I traveled through the days in Naruto World

The Days I Traveled Through in Naruto World Chapter 133

Although the hatred of these years has been solved by Naruto, this does not mean that it is not the pain in his heart. Now these ninjas in the Land of Rain want to send the water tree to Yunren Village?Ning Ci snorted coldly and said, "You are looking for death!"

He couldn't help but want to make a move, but at this time, Kai stretched out his hand to block his actions, and said vigilantly: "Ningci, don't be impulsive. Look at their positions, you are ready, don't act rashly. Fooled."

Kai and Feng looked at each other again and nodded to her.

Seeing Kai's gesture, Feng also nodded in response, and then temporarily retracted his ninja sword, and quickly formed several marks with his hands: "Huan Runbu!!"

As soon as the voice fell, Feng's figure disappeared with a "pop", only to see leaves falling.

That's right, her name: Feng, this is the maple of the maple tree, a simple and smart name, like a maple leaf slowly falling.

Looking at the falling leaves, the ninjas of the Land of Rain were all in a daze. Taking advantage of this great opportunity, Kai, who was ready, instantly captured the cage of the water tree.

"Illusion!" The leader of the Kingdom of Rain responded immediately: "Solution!!"

Unfortunately, it turned out to be a step too late, and the water tree had been taken away from him, which made him feel frustrated.Both hands knot printing: "Shui Dun: Great Break!!"

A slap with both hands on the ground, the formation of formation that appeared spouted out a lot of water, forming a torrent and went straight to Kai who snatched the water tree!

This is not good news. Kai threw the water tree he had taken back to Ning Ci for him to pick it up. He quickly jumped onto a thick tree to avoid the impact of the torrent below.

A few of them are ninjas who are biased towards physique, facing this enemy ninja leader, ninja is really not easy to fight.

"Mizuki! Are you okay?" Ning Ci caught Mizuki and immediately reported her out of the cage, removing her handcuffs and shackles by the way.Somewhat nervously looked at the water tree: "How do you feel?"

At this time, the water tree happened to be hugged by the other princess. Because it was also to avoid the attack, it jumped onto the tree holding the water tree.

This sentence is not nonsense!The feeling of Mizuki is of course very bad: "It hurts, and the whole body has no strength."

An enemy ninja came to kill, he wanted to take back Mizuki.

Of course Neji couldn't do as he wanted, and immediately handed the water tree to Tiantian for protection, and then used his soft fist to greet him.

This removes the need for one person to protect the water tree and cannot participate in the battle.It just happened that the two sides turned into a four-on-four situation, and Kai had turned around and kicked the enemy ninja leader with Konoha Tornado.

Feng and Xiao Li have also selected the enemy, and they fought quite fiercely with their fists and feet. Close-range physical combat will not give each other a chance to Jiyin. Therefore, the release of ninjutsu is less and more physical Surgery showdown.

During this battle, Mizuki was hurriedly picked up by Tian Tian and taken to a place relatively far away from the battlefield.Then take out medicines and bandages, carefully handle the wounds and dressings.

Body 255. Restoring combat power

Kai's third group of people are all good at physical skills. To defeat these ninjas in the Land of Rain, as long as there is no accident, Mizuki can rest assured.

Protecting the water tree every day, he took it to a place relatively far away from the battle, took out the medical kit he carried with him, and bandaged and treated her.After careful debridement, the wound on the arm is applied with potion and then carefully bandaged. It is OK!

"Every day, you are really good at taking care of people!"

It feels really good to be taken care of. This is the treatment she used to be extremely difficult to enjoy when she was a boy. When she was young, she was better. When she grows up, if she wants to be weaker and relied on, she will be laughed at by her parents: "You still Little!"

But at this point, girls are much better than boys.Can act coquettish to parents at any time, and can coquettish to his boyfriend when in love, this will not be ridiculed and disgusted.

Protect her every day, and take Mizuki home: "Let's go, leave it to Teacher Kai!"

There is a battle here. Although it is far away, it is not safe. The current water tree is weak and has no ability to protect itself if it encounters danger.

But just when I wanted to take the water tree away from here.Mizuki said to Tiantian: "No, I want to fight!"

Now the body of the water tree, of course, is not allowed to do so. Not only is the body still in a weak state, but the Chakra is also quite exhausted.

However, there is no way to restore the state. This is the ninja's regular ration pill, because it contains high protein content, it can quickly restore physical fitness.

"Every day, do you have a thousand books?" Mizuki said to her after receiving a positive answer, "According to my instructions, give me acupuncture."

Acupuncture is used to pierce the acupoints to stimulate one's body and achieve an effect similar to the eight-door Dunjia.I have to say that this is a good way, at least theoretically, it works perfectly.

However, forcibly stimulating the body in this way will definitely cause a certain burden, just like Li opens the Bamen Dunjia to the wound door, and it will start to cause harm to the body.No matter how strong the body is exercised, it can only achieve the reduced effect, but it cannot completely eliminate it.

Tian Tian thinks that the price is not worth it: "Your body is very weak now, and doing so will harm your body."

Mizuki understands the other's kindness, but her heart is determined: "Please do as I said, my own body is naturally clear, and I will not make fun of my body."

I have already said that, and I can't twist the water tree every day, just help her get the needle.

On the battlefield at this time, the battle between the two sides is still continuing.

Kai and the opposing leader were fighting, and they kicked it with a flying kick. The leader hurriedly jumped away from the spot, and hit the ground where he was staying in the next second, most of them were cracked.

"It's a terrifying physique." The leader's heart sighed with Kai's strength. At the same time, his hands took advantage of this opportunity to quickly form a few handprints: "Shui Dun: Explosive Water Rushing!!"

Spit out a lot of water in one mouth, forming a strong impact.This is also a common attack method of water escape, without particularly powerful attack power.

However, the advantage of the water escape depends on the suitable terrain for the water escape ninja when it is displayed.The large amount of water gushing out forms a small lake here, which is beneficial to the ninjas of the Land of Rain!

A ninja with sufficient strength would have no problem standing on the water, but such a change in the environment suddenly became beneficial to the enemy, so Kai and the others shouted, "No!"

These rain country ninjas seized the opportunity very well and made a few handprints at the same time: "Water Dun: The Art of Water Dragon Bomb!!!"

The four ninjas from the Land of Rain created four water dragons and crashed into Kai, Li, Ningci, and Feng respectively.Kai, the strongest, is a bit better, but the other three are in trouble.

Li was washed away directly, and Li's situation was similar. Only by grabbing a branch was he spared.Feng was also in the middle of this trick. After choking a few salivas, Kai took it out of the water, but his whole body was soaked and he looked very embarrassed.

"These people's strengths are very good, it looks like they can't be careless!" Kai held on to Feng and let her go after making sure that she was okay, and then said, "How is it, can you think of a way to crack it?"

Feng spit out the choked water first, and then said with a sigh of relief: "Yes, these people are very strong, much better than the previous Xiaoyou. The leader of the opponent is a ninja from the country of rain, and he is good at using water. Such kind of ninjutsu, my fire escape will be restrained. I must use earth escape and thunder escape, are there any of us?"

Water comes to cover the earth, and the water is restrained by the earth.Water can conduct electricity, and lightning also has advantages.Everyone should be able to understand this, but the problem is that among them, does anyone have a ninja who knows how to escape?Well, this is nonsense.

Kai said helplessly: "We are good at physique, neither ninjutsu nor illusion."

"What!" Feng was stunned at once: "I don't know how to ninjutsu and illusion, how can I say that he is a ninja?"

A ninja who doesn't even know how to do ninja, how can he be called a ninja?Maybe this news, for Feng, was really the first time I heard.

It's over, what should I do now?There is water everywhere, and the geographical position gives the opponent an advantage.Your own side does not have the ability to restrain the other side, and this kind of battle will be very difficult.

Just as they frowned, if they deal with the enemy, thunder broke out in the distance.Before everyone reacted, a figure appeared in front of him instantly.

Seeing the incoming person intently, Feng was happy in his heart: "Shuishu? Your body is fine!"

This is really a coincidence, chakra with thunder attribute, isn't the water tree just right?She used acupuncture and moxibustion to stimulate her body and forcibly fulfill her potential.

Mizuki came, and she nodded to Feng: "I'm fine, just need to hurry up."

It is very similar to the opening of the Eight Door Dunjia, which can reach or even exceed the usual combat effectiveness in a short time.But the price of physical damage is to be paid, and the duration is hard to say, so we must seize the time to fight.

Seeing the people around him, except those who were washed away just now, Teacher Kai, Sister Feng, and Ning Ci, it was still a four-on-four situation.Mizuki said: "That leader, leave it to me to solve it. I said that if I want to break his bones, I must not break my promise!"

The three people looked at the water tree and quickly understood what she meant. Indeed, she was the only one here. It happened to be a thunder-attribute attack. It should be the best choice to restrain the opponent's water escape.

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