I traveled through the days in Naruto World

The Days I Traveled Through in Naruto World Chapter 115

"Be careful!"

Shui Shu left these words, and in an instant, she appeared behind Li in the blink of an eye, the speed was beyond imagination!

I don’t know if Kai, who is watching from the side, has any thoughts in his mind, can such a speed be comparable to "Golden Flash"?

Strictly speaking, speed is not considered Mizuki's strength, because she is more good at strength, but because of the combination of white eyes and "bow body shadow", as long as her chakra is enough, she can move without limitation.

But even if it is so fast, it can only be said that the speed of movement is extremely fast, but it is really time to get close and then punch.Still let Li, who is good at physical skills, react and dodge.

"Sure enough, there is a natural difference between actual combat and wooden stakes. Wooden stakes will not evade, but people will!"

The power of the "serial body palm" skill Mizuki learned does not need to be questioned.But no matter how powerful a skill, if it can't hit the enemy, it doesn't make any sense.

Fortunately, she has a white-eyed presence, coupled with her "bow body and shadow" skills, can appear in unexpected places, suddenly launching a surprise attack on the enemy.

Here is a good show!

Facing Mizuki's attack, Li reacted quickly and was able to evade in time.After all, it is the expertise in physical skills, listening to the wind and distinguishing the shadow can judge the moves of the water tree.

But even so, the water tree is not impossible.Don't forget, she is a member of the Hyuga clan, with the strongest observation ability.Li's movements can still be captured!

She thought of a strategy of "sounding against the west" in order to confuse Li and confuse his judgment.Mizuki used himself to be able to teleport around Li's body many times with a bow and slingshot that was comparable to the Art of Flying Thunder.

For example, teleport to Li's right side to attack, and wait until Li defends or avoids.Mizuki will use the bow and slingshot here, and maybe appear on his left side to attack.

Of course, during this period, Li also tried to crack, looking at the water tree that was constantly by his side, smashing his fist again and again, but unfortunately he didn't hit it.

Soon he realized that Mizuki was looking for his flaws, wanted to approach him, and then attacked him.If he only relied on his fists, no matter how fast his speed was, it would be difficult to escape a blind eye. This point should be fully understood in the fight against Ningci.

Li shouted: "Konoha Cyclone!!"

This Konoha Cyclone is an upgraded version of Konoha Cyclone. Li's submission effort is very good, sweeping all over his body, trying to kick the water tree in this way.

Because of the existence of white eyes, it is impossible for the water tree to ignore it if you want to kick with such a large swing.If you change to a normal ninja, absolutely no one thinks of hard resistance. It should be instinctive to make evasive actions, at least to make defense, right?

But the water tree here, for the actual test of the newly learned skills, she has no hesitation in choosing to resist the attack!——"King Kong is not broken, open it!"

She has very strong physical fitness and possesses invulnerability.But use your own body to resist, although this makes her feel uncomfortable, because the pain cannot be eliminated.

But it was all worth it. Withstand Li Muye's cyclone attack, now the two people are in contact.It was at this moment that Mizuki let out a loud shout: "Lianhuan's whole body palm!!"

Body 228.

All the blows of the violent storm hit Li's body, causing him to cry out painfully.Fortunately, Mizuki didn't make a heavy hand either. He controlled his power when he attacked, otherwise Li's body would also disappear unpleasantly.

I didn't expect that the attack of the water tree would come so suddenly and swiftly. Although Xiao Li Qing tried his best to defend, facing the continuous attack of the water tree, it was still very difficult to parry.

Because I didn't expect that Mizuki's new moves would attack so fiercely, and the serial output would hit the whole body.If this is a life and death battle against the enemy, it is entirely possible to break the bones of the whole body!

So even though he was knocked down, Xiao Li was still convinced: "It's really powerful, much like Ning Ci's Bagua Palm. This kind of attack that hits the whole body, if combined with your powerful force, is enough to break the bones of the enemy's body. "

The fight between two people is not a desperate fight, it is naturally the end.

Li recognized the strength of the water tree, of course, it can not be said here, he admits that the water tree is stronger than he is.Don't forget that he has eight doors. If you open this one, you will have a strength close to the shadow level in a short time.

The current Mizuki thinks he is very strong, but he still dare not say to deal with the shadow class.In fact, even many experienced Shang Ren, she wants to deal with it not easy.

But this kind of actual combat got the result she wanted.Knowing that the newly learned skills must be close to the enemy in order to be able to achieve the desired effect.

Otherwise, it's like being defended or evaded at the very beginning when she was about to launch an attack, so that her attack failed, and no matter how powerful she was, it would be meaningless to miss someone.

After a simple match, Kai came to Mizuki and asked, "Is it your own ninjutsu just now?"

"Yes." Mizuki nodded and replied: "In the past, I only relied on the strength of my body and the fighting skills I learned to fight. There is no systematic move, and I always feel very disadvantaged. So according to the subtlety in the soft fist, Combine your own fighting style and try to form your own fighting style."

This sentence sounds very good, in fact, as long as the water tree fully develops its own potential, it is already a system.Because the skills belong to the same system, they are interlinked and connected.

For example, this serial full-body palm newly learned by Shuishu will open a new skill later: the Raptors exaggerate.These two skills can take over attacks, which is similar to the "skill combo" often referred to in playing video games.[Friends who have played "Ragnarok" should know this profession.

If the conditions for "rebirth" can be met, they will continue to use two new skills: "Fuhuquan" and "Qijue collapse attack".The combo is probably: Liuhequan [Passive]-Linked whole body palms-Raptors exaggeration-Fuhuquan-Qi Jue collapse attack.

It belongs entirely to a system, and the "Asura Bahuang Fist", which is a special move, is a special move reserved for one punch. When it is not a last resort, it must be carefully released.

Well, here is a little bit further, but that's the truth.

Mizuki is still tapping his own potential, as long as he learns all of these, at least in this ninja world, there should be no problem holding his life.

I don't know if this answer will satisfy Teacher Kai.

However, at this moment, Neji, who was originally in the family and practicing Nissan, rushed over, not caring why Mizuki was here, and said, "Urgent mission, Master Naruto asked, summon all ninjas!"

Hear the urgent task?Don't think too much, something big must have happened.And to summon all the ninjas, of course Mizuki is also going.

Several people left immediately and rushed to Konoha's Hokage Building.

It just happened to see multiple ninja teams leaving one after another, and it seemed that something really happened.

Because of the emergency situation, Master Naruto made a long story short: "Just now there was information from the prison saying that a large number of prisoners escaped from prison. The two Shangren I sent earlier were also injured. Now I ask you to hunt down and capture all the escaped prisoners. !"

Didn't it happen that it was a prison break?Mizuki thought for a while, wouldn't it be "Blood Prison"?

Master Naruto took out a list of prisoners who had been listed and escaped from prison. Mizuki also took a look at it and found that many of them were serious prisoners. Many of them were convicted because of murder or damage to Konoha's interests. Such as information leakage and other reasons.

In this way, it should not be a "blood prison".It may be Konoha's own prison, where the prisoners escaped.

But what's the matter?The jailbreak incident is a good one, and the ninja’s work in this area should be very rigorous!

Sure enough, Master Hokage at this time said to Mizuki: "Do you remember Mizuki?"

Mizuki?Of course I still remember this!

It turned out that the teacher of the Ninja School later tried to steal Konoha's secret "Book of Seals", but failed to use Naruto.The result was arrested and imprisoned on charges of stealing secrets.

Of course, if it were not for this idiot, Naruto-kun would not have learned the technique of multiple shadow clones.Is it related to Mizuki?

Body 229. The escaped prisoner

Kai's third squad was sent out to perform the task of hunting down escaped prisoners, and Mizuki was left to talk alone.Tsunade-sama said: "I have seen Anbe's records. Once you and Naruto met Mizuki. It is said that Mizuki used Naruto to steal the "Book of Seals". It was discovered by you and Iruka in time, right? "

The "Book of Seal" was a lot of trouble at the time. Naruto's stealing of Konoha's high-level secrets would be difficult if it weren't for the three generations of Hokage who knew the righteousness, plus the evidence that it was used by Mizuki. Resigned.

Mizuki nodded and admitted: "Yes, I couldn't believe what Naruto would do at the time, so I wanted to see it. But what is the connection between this incident and the current escape? "

Seeing that Mizuki didn't seem to know much about this matter, Tsunade didn't follow up, but instead produced a new piece of information: "The information above shows that Mizuki used Naruto to steal the "Book of Seals". It may have been instructed by Dashe Wan. Although it is not clear what the reason is, there is a prescription drug found here, and I have ordered someone to crack the formula."

Is that so?It's this big snake pill again!If it weren't for this guy, if Konoha's collapse plan was started, three generations would not die, and Sasuke would not defect.

It can be said that the development of the entire Hokage plot is largely fueled by the subtle influence of Dashewan.

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