I traveled through the days in Naruto World

The Days I Passed in Naruto World Chapter 116

Seeing such a piece of information, Mizuki's expression became even more serious: "Tsunade-sama, do you mean that Oshemaru is involved?"

"No, it's not clear for the time being." Tsunade said uncertainly: "I am familiar with the fellow Oshemaru. If it is not for his own business, he would not care about anything. But Mizuki is affected by Oshemaru. His guidance, this must be inevitable. The task I have to give you now is for you to find him!"

It seems that it is still the task of hunting down escaped prisoners, but the guy she wants to catch is a bit special.Because I heard that Naruto has already gone, I don't know if anything will happen.

At the order of Tsunade-sama, Mizuki nodded clearly, and then used the instantaneous technique to leave.

Mizuki's "bow body and sling shadow" skill can make any instant movement within the range of sight.Wherever you can settle down, it will not be affected by the location and environment.

The instantaneous distance of this skill may not be farther than Flying Thunder God, but the space for activity is larger, and there is no need to set spells in advance. It is considered that the two have their own lengths.But what is certain is that in terms of speed, no one is worse than anyone!

After several consecutive instants, Mizuki came to a forest somewhere outside Konoha, and then began to go straight to the area where the incident occurred.

What happened in the end, from the data point of view, is that Mizuki provokes the prisoners in the entire prison and wounds the guards and Shangren who came.

"What a guy who doesn't change his heart!"

Mizuki had a bad impression of Mizuki.Regardless of his appearance, he was pretty good, sometimes he was quite easy-going, but the act of hiding a knife in a smile can only make people more disgusting.

It is said that when Mizuki had been on a mission, some of his companions were killed. They lied about the enemy's work, but actually died of mechanical suffocation. Someone raised suspicions at that time.

I really don't know why the three generations at the time would consider keeping him, otherwise, it would not happen that the "Book of Seal" was stolen.It's better now, just jailbreak!

She squeezed her fist. For such a gloomy person, she had only one thought: "Break his bones! Let him feel the pain!"

Casting the bow sling once again, the figure of the water tree disappeared again.

At the same time, on the way Mizuki came, his eyes switched to Naruto.Because of the help of the tenth class, he entangled Fengshen and Thor for him, allowing him and Iluka to continue chasing the escaped Mizuki.

It was a coincidence that I met a female ninja.It is said to be Mizuki's fiancee?Miss A Chun, she may be the only one who knows where Mizuki will go.

A Chun led Naruto and Iruka to a remote place, where there is a hidden cave.It was here that Naruto and Iruka met Mizuki again.

The impulsive Naruto wanted to rush forward, giving Mizuki an unforgettable lesson.But stopped by the cautious Iluka, he said to Mizuki: "Mizuki, your ambition ends here!"

However, this guy Mizuki is definitely not a good stubborn, doing something to instruct Naruto to steal the "Book of Seals".And killing his own companions, how could such a despicable and sinister person be caught?

Regardless of any consequences, Mizuki showed Naruto and Iruka some kind of red liquid that was equally "wonderful".He drank it in front of them, and then his body changed quickly.

Naruto who was present could see clearly that the changes in Mizuki's body were very similar to the changes that Sasuke and him had during the battle in the Valley of End.

Body 230. Arrive for support

This is a change of curse seal, with the effect of pseudo-celestial chakra.It can make people gain extremely powerful power in the duration.

I believe that Naruto has had a personal experience of such power.In the battle between the valley of the end and Sasuke, he learned the power of this change. If he hadn't also opened the fox-monster's coat, he might not be the opponent!

Mizuki in the form of the first curse seal has extremely high speed, no worse than Xiao Li, who has unloaded his load.

Provoked by Mizuki, Naruto rushed towards him and attacked, but was blown by a punch and fell to the ground.

"Naruto!" Iruka couldn't help but let out a cry when seeing Naruto being knocked down.

But at this moment, by virtue of extremely high speed, Mizuki appeared at the back of Iluka almost instantaneously, and hit Iluka with a hand knife.

Whether it is Iruka or Naruto, they are both middle and lower ninjas. Facing Mizuki who is currently in the spell state, it is obvious that he does not have any advantage.

Poor Achun wanted to organize Mizuki, hoping that he would not continue to make mistakes.However, Mizuki in this state, of course, would not listen, and attacked his fiancee backhand.Fortunately, Iluka was rescued in time, otherwise it would be dangerous.

"Teacher Iruka!" Seeing Iruka was injured, Naruto couldn't help but worry.And even his fiancée was able to do it. Such scumbags have already made people hateful and itchy: "Shadow Clone Technique!!"

The last time Naruto was in a hurry, he defeated Mizuki with the "multi-shadow avatar technique" he had just learned, and now he repeats the old trick again.However, the current Mizuki is no longer what it used to be. If you want to use the group fight tactics, it is obviously difficult to work.

Using his high mobility, Mizuki wanted to confuse Naruto's line of sight, and then found his real body to attack.But Naruto also figured out a way, which is to form a circle with shadow clones.

But no matter how much Mizuki said, he was also a ninja above Ninja, and now that he drank the potion, his strength would not be much worse than Ninja.

He deliberately exposed his defenses to attract Naruto's attention.But quickly used the high speed again to break through the defenses of Naruto and Kage clone.

Listening to the sounds of "bang", "bang", and "bang", the shadow clones were destroyed one by one.Because of the need for high-intensity labor in prison, Mizuki's physical fitness is also stronger, and he has made considerable progress in physical skills.

In the face of Naruto's siege, Mizuki was able to deal with it easily, even if it was Naruto's surprise attack from behind, the reaction speed was quite fast, and Naruto was knocked down again with one punch.

Naruto is unwilling to do this, right?Obviously I saw the opponent, but I couldn't hit it again.Instead, Mizuki laughed: "You are too slow!"

After all, it was another kick and kicked Naruto out.

The difference in strength between the two is not small. Mizuki himself is the Ninja in position, not to mention that he also drank the potion to obtain the pseudo-celestial ability similar to the "curse seal".

Mizuki was merciless, not only mocking Naruto: "This poor fox monster!"

At the same time, he stepped on Naruto's feet, just a bit hard.

Such a scene is very disgusting, at least Mizuki is like this: "Bow body shot!!"

Shui Shu came from the prison where he escaped, looking for clues, and seeing a lot of smoke and dust appearing far away through his eyes, instinctively knew that there was a battle here.

It was exactly at this time that Mizuki arrived in time.Almost the moment she appeared, she squeezed her fist and hit Mizuki, an explosion caused a lot of smoke.

It was a pity that he missed the hit. Mizuki reacted and dodged his fist and hit the ground, causing dust to fill.Fortunately, Naruto was saved, although he still seemed injured.

"Mizuki?" Naruto saw Mizuki, a little unbelievable: "Why are you here, are you supporting it?"

Mizuki glanced at the injured Naruto, then watched Mizuki, and said at the same time: "I got the order from Naruto-sama, so come to support me!"

By the way, he looked at Mizuki, there was something extra on his body, and he said interestingly: "Is this Ms. Mizuki? Why is there something wrong with his Chakra?"

Because Mizuki was the teacher of the school when he was in school, so let’s call it a teacher?Although his virtue is not suitable at all, it is completely tarnishing the title of teacher.

But having said that, Mizuki could see it clearly because of his blinding eyes.The chakra of this guy Mizuki is really terrifying.

To be precise, it can be seen that the release of this chakra is entirely in the case of overdrawn cells.

"I don't know, what he has drunk before became like this." Naruto trembling body, reluctantly stood up, and said: "Be careful, he is very fast."

Mizuki nodded, expressing understanding.Then, facing Mizuki, he said, "Mr. Mizuki, do you want to go back to the prison by yourself or be dragged back by my broken bones? Choose one!"

"Hyuga Mizuki?" As a student in his school, Mizuki didn't know Mizuki. Knowing Mizuki's abilities is definitely not easy to deal with.

But he also has his own self-confidence, he doesn't think that Mizuki can have the strength to defeat him now.Hearing Mizuki's rather arrogant words, he let out a rather crazy laugh: "Hahaha-really interesting! A genius girl of the Hyuga clan, hehehe, let me see it? Reward, just use your eyes. !"

Mizuki squeezed a fist and made a crisp sound. There was flame in her eyes, and the voice between her silver teeth rubbed: "You're looking for death!"

Body 231.

The white eyes of the Hyuga clan, known as one of the "three pupil arts" in the Ninja world, naturally has countless people who want to peek into the mystery.

Needless to say what happened back then, Nissei’s younger brother Nissa sacrificed himself to protect the family. As a result, Ningci had always hated the clan.

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