I traveled through the days in Naruto World

The Days I Traveled Through in Naruto World Chapter 142

By the way, when he punched this fist, Mizuki saw in his white eyes, as if his Thunder Chakra under this thunderstorm weather could clearly resonate?To a certain extent, strengthening is powerful!

Lei Ya let out a scream of "Ah" and was smashed into the air by Mizuki. Looking at his appearance, he was afraid that he would not die even if he was not dead.

The same water tree is not very good, because Thunder Fang gave the lightning armor near her, and when she touched it, she obviously felt electric shock, which made her more or less injured.

Fortunately, Mizuki's physical fitness is good enough. He stepped up to use healing techniques for himself to stabilize his injuries, so that he could stand and no longer fall down.

"How is it possible?" Lei Ya tilted his body, inserted the weapon in his hand on the ground, and forcibly supported his body, with blood flowing from the corner of his mouth.But he didn't care at all, instead he said cruelly: "I will kill you, I will kill you!"

The power of thunder and lightning gathered again, it seems that this thunder tooth still has to choose to fight to the death!

Body 267. End of mission

"Thunder and lightning armor looks like a good defensive ninjutsu, capable of defensive and counterattack. It's a pity that I am not writing round eyes, otherwise I really want to copy it!"

Mizuki thought this way, but what matters more now is that Lei Ya draws all the power of thunder and lightning to her body.Afraid that the other party is already going to be ruthless, showing a powerful ninjutsu?

Pinching the mark in his hand, Mizuki also decided to use the ultimate move!Although the effect of the previous combo skill was offset by the opposing Thunder armor a lot of damage, Thunder Fang was obviously injured.I believe that as long as you use the Asura Bahuang Fist, you can definitely kill this guy!

But at this moment, a small figure ran between the water tree and Thunder Fang.This little figure is no one else, it is Ranwan who is usually weak, but he will come here?

Unexpectedly, this guy, Mizuki immediately said to him: "Danger! Get out of the way!"

In the battle between the ninjas, Ranmaru appeared among them, it must be very dangerous.What's more, his usual physique is weak, and he will lose his life if it is not done!

"Lan Maru?" Lei Ya saw him, showing a happy mood, but he did not understand his behavior: "What are you doing?"

Lan Maru was in such danger, but he didn't show any fear. He just said to Lei Ya: "I want Lei Ya to taste Destiny Curry."

Suddenly saying this, it was obvious that Lei Ya couldn't understand: "What are you talking about?"

"Stop hurting others!"

Finally, Ranmaru said, he should have realized the thoughts in his heart.The previous black hoes brought so much damage to the people here, he didn't want Thunder Ya to make such a mistake.

It's a pity that Ranmaru's words can't let Raiya understand: "Shut up for me! We are one, you are my eyes and ears. Are you going to betray the vow of being together forever?"

Lei Ya used his weapon to absorb the lightning from the sky.Mizuki's white eyes can clearly see that his whole body is full of powerful chakras.Does this absorb the chakras of nature into oneself?This state is like charging a battery.

Mizuki made a cut. She knew it would be unwise to go on like this: "Lan Wan, be careful!"

Lei Ya was completely crazy at this time, even Lan Wan was about to attack, waved the weapon in his hand, watching a lightning strike.In order to prevent Ranmaru from getting hurt, Mizuki could only push him away.But because of this, he happened to be hit.

The whole body was pierced by electric current and fell into a paralyzed state again.Mizuki gritted his teeth secretly: "It's really hateful. If you go straight up and hit the Asura Bahuang Fist, you can definitely kill him!"

"Shuishu!" This was Naruto's voice. He had already woke up just now, and when he saw that Shuishu was hurt, he could not help but let out a loud cry.

Naruto rushed over and protected him in front of Mizuki, his hands were sealed: "The technique of multiple shadow clones!!"

Dozens or hundreds of Naruto helped Mizuki block Thunder Fang.

Seeing Naruto's arrival, Mizuki frowned. What does this guy want to do?Thunder Ya's strength is not weak, as long as he uses weapons to sweep out the thunder and lightning, many shadow clones are useless.And the shadow clones will average chakras in a large amount, which does not necessarily increase the combat effectiveness!

But here comes the word, Naruto and Lei Ya, there is one more thing to say: "You are the Seven Ninja Swordsman, then do you know the dried persimmon ghost shark?"

As one of the Seven Ninjas, Thunder Ya certainly knows the dried persimmon ghost shark without a doubt, but what about this?Lei Ya replied indifferently: "I hate that guy the most, so I must give him a funeral next time. I hate them, and all the guys from the Ninja Seven-Ranmaru, my companion is only you. But you also found a new companion. We are not together anymore!"

When the nonsense is over, Lei Ya is already angry.Use his own weapon to point to the sky to absorb the thunder and bless it on his body.It made his fighting power to a higher level, and the power when he swung it was strong, and Naruto's shadow clones were blown out in large numbers.

However, this can also consume the lightning power that Thunder Fang obtained, at the same time he consumed it violently.The destruction of the clone forms a large amount of cover, and it also provides excellent cover for Naruto.

The smoke has not dissipated yet, and multiple Naruto reappears, all of them should be shadow clones.The fierce kicks were on Thunder Fang, although the strength was not as strong as the water tree, but it couldn't stand the large number.

"No, this shouldn't be enough!" With the help of Ranmaru, Mizuki barely supported his body. Seeing Naruto and Thunder tooth fighting, he realized that such an attack was not enough to defeat Thunder tooth.

Naruto seemed to understand this, but he didn't intend to knock it down with a single blow.Immediately, they cooperated with the shadow clone and slammed Thunder Fang together.

At this time, the eyes of Shuishu suddenly brightened, because she saw that not far behind Lei Ya, it was the edge of the cliff!This made her understand Naruto's possible intentions: "What a good way!"

Thunder tooth wanted to fight back, but he was injured by the blow of Mizuki before, and now he was kicked and hit by Naruto, and he couldn't help but spit out a mouthful of blood.

Seizing this good opportunity, Naruto and the shadow avatar rushed up again.This time I used an uppercut, the body and the clone together, to knock Thunder Ya off the cliff!


But at this moment, Lan Wan, who was supporting the water tree, seemed to be far behind, and muttered that Thunder Ya's hit.

When Thunder Ya fell from the cliff, several lightning bolts just hit the sky, and Thunder Ya in the middle of the falling process watched his figure transform into starlight and then dissipated between the sky and the earth.

Unexpectedly, he was so decisive, even when facing death, he would choose to bury himself in this way.Such a way of death made Mizuki think of that guy, the dry persimmon ghost shark.

It is also when facing death, choosing to bury it in his own way.Although everyone is an enemy, we have to admire.

But in this case, Thunder Ya is absolutely dead, and there is no remnant, even if it is reincarnated from the dirty soil, it is impossible to resurrect.The task should be completely completed!

After the task is completed, we must go back.

Originally speaking, Mizuki wanted to send Thunder Fang's weapon back to Konoha for storage.In case the Fourth Ninja World War reappears, causing even greater disaster to the Ninja Alliance.

But Lei Ya didn't have anything close to him when he was alive. It was this sword that symbolized his identity as the seven Ninja swordsmen in the past.So in the end, I looked at this knife and was buried as a cloak.

Body 268.

After the mission is completed, return to Konoha.

After this battle, Mizuki discovered that there were many shortcomings of his own.Whether it is a chain of full-body palms or the Raptors' exaggerated skills, when attacking a defensive enemy, the damage caused will be greatly reduced.

To be precise, she wasted too much power, and then the effect of the attack did not meet expectations.Apart from the opponent's defense, as well as analyzing one's own cultivation, there are still some shortcomings.

Otherwise, the opponent's thunder and lightning armor should be smashed when a whole set of serial palms are shot, instead of waiting until the Raptors are exaggerated and shattered.

This may be caused by insufficient cultivation, or it may be the lack of actual combat, failing to fully utilize the maximum power of these two skills.

Mizuki thought: "It looks like intensive training is needed!"

The power of skills is closely linked to the size of strength, and Ashura Bahuang Fist is a typical example.The damage dealt is ten times the strength and consumes all the chakras, so strength is a very important indicator!

In order to strive for strength, I insist on lifting dumbbells and weightlifting every day, which has almost become a compulsory course.In particular, there is another kind of practice in which rocks are lifted and then moved back and forth.

These are very stupid training methods, but fortunately they are considered effective, because most of them copy the three-dimensional world of fitness methods, which are definitely useful for muscle strength growth.

It is necessary to exercise for a long time, and it will definitely be very tiring. It also requires a lot of energy, and it is easy to get tired directly.

But it’s also a coincidence that whenever the power is exhausted, she can always clearly feel that the little power left by herself is still showing signs of decay, instead of falling down and resting, it will immediately The beginning of recovery.

If it is once or twice, you can explain that you are too tired, but the more times like this, the water tree will obviously find the problem.Immediately check with your eyes. What is the problem?It turned out that it was in my own hands!

"Is this the finger?"

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