I traveled through the days in Naruto World

The Days I Traveled Through Naruto World Chapter 141

One of the seven knives held by Lei Ya can manipulate the power of natural thunder and lightning. Now the stormy thunder and lightning are the right place for his main battlefield.

Mizuki wanted to get up, but was struck by lightning just now, and his muscles were in a stiff state, let alone trying to get up, it was difficult to move a finger, and the whole body was already paralyzed.

Neji and Li here, seeing Mizuki and Naruto, were struck by lightning and fell.I couldn't help but worry, and used the tactics of flanking to attack from the left and right.

"Huh, that's interesting."

Thunder teeth crossed their arms and sent out thunder and lightning.

"Lee, be careful!"


Before Li launched the attack, he had already unloaded the heavy objects tied to his legs, so that his speed was naturally not comparable to that of ordinary people. Watching Thunder teeth cross arms, he reacted and dodged for the first time.

At the same time, almost instantly, he came to Lei Ya and punched him in the face.However, the injured beast was even more fierce and unusual, waving the weapon in his hand to control the thunder and lightning.

No matter how fast the human body moves, it can't be faster than the light. Li was hit and kicked out.

Seeing this situation, Ning Ci rushed forward at this time: "Rouquan!"

If you can hit the opponent's acupoint with a soft fist, you can control Thunder Fang's Chakra.Ning Ci's soft fist is on the water tree, as long as he can hit it, he will win!

But the result was too desperate. He hit Fei Li's Lei Ya, and had already turned his attention back to Ning Ci's body. Before his soft fist had time to strike out, a thunder and lightning that came down from the sky struck again. Ning Ci.

The current environment is too bad. Under such an environment, Thunder Fang holding this weapon is simply invincible.Because he can operate thunder and lightning directly, it hardly consumes his chakra, and with the speed of light of thunder and lightning, nothing can pose a threat to him.

"Ning Ci!" Seeing that Ning Ci was also hit by lightning.

There was only Li left here. Fortunately, he was only swept away just now, and then Lei Ya had to divert his attention just to deal with Ning Ci.

But even so, Li was a little injured.But he did not show weakness, still used all his combat power, continued to rush towards Thunder Fang, and attacked with his fist.

Mizuki wanted to remind Li not to be so reckless, but to find a way to destroy the opponent's weapon, so that he could stop Thunder Fang and continue to control the power of natural lightning.

It is a pity that Li's speed is very fast, and he has already rushed towards the opponent.Without any accident, Lei Ya raised the weapon in his hand and pointed at the sky, then mobilized the power of thunder and lightning to cut it down.

Li, who was accurately beaten, uttered a scream, and fell into a state of paralysis. If he wanted to flick a finger, it seemed as if he was being filled with lead.

Body 266.

It seems a bit bad. There are sayings in the three-dimensional world: the time, the right place, and the harmony of people.Needless to say the time of the day, in the state of thunderstorms, the thunder tooth holding thunder knife can control the natural thunder and lightning.The geographical environment is not very good either, it happens to be on the top of the cliff.Not to mention Renhe, Thunderya, who holds Thunder Knife, also has an advantage!

However, Li was not as weak as he imagined. When Zhongren took the exam, he had obviously fainted, but he still stood up and assumed a fighting posture.Although Li was struck by thunder and lightning and screamed in pain, the presence of a tough will forcefully supported his body without falling down.

Mizuki saw all this in her eyes, and she knew that if this continued, Li would certainly not hold on for long.Fortunately, when she was struck by lightning and Lei Ya fought against Ningji and Li, she could begin to recover her luck and breath adjustment.

What should I do if my body is paralyzed?In the water tree's skills, there are "healing" skills to heal damage, and "healing" skills to remove abnormal conditions.Almost all the negative effects of poisoning, petrification, etc., of course, illusions are also possible.

Fortunately, there is Li, who will buy her more time.

It is precisely because of Li's willpower and persistence that Lei Ya takes a lot of time to use: "Lei Dun: Thunder strikes the tornado!!!"

After breaking the rocks, the cliffs burst, and Li only fell down. I don't know what happened to him.

At this time, Mizuki's body was finally able to move.Chakra gathered for the first time, and a projectile shining with thunder and lightning appeared between her: "Flick the magical power!!"

A lightning bolt of thunderbolt crossed the distance between the two and hit Lei Fang's body severely.Watching him take a few steps back in succession, he reluctantly removed the strength he hit on his body.

Seeing the location where he was attacked and injured, Thunder Ya made a cold voice: "I'm going to kill you!"

Putting up the weapon in his hands with both hands, the thunder and lightning were sent out again.

When Mizuki saw this, she had suffered a loss just now, how could she be slapped again, and hurriedly opened her eyes: "Bow body shot!!"

At exactly the time when the teleportation was away, a thunderbolt hit the location where the water tree was just now. It was really close to being hit again, so dangerous!What a risk!

However, the teleportation escaped, but as soon as he stood on the ground, Mizuki felt his body, as if it was still a little too close.It looks like a muscle paralysis, which has not been completely eliminated.

"Healing!!!" Cast a healing technique on himself.

Chakra, who represents the healing technique, flows throughout the body through his meridians, soothing his muscles.

But as soon as she used the healing technique on herself, a flash of lightning came back to her, and at the same time heard Thunder Ya’s shout: "You are here!"

Hastily jumped away from the spot, and again thrilled to avoid.

"It's really troublesome ability, that knife can play a big role in such an environment!"

Water Tree is a Chakra with Thunder Dune attribute, but this does not mean that she can be immune to attacks of the same attribute.What's more, it is the power from nature. Even if King Kong is not bad, such a blow cannot be defended!

It is very clear here, the knife in Lei Ya's hand!Because of the existence of this knife, he has a considerable advantage in the current thunderstorm.

Thinking of the water tree here, another plan came into my mind.

Both hands Jieyin: "The art of clone!!"

By the side of Shui Shu, there was an extra clone of himself, and the body and the clone nod each other, because of course they are one.

Both the main body and the avatar used the bow shot at the same time, and within the next second, a water tree appeared beside Thunder Fang.

"Lightning strike!!" Thunder Fang crossed his arms, and a lightning strike was shot down without any accident.

With a bang, this is the shadow clone of Mizuki!

The shadow clone disappeared, and in the next instant, a water tree appeared beside Thunder Ya.At the same time, her fist came back and hit Thunder Fang with a very accurate fist!

Thunder tooth was in pain, and his body flew out, but at this moment, he waved the weapon in his hand and released a light of thunder, hitting the water tree—Boom!Shadow clone again?

Yes, it is another shadow clone. Mizuki released a clone in advance, just to confuse the opponent face to face, making the opponent think it is another tactic of lure the enemy.

The first clone moved directly in front of Thunder Fang. The main body was a hidden corner of the teleport road, and then cast the shadow clone again, and then the clone used the arched shadow again to teleport to launch an attack on Thunder Fang.

Let the other party mistakenly think that the water tree only split a clone, and this one that appears next will definitely be the main body.But I didn't expect that this is also a fake!

When Lei Ya reacted again, the water tree had appeared again, and he unceremoniously shot out: "Lianhuan whole body palm!!"

One fake, two fakes, just like a kid who is herding sheep, the third time he won’t believe it.But this third time, the result is true!

All the serial palms accurately hit Thunder Tooth, hitting his body, and he could hear the sound of broken bones, but he always felt that it seemed almost?

Oh, by the way, it turned out that at this moment, Lei Ya used the power of thunder and lightning to attach to her body: "Lei Dun: Thunder armor!!!"

The armor's defense has a certain buffer effect, and it won't be killed at once.

However, the current water tree is not more than a while ago, and he has learned the follow-up combo skill: "The Raptors are exaggerated!!"

With one hand squeezing a fist, Chakra was mobilized to form a terrible pressure. Even if it was a thunder and lightning armor, facing the attack of this fist, it turned into a patch of light on the spot.

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