I traveled through the days in Naruto World

The Days I Traveled Through in Naruto World Chapter 123

"Shuishu, protect your name!"

Seeing two martial arts ronin who broke through the barrier of the samurai in front of the temple, they screamed and rushed forward. Feng drew out his ninja sword and rushed to stop him without hesitation.

Mizuki's eyes were opened, and he came to the daimyo to protect him.

But at this moment, several shurikens flew up, and Mizuki used his fist and arm armor to protect the daimyo to block.However, at this time, several figures appeared not far from the water tree.

Of course, because of the existence of white eyes, the fog is not a barrier. She can still see clearly, and she recognizes it.These ninjas are the rebels of the rain country!

Seeing these guys, Mizuki curled his lips in a troublesome way. There were a few people in the other party, who had the advantage in number.If she wanted to protect the daimyo alone, she would definitely not be able to fight the enemy.

A familiar voice sounded: "It's a pity that we met again. It's such a similar environment."

Hearing this somewhat familiar voice, Mizuki knew who the other party was. He rolled his eyes very vigilantly, watching the other party's movements, and carefully said, "What do you want to do?"

"Hand over your name." This person's voice changed to a cold tone: "If you want to leave, we won't stop it."

Mizuki snorted disdainfully: "What are you kidding? The ninja of the country of fire will definitely complete the task to the death!"

The other party was not annoyed, took out a small gadget, and then threw it in front of Mizuki, and continued to use a cold tone: "Even if you don't care about the life and death of your partner, do you have to complete the task?"

Text 240. Protection, After Break

Mizuki could see the thing thrown in front of him very clearly. It was a hairpin for the calamus to fix his hair.I remember that Changpu went out with Kikyo, saying that I was going to go shopping and buy something by the way.

Now this calamus thing appeared in the opponent's hand, it was obvious that the calamus and platycodon definitely fell into the opponent's hand!Even if it weren't killed, it should have been horrible.

"Changpu's issuance?" Feng had dealt with the two ronin and returned to Mizuki to protect the daimyo together.But seeing this thing made her body shocked: "How are they!"

The other party's indifferent tone did not change, and slowly said: "They will be fine for the time being, but it is hard to say whether they will be in the future."

According to what the other party said, there is nothing wrong with Changpu and Platycodon.

Feng quickly recovered his calm: "What do you want?"

These ninjas in the Land of Rain did not sound like they killed people directly, which proved to be profitable.There are ulterior ideas!

"Want to discuss terms?" The other party said slyly: "Wow! Pick out her white eyes and change one eye to another person."

Feng was shocked by the conditions they had put forward, but soon realized that the other party's tone seemed to be wrong, and there was no sincerity!

The water tree on the side was almost silly, and she was really afraid that Sister Feng next to her would come to poach her own eyes in order to exchange her two sisters.

This scene is very similar to that of Sansho Fish Hanzo, who used Xiao Nan as a threat.In the end, Nagato went astray.

Fortunately, Feng here did not listen to the other party's condition.But he refused very directly: "You are dreaming! Killing to save people, I would not do such a thing."

Mizuki looked at Maple, and she was still a little moved, but now is not the time to show it, because Sister Changpu's accessories appeared in the other's hands.It should be to find a way to rescue them, to see people in death or corpses!

"If you say this, don't you want to negotiate?" The other party said in a cold tone: "In this case, we won't, and we will guarantee the safety of the two of them."

There is no profit, and no profit can be seen. These ninjas in the Kingdom of Rain also began to have killing intent.Now they have a lot of people, and Mizuki and Maple are only two people. It is not easy to protect the daimyo.

What's more, the opponent is hostage. Mizuki had to think of a way. Before the opponent launched an attack, he said loudly to them: "If an accident happens to your two sisters, I will definitely not let you go!"

But now the situation is stronger than that of people. The ninja of the Rain Country, surrounded by fans, surrounded by Mizuki and Maple, protecting the frightened daimyo.They will definitely do their best to complete the task!

"It's really funny, it's like threatening us?" These ninjas from the Land of Rain are already rebellious anyway, and they are afraid of such threats?Naturally, he said disdainfully: "It doesn't matter, the results are similar anyway."

The leaders of these ninjas in the country of rain waved to their hands, and several figures rushed up instantly.

In order to protect the daimyo, there is no nonsense, of course, you can only choose to fight!

Mizuki glanced at Feng, and the two exchanged eye contact, instantly understanding each other's meaning.Feng protects the daimyo and escapes without saying a word.

"Want to run?" The ninja from the country of rain pursued.

But at this time, the water tree blocked their way, and the seal of both hands was completed: "The art of shadow clone!!"

The leader of the rain ninja cursed damn secretly, called the nearest two people, and issued an order: "You two, hurry up and chase, take one person, you can't run fast."

"If you want to be beautiful, pass me first!"

Mizuki's shadow avatar blocked the two men and directly attacked with his fists.

But before she hit her fist, she heard the voice of the other party performing ninjutsu: "Shui Dun: The Art of Thousand Rains!!"

Most of the water attributes of ninjutsu are not very powerful.

This ninjutsu just condenses water into the shape of a thousand books, and attacks with extremely high speed.Although the killing power of a single body is relatively limited, the number of attacks that can be issued is extremely large, and it can form a range of large-scale attacks.

Such ninjutsu is definitely very effective against ordinary ninjas, and it is extremely difficult even if you want to avoid it.But Mizuki is different. Her body is not even afraid of swords and spears. How could she be afraid of these water made thousands of books?

However, such an attack from the other party didn't mean what it would be like.The two ninjas who were just covering and chasing could smoothly bypass the water tree and chase the escaped Maple.

The interception failed, and Mizuki was quickly surrounded by enemy ninjas, and cooperated with several shadow clones to form a circular formation to meet these enemies.

The leader of the enemy ninja sneered: "The sword is not hurt? I really want to know what the reason is. I hope to get the answer I want when dissecting your body!"

The moment the words fell, all the ninjas from the Land of Rain rushed up. Although they knew that Mizuki's body had unimaginable defensive capabilities, they still had kunai in their hands.

They don't think that in this world, they have absolute defensive capabilities. Even with a lot of defensive ninjutsu, it is difficult to say that they can achieve absolutely no damage.

Mizuki didn't care much about the enemy leader: "Can you do it if you want my corpse?"

There are not many words, his hands are sealed here, his chakra is violent, and the whole body bursts with electricity.This is turning on the "explosive" state, the cells of the whole body will be stimulated, and they will be able to gain more powerful power.

Facing an oncoming enemy, naturally there is no fear at all. Together with the shadow clone, the body and the shadow clone will be swiped out with a fist. As long as it is hit by her terrifying power, even a rock will be crushed by the blow. Don't say it hit the human body.

Physical skills and strength are Mizuki's expertise, and her own strong defense power ensures that she has a considerable advantage in close combat.

This was quickly seen by the opponent's leader, and his hands quickly formed several handprints: "Shui Dun: Water Flow Whip!!"

I saw an extra water whip in the opponent's hand, and it hit it with a strong wave.

In order to protect herself, Mizuki instinctively resisted with her hands and felt the powerful strike force, even the arm armor of her fist was bent.

The whip whirled again, this time it hit her face, and the hot pain stimulated her brain. If she could see herself, she would definitely find an ugly red mark on her face.

The old saying goes: Hit people do not face.

The behavior of this bastard has already angered Mizuki!

Body 241.

Covering his beaten face, Mizuki's eyes seemed to gush out fire.He bit his silver teeth and said viciously: "I will break your bones with my own hands!"

The shadow clone felt the anger of the body, and all of them were about to spit out anger, against other ninjas in the country of rain.

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