizuki didn't expect Hinata to wake up so quickly?Will it be discovered by her.

But soon based on her observations, Hinata did not seem to notice.Just looked at her in surprise, and then his cheeks immediately turned redder: "Naruto-kun!"

Ahem, that's right, the blond boy, isn't it Naruto or who?Although Mizuki's transformation technique is not extremely good, he always passes the exam.

Quickly sort out your mentality, haha ​​to Hinata and said, "Ah, you're awake!"

Hinata didn't speak, but looked at herself a little silly.

It's a bit strange like this, Shuishu shouldn't have another flaw, right?Why do you look at yourself like this?

The answer to the question was quickly revealed. It turned out that Hinata at this time thought he was dreaming and dreamed that Naruto appeared in front of her.

Seeing her blushing and extremely shy look, she is cute and needless to say more.If it wasn't for the fear of Hinata and fainted again, Mizuki would have kissed again.

At this time, Hinata seemed to be muttering something: "Naruto-kun, will you agree?", "Oh, what am I thinking?", "What should I do, sister~what should I do!" if.

Because of excessive tension and shyness, he stirred his fingers unknowingly, looking very disturbed.

I was really convinced. I thought I was dreaming, but I was so upset. If I met a real person, what should I do?Mizuki looked anxious.

Forget it, this is not to blame Hinata, after all, her character is like this.But it's really for her, I have to worry about it!

Mizuki (Naruto) looked at Hinata's blushing face and said, "Are you alright? Why is your face so red?"

"Ah!" Hinata was startled for a moment, but then looked at Mizuki prettyly, as if there was a soft voice in his mouth: "Naruto-san, are you caring about me?"

Alas, this little Nizi, I don't care about you, who cares about you.

Looking at Hinata's face, the red ones seemed to be able to bleed. Mizuki thought that if this continues, will the brain congestion?So I want to touch her head to see how the temperature is.

But as Mizuki's hand, she just touched Hinata's forehead, and suddenly she was shocked by her strong sense of happiness before.Watching like this, she fell back on the bed again.

Unexpectedly, this sister of her would suddenly faint again.

Shui Shubang's lifting of the transformation technique, hurriedly checked the situation, but fortunately no problems were found.But this also let her know that her sister, it seems that she can't do anything intimate with Naruto.

"Oh my God, I passed out again, what can I do with this!"

Text 225. Cultivation Part I

This time, it took a long time for the fainting to pass, and I fell asleep until the next day.And when I woke up the next day, after a brief chat between the two, Hinata thought it was a dream to discover what happened last night!

Well, think about it, this girl who is always in the corner, silently watching Naruto.It's no surprise that I have unrequited love in my mind all day, thoughtful day by day and dreamed at night, thinking that I am dreaming when I am finished.

Seeing Hinata's white face, Mizuki's psychology can only sigh secretly, this little Nizi is really good at everything, and she looks pretty shy and cute.But whenever I see Naruto, even if I think about it, I will blush. Is it true that I can only follow the development of the plot and wait until a few years later?

Maybe this is the influence of the plot?Because the inertia of the timeline is so, it is destined to be useless to reverse it by external forces.

Soon the proof came. Soon after, Naruto and Sakura, following Jiraiya, returned from Tanokuni.Naruto's injury was serious, but because of Mizuki, the long hair that Sakura kept in the Chunin exam was still short.I don't know if this should be said to be good fortune, or is it "destined"?

Mizuki had also heard about Naruto and Sakura in Tanokuni.Although he successfully found the lair of Dashemaru, it was a pity that he had already left.On the way, I met the ninjas of Tanokuni, as well as the ninjas of the Wind Demon clan.

"If you put it this way, Oh She Maru will not hurt Sasuke in a short time?" Mizuki should know the answer, but she still said: "I didn't expect things to develop like this, in order to get revenge. Strength, is he mentally prepared?"

I have to mention Sasuke here. It may be that he has not experienced Sasuke, so there is no way to appreciate his feelings.But Mizuki is very clear that Sasuke wants revenge in the end, there will be no good results.

Once my favorite brother was crazy after learning the truth.Finally, under the influence of Naruto, he gave up his idea of ​​revenge and admitted to Naruto.

It can be said that what Sasuke did, after going around a big circle, ended up with nothing.This kind of rotation, even if the strength becomes stronger, loses its value and meaning.

"Those who have no dreams are destined to accomplish nothing without power."

This is a water tree, right?Without enough power, you can't advance your dreams.And those who have great strength but no dreams are destined to be miserable.

Fortunately, at least Sasuke's heart is not bad, he learned of his brother's thoughts, and under Naruto's guidance, he still returned to the right path, but chose to guard the Konoha village protected by his brother in the dark.

Naruto is injured, even if he has the physique of Kyuubi, it may take some time to recover.

At the same time, through the efforts of the ninjas, Konoha Village finally returned to the path of development.It seems to have entered a period of relative stability and peace.

Twelve Xiaoqiang, who returned from the mission, recovered from his injuries.

Mizuki, who had no task for the time being, also gradually became bored, because Hinata often practiced with Shino and Ya these days.Of course it is boring to leave water trees!

There is no way, no one to accompany, Shui Shu only needs to practice alone.

It just so happened that she returned to the secret base and did a good job of tidying up. It feels so good to have a new look!By the way, make a practice pile by yourself.

Seeing it is a wooden pile that can be rotated, with irregular protrusions on it, moving any one of the protrusions will drive the entire wooden pile to rotate. The continuous swing of these protrusions can be regarded as the enemy's counterattack.

Without a companion, she can only do this.

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