I traveled through the days in Naruto World

The Day I Traveled Through the Naruto World Chapter 150

"Of course I know this, but the villagers in the entire village have been killed. Even Hokage needs to be handled carefully." Tsunade frowned and said, "From now on, I will send someone from Anbe to monitor the situation of Mizuki. Then I will I will also check."

Of course, Tsunade knew how much Naruto’s feelings for Mizuki was, so he comforted him: "Don’t worry, Mizuki didn’t do this deliberately. I can discuss with Daimyo of the Fire Country, and try not to give it. The punishment is too heavy."

Such an answer is certainly not satisfactory. Naruto still wants to fight for reasons, but Shikamaru stopped: "This matter is handed over to Hokage-sama. Mizuki killed many innocent villagers. This is an indisputable fact. Think. It's impossible to avoid punishment completely. Don't embarrass Master Hokage anymore."

Hearing Shikamaru's words like this, Naruto suppressed it, but he said to Tsunade, "Can I visit Mizuki?"

"No, it needs to be observed for a while, and I will not be allowed to visit until I think it is okay." Tsunade vetoed it very strongly, because she knew Naruto's character and always shouted for Sasuke, which was enough for her. Come on, now she doesn't want to add water tree: "This is the end of this matter, you go away!"

For this reason, Naruto and everyone had to leave together.

"Nenji, Hinata, you two will stay." Tsunade stopped the two and waited for the others to leave before saying to them, "You haven't told Nissu-sama about Mizuki?"

Neji and Hinata nodded. They had just returned, and they hadn't had time to say this.

When he got this answer, Tsunade said straightforwardly: "Wait a while, I will go to Hyuga's house and visit Nizu-sama. I will explain Mizuki to him personally, so when you go back first, don’t tell Nizu-sama. Something. Do you understand?"

Of course, they understood the meaning of this sentence very well, that is, just don't talk to the Japanese Footballer.But what is the purpose of this?

Hinata asked Tsunade-sama, "If you want to deal with your sister, what judgment might be?"

Tsunade glanced at Hinata and knew that Mizuki and Hinata had a good relationship, but she was really not sure about this matter.Can only come up with the most optimistic estimate: "Shuishu is not subjective murder, the death penalty is definitely not. But the whole village was slaughtered by her, such a vicious incident, I am afraid that the lowest will be sentenced to life imprisonment!"

This is the answer that should be conceivable, but when they heard such a result, they still couldn't help worrying about it.

Text 280. Will it be?

He was sent back to Konoha that day, whether it was to protect the water tree or to monitor it.She was carefully quarantined and arranged for someone with an anecdote to wait to avoid any possible accidents.

There is only Ms. Silent, who is trying to remove her fingers, and also doing various checks on Mizuki's body.Seeing the arrival of Tsunade-sama, I hurriedly greeted the report: "Tsuna-sama, the results of all instrument inspections, for the time being, there is no abnormality, but when I input the body of Mizuki into the chakra, I clearly noticed that there is The phenomenon of backlash."

There was also a paper inspection report, which Tsunade took over and looked at it for a while: "Yes, there is no abnormality in the body index data. It seems that the problem is with Chakra. Tell me more specific information?"

"Yes!" Mute said: "In order to heal the water tree's body, when I used medical treatment, I noticed that the chakra that entered the water tree was inexplicably weakened. Through the tracing of the flow of my chakra, I found that it was entering Go inside this finger. Unfortunately, I have tried many methods, but I can't remove it."

I could have used the method of amputation to remove this finger and then study it, but thinking that this is a water tree, it is definitely not possible to mute it.Therefore, the research on the fingers is effective, only by observing the water trees, and then getting a little data, but such progress is inevitably a bit slow.

Tsunade-sama nodded, and tried to enter the Chakra into Mizuki's body.From her precise Chakra mastery, she indeed found this unusual place.She couldn't help but frown: "Is there any judgment about the material of this finger? According to Shikamaru's report, the villagers' death method is all to take out the heart, the blood vessels are connected to the body, and then they are pinched and exploded to die. However, There was no trace of plasma explosion at the scene, which may be related to this thing."

I don't know if her movements are a bit big, awakening Mizuki who was in a coma.But you can see that her eyes are not pure white eyes, but a scarlet light, and there is no expression on her face.Judging by this, Mizuki's spirit is under control again.

Looking at Mizuki's eyes, there was no expression on his face.Tsunade couldn't help thinking of the girl who wanted to ask her for advice not long ago, but didn't expect how long it was?It turned out to be like this!

Psychologically, she sighed involuntarily. At this time, sister Silent asked Tsunade in a low voice: "The current Mizuki consciousness is very unstable, often in a state of occasional absence. I am afraid that if this continues, it may be mental Cause irreversible damage!"

"I understand this." Tsunade sighed secretly, looked at Mizuki's red eyes, and stared at her: "Mizuki, I don't know if you can still see and hear, but there is something here. I need to talk to her. Say it."

What Tsunade is about to talk about is of course the verdict on Mizuki.After all, no matter what the reason, the entire village was slaughtered by her.In any case, it is hard to shirk the blame, even if the capital crime can be avoided, it is hard to escape the living crime.The result of the judgment has not been announced yet, but I have already written to the daimyo of the country of fire, and the final will be issued after negotiation.

After listening to Tsunade-sama's remarks about his possible sentence, Mizuki didn't feel much emotional disturbance.But at the back Tsunade said, "I will discuss the seriousness of the matter with you personally. If possible, I will let him abandon you and your sister—"

Sister, is this Hinata?Mizuki's eyes flashed, and there were emotional fluctuations.There was water in her eyes and tears rolled down her cheeks.

Mizuki and Hinata were born together, and the blood relationship cannot be erased.And for the love of my sister, there is absolutely no falsehood.

Seeing the tears on Mizuki's face, Tsunade already understood.But she said: "You will do the wrong thing because there is a reason for it. I will explain it to your name. But you must be mentally prepared. The minimum punishment may be life imprisonment. If you want to keep yourself, you must Follow my arrangements, understand?"

The emotional fluctuations deepened, and Mizuki's eyes appeared normal for a while, but due to the current state, it was difficult for her to speak even if she wanted to.

However, Mizuki is very clever, using the secret codes that can be learned in school, and passing it through the blink of an eye: "Killing innocent villagers is not my intention. Village Chief Ono is a friend of my long-dead teacher, killing him It also makes me want to die. I am mentally prepared, and I will admit if I will betray the death penalty."

"Don't be so pessimistic. If you want to die, you would have died early." Tsunade read her blinking code and said to Mizuki: "Don't worry, I have already thought of a way. Although it may cost a little, it is not impossible. Of course you must be imprisoned for a period of time."

Of course, Tsunade here said another thing, and he also needs to make Mizuki make a psychological preparation: "I will go to see your father soon, because your affairs cannot affect the Dohuga clan, so I will Persuade him to expel you."

"You don’t need to be sad. Didn’t you say before that you want me to teach you the practice? If you say you will do it, I agree now. But you have to wait for the end of the matter, and you must also control yourself. At least you can control your own body."

For Tsunade, it's a mixed blessing, right?

Mizuki must also know that to leave the Hyuga clan is actually to protect himself.What's more, there should be no problem with Hinata and Huahuo in the family.

However, it was not his own execution that Mizuki was worried about, because Tsunade had promised to fight for her chance, so he would definitely do it.

What she worries about here is whether she can control it and control her body's initiative.She is still fighting now, hoping that her will will not sink.

The vine-like scarlet ornamentation has climbed up the neck again.Mizuki clearly felt the resistance to struggle, and his vision blurred again.

Tsunade looked at Mizuki's gaze, filled with red light again, knowing that her will had faded.But for the water tree, the extra vine-like ornamentation, what is vaguely noticed?Subconsciously guessed: "Could it be the fairy (state) mode?"

Because here she thinks of her grandfather, the existence known as the "God of Ninja World"!

Body 281. A possibility

The crimes committed by ninjas are generally handed over to the Ninja Village.It's just that what Mizuki did, but to kill the villagers in the country of fire, he always discussed with the daimyo of the country of fire.

Daming's answer came back soon, almost as expected.If it is a vicious subjective homicide, it must be inevitable to die.However, I saw Mizuki's condition at the time, coupled with his twelve or thirteen-year-old age, and Hokage's plea, etc., and saw Mizuki's name removed by the Hyuga clan.

So after thinking twice, the daimyo agreed to the sentence of imprisonment.But there are some additional requirements: First, it is necessary to build ancestral halls for the villagers killed by the water trees to comfort the dead.

Second, seeing the cause of this incident, Konoha needs to send someone to monitor Mizuki.Once such an incident occurs again, you must consider killing!To avoid causing the same more and greater damage.

Capital crimes are forgiven, but living crimes cannot escape.

Mizuki was imprisoned in Konoha's felon prison, the same prison where Mizuki was previously held.However, considering her current situation, she is being held alone, her limbs and body are also bound by iron chains, and there are ninjas from the Anbe to prevent her from running away again.Only medical ninjas can approach and are not allowed to be visited for the time being.

Sister Silence did a detailed physical examination for Mizuki again, but the result was quite different from the last time.However, the bad thing is that the erosion of the water tree's spiritual will seems to be starting to worsen?Because the number of times that the water tree is awake is becoming less and less, sometimes there is a tendency to run wild.

In order to prevent possible situations from happening, not only sent two more Anbe ninjas, but also arranged formations around the water tree to suppress the power of the water tree.But this is obviously not a long-term solution. If the water tree's consciousness is really fully occupied, these methods will be of no use.

The situation was not optimistic, so Tsunade-sama also came to visit: "How long can she stay in this situation?"

"Uncertain, one month to half a month, because the consciousness has been corroded very badly, just now I almost attacked the ninja who was healed, but fortunately it was blocked by the ninja in the dark." Silent was helpless: "Sooner or later Mizuki's consciousness will go down like this Disappear, but if so, how can you explain to Naruto?"

After Tsunade heard this, he frowned: "Fortunately, Naruto was sent out by me to do a task, but I couldn't watch it. Mizuki's consciousness disappeared like this. Is there any discovery from the research?"

Silent shook his head: "Not for the time being. The water tree has no physical impact, but Chakra has become more and more unstable. Through several studies on Chakra, it can only be determined that it is being swallowed."

Swallowing and assimilating chakras, this is not without in the ninja world, similar to the ninjutsu that absorbs and transforms chakras, these indeed exist.

But what makes Tsunade most concerned about is the vine patterns that crawl across the body of the water tree. These things look a lot like the state when grandfather used the fairy mode, but there are some differences in style.

In order to find the answer here, Tsunade has searched for many related documents.In particular, the ancient books I saw last time recorded things like gods and immortals. Does it really matter?

Tsunade bit her finger and made a mark on her hands with blood. With a bang, another mollusk came out of her hand: "Slug, you can help me check what's her condition."

Place the slug on the head of the water tree, and the slug releases the chakra.

Because of the slug's healing ability, Mizuki finally regained consciousness from the trapped state, but her condition was not good, and her whole body seemed to be out of strength, and she could only rely on chains to support her body.

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