I traveled through the days in Naruto World

The Days I Traveled Through in Naruto World Chapter 122

But even with such strict protection, there is still no way to eliminate the prying eyes of those with a heart!

In the last mission, Mizuki used his body to block the attack of the organ arrow rain. This time the sharp sword shattered, the ninja of the Kingdom of Rain would not know it.

The Rebellion of the Rain Country, when they learned of this information, most of them were embarrassed: "Find and know now, then I should really do it!"

Someone might be thinking that if they shot at that time, would they not be there now, and the trouble incurred right now?

On the surface, it cannot be said to be completely wrong.Because Mizuki was returning to Konoha, he reported the situation to Hokage, and then after investigating their identities, he learned about Rennin's intelligence, so he sent people to hunt down.

But if you just think about it, if they really did this and attacked Mizuki and others, would the result be better than it is now?

The leader of these rain country ninjas flashed cold eyes, and a calm voice came from his mouth: "The judgment at the time was not wrong! The girl with white eyes is definitely from the Hyuga clan. If we choose to attack, Do you think we can sit here comfortably?"

The leader's words are undoubtedly a reminder of these people.It was not wrong. If Konoha were to attack at that time, Konoha's famous clan would be offended, and the Hyuga would definitely not bypass them. They would definitely have sent someone to hunt down.

But this made them very unwilling. Some people even clenched their fists and said to their leader: "Are we all right now?"

Losing the shelter of the country and the Ninja Village, they are worse than rootless duckweed.Now they want to be killed even more, they have to be hunted down by the great powers. They are really fed up with this kind of life!

Seeing the appearance of his subordinates, why not the leader?But he must remain calm!He said to the people around him: "Sir Pro-fan, is there any news?"

The kin feudal clan is a feudal leader who is related to the daimyo, and is somewhat similar to a prince-level person.

The people around him reported back to the leader: "There is no information yet, but the pro-fan master is very dissatisfied with our previous failure to assassinate the daimyo. And the ninja of the country of fire is here, I am afraid that he has begun to hesitate.

Assassinating the daimyo is not a small culpability, and it is a death if it is not done.Now the country of fire has stepped in, probably because he is afraid to pull himself out, so he dared not contact again.

"Huh, he hesitated?" The leader sneered: "Why didn't he dare to say when he asked us to do it? Now he hesitated instead!"

There is a logical analysis: the country of Sichuan is sandwiched between two big countries and is completely influenced by the two big countries.Even if the country of Rain’s rebellion, what about the assassination of the daimyo of the country of River?Whether it is the country of fire or the country of wind, I definitely don't want to see the country of Sichuan get rid of their control!

So it is conceivable that these rebellious forbearances in the Kingdom of Rain, killing the daimyo of the Kingdom of River, will definitely not be the beneficiaries.But they did it!What is it for?

Someone asked the leader at this time: "Now the ninja of the country of fire is here, we don't have a big chance of trying to do it, what should we do next?"

At this time, their leader murmured in deep thought. After careful consideration, he gave the next order: "Only our own strength will be found by Konoha's people sooner or later. Now immediately send someone to contact the relatives, if he If we don't pull us, when we are about to die, we will definitely pull him to die together!"

The country of Rain is a geographical environment, but it is worse than the country of Kawa. It is sandwiched by three great ninja countries.It has become a place of four battles with frequent wars, and most of the ninjas in the Kingdom of Rain are more decisive.

They provoke Konoha's ninjas because of their relatives. If they don't plan to save them, they will definitely pull them into the water when they die!

The leader's words sounded very exciting. That's right, whoever wants them to die must also pull each other to die together!However, this was not over yet, the leader continued: "We can no longer go back from the country of rain. Without the protection of the country and the village, we can only rely on ourselves now!"

Their rebellious and forbearance in the Land of Rain actually had deeper plans in their hearts.They know that a ninja without a country or village will only become a prey in the eyes of others. If they want to survive, they need to find a strong backing.

The environment of Kawa no Kuni is superior, and there is no need to say more.This country surrounded by nature, as if isolated from the world, is definitely a good place to build a "secret base"!

Although they are caught between the two great powers, they believe that they can build their own world with their strength here!

Of course, the biggest obstacle here is to get rid of the control from big countries.Otherwise, if they can't even get rid of the control, how can they control the rights of this country?

The rain country secretly rebelled against the leader of Shinobu, squeezing his fists and bones, whether for greater ambition or as long as he survives, if there is a battle for this, or even a war, he is destined to do it !

Body 239. Unknown

Within the country of Sichuan, a forest connected to the country of fire.

Several figures leaped between trees and came to a secret place one after another.This is the last time that Shui Shu and Li and Tiantian came to the robber village, but it was clear that this place had been destroyed. This was a means to erase the traces.

"Li, Tiantian, did you meet the enemy here?" Kai asked the two of them, and after getting an affirmative answer, he said to Ningci again: "Search with white eyes to see if you can find anything!"

This place is basically destroyed. If the opponent is a ninja, the remaining traces will be erased to prevent being tracked.But still hope, what can be gained?

Neji nodded in understanding, then condensed Chakra and opened his eyes!

Through my white-eyed perspective, I carefully examined the surrounding environment, hoping to find clues.It's a pity that I got nothing, so I can only helplessly shook his head to his teacher.

Kai also checked the neighborhood, and there was indeed no gain. It was obvious that when the opponent evacuated, he was not in a hurry and was able to clean up all the remains.

The clues were temporarily cut off, and Kai asked Li He Tiantian again about the situation at the time: "You have had contact with the Renren of the Rain Country, have you seen their appearance?"

Li He Tiantian thought for a while, and replied: "At that time, the other party was using ninjutsu, and there was thick fog everywhere. We couldn't see each other at all, but at that time, the water tree should have been seen with white eyes."

In this case, do I need to find the water tree first?

Ning Ci thought for a while, and said to his companion and Teacher Kai: "This place has been destroyed. The other party has cleaned up very thoroughly. There should be no clues. We will go to the country of Sichuan and find water Shu got in touch with her."

"That's all!" Kay nodded to the others: "Let's go!"

Several people quickly left the forest and rushed to the city in the country of Sichuan.

At this time, the water tree has been in the Daming Mansion of the Kingdom of Sichuan for several days.I haven't found any abnormalities, but these days, I have established good friendships with Feng, Platycodon grandiflorum, and calamus.

Of course, what can be thought of here is that the relationship between Mizuki and them is by no means pure friendship.It is inevitable that it will be a little bad, they seem to be aware of it.

Because it was just once, when we shared a hot spring bath.Mizuki's eyes were very dishonest, staring at places where he shouldn't.Everyone was originally a girl, they didn't think too much, but soon discovered that Mizuki always wanted to eat their tofu very dishonestly.

Several people laughed at her at the time: "Don't make trouble, your little rabbit will grow up too!"

Hearing what they said, Mizuki could only sigh helplessly. What they said was the truth, and if nothing unexpected happened, it would have grown very big.But when I touch it, I always feel weird, no one else feels it!

But these are small things, at least they won't affect the growing feelings of Mizuki and the three of them.But such stability can't last long.

Because at this moment, Rebellion from the Land of Rain has reconnected with the pro-fan, through a series of coercion and temptation.Finally made some progress and got the support of pro-fans.But there is a condition: "You must get rid of the daimyo, and then let me be!"

Whether it is three-dimensional or two-dimensional, there is a battle for power.For example, in Konoha Village in the Land of Fire, Danzo never gave up in order to compete for the position of Hokage.

This pro-fan of Kawa no Kuni wanted to obtain the position of daimyo and become the master of this country.However, the ninja from the country of rain needs more support in order to resist the control of the country of fire.

Of course, they are not fools, each has its own ghost.

The pro-fan needs to use the ninjas of the rain country to make themselves sit on the throne of the daimyo.But I hope they can be eliminated by the country of fire!

The same rebels of the Rain Country, whether it is to survive or want to learn from Sansho Fish Hanzo, have the ambition to control a country.

Whether it is to kill the daimyo or eliminate the threat of the great power, at least this brings the two parties together.

Today is Mizuki and Maple, guarding the daimyo.So balloonflower and calamus decided to go shopping and buy something they needed.

The two girls want to go shopping, not to fight and kill, they carry more silver taels instead of weapons like kunai.As a result, the accident happened under such circumstances!

Originally, bellflower and calamus were shopping in the market, thinking about what to buy.But at this moment, dense fog was spreading around.As long as the distance is a few meters away, even the human figure will be invisible.

Even though the two of them were ninjas, they reacted at the first time, carefully guarding back to back.However, the enemy was clearly prepared to come, and the psychedelic formations around them made sounds of killing to confuse judgment.Then dozens of them fell to the ground without any chance of dodge.

Such a sudden change occurred at the same time in the Daming Mansion.

First of all, the fog that didn't know how to appear, and then the sound of screaming for killing was heard. I didn't know that many Ronin, the guards and samurai of the daimyo mansion, quickly fought these Ronin.

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