I traveled through the days in Naruto World

The Days I Traveled Through in Naruto World Chapter 151

Fortunately, Ms. Silent hugged her, wiped her sweat carefully, and cared for her very much.Mizuki was quite moved: "Sister Silence."

"It's okay, you will be okay." Sister Mute said comfortingly: "Tsado-sama, call the slug to heal you, and you will be fine."

Careful comfort, let the water tree calm down.And all the time, it is really exhausting to fight for consciousness with the things in the body.

Fortunately, after not using it for too long, the slug found something unusual.Said to Tsunade: "In this child's body, Chakra is constantly being swallowed up. This is why her body is controlled. But the root may not only be this, but because of the confrontation."

Here you can use the gossip diagram as an example. Everyone knows that black and white represent yin and yang in the gossip diagram, but there is white in black and black in white. This means that there is me in you and your balance in me.

But now the Chakra of Water Tree, fighting this mysterious power, is completely in a state of confrontation, you are fighting for the control of the body.If this can solve the problem, it will really be a hell.

Hearing what the slug said, Tsunade lost his thoughts, and Mute said to the slug, "Master Slug, is there any way to treat the water tree?"

The slug replied: "There is no good way. Although I can enter Chakra to keep the situation from getting worse for the time being. But this is just a temporary solution, not the root cause. In the end, she still needs to look at herself."

Sickness slugs can cure many diseases, but unfortunately it cannot change the body itself.It all depends on Mizuki himself in the end?!

However, Tsunade here said to the slug again: "Her status is related to the'fairy'?"

"Fairy? Ah, Tsunade-sama, are you talking about the fairy model?" The slug looked at Tsunade and thought for a while before repliing, "Yes, the delicate balance of physical energy, spiritual energy, and natural energy will make the immortal. Mode. Conversely, any difference in any part will have unpredictable consequences."

If it looks like this, Tsunade's prediction is not wrong.The finger on Mizuki's hand seems to be some kind of prop that absorbs chakras, not only the chakras of the wearer, but the chakras of nature.

When I wear it, I don’t have any problems.But as time goes by, the problem of accumulating less and more is beginning to appear.Because of the balance requirements of the fairy model, if you fail to reach a balanced state, you will lose control and fall into a state of rampage.This is the reason why the water tree killed people.

But if this is the problem, it would be a bit troublesome.Because from the current state of the water tree, it is difficult to have the ability to start learning the control of the fairy model.And even if you want to learn, it would be difficult to succeed without a huge chakra.Even Tsunade can only enter a state similar to his grandfather after breaking the seal.

If there is anyone else who can help Water Tree in this respect, it should be that guy, right?

Body 282. Seal Control

Of course the person Tsunade said was Kira.Although this guy is not very serious, can his strength be confirmed?But now he is doing the task and he doesn't know where it is.

The current water tree has the help of slugs, which can stabilize the situation temporarily, but I don't know how long it can last.Tsunade thought for a while and decided to say, "Silent, ask the medical staff to prepare. I will try to use the sealing technique. If the chakra can be sealed, the situation of the water tree may be controlled!"

If it is caused by the swallowing of chakras, the situation worsens, it should be possible to control the chakras to achieve the healing effect.

This sounds like a solution, but the consequences of this are obvious. Mute said, "Tsado-sama, if you use the seal technique, Mizuki's chakra will also be restricted."

Can a ninja without chakra still be called a "ninja"?

But what Tsunade is thinking about now is: "If this goes on, Mizuki's consciousness will be taken over sooner or later. Do you want it to happen?"

When Silent met Mizuki for the first time, they liked this little girl. Although she was born in the Hyuga family, she never had a temperament.Easy-going and very personal. I heard that when I was young, I was also very naughty. I often fight with children of the same age, but mostly because of being bullied my sister.

It is also said that the former Naruto was cast aside by the incomprehensible Konoha villagers for a long time because of the identity of the Kuki Kumi.However, Mizuki didn't dislike it in the slightest, but always encouraged and helped him.

So to say that the will of the water tree will be lost, this is also something that Silent does not want to see.As long as the leader finds the members of the medical class, prepare what should be prepared.

Tsunade squeezed the mudra with both hands, and the light of Chakra appeared on his hands and hit Mizuki's body.By controlling the flow of chakras, you can see the vine-like ornamentation, which gradually begins to fade.Retreat all the way to the arm wearing the ring, it is difficult to fade away.

"This is the only way. The erosion is a bit fierce. The chakra that has swallowed has assimilated part of the body." The seal of the seal is completed, and this arm surrounds a circle of the seal, and finally is strengthening the ninjutsu: "The seal is complete, But it needs to be observed for a few days. At these times, the people in the dark part cannot relax. If there is no problem, it should be a success."

Judging from the results of the seal, it was considered a very successful one.It just takes time to prove the true effect.

In a few days, because Mr. Tsunade was on official business, he took the time to see it once, and the rest was silent.Of course, I also check the effectiveness of the seal technique every day: "It looks good, the seal technique restrains Chakra, how do you feel?"

In the past few days, the erosion phenomenon of Chakra disappeared, finally allowing the water tree to take a breath and recover somewhat.It's just still a bit weak: "No problem, just too tired."

"Well, that's fine!" Make sure that there is nothing wrong with the water tree, and the silence is relieved.Said: "Mizuki, wait for your body to recover, I hope you can perform well here, Hokage-sama will not really shut you down forever."

Speaking of the verdict on Mizuki, this is almost the same as imagined. Although the result is not life imprisonment, the sentence is also 20 years.The slaughter of so many villagers was only 20 years in prison, so the punishment should be considered very light.

In fact, Mizuki himself was mentally prepared, because the evil he had done was too deep.Maybe even life imprisonment may not be an exaggeration, right?

Of course, people are selfish, and she would definitely not want to imprison the water tree for 20 years.As long as she is willing, it is not a problem to find a chance to escape. After all, the instant ability of the bow body and the shadow is not comparable to Fei Lei Shen.

Anyway, as the aunt of the next seven generations of Hokage, even if she is a traitor, it won't be difficult to cleanse her.It's just that if I came this way, it would be too disappointing for Tsunade-sama.

Mizuki nodded and understood: "I will behave well and strive for the approval of Tsunade-sama. She said that she will teach me, so I will be obedient."

With an affirmative answer, this makes Mute very pleased: "Now that your threat has been lifted, I will order Anbu to leave and let the prison ninja take over. Do you have anything to explain? I will help if I can."

Of course there are things!

Mizuki said, "Please go to Hyuga's house, find Hyuga Hanako, and tell her my secret base. She knows it is there and asks her to help her take care of it often."

"Your secret base?" Mute heard a bit of interest: "Can I know this secret base?"

The secret stronghold that was originally established as his own team should not be known to outsiders.But now it’s a special situation. Asking someone for help can’t hide it, right?Therefore, Mizuki here told Mute the details about the appointment with the team members to build a secret base.

Knowing that the secret base was established, the original intention was a dream, which inevitably made people very yearning.It’s just that the water tree here also kindly reminded: "If you want to go to my secret base, you have to be careful about the mechanisms and traps. Although they are not deadly mechanisms, they will be very troublesome after being recruited."

These words didn't silence them, they were completely at heart.Only after chatting for a while, I made sure that there was nothing wrong with the water tree, and then repeatedly said: "I will definitely come to see you when I have time."

In this way, the ninja guards who came to the prison were invited to briefly explain Mizuki's situation, and then Silent left with the people from Anbe.

Since the last escape incident, the prison has strengthened its security forces, as well as a special Shangren.It is said that he was once a member of Anbe and was transferred here as the warden not long ago.

When Mizuki saw the warden, he looked like he was in his thirties, his face was just and meticulous, and he felt like a firm and reliable person.

Because of special explanations, the warden’s attitude towards Mizuki was pretty good, but he still said lukewarm: "Naruto-sama and Tsunade-sama, both specifically told you to take care of you. But anyway, I As the warden of this prison, the responsibility is to manage the prison well. So you have to obey my orders, do you understand?!"

This guy seems to be an upright person, and it's useless to find a relationship.But fortunately, it is very easy to deal with such a person. As long as you don't make trouble, naturally there will be no problem.

Text 283. In Prison

Konoha’s prisons are all heavy prisoners. Actually, I mentioned before that any robbery and murder, or leaking secrets, or defecting ninjas, etc., will be kept here if they are caught.

The same is because of the crime of murder, of course Mizuki is no exception.It's just that there are very few prisoners of her age, and the second one is hardly visible, and she is a girl again.So there is no need to do heavy physical work in the open air with male criminals.

Mizuki's job was arranged in the kitchen, and the task was to prepare the entire prison every day, including three meals a day for all prisoners.You must know that Mizuki from a long time ago, as the eldest lady of the Hyuga clan, that day is not when she wakes up, she has a beautiful breakfast on the table.

Now it's done, and I have to get up early in the morning, prepare ingredients and make breakfast for hundreds of people, and then serve meals to the prisoners in line.After the prisoners had finished their meal, they had to clean up the dishes of hundreds of people, and each of them had to be cleaned.Next is to prepare lunch for hundreds of people, and dinner is also needed in the afternoon.

Every day is the same, constantly preparing and making food.Such a damn life is really torturing.Today, I was cooking curry again. Mizuki was stirring and annoyed at the same time: "It's a shame to change from a ninja to a cook. When will this damn prison life end?"

If that's the case, forget it, as long as you endure a bit of hardship, you can always get through it slowly.But it's a pity that this kind of thinking is really wonderful.

First of all, in this prison, the ratio of men to women is very imbalanced, in a closed environment like the prison.Of course, prisoners will become dead houses over time, but what are the characteristics of dead houses? Needless to say, right?

Seeing a little girl who was only twelve or thirteen years old, even if it couldn't be said to have evil thoughts, at least the evil heart must have been there.What's more, how many prisoners can be good people?

Once the water tree was serving food to prisoners, I encountered several people deliberately looking for faults, saying under the guise: "The food is too little", "The food is not enough", etc., and they kept looking for water. Tree trouble.

Originally, this was fine. If there is too little food, I will add some more. If there is too little food, I will add more. This is not a problem.But these few people, stubbornly reluctant to leave, they kept coming together.

Someone who was even more disgusting, actually ran to the water tree, sniffing the smell greedily, and pretending to say: "The tender young meat is so fragrant."

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