I traveled through the days in Naruto World

The Days I Traveled Through in Naruto World Chapter 127

This time the failure of the operation did not kill the daimyo. There should be two reasons.

The first reason, of course, was that they encountered more tenacious resistance than expected. Their actions were blocked by Mizuki for a long time, and Konoha's support rushed to them.

Another reason is that the leader has his own ambitions. He doesn't want to kill the daimyo in this way, but wants to control the daimyo. He thinks that this will allow him to get more benefits!

It was this kind of ambition in my heart that when he acted, he did not kill the daimyo. Otherwise, even if he lost a round of ninjutsu, it would not be a difficult problem to kill the daimyo.

Unfortunately, here is a little miscalculation.Because the daimyo was not dealt with, the pro-fan expressed his dissatisfaction.Maybe if it wasn't for the secret agreement between the two parties, I guess they wouldn't care about them.

Hearing this answer from the other party, the leader sipped fiercely and said: "Immediately send someone to tell Qinfan about the daimyo, we will find a way to solve it, and we will never let him down! But this thing wants If he succeeds, he can't do anything."

This leader has met the pro-fan, who seems to be shrewd, is considered an ambitious guy.However, more will only covet the small profits in front of them, and will not look into the long term.

But now they have caught the eldest sister of the Hyuga clan, which will definitely cause a lot of trouble, so I hope to involve this guy to divert the other's attention.

If I'm going to be more blunt here, I'm actually looking for an idiot to help them lift the tank!It can also be seen here that the leader is a thoughtful person.

However, he can do everything, and he is still a hundred secrets.Because he didn't know his opponent, Konoha also had people from the Hyuga clan in his support, and he was also a genius!

The person who had been sent by the leader to gather information in advance was found by Ning Ci's eyes.As for the next thing, it should be predictable.

At the same time, Mizuki didn't think of who would come to rescue her, but did everything possible to think about how to save herself.Putting hope on others is as vague as putting kindness on the enemy.

Of course, this process is not easy. First of all, her hands are locked by thick chains. Even if her strength is amazing, it is not easy to break free of the chains.What's more, she was hung up and there was no way to exert her strength.

But this couldn't dampen her confidence, she temporarily chose to save her physical strength, and always look for opportunities to escape.Although the process was a bit tortuous, but fortunately she found it, although it seemed not particularly suitable at the time.

Body 246. Self-help

Because Neji's eyes turned to discover the whereabouts of the Ninja in the Land of Rain, in order to obtain more accurate information and want to find a way to solve it, the Ninja in the Land of Rain needs to interrogate Mizuki this time.

They will not punish the water tree, because the water tree's identity is of great use to them, and it will be troublesome if it is broken.So if you use calamus as a threat, as long as Mizuki refuses to speak, he will use torture to serve him.

For this method, Mizuki expressed a lot of disgust. If she was a hard-hearted person, this would be easier to handle.Anyway, it was not me who was beaten, as long as I chose to remain silent.

But she is not a hard-hearted person, and sister Changpu took good care of her, watching her being beaten is not a psychological torture for Mizuki.

"Answer my question!" The interrogated ninja asked again: "Tell me who is that boy with white eyes?"

The same ninjas with white eyes are definitely the ninjas of the Hyuga clan. They are worried about whether they are from the Hyuga clan, who rushed to get the news.So they want to get relevant information here.

Seeing that they wanted to learn so much, Mizuki naturally guessed what was happening outside.It must be Ning Ci and the others here, and they have already started their actions.

In this case, she certainly can't speak.

However, the result of this is that Sister Changpu is about to be injured, and a cruel whipping is inevitable.However, even if you know that a ninja is a person who can bear it, you can hardly look directly at the iris when the skin is cracked and the tender skin is whipped.

The eyes of Mizuki almost burst into flames, and he shouted angrily at the opponent: "What kind of skill is it to beat someone who can't fight back? If we have something to do, don't be a big man and bully a girl!"

At this time, Mizuki might have forgotten that she is also a girl now.But this is fine, anyway, the meaning of this sentence itself is not wrong.

A man whipping a girl who can't fight back is indeed a scum.However, the other party didn't care: "As long as I get the answer, you choose to cooperate obediently and tell the information you know, and you will naturally be free from suffering."

Seeing this guy's appearance, Mizuki really wanted to beat him down, but unfortunately, his hands were still being lifted by the iron lock, and there was no way to attack this bastard.

The whip hit Changpu's body again and again, making a crisp "pop".Although Changpu had endured it as hard as he could, but when the whip hit her body, she could not help but screamed.This continued to stimulate the eardrums of the water tree.

Sister Changpu was tortured because of herself, which Mizuki didn't want to see anyway.But she was sober-minded that if she told the information, it would undoubtedly increase the difficulty of rescue for Ning Ci and others, and the possibility of them wanting to be rescued would become even slimmer.

I don't know why, at this time, Mizuki suddenly thought of the Zhongnin exam.I remember that at the end of the first test, the examiner took off his headscarf, revealing his hideous scars: "Sometimes, intelligence is more important than life."

At that time, Mizuki had never experienced it, but now I have some experience.She made up her mind and said ruthlessly: "Information is more important than life. If you want to get information from me, just ask my corpse!"

After saying this, Mizuki gave a fierce bite, and suddenly a lot of blood spurted out of his mouth.

I didn't expect such a girl to act so decisively, she would rather bite her tongue to commit suicide than reveal a word.

Seeing the blood spit out, he frightened the other party.He knew the identity of Shui Shu, if he died in front of him just like that, wouldn't the leader tear him alive?!Quickly stop the interrogation: "Quick, quick, what are you doing in a daze? Put her down quickly and go to the doctor immediately!"

Maybe even Changpu didn't expect this sister, who was a few years younger than herself, to be so decisive.Even if it is dying, it will not reveal a word.

Think about yourself, using things for the sake of feelings, and leaking the identity of Mizuki. Comparing such a gap, you will find that it is really difficult to fill.

The interrogators here did not expect such a situation to happen. The rescue method was quite hurried. In order to prevent the blood from choking back to the trachea, they had to put the water tree down.

But just when no one expected, Mizuki's white eyes opened in an instant, and then suddenly she violently walked away, losing the shackles of the chains, and her fists and feet were unfolded.

The first punch was to lay down an unsuspecting guy, and then immediately grab the bad guy who flogged the iris sister just now, and smashed the opponent's head to the ground, and suddenly saw blood splashing out.

The scene is very bloody, but at this time, no one can care about it.The other party also understood it, and seemed to be in the middle of the game: "Grab her!"

Just kidding, it was hard to find this opportunity, how could the water tree be caught by them?Don't look at these people who drew their knives and hacked them, but they were robbed empty-handed, and then the backhand was a punch.

"Earth Dun: Earth Wall!!"

There are ninjas who use ninjutsu to trap dead water trees.

Mizuki squeezed his fists, mobilized Chakra all over his body, bursting out a stronger force, and hitting the rising earth wall with a fierce punch.

The earth wall burst in an instant, but the power of his fist remained undiminished, and he hit the opponent's body with one punch, and he flew out like this.

To get rid of these nasty guys, Mizuki quickly helped Sister Changpu to unchain the shackles: "Sorry, you were beaten."

Because he didn't answer the other party's question, Changpu ate a lot of whips for her. Looking at the bloody whip marks on her body, not to mention how painful Shuishu felt.

But when it comes to heartache, there might be more calamus, right?It's just that she didn't say it now, and she didn't dare to say it.

"Go, we have to save Sister Kikyo."

I found platycodon in the cell, and the scars all over his body were shocking, making Mizuki even more angry.But the current situation is not good for them, because the movement here is a bit loud, and someone has already rushed in.

Two ninjas who were added to guard Mizuki, and several Ronin's men, rushed over without saying a word.

A battle is inevitable. Mizuki used his only physical strength and Chakra to punch a hole in the wall of the cell: "Sister Changpu, take Sister Kikyo with you!"

Because of being locked up for a period of time, Mizuki knew that his condition was not at its best.But it should still be fine to block this hole, so I tried my best to block it with my body.

Changpu supported the bellflower and looked at the water tree that was fully resisting. They couldn't believe that this sister, who was a few years younger than them, would have such a strong courage!

Body 247. Escape

This time it was still Mizuki, in order to buy more time, let Sister Changpu and Sister Kikyo escape, but she voluntarily chose to stay behind.

Facing the ronin's sword and stab, as long as the water tree's chakra is not consumed, there will be no danger.But for the other two ninjas, this is a bit tricky.

Obviously, these two ninjas have cooperated for the first time. They used ninjutsu in one action. These two attributes complemented each other and caused more damage.

Mizuki's body can be invulnerable, but this is not to hurt her. What's more, such a joint attack by wind and fire, it is obvious that she does not want to be burned alive, such a method of death must be painful.

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