I traveled through the days in Naruto World

The Days I Passed in Naruto World Chapter 130

Bellflower is usually among the three, and he is very impatient. Although it may not happen every time, the patience is really not very good.

I often need my sister Runhe, but now she is the only one left. If this continues, she will really fight the other side.

Find the bottom of a slope, and found that one looked from the top down, almost in a blind spot.Clever use of this blind spot of vision, platycodon is hiding in this blind spot.

After a while, I heard a few swishes, and soon saw the presence of a human figure, accompanied by the sound of footsteps, and it seemed that they were searching more nearby.

"The trail stopped here."

"Did you find anything?"

"No, is it a fake again?"

"What do you do with so many words? Search carefully!"

Kikyo, who was hiding in the blind corner, raised her heart to her throat. She could perceive someone and should be standing on it.Fortunately, she was in a blind spot in the blind spot of sight, and the people standing on it did not notice her.

Time may have passed tens of seconds, or it may be several minutes, these people are dangling on it, presumably to search for clues.However, they were disappointed: "Nothing was found!"

"It's hell, is it fake again? They can still go to heaven and earth!"

But these people are not without new discoveries: "Have you noticed it? From just now to now, there is only one person left."

That's right, the other party must have guessed about the separation of platycodon and calamus.Soon an indifferent voice sounded: "No matter who is left, find out and kill!"

The order they received was to kill the other person, even if the person who just mentioned one person turned back, they would be able to deal with the leader.

Because they didn't find anything, the few people were not ready to sit and stay, and nod their heads again, and their figures disappeared into place in a flash.

At this time, the bellflower is finally relieved.Just now, my heart was about to jump out. If the other party only had to lean in, they might be able to discover her existence.

Fortunately, the other party did not do this, but searched for the traces she left behind, but did not find Kikyo who was hiding.

But I can't stay here anymore. The other party has already been here, but he went out to find something wrong, and it is very likely that she will come back to look for it again, and she will not be able to guarantee that she will not be found by then.

In fact, her guess was correct, because just as she walked on the front foot, they came back on the back foot. They hadn't seen any new traces from all around, so they came back to take a look.

Such a game of hide-and-seek can be considered lucky once or twice without being discovered, but the god of luck will not always favor someone. But this is the truth.!

Finally, Kikyo was discovered, and then the two sides broke out. Even if they would die today, they wanted to drag the enemy to die together.

Lifting the little strength left in his body, Kikyo knocked down an enemy and seized a handful of kunai.Although it was a one-to-four situation, she didn't feel scared at all, instead she had to fight desperately.

But even so, the situation where the two fists are hard to beat the four hands is settled. Although she has used sharp kunai desperately to scratch these people, she was also stabbed behind her, and the blood flowed continuously.

"Yes, there are two things, but unfortunately it ends here!"

Kikyo was originally a girl, and his strength is lower than that of men, not to mention that he is weak now.Facing the siege of several people, it soon became more and more difficult to parry.

"Is it really going to die?" Kikyo is a bit unwilling!

Thinking of the vows she and two good sisters made when she was a child, is it really impossible to realize?

An enemy used kunai to stab her neck, and the sharp sharp blade touched her throat. If it weren't for her strong will to survive, she would use the strength of her whole body to resist, fearing that she would have been cut in her throat and then suffocated. Died in.

But this kind of futile resistance had no meaning, and another enemy took Kunai with a grim smile on his face and pierced her heart.

The strong suffocation at this moment almost made her lose her breath.She even chose to close her eyes to welcome death.


There is the sound of the air being split. If it is an experienced ninja, it should be heard that this is a shuriken, which will only be emitted when it is spinning.

However, the target of these shurikens is not to attack Kikyo, but the enemies who want to harm her!

Text 251. Rescue

Kikyo opened his eyes strangely when he heard a scream. It turned out that the bastard who was about to kill her was injured by a shuriken.

Seeing the hurt and pain of his companion, the rest of the enemies were all on alert: "Who is it? Come out!"

The voice hadn't fallen yet, a few agile figures were freed up, and they rushed directly to a few ninjas in the Kingdom of Rain, and a battle unfolded without a doubt.

The ups and downs of escaping from death made Kikyo inevitably react stiffly. However, at this moment, a figure threw on himself, and he could feel the person's body temperature, so warm.

It turned out that this figure was Changpu, she hugged Kikyo tightly and wept bitterly.The situation just now was too thrilling. If it only takes a little more at night, even a few seconds, maybe now the two sisters will be separated forever.

"Acorus, is it really you?" Kikyo also killed. She didn't expect that Acorus would come back so soon?And also bring reinforcements!

Changpu also expressed his luck with this. It turned out that when Neji rolled his eyes and found the enemy ninja, he followed this line to investigate and he had already touched this neighborhood.

Later, the vibrations and fires that came from a distance pointed a direction for them.On the way, I found the calamus who had escaped first, so I came to rescue.

Fortunately, the former Kikyo played a game of ghost hunting with each other ingeniously, making them all in circles.Lucky and coincidence, the bellflower finally escaped!

Seeing his good sister Changpu, no matter how hard it is to escape from the dead, Kikyo, who is usually very strong, burst into tears.

"Konoha Whirlwind!"

The battle is happening here. It is normal for Kai and Xiao Li to kick and break the wood.Direct hard defense, not only may not be able to defend, it may also aggravate the injury.

Ning Ci's soft fist was also punched out, and he put out a starting position: "Soft fist: Sixty-four palms of gossip!!"

A whole set of palms is played, and all hits the enemy's body, which will inevitably block his acupuncture points.When the time comes, not to mention that it is to mobilize Chakra, even if it is even to move.After all, not everyone is Naruto, and not everyone can have the power of Kyuubi.

As the third squad, Tian Tian attacked the strongest ninja from a distance, opened his weapon scroll, summoned one weapon by one, and then sent them out like a storm.

The ninja of the rain country saw Konoha’s reinforcements coming, and they were very strong.This makes them tricky!

In the first time, Kai and Ningci dealt with two enemies, and the remaining two enemies knew that they would be wiped out if they were to fight. So they looked at each other and understood each other and wanted to withdraw directly from the battle.

But it's easy to fight, but it's hard to go.It was at this time that a silhouette came over: "Hurt my sister, you must die! Konoha Swordsmanship!!"

The silhouette and the blade of light, like lightning passing through the middle of the two, the speed is unimaginable, and it almost takes the enemy's head in an instant!

Killing two ninjas with one move, the remaining two guys knew that resistance was useless, and it was impossible to escape.In the end, he was captured on the spot by a few people and tied up with a rope.

But even so, he didn't understand his hatred, because his two good sisters were injured, making Feng beat them. If someone hadn't come to persuade them, I was afraid that they would have to kill the two prisoners alive.

However, the urgent delay here is to find the water tree. The two people caught should know some information: "Say! Where is the water tree?"

Ning Ci opened his eyes and stared at them, as long as he dared to lie, he would definitely find him.

Fearing the threat of Konoha's power, the two captured, did not struggle for too long, and went everywhere they knew: "You mean a girl with white eyes? She is now caught by our leader."

"Where is she?" Ning Ci continued to ask, "Where is your leader?"

"Yes, say it!" Feng kicked his feet again, and the two kicking guys shouted in pain.

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