I traveled through the days in Naruto World

The Days I Traveled Through in Naruto World Chapter 129

It was just this curse that she had just finished, and her ears seemed to hear the sound of someone stepping on a tree branch.Looking back, it turned out that it was the ninja from the Land of Rain, but they had already chased them, and there were still quite a few.One, two, three, four-if you count, plus the opponent's leader, there are a total of eight ninjas!

Fu Wushuang is not alone in misfortune, this sentence is really fulfilled.Mizuki's current physical state is afraid that even a Ronin can't be beaten, but the opponent is still a ninja.

"Damn it! Damn it!" The scolding in his heart sounded again, and they chased several ninjas at once, obviously they would not give up. It seems that if you can't escape today, you will definitely be more ill !

It's a pity that her current state is affected by the Asura Bahuang Fist, and the consumption is too great. The sequelae makes it difficult for her to recover any physical strength, and there is no supplementation of army ration pills and armament pills.

"What to do? What to do!" Mizuki was thinking of a way frantically, but from the current situation, it would be good for her to be able to move. There is not a big chance of looking back and desperate.

What's more, the leader of these ninjas in the country of rain is obviously not weak in strength. Even if she is in good condition, she has suffered a loss in his hands, let alone her current state.

Such an escape?Maybe there is still hope!

But her physical strength was too great, and the rain country ninja who was chasing behind was getting closer to her.And it was at this time that a ninja had already made a mudra: "Wind Dunge: Split Sky Wave!!"

A gust of wind carries a huge pressure, and trees will break wherever it passes. The power cannot be underestimated.When hitting a water tree, it feels as if someone hits you with a car on purpose.

Without any accident, the water tree was lifted by a powerful force, and then fell back to the ground from mid-air. The impact she suffered caused her to take a breath of blood, and spit it out on the spot.

Body 249. Feedback

"It's over!" Mizuki cursed secretly in his heart, and another mouthful of blood came out of his mouth.

The body that could have been able to support the action was suddenly hit, and the power of the whole body was vented in an instant.Even if he wanted to get up from the ground, he didn't have the strength to support it.

At this time, the opponent finally caught up, and two ninjas came out again with iron locks, tied her hands and feet, and threw them in front of the leader.

The leader's complexion was bleak, because this little girl's film caused him to lose two loyal subordinates. If she didn't keep her useful, I really want to kill!

"Run? Can you escape?" The anger in the leader's heart was self-evident, and he said viciously: "You let me lose two people again, and hope that your value can make up for my loss!"

In order to get out of the evil in her heart, she punched Mizuki's soft abdomen fiercely, only to spit out a bit of blood before she stopped.

But at this time, what did the leader discover: "Are you injured?"

Mizuki has always been called an "invulnerable" body, and now there is an obvious injury to an arm, and it droops unnaturally.

This made the leader quite rushed to the novel, took out a handful of kunai, and carefully stabbed it. He didn't have the ability to be invulnerable. The sharp blood was the best proof.

When seeing this, the leader smiled interestingly: "It seems that your usual invulnerability ability should be some kind of strange ninjutsu?"

Mizuki didn't answer the other party's words, now she was in a state of fatigue.She stood by relying on two ninjas to support her, and the strength to open her eyes and mouth was gone.

The leader looked up and down again, seeing the fragile little girl: terrifying fist and invulnerable body. Although he was not a medical ninja, he wanted to dissect it. The whole body was a mysterious girl.

With a wave of his hand, he ordered the ninja under him to properly set up Mizuki. He didn't want such an accident again.At this time, a ninja under the leader whispered: "What about the two Konoha ninjas who escaped?"

"Find, kill!" The leader's cold eyes flashed: "We already have the best card in our hands. It doesn't matter if we discard the remaining two miscellaneous cards."

For this leader, it doesn't matter whether or not something is worthless.But you must not let it go. Anyway, it is two ninjas, letting go will inevitably leak their information.

Hearing the commander's order, his ninja nodded to express his understanding, and then squinted at his companion. Four people including him disappeared and were chasing Kikyo and calamus.

"Go, go!"

Changpu supported his sister, because the whole body was wounded all over his body when he was beaten, and the whole body was already very weak, so he couldn't jump on the tree without flying over the wall.

Therefore, the speed of escape is not understood, and I don't know when, I will be overtaken by the ninja of the rain country.

It's a pity that even so, the two of them had a lot of physical exertion, and there were injuries on their bodies. Kikyo fell to the ground tiredly, and Changpu quickly helped her up.But he was refused: "No, my body is too weak, I can't keep up with your speed, now you still have enough physical strength, you can leave quickly!"

"Don't say that, get up!" Changpu still wanted to support her: "Sister Mizuki desperately blocked her so we could escape. How could you just give up like this?"

Thinking of that time, Mizuki blocked the scene of the enemy in order to let them escape, which made Changpu's heart more guilty.

Looking at her good sister, all she thought was on her face.They have lived together for more than ten years, and of course they don’t know what they are thinking about.

Kikyo said: "Changpu, I know that it was you who told me Mizuki's identity to him at that time. If I changed to me at that time, I would also like to watch you get hurt! But Mizuki is a very kind girl. I believe she will understand your behavior. But now she is fighting desperately for us, choosing and stopping the enemy, we must not let her efforts down."

The calamus here can hear that this is her own good sister, she is trying to enlighten herself, and she hopes that she can go first, and will not stay behind and be dragged by her.

But with regard to the water tree, Changpu already feels very sorry for himself, and now he wants to leave behind the good sisters who have been playing with him since childhood?

"No!" Changpu shook his head vetoedly: "I will carry you away!"

People make mistakes. She had already made a mistake once for Kikyo.If you leave her now, what's the point of what you did before?

What's more, the relationship between playing together since childhood, if it is because of the difficulties in front of her, she will leave her best sister.If Kikyo had an accident because of this, she would have to bear the burden of her heart for the rest of her life.

Changpu was so determined that he had to take her before he would go with him.I don't know if she should be moved, or she should be scolded for being stupid, but at this moment, as far as she could see, there was a huge sound and a sky full of fire.

Such a sight made the two of them pale in an instant, because their first reaction was how Mizuki might have been.

However, no matter whether the water tree is alive or dead, they know that the enemy will concentrate all the targets of the pursuit and escape on the two of them.

"Go!" Kikyo said to Changpu again, begging: "You must bring support when you go back to find Feng! I will find a place to hide, so don't worry about me."

Seeing what happened just now, and hearing the opinions of my own sisters now.After briefly weighing the pros and cons, Changpu finally nodded: "I understand, I will go back to Feng, and I will definitely find support. You must hide and hold on until I come back!"

Body 250. Dodge

I finally persuaded the calamus to leave, which made the bellflower a lot of peace of mind.She knew that her current physical state was definitely just a drag.

Just now, somewhere in the forest in the distance, a battle definitely broke out, and it is very likely that water trees have hardened.I don't know what's going on with her?

But now is not the time to consider others, and her own physical condition is not good. If she is chased by the enemy, it is difficult for her to have the strength to fight.

Kikyo has promised calamus and will find a hidden place to hide.But where can she hide in this wild place?She tried to find tree holes or hidden caves.

The silhouette of the shuttle leaped on the branch, and did not appear nearby for too long: "The trail stops near this!"

At this time, a cold voice sounded: "According to the leader's order, there is no need to stay alive! Find it and kill it directly!"


Because you already have a bargaining chip with enough weight, the remaining hostages are no longer needed.

At this time, Kikyo has also begun to notice that someone is quickly approaching her location. Although the identity of the other party is not clear, according to estimates, the possibility of the enemy will be greater!

So she couldn't help feeling a little anxious in her heart. You must know that when Kikyo escaped, because she was so hurried that she didn't even have a weapon in her hands, she was now in a state with bare hands and her physical condition was not ideal.Confronting the enemy head-on, her hopes are very slim, saying that she is going to die.So we must find a way!

Kikyo let out a few deep breaths, calming down for the time being.She carefully arranged a few, misleading leftover traces, causing a wrong judgment for the ninja who was traced back.

Maybe she should know that this method can't keep the other party for too long. As long as there is no trace behind, the other party will definitely be suspicious. As long as she turns her head back and looks at it, she will understand it.

But this "how long" time was obviously much shorter than expected, and I knew I was being teased.The enemy quickly understood that the target he wanted to pursue should not be too far away.

"Damn it!" Kikyo cursed secretly in his heart: "If the ninja sword is still in my hand, I must fight them!"

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