I traveled through the days in Naruto World

The Days I Traveled Through in Naruto World Chapter 128

"Damn it, Chakra!"

The last battle was over, she didn't have time to recover, and she was vented by them in the middle, and she was beaten to fat.Even if her usual physical fitness is good, she is obviously out of shape now.

In order to protect the body from harm, a lot of chakras are needed to maintain, so when evading this joint attack, she used a bow and bullet to evade, and realized that her chakra was consumed too much.

Because Mizuki used a bow to evade the joint ninjutsu attack of the two ninjas, he had to withdraw from the guarded hole and was rushed out by these people.

With a soft spit, Mizuki looked at these guys in a fan shape.In her heart, she estimated how long she could last, how far calamus and platycodon could escape, and whether they would be caught up quickly.

It was at this time that these people had already surrounded themselves: "Damn it, but we have lost a few people again. This account must be taken back!"

These people are all looking fierce and evil, obviously they have been irritated, and even the killer moves have been used just now, it is not difficult to think how angry they are.

Mizuki is also a little scared, because she has now estimated that the few Chakras she has left will not last a quarter of an hour if she maintains a head-to-head battle with the opponent, but if she still uses skills, it will consume even more Violent.

But if I remember correctly, both Changpu and Kikyo had wounds on their bodies, and the condition of the calamus was pretty good, but Kikyo was almost beaten with cuts and bruises, and could only be helped to escape.However, at such a moving speed, even if he could run for a quarter of an hour, he would definitely be caught up quickly.

Gritting his teeth secretly, Mizuki recalculated the power balance between the two sides: "I only have one person, and the state is not very good. The other side now has two ninjas and a few ronin, even if you ignore these ronin, but These two ninjas are veterans, and I'm afraid it will not be easy for each other!"

Mizuki estimated that in his current state, if he wanted to win, it was not impossible. As long as he used his bow and slingshot skills to harvest the heads of these two enemy ninjas, the rest of the Ronin could completely ignore it.

However, the risk here is too great. I won’t say if I can succeed. If there is a lot of noise here, I am afraid that more enemies will come at any time, and it will be difficult to handle at that time.

Weigh the pros and cons in your mind, if you can’t fight, just use 36 tactics!Of course, it was not in the direction where Changpu and Kikyo fled, but took another route to escape.

"Want to run? Chase!"

Seeing Mizuki Sayazi's escape, these ninjas from the Land of Rain, of course, could not let her go, otherwise, how would they explain to their leader?

The surrounding area is full of dense forests, and the sky is not very good. It happens that the clouds are thicker on a cloudy day, so walking through it is actually not much better than walking at night.

Mizuki is a little better, with white eyes and not afraid of darkness.The chase behind did not adapt to the darkness, and his vision was limited by light.But these people should have been here for a while, and they are quite familiar with the local environment, and they are still closely following behind.

The two ninjas who came after, looked at the direction of her escape, glanced at each other, and then nodded clearly.Quickly outflank the two wings and prepare to strike on both sides!

Of course, Mizuki was watching their movements around him and reacting immediately.Both hands grabbed the piercing kunai on both sides at the same time, but at this moment, the other two flew and kicked at the same time.

Mizuki had no way to defend, and was kicked abruptly and kicked out directly.Then the ronin who was chasing after him swung the machete sword at her, fierce enough to chop all the stones!

Fortunately, her body protection is still there, but the pain is inevitable, and even the clothes on her body are torn, and large areas of white and delicate skin are exposed to the air.

Someone here was slashed on her shoulder, and the fabric slipped down a large area, and the place where the mountain peak began to bulge was faintly visible.The angry Mizuki screamed: "Dead pervert, bastard!"

The enraged Mizuki ran away in anger and punched the guy in return.Watching him use a knife to block, but his amazing fist strength interrupted his blade and still hit his body.

This is an angry blow, and the strength is maximized, and I am afraid that even if he is killed every time, it is estimated that he will not survive.However, after this fist, one of her weaknesses was exposed.

It turned out that when the blade was broken, her fist was pierced by the blade's sharp edge. Although the cut was not too deep, there was indeed a wound, and because of the excessive force, blood was sputtered out. .

Mizuki had already sensed that his Chakra was almost unable to keep up with the consumption. From the last battle until now, he has not rested to recover.After another round of slashing, Chakra passed to the end of the limbs, and signs of exhaustion had already appeared.

But the trouble is more than that. From the range of Shuishu's white eyes, more figures can be seen appearing, and there is no doubt that they are enemies chasing after hearing the news.However, in front of him, there were still two enemy ninjas in the way.

It was another ronin who was slashing with a knife. Mizuki grabbed his hand that was swinging the knife, squeezed his hand bones with his backhand, and smashed his hand with a fierce blow.

The rest of the rovers surrounded her carefully with knives, but the two ninjas standing on the tree looked at her coldly: "You are at the end of your way. Do you still want to escape?"

The water tree nowadays is nothing terrible. He spit out a mouthful of blood foam and replied: "If you think you can catch me, you can try it!"

In order to save Chakra, the water tree did not use the bow to move, but used high-speed movement to rush towards the enemy.A fist slammed directly over, and the tree they occupied fell down with a bang.

The two ninjas reacted quickly and jumped away from the big tree for the first time. They could see that if they were hit by this fist, they would definitely be in trouble: "Toast, not eat, drink, fine, very good!"

At this moment, the two sides collided extremely quickly, and there was a loud bang, and the entire area shook strongly.At the same time, the dazzling fire and hurricane spread across the forest.

Body 248. Continue to escape

There was a sense of shock in the calm earth, the gloomy sky was illuminated by fire, and there was an inexplicable gust of wind.The scene looks very shocking, but the destructive power caused is actually not as great as imagined.

At least in the center of the incident, except for all the Ronin who fell, Mizuki and the two enemy ninjas were still standing on the spot.

Of course, the injuries of several people were serious. The water tree had an arm which was obviously drooping unnaturally, and there was blood flowing down.The clothes on her body are basically torn, and there are a lot of burnt marks, especially the originally flowing hair, which shows a lot of burnt and curls.

However, the injuries of the other two were much more serious, and they all needed to support each other so that they could barely stand up.But even so, they were still swaying, bleeding from wounds all over their bodies, and they were obviously injured all over their bodies.

Mizuki covered the wound on his arm and showed a sneer of victory, "Don't you two feel ashamed? Being beaten like this by a little girl of mine, and still in poor condition."

As mentioned earlier, this area was shaken by the earthquake, but the water tree actually used it: Asura Bahuang Fist!!

This move is definitely a must-have move, but the damage of this move has a hidden formula, which is a multiple of power ten, consuming all the remaining chakras, which is equal to the damage output.

Now that the other party can stand with each other's arms, it should be said that this damage is not enough to kill them.It can be imagined that the amount of remaining Chakra was very low for the water tree at that time.

She can still stand now, instead of as she used to, her strength will be drained out, and then she needs someone to protect her.One of the reasons is that the damage output is not large. In addition, Mizuki also adds BUFF skills for herself: Angel’s blessing, and enhances her own state, which makes her stand still.

Of course, all of this really has an invisible deterrent to the two enemies standing in front of her.They are really unbelievable, how can such a little girl in her teens make them like this?

A ninja still wanted to Jieyin, but just as they moved their hands, their bodies couldn't support them, and the two people in succession fell to the ground: "What kind of monster are you? How can you have such a terrifying power?"

They couldn't accept this reality, and the moment the punch of the water tree touched the ground, the whole earth shook horribly, as if there was an earthquake.

In their opinion, even if it is the shadow of the major countries, it may not be the power that they can use!

Mizuki vomited bleeding foam in her mouth. She didn't know if she was injured, but she didn't care and said, "I am not a monster. My strength comes from something you can't imagine."

Of course her body is not good, at least the arm that bleeds from her must have been injured.It's just that you have to hold it up, otherwise you will be seen by the opponent!

Because of his own Asura Bahuang Fist, Chakra was completely exhausted, and the strength of his body almost disappeared.If you encounter an enemy, I am afraid it will be dangerous.

Seeing that these two enemies were no longer threatening, Mizuki didn't stay any longer and left here quickly.

I saw a moving rain country ninja behind, and rushed over after a while. The leader looked at the two people who fell on the ground and asked them, "Where is the girl from the Hyuga family?"

"Escape, at three o'clock."

Pointing out the direction of Shuishu's escape, the two men spit out a few mouthfuls of blood. They were attacked by the Asura Tyrant Fist, and suffered huge physical injuries.Even if he survived this catastrophe, it would be very difficult to completely cure him. I'm afraid it will be difficult to be a ninja in the future.

The leader checked their injuries and had already judged them.Nodding to both of them: "You can rest assured!"

Personally leading all of his subordinates, a series of silhouettes jumped after him.

The water tree at this time, although it was said that she had maintained her speed, but after the battle just now, her consumption was even greater.Because after using the Asura Bahuang Fist, not only the state will become quite poor, but also the recovery ability will be greatly reduced.

She didn't have a good way now, she knew more enemies based on her judgment, and was speeding up to chase after her.

Subconsciously touched her waist, she wanted to touch her waist bag, which contained medicines, including army ration pills and armament pills, which could restore her some state.

But it's a pity that when she was caught, she should have been used as a trophy and was captured by the enemies of the Kingdom of Rain.Let her curse bitterly: "Damn it!"

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