I traveled through the days in Naruto World

The Day I Traveled Through the Naruto World Chapter 147

Fortunately, Li's speed is very fast, kicking from bottom to top, kicking the soft belly of the water tree.This is a good time: "Ningci, take advantage of it now!"

"Soft fist!!"

Ning Ci backhanded, punching a soft fist, hitting his chest!

The cooperation of the two of them is very good, even if there is an emergency, they can deal with it skillfully.This beautiful

A blow hit Mizuki's body, and her body was shocked, and a mouthful of blood was coughed up.

The water tree at this time is definitely already injured.But she didn't show the slightest painful expression.Instead, he used his full strength and kicked Li fiercely!

Fortunately, Li's reaction speed was fast, and he used his hands to defend in time to block this leg.Although the block can be blocked, the powerful force is difficult to offset.Together with Neji, he was hit and flew out!

Mizuki's strength has been demonstrated. It is said that during the Nakanin exam, Konoha collapsed the defense battle, and he had already killed Shangnin alone.But until I saw it with my own eyes, I realized that the water tree is really too strong!

Power, defense, white eyes, and instantaneous body. These abilities alone are enough to endure in resistance, and even more can be invincible in close combat!

Ino couldn't help but exclaimed: "So strong!"

Kamaru here is also watching, and he admits in his heart, it seems that with Neji and Li alone, it might be difficult to subdue her without harming Mizuki.

Thinking of this, Shikamaru said to his companion: "Remember the method I gave you just now?"

Ino and Dingci nodded: "Understood!"

Their answer made Shikamaru nodded in response, and then said to Tiantian: "Miss Tiantian, you also need your help here."

It was when Li and Ningci were knocked out by the attack of Mizuki.

Mizuki rushed forward without hesitation, his fist slammed immediately behind.Because I know the amazing power, if I get hit, it's not a joke.

The two worked together at the same time, one used the whirlwind leg to sweep the legs of the water tree, the other used the soft fist to attack the body of the water tree, one attack and one attack made it almost impossible to defend.

The Mizuki here also understands, so he directly took a step, then protected his body with his hands, splicing the body's strength, and wanted to resist the attack of the two.

But at this moment, Tian Tian threw a double-headed hammer and shouted to the two of them: "Attention!"

The double-headed hammers do centrifugal force movement, rotating and flying to each other, but this is not to attack, but to use the hammer to drive the iron chain between them, which just binds the body of the water tree.

Of course, if this is the case, it is easier to break free, so at the same time, a shadow follows the shadow of the hammer and touches the shadow at the foot of Dao Shui tree.What kind of secret technique is this, no need to say more?

Shikamaru squeezed his handprints and showed a triumphant smile: "It looks like the battle was successful!"

But don't underestimate Mizuki here. You must know that she specializes in strength, and she is definitely more powerful than Toyuya at the time. The strength is definitely much stronger.

"Dingci!" Shikamaru called out, and then called out: "Ino, it's up to you!"

Ding Ci was injured and Jieyin, both hands used the technique of doubling, also known for strength, Qiu Dao clan is not bad.No matter how much Mizuki struggles, he wants to break free from the chains and shadows. Now he has a pair of big hands, and the possibility of breaking free is already very low.

At the same time, Ino also locked Mizuki: "The technique of turning the heart!!"

As Ino's body fell unconsciously, Ino came into Mizuki's body-"The battle is successful!"

The mountain people have the secret technique of mind control, and those who are under control have very few possibilities to escape.But there is a premise here, that is, the mental power must be quite strong, otherwise it may not be able to suppress it?When Nakanin started, Ino was driven out by Sakura's double body.

Through the secret technique of his family, Ino successfully blacked into the body of the water tree.However, I was surprised to find that there was no consciousness in Mizuki's body?There is only a pool of blood in it, but there is a girl of her age in it.

Seeing this, Ino naturally understood that it was this blood pond that controlled the current water tree, but the girl in it was the consciousness of the water tree.But now she has been immersed in blood, and there is no way to perceive the outside world.

"I must tell Shikamaru about this situation!"

It was just when Ino was thinking like this, she inadvertently realized that she seemed to guess what liquid?When she took a closer look, she found that the blood had overflowed her feet.

When she wanted to pull her legs out, she seemed to be caught in a swamp. No matter how hard she struggled, she could only get deeper and deeper!

Psychologically curse damn it!But Ino knew that he could not get in, otherwise he would definitely be controlled by backlash.Before the blood flowed over his chest, Jie Yin quickly relieved his heart and turned around: "Solve!"

But the release of the mind turning around is equivalent to the water tree's body, once again being controlled.Moreover, the water tree at this time was obviously more manic than before.

Text 275. How could this be?in

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Text 276. How could this be?under

Seeing Naruto who stood up resolutely for his sister.I didn't know that Hinata was moved, and his shy face turned red again, and he murmured: "Naruto-kun~!"

Naruto showed his strength, dozens of shadow avatars appeared, surrounded the water trees, and the surroundings looked like three layers inside and three layers outside.Unless Mizuki uses a bow and slingshot, it is not easy to think about breaking through such a barrier.

What's more, the current Mizuki is still fighting with the third squad. You must know this squad, but among the twelve strongest teams, the team that is best at physical skills.It was just the three of them that could fight against the water tree.Now it's Naruto's joining. It seems that this battle should be over soon, right?

But it's better not to underestimate Mizuki here. Although she is not sane now, her fighting instinct is still there.With great potential and various skills, it is not easy to capture her.

Shikamaru suggested to Naruto: "Mizuki's physical skills are excellent, relying on her defensive power, and swords and weapons are difficult to match her. But for illusion and ninjutsu, it is not necessarily strong. But here we are. No one knows illusion, only try ninjutsu."

Among the ten of them, those who know ninjutsu, strictly speaking, should be Naruto alone.The reason is also very good, Shikamaru, Ino, Dingci and other three people are all family secret arts, and then Shino of the Yumai clan, just can control and drive insects to fight.

I have seen the situation just now, Shikamaru's shadow imitation technique is not ideal, unless it is to use a killer move.As for Ino's heart turn, it is not a fighting ninja.Ding Ci's doubling technique actually used power to attack, which had little meaning to Water Tree.

Shino was injured now, and even if he wanted to join the battle again, his combat effectiveness would be limited.So if we talk about anyone who can still use ninjutsu attacks, Naruto should be left!As for Hinata and Ka, who were not mentioned, their attacks were also physical skills.

Here is the suggestion that Shikamaru put forward, Naruto has a little understanding: "Don't worry, leave it to me next!"

"Leave it to you, I am the most worried." Regarding Naruto's IQ, Shikamaru was much lazy to say, but only confirmed: "We will create opportunities for you-hey!"

Without too much nonsense, all of Naruto's body has rushed out.

When Ning Ci saw Naruto, he sighed helplessly, "When can this guy change? Don't you know, Mizuki isn't afraid of close combat?"

There are quite a few Naruto groups. If you change to another ninja, you might be surrounded by him.It's a pity that Mizuki is good at physical skills, especially Naruto who knows fighting skills and can only fight brutally, there is not a slight difference in fighting.

Facing a group of Naruto rushing up, Mizuki's eyes were all observed.Raising his fighting skills, Naruto who rushed up first was directly hit by her.More Naruto rushing from behind, the same is the smoke that was ignited one after another.

"Tsk, I knew it would be like this." Ning Ci hurriedly said to Li: "Naruto's fight like this has no effect. The two of us will go together!"

One is a soft boxing genius of the Hyuga clan, and the other is learning eight sects from Kaihuang.Their physical skills are much better than Naruto, especially the soft fist played by Ning Ci. If it is not in the current state of Mizuki and in a certain state, even if her body can resist the sword, it may not be able to defend the soft fist. The attack effect of the fist.

Ning Ci took a pose and shouted in a low voice: "Rouquan: Sixty-four palms of gossip!!"

Sixty-four palms, using sixty-four soft fists to seal the sixty-four acupoints. Basically, this kind of seal, without Naruto and Nine-tailed Chakra, is already very difficult to open.

This is the water tree in its current state, which can only be said to be an alternative.When she was attacked by Bagua Palm, she actually slapped a series of full-body palms relatively, the same is the palm, but the fight is a bit difficult to distinguish between a rigid and a soft duel.

However, there was a companion beside Ning Ci, and Li used a Konoha whirlwind to kick Mizuki's body.However, with the help of his own defense, of course, he was still braced.

It was reasonable to say that Shikamaru used shadow imitation, but it could be controlled.But unexpectedly, Naruto had already jumped on it, and multiple shadow clones pressed towards the water tree.

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