I traveled through the days in Naruto World

The Days I Passed in Naruto World Chapter 146

"Hinata Kazua, track the enemy, gather intelligence, ready to support at any time!"

"Every day, remote cover. Me, Ino, Dingci, pay attention to ninjutsu cooperation!"

Appropriate configuration, because according to understanding, water tree is good at physical skills and strength, and only masters of physical skills can compete with it.

Hinata's strength is weak, but there is a reason for his eyes, and he and Ya are teammates and can cooperate very well.Can help Ning Ci and Li who are fighting on the front line!

Needless to say every day, although she is not good at close combat, she is very professional in throwing weapons. She just considers Dao Shui Shu's ability, and I don't know if she can play a role.

The last is their team, because they are not good at physical skills, so don't go up in person.However, the three pigs, deers, and butterflies all have secret techniques. If this is the case, the task of subduing the target will be given to them.

The plan should be pretty good, but if the plan can keep up with the changes, you will know only if you have done it!

Text 273. Abnormal detection

Mizuki chose to hit Shino with a punch directly, because she perceives that Shino is the most threatening to her!However, she still underestimated Shino, because when Shino sensed her existence, she had already used her own worm secret technique to form an armor to protect herself.

The power of this punch was really amazing, but when it hit Shino, the effect was not reflected.Instead, Shino controlled the insects, followed her fist and climbed onto her body!

The Yunv clan is Konoha's insect control clan, which can drive the bad insects to perform secret techniques.Don't look at these bugs and ants, but if left alone, they will be very dangerous.

Shino used the secret technique of insects to parasitize Mizuki's body, but she is Hinata's older sister, so she didn't want to hurt the other party: "Mizuki, stop!"

It's a pity that his call didn't work, and Mizuki made another punch in his backhand, hitting him directly in the face, and the blow flew out.Fortunately, his insect control is flexible, which forms a buffer for him under his body, and this prevents Dao from even greater harm.

The force of this fist was not small, he spit out a mouthful of blood, and felt that his teeth seemed to be loosened by a punch.But now is not the time to worry about the teeth, because the water tree has rushed up again at this time!

Shino controlled the insects and swarmed towards the water tree with a wave of his hands.The worm can swallow Chakra, as long as it can suck up the Chakra of the water tree, it can control her actions.

Mizuki is good at physical skills, and specializes in strength, as well as invulnerable physical defense.But the lack of resistance to ninjutsu and illusion is not a big weakness.

In the face of the coming worm, although she is not afraid of gnawing, she can absorb Chakra, and the heavy worm coat seriously slows her actions.I couldn't control my body well, so I fell down all at once.

Shino stepped forward, watching Mizuki's struggle, what should he do?After all, Mizuki is Hinata's older sister, and he is really not good at killing him, otherwise how can he explain to Hinata?

Here he forgot, Hokage-sama's warning: "You must have the consciousness to kill!"

Mizuki let out a stern cry, and a strong thunder light broke out all over her body, and all the worms that wrapped her body were electrocuted on the spot.Her eyes were even more blood-red, looking at Shino's gaze, filled with a chilling killing intent!

"Not good!" She yelled badly in her heart, and Shino quickly called out more insects: "Insect summoning technique!!"

A large number of insects flew around the body, protecting Shino from the attack from the water tree.

With a punch, the wind cried.Shino had already controlled the insects into a wall of insects, but he was blown away by a punch. The strength of his vigor was not reduced, and his fist attacked fiercely: "Soaking Jin!!"

Soaking strength, when hitting the big wild boar in the front, facing the thick skin and thick fat, ordinary punches are useless.Mizuki has used this trick, which is roughly similar to an attack of a soft fist. It will not directly cause trauma, and the force will directly penetrate the body.

If you change to an ordinary person and suffer from this trick of getting into the water tree, even if you don't die on the spot and hit your chest, your internal organs will be shattered, and it will be difficult to survive.

However, the oil girl clan raised insects with her body, and the insects in her body suffered damage for him. This saved Shino's life, but even if she was not killed on the spot, she would definitely have a bite of blood.

Shino, who fell to the ground, temporarily lost his fighting power, covered his injured chest, and coughed out a few mouthfuls of blood.However, the water tree at this time had already walked to his side.

Finally he saw the red light radiating from Mizuki's eyes.But his eyes were dull, completely dull, and there was no expression on his face.

Shino noticed the strange state of Mizuki. He wanted to call Mizuki's name, but before he could speak, he was picked up by Mizuki.The other hand is about to start, grabbing his heart!

With the power of the water tree, penetrating the human body's chest, of course, there is no big problem.But this move is superficial, the death of those villagers is very likely to be hers.

With blood dripping from the corners of his mouth, Shino vomited a few words weakly: "Why?"

Because of his relationship with Hinata, Shino knew that Mizuki was not a bloodthirsty person.And from the scarlet light that appeared in her eyes, it could be seen that the water tree was controlled.

But what about this?One of Mizuki's hand had already grabbed his chest.

If only Shino was alone, his life would have ceased.But fortunately, Zhino was not alone, just when Mizuki was about to grab his heart.

His companions rushed to: "Teeth through teeth!!"

Toa and Akamaru passed between Mizuki and Shino. In order to prevent injury, Mizuki chose to stop grabbing his heart and immediately dodge aside.

In this way, Ya successfully rescued Shina and jumped to a tree not far away.

At the same time, the other people also arrived one after another and surrounded the water trees.They saw that Mizuki's behavior just now obviously required a fatal action against Shino.This makes them very confused, why is this happening?

"What's going on? Shino!" Ya rescued Shino, but seeing Shino vomiting blood, and the remaining blood was still at the corner of his mouth, the injury seemed to be serious.This made Ya's very angry opponent Mizuki shouted, "Are you crazy? Why are you attacking Shino?"

Mizuki was speechless and didn't answer his teeth. He just scanned everyone present with scarlet eyes.

At this time, Shino took a sigh of relief and said, "Stop her, she is under control."

This sentence reminded the people present that through observing the water tree, she really found something wrong with her. Not only did her aura become unfamiliar, but her eyes were also full of blood.

"Grow your eyes!!" Ning Ci rolled his eyes and observed Dao Shuishu's body: "Sure enough, her Chakra was disturbed."

Illusion's control over the target is to disrupt its chakra.The Chakra who saw the water tree with white eyes had an abnormal phenomenon, so it was judged that the current water tree was controlled by illusion, and there was nothing wrong with it.

Naruto here, hearing Neji's words, gritted his teeth: "What should I do? Do you want to fight Mizuki?"

Since he was a child, everyone was very lonely towards him because of Kyuubi's affairs. Only Mizuki didn't dislike him, and would often come to him to play in spite of family opposition.

Naruto remembered it very clearly, because Mizuki had an awkward relationship with his family once when he was mischievous and chose to run away from home and stayed at his home for a few days.And those were his happiest days, every day he could put on clean clothes and eat delicious ramen.

Now that he wants to fight Mizuki, will he be able to do it again?

Text 274. How could this be?on

Naruto may not be able to lay his hand, but now the situation is beyond his control.

Shikamaru commanded: "Li, you entangle Mizuki, be careful of her attack, Ningci, you use soft fists to seal Mizuki's acupoint!"

Option one, control the enemy!In order to take advantage of Shuishu's physical skills, letting Li, who is also good at physical skills, deal with it is of course the best choice.Then let Ning Ci use a soft fist to seal the acupuncture points of Shuishu, which can hinder the flow of Chakra, achieve the goal of subduing or cracking illusion.

"OK!" Li replied, and at the same time rushed towards Mizuki with Ning Ci!

Their speed is extremely fast, and it is difficult to catch their figure in the flesh, only the fuzzy afterimage.The use of flanking tactics, attack from the front and back at the same time!

Facing such a pincer tactic, Mizuki just stood in place, as if there was no response.But when the two got close and attacked her, her figure disappeared in an instant.

No, this ability-"Bow body slingshot!!"

The two of them slammed into nothing, but this is not over, don't forget that Ning Ci has rolled his eyes!He punched out a soft fist and yelled, "Li, get down!"

Li's body was short, and he cleverly avoided the punch, but at this time, Ning Ci seized the opportunity to punch a soft punch.

Because the attack of a punch had just been hit, Mizuki had time to hit the next punch or retract it.Facing Neji's attack, she could only choose to resist.

However, this punch of hers also contained full strength, and it was not a virtual collision with Ning Ci's soft punch.However, her power specialization is even more advantageous!Ning Ci couldn't resist the two fists.

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