I traveled through the days in Naruto World

The Days I Traveled Through Naruto World Chapter 132

"Be careful, there is a silk thread attached to the branch in front of you, connecting kunai and detonating talisman!"

Renovation?The result of cutting the silk thread will not only lead to Kuwushang, but also a detonation talisman.To deal with such a trap, it will become troublesome.

It can be seen that there are explosions in the forest.

Text 253. RescueNext

Hearing the explosion coming from behind, and the flames rising into the sky, the ninja of the rain country knew that Konoha's ninja must have enough to drink a pot.Although such a small method may not be able to kill these Konoha ninjas, such a scene still makes them very comfortable to watch.

The person who set up the trap just now admires his masterpiece very much: "Don't think that this is the only thing, there are a lot of fun behind it!"

The traps and talisman he set up were not all detonating talisman, but there were many interesting things.Some are not necessarily fatal, but they will definitely cause more troubles, and this is also for them to buy more time.

Because of the rush of arrangement, there is no way to make precise traps, but through the interconnection of multiple traps, a series of traps can be made.

The few people who came after had already met.Ning Ci found a trap linked by silk threads, but Feng was just about to move his knife, and a lot of arrows came.

But when a few people defended these arrows, a new mechanism was activated, and a large number of them were shot from both sides, bound with the detonating talisman Kunai.

Is this the end?But don't think so, there are serial traps waiting below.What are the flying rocks, the giant logs, and the collapse of the ground revealing the edge below.

Obviously, as long as it is a well-trained ninja, such a trap will definitely not be hit.But the endless series of traps like this made it almost impossible for Konoha's ninja to speed up the pursuit.

Of course, even so, their leader still remained calm and calm: "We are not safe yet, and we can't underestimate the enemy!"

He was very clear in his heart that the country of fire was one of the five great countries, and Konoha had entered its heyday under the leadership of three generations of Hokage.

Although Konoha's rebellious Ninja Osnake Maru and the Konoha collapse plan were hit hard before, the lean camel is still bigger than the horse, but they can't fight it anymore.

He glanced at the locked Mizuki, which was the most important card in their hand, used to threaten Konoha and the Hyuga clan.And I am not afraid that Konoha and Hyuga will not give in. It is a big deal to give this white-eyed girl to the country of the earth or the country of Thunder as a condition of asylum. I believe these two big countries will definitely be interested in the white-eyed?!

It was the leader who thought this way. The guy who had just admired his masterpiece just turned his head and seemed to see something. Immediately, his face paled and he reminded loudly: "No, be careful everyone!"

The reminder sounded, and the ninjas and leaders of the other rain country instinctively looked back at the situation.But it doesn't matter if I look at it, I hurriedly spread out and avoided.I saw a few thick logs and a lot of rocks falling down.

"What's going on?" Looking intently at these logs and boulders, isn't this a trap set by you?Not good—"Detonating Symbol!!"

It turned out that the wood and rocks that had been smashed were still stuck with detonating symbols, and they were already burning.Fortunately, they dodged fast enough that they were not hurt.

What is going on here?Why do these traps fall into the sky?

The leader instinctively shifted his gaze to the person who set the trap, but judging from his facial expression, it was obvious that he was not quite sure what happened.

The questions in their hearts were quickly answered: "Every day, it seems that you, ninjutsu, is really convenient!"

Yes, Tiantian's other ninjutsu is not very good, but the space ninjutsu is very good, it can put many things into the scroll.Even a ship, or even a whole river!Including trees and boulders into space is certainly not a problem.

Hearing this voice, the leader of the Ninja of Rainy Land immediately recognized that this is the boy he has seen before. As for the girl he said Tiantian, should she be the girl who used space ninjutsu at that time?

Unexpectedly, this world is really small!

The two sides confronted each other here, and the Rain Country Ninja was the leader, with only four people in total.Kaiban is also four people, but with Feng, it is a five-to-four situation.If it looks like this, it still has a certain advantage.

But this point, the other party must have seen it too, the leader assessed, the strength of the two sides was compared, and he did not hesitate to take out the kunai, and then pointed to the water tree in the cage, to the Konoha ninja who rushed over. Threatened: "If you want this little girl to survive, you'd better be honest!"

Using hostages as a threat, although for decent people, this is very shameless.But for the villains, let alone become rebellious, there is nothing to worry about.

"Despicable!" Li saw Mizuki who was locked in a cage with his hands and feet chained, and showed an even more angry expression at these people: "What happened to Mizuki?!"

His anger is understandable, but Ning Ci blocked his impulse and said, "Don't worry, Mizuki is only hurt, and Chakra is exhausted. There is no other serious problem."

Ning Ci still knew Mizuki, and his injuries were not serious. It was the exhaustion of this Chakra, which was obviously a sequelae of that trick.

But even though she knew that the water tree was okay, the current situation was not optimistic. The opponent used the water tree as a threat, and she didn't have the ability to resist.If you are really pressing the other person, it is easy to hurt her.

The other party held the blade of Kuwu against Shuishu's throat, as long as he gently applied force, he could cut her organs open.Such a threat has to be said to be very tricky!

"You, a big man, threatening a girl, what are you capable of?" Feng gritted his teeth and shouted at the other party: "If there is a kind, let's fight!"

Maple's ninja sword was held tightly, and the shining blade of the cold light showed its sharpness, and he couldn't wait to drink the blood.

However, the ninja leader of the rain country showed good ninja qualities. He was not agitated by Maple’s words. Instead, he said in a cold voice: "Because of this girl, I have lost a lot of men, and they are all with me. Brother who came out, wanted me to let her go like this? Are you dreaming?!"

After a nonchalant reply, the leader continued: "I warn you, don't try to make up your mind, don't mess around, or you can try!"

When he said "You can try", this guy pierced the water tree's neck with the tip of Kuwu, and you could see the bright red blood flowing out.

This is a cunning cunning, but to survive, everything can be done, this is definitely not a joke!

Body 254. Action

Comparing the strengths of the two sides, Konoha has more people, and there is no advantage to the people of Rain Country.In order to survive, it doesn't matter if they are shameless!

Their despicable method is indeed to make Konoha's ninja jealous, afraid that the other party will really die, if it is really difficult to keep the water and the tree will not be injured.

"Hey, are you scared?" The chief smiled threateningly: "If you don't want to collect her body, it's best not to chase her. When we are safe, we will naturally negotiate terms with you."

The leader understands that if you really fight, you don't necessarily lose, but you take big risks.Now he has a very heavyweight hostage in his hands, which can ensure that Konoha's ninja will be jealous.

His threat was useful, at least after Kai and Feng looked at each other, they nodded in motion.They must first ensure the safety of Mizuki's life, and then consider how to deal with the enemy.

The tense atmosphere was slightly relaxed.

Feng replied: "If you want to negotiate terms, you can now!"

They didn't dare to do it lightly, naturally they were afraid that the opponent's dog would jump over the wall and might hurt the water tree.But when it comes to talking about it later?This is absolutely impossible.

If you let them go now, then you will even use the water tree as an important bargaining chip as a threat. As long as you are not a fool, you will not agree!

"Don't think about it!" Li exclaimed: "Shui Shu is our companion, and you will never allow you to take her away!"

Li's statement was very direct, but this is what everyone meant.Want to take Mizuki away and threaten Konoha and the Hyuga clan?They are not fools, how could this be allowed to happen!

The person who saw Konoha had a tough attitude. The leader of the Ninja in Rainy Country frowned, but he still threatened: "Do you want her to die?"

"That's not necessarily!" Neji here finally said: "The Mizuki you caught is indeed the eldest daughter of the Hyuga clan, but if you are not careful enough."

The Hyuga clan is not an inheritance system for elders and children, at least not entirely.In order to carry forward the Hyuga clan, the patriarch of each clan needs to have enough strength to be convincing.

As a big family well-known in the world of Ninja, both white eyes and soft fist are the focus of development.It is a pity that Mizuki is very smart, but he insists on learning Gangquan, which completely violates the spirit of softquan.This has always made the elders of the Hyuga clan already quite criticized.

So for the successor candidates of Hyuga Nippon Football, Mizuki does not have a high vote rate.On the contrary, it is relatively hard work, a fireworks that everyone can see, and is recognized by more family elders.

To tell this information is to reduce the value of the water tree from the side, at least to say that the impact on the Hyuga clan has been reduced to a small amount, and it will not necessarily involve the future of the family.

The ninjas in the Kingdom of Rain heard about it and understood that the water tree in their hands was not as valuable as imagined.But if they just rely on this, they don’t care. The leader succinctly replied: "The blood of the Hyuga clan: white eyes. I don’t know how many forces are watching and want to know the mystery. Tell me if I will This little girl, give it to the country of the earth or the country of thunder, will they be very happy?"

If you talk about the country of soil, it might be better.But to talk about the kingdom of Thunder, it a little bit Neji's nerves.You must know what happened to the Hyuga clan many years ago because Yunren of the Thunder country wanted to get the secret of the Hyuga clan, and indirectly killed Neji's father.

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