I traveled through the days in Naruto World

The Days I Traveled Through in Naruto World Chapter 149

The shouts came into Mizuki's ears and echoed in her mind.Especially when he was hit by the spiral pill, the intense pain stimulated the brain.

She seemed to have heard it, or felt the pain, and felt a little about the outside world—"Sister, stop it!"

This was obviously Hinata's voice. Mizuki could hear it clearly, and the voice was full of eagerness.I could hear that I was in a great crisis.

Facing the call from relatives, consciousness was suddenly awakened.However, Mizuki saw that he was actually about to hit Hina Tian and Naruto with his nirvana-Asura Bahuang Fist!!

"Not good!" It's a pity that the skill has been released, and it is impossible to take it back. There is no turning back arrow in the bow!

The only way is for Mizuki to forcibly control his fist and make a turning movement.After a three-hundred-sixty-degree turn, this fist hit him unexpectedly.

Everyone who saw the sudden situation was stupid.But Hinata reacted for the first time and called out: "Sister?"

The binocular scarlet of the water tree disappeared, replaced by a restored white.Hearing Hinata's call, she forced a smile: "Sister."

She just said what she said, and then another mouthful of blood came out.She forcibly retracted her fist just now, and hit her body, obviously it was impossible not to get hurt.

Seeing Mizuki vomiting blood, Hinata hurried forward and hugged his sister: "Are you okay, God, how come you vomit so much blood?"

"Asura Domineering Fist, you must kill!" Shui Shu vomited blood, and his state became weak: "In order to forcibly retract my fist, I can only move the target and hit myself. Unfortunately, even if the King Kong is not bad, it will block it. Don't stop!"

After speaking, it was another mouthful of blood. Mizuki felt his heart and almost stopped beating.After taking a few breaths, she barely regained her energy, but she clearly felt that her body could no longer hold on.I couldn't help laughing sorrowfully: "I didn't expect that the strongest spear, the strongest shield, and the result of the collision would be like this?"

The dispute between the spear and the shield has been around for a long time. Didn’t you expect to be verified by yourself?

"Mizuki, don't talk anymore." Naruto comforted: "We will send you back to Konoha for treatment immediately."

My injury, I knew it, was another strong cough, and blood came out every time.I don't know how long my body can last?

Of course Mizuki didn't want to die either, she started to use her skill: emergency treatment.

This is already doing her best. To know the release conditions of the Asura Bahuang Fist, she needs to consume all her Chakras. She can only hope to stabilize her injury and save her life.

Ning Ci watched with white eyes: "There is no obvious injury, but your punch hit your heart. It should hurt your heart."

Seeing his white eyes, Mizuki couldn't help frowning: "Do you often look at girls like this?"

Okay, this is just a joke. With her understanding of Ning Ci, he is disdainful of doing such sloppy things.Is it fun to just look at him in embarrassment?She couldn't help laughing, but her heart and lungs were disturbed, a burst of pain came, and the pain again made her vomit blood.

At this moment, Mizuki's eyes were black, and instead of her, her pupils Li, shining red light again.Then, without saying anything, he grabbed Hinata by the neck and picked it up.

"not good!"

"Damn it!"

Seeing this, everyone thought that the water tree was crazy again.Even his own sister, Hinata would hurt?

But before they could react, Mizuki's other hand grabbed the hand that was holding Hinata's neck, and seemed to be pulling hard.Between the teeth, a few words squeezed out: "Don't want to hurt, my sister!"

Forcibly breaking off his hand, Mizuki's eyes flashed continuously between red and white.At the same time, it can be seen that there are vine-like patterns appearing on her body.

Hinata fell, Ya hurriedly held on, while looking at Mizuki, with an extremely complex expression, he couldn't help but wonder: "What's wrong with her?"

As the Ino who entered the body of the water tree, she said helplessly: "I entered the body of the water tree just now and saw strange things exist. The water tree may be affected by something that will kill and attack us. Right?"

This sentence makes people nervous, because if you say that, is the water tree now fighting with some kind of power to control the body?

"Tsk--it's really troublesome!" Shikamaru gritted his teeth and thought, "Ino, can you turn around with your heart and enter Mizuki's body?"

Ino vetoed and shook his head: "The heart-turning technique can enter Mizuki's body, but this will replace her consciousness, and maybe it will have the opposite effect. So I can only look at Mizuki herself!"

In this case, do they have nothing to do?

Looking at the current Mizuki, he was fighting a spiritual struggle with a certain force, fighting for the control of the body.The pain is unimaginable, it seems that the brain is about to explode.

The field of vision is becoming blurred. This is not a natural phenomenon, because the water tree can detect that there is always red things appearing in its retina.

In order to ensure his consciousness, Mizuki bit his tongue fiercely, the pain must be painful.But she didn't even hope that after she was controlled, she would do something to hurt Hinata.

"Damn it, I am the master of my own body, you give me back!"

Mizuki roared, her heart and brain were constantly producing malicious and malicious thoughts. These damn negative effects were constantly eroding her brain.

When the headache was splitting, there seemed to be many scenes. Although she was very unwilling to watch it, she saw how "she" killed the Chief Ono, slaughtered the villagers of the entire village, and chased and killed the escaped.

It finally hurt her sanity, showing signs of collapse, and there seemed to be a voice in her head, saying: "Look, this is you!"

Looking at my own hands, everything is in my mind, and I took out the heart of the villager, and even the warm feeling is clearly vivid.

Facing these various shocks and feeling that she was about to lose control, Mizuki suddenly felt that someone was hugging her.When he looked back, he realized that it was his sister, but Hinata was hugging him!

Text 279. Possible verdict

"Hinata?" Mizuki looked at Hinata, a sister who is usually weak and introverted and shy at every turn.Unexpectedly, it was the person who encouraged her now!

Yes, Mizuki knew that he had killed a lot of people, and he was innocent villagers. It can be said that it was a serious crime.But none of this was done by her subjective will. On the contrary, if she was being controlled now, she would most likely hurt her dearest sister before her.

The eyes of the water tree appeared scarlet again, and the blood-red vine pattern crawled to the neck.My consciousness began to blur again, and he forcibly supported the last will and said, "This finger in my hand is the root of my will. There is no way to take it off now. However, swords cannot hurt me, only soft fists can restraint!"

Here she said to Ning Ci: "Seal my acupuncture points and restrain my chakras, so that I can break my defenses, and then use thousands of pens to do it!"

There are only two ways to crack "King Kong is not bad"!The first one requires the strength of offensive power, which is higher than the defensive ability of King Kong.The second is to destroy from the inside, because the King Kong is not bad and can only defend against physical attacks from the outside, but there are not many ways to do it inside.

Of course, what I'm talking about here is a physical attack, and only these two can be cracked.However, because King Kong is not bad, it can only defend against physical attacks and does not have much resistance to ninjutsu and illusion. Therefore, in theory, ninjutsu and illusion are also one of the means of cracking.

Ning Ci nodded when hearing Mizuki's words.While she was sober, she hit her body with a soft fist, sealing Chakra's flow.In this way, the King Kong is not bad, and every day he took out thousands of books as instructed and plunged into the acupuncture points, completely sealing the possibility of being washed away.

But this is not the end, because Water Tree's brain has been eroded very badly, and her eyes have been dyed red again.Even the consciousness was once again blurred, if it wasn't for Shikamaru's discovery, he used the shadow to control Mizuki's body, I am afraid that I really don't know if it will lose control.

"I have successfully sealed the acupuncture path, but the consciousness of the water tree, I am afraid that it will be controlled again." Ino, who is proficient in mysticism, is very unoptimistic about the current situation of the water tree: "I don't know that water tree can still persist. how long!"

Their abilities are definitely no way, to provide any help to the water tree, they must quickly return to Konoha.Fortunately, Konoha is not far away, and the speed of the ninja is enough for half a day!

Mizuki was sent to Konoha Hospital for immediate treatment.The group also returned to the Hokage Building and met with Hokage to report on the mission.

The main story is about two things. The first one is of course the entire village, where dozens of families were killed.This is certainly not a trivial matter, and it should be reported.

The second thing is to report on the situation of the water tree.Connecting to the first question, I believe that the culprit of the slaughter of the village is not the subjective will of the water tree, but is controlled by some force.

After Tsunade heard this, he was also lost in thought for a while: "I didn't expect it to be like this. If I knew it shouldn't be, let her act alone. I didn't expect it to be like this?"

I originally thought that the fingers worn by the water tree would have any negative effects on her body, and there would be nothing to think about.But don’t know that you will lose control?And do things to slaughter the village!

This is within the territory of the Fire Country, even if it is not Mizuki's subjective will to kill, but this is also what she did, no matter what, it is hard to blame.

I remember that before Mizuki is leaving, I hope to invite her to guide her practice.Unexpectedly, something happened, even if it is Hokage, it is not easy to save it.

What Mizuki has done is indeed a bit extinct, and everyone's psychology of course also knows that this matter may not end well.But Naruto here still stood up and said to Tsunade: "Mrs. Tsunade, Mizuki is controlled, how can she blame her for what she did? And her thing, isn't it okay that you said? "

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