I traveled through the days in Naruto World

The Days I Passed in Naruto World Chapter 162

How should they feed the manpower under their hands?Relying on the collected protection fees is obviously not a feasible solution, at least it cannot be done for a long time.

Considering the current state, there is no way to bring in the country of fire. As the nearest country of water, it becomes the best choice.And for the future five generations of Shuiying, Terumi Ming who implements the policy of peace and openness, Mizuki has reason to believe that there will be no problems.

Of course, just in case, before going to the Land of Water, the water tree should first explain its own mission: "If our power wants to grow, we must have sufficient manpower. The reputation of the island of villains. Naturally, many people are attracted from the mainland, but they need to be carefully screened. It is absolutely not possible to blindly replenish the numbers in order to expand their strength."

This water tree is considering that it might ruin his plan as a result of being afraid of refills.After all, Water Tree is a country that knows water, and it will soon follow a peaceful and open development path.

The island of the villain is too close to the country of water. If you can't adapt to the changes in this trend, imagine the country of water at that time, will it tolerate the existence of a force that opposes you?

Mizuki has a long-term perspective, so he knows that the protection fee must be changed, and the income from the protection fee will definitely be abolished in the end.Only through legal means of making money can we ensure long-term stability.

If you believe these thoughts, Ji Jiu should also be clear: "Don't worry, I will urge my staff to do a good job of screening and screening, and there will be no rush to fill the number."

Hearing Yuuki's assurance, Mizuki felt relieved.After all, he is the boss of the Bodhidharma for decades, and his ability is certainly worthy of recognition.

But the water tree here, after thinking about it, said one more thing: "Is there a clue to the tea cup?"

In order to complete her task of searching for tea cups, Mizuki has taken great pains to know that this is something she can give to Da Ming. Only when Da Ming is happy can he have a chance to grant her forgiveness.

So not only ordered a large number of subordinates to be sent around to inquire about the relevant information of the tea cup, but also issued a reward on the black market, but the news has not been received.It is really a bit suspicious, is it true that the previous information about Chazhan on the villain's island is true?

If we said that we went to the country of water, this is for the future development of the Bodhidharma, but it can be regarded as let Ji Jiu understand.But if you want to talk about tea cups, what is this for?Don't understand: "What do you need to find a broken tea bowl? Isn't it better to stay here to rule the king than to return to Konoha as a ninja?"

Ji Jiu has been living in this place for decades. Obviously he has adapted to life here, so he has no plans to go back.But the water tree here is different. There is a lovely sister in the family, and there is also his own companion, even Naruto.My home and memories are in Konoha, how can I say that I can put it down?

For this reason Mizuki once explained: "I have a doting sister, and I have a companion who grew up together. These are my memories. If people have no memories, what is the difference with the walking dead?"

This is not a big truth, because this is her experience, right?You must know that she comes from the three-dimensional, but now she is in this world.There must be a memory of the three-dimensional, and a farewell that cannot be parted in my heart, right?

A girl who seems to be more than ten years old can actually say such things.This elder Ji Jiu was quite surprised: "How old you are, you already have this kind of experience in life."

Well, this is not the point, the task is the point.

Because of the mistakes Mizuki made earlier, he can only be pardoned if he gets the decree from the daimyo.However, in order to make the daimyo happy, the best way is to complete this task.

But the difficulty of this task is really not ordinary.After all, this is a tea cup that was lost in the Warring States Period. No one in modern times has seen it before, and basically doesn't even know what kind of it.And everyone doesn't have the ability to appreciate antiques, even if they really get them in their hands, it will be difficult to distinguish the true from the false, right?

Mizuki thought about it here, and decided to write a letter back to inform him of his current situation. At the same time, he hoped that experts from the country of fire would come to support him in order to identify his mission items.Thinking of the arrival of appraisal experts, it may take some time, and the dispatched subordinates and the tasks released on the black market should all take time to complete.

So if you think about it this way, you should consider whether you want to use your time.If Bodhidharma grows up, it will be good for Mizuki himself, not to mention that in the near future, during the Fourth Ninja World War, might he be able to help a little?

Body 303. Water Country

All the things that need to be explained are ordered:

1 Waiting for the big and small gangs on the villain to be subdued and cleaned up. It is necessary to try to stabilize the hearts of the people and maintain the dominance of Bodhidharma.This is the core and fundamental!

2 The villain's island is a name, which helps attract some desperadoes from the mainland, most of whom will have some skills.It is best to be able to absorb all of them, but considering the future development strategy, we must be careful to identify those who are available, not those who only fight and kill.

3 In order to prepare for future development, it is now necessary to conduct a detailed review of all the existing assets of the Bodhidharma family.For example, as small as the money and food on hand, as large as the real estate and land, they must be checked again.

Finally, as a personal personal question, Mizuki re-explained about his mission: "If you get the news of the Warring States Tea Cup, it is best to notify me as soon as possible. Don't deal with it without authorization until the authenticity is confirmed."

All the questions are explained carefully, because it is about their own future. If the Bodhidharma clan develops well, they may be able to help themselves in the future.The last task to remind was whether she could get the opportunity to return to Konoha, naturally she didn't want to have any problems.

Ji Jiu nodded clearly and said: "Don't worry, I will check it personally to ensure that there will be no problems. It's just that you are going to the Water Country. Is this trip safe?"

The Water Country is one of the five major countries, and among the five major countries, it is the only country that is isolated and dark and closed overseas.Even if I heard that there are calls for peace and openness within the Water Country, this is only based on the interests of the Water Country itself.

Mizuki is just an outsider, and he is a ninja originally from Konoha and a member of their Hyuga clan.Instinctively stroked his lost eyes, which had to make him a little worried.

Hearing his worries, does this matter to her?Mizuki felt a little ridiculous, but he also thought it was very good, at least to prove that he did not pose any threat to himself.So after thinking about it, he said: "You give me the position of boss, nothing more than expecting that I will not let you down and carry forward the Bodhidharma clan that you built by yourself."

"But you are also a sensible person. Konoha must not be able to reach out on this villainous island where we are. The biggest country around us is the country of water. If we don’t establish a friendly relationship with the country of water. Become hostile, what do you think we have the ability to fight against a big country?"

If it is not limited by circumstances, Mizuki would certainly prefer to contact Konoha.But since Konoha collapsed, many excellent Konoha ninjas died in battle, and their vitality suffered a great loss.The relationship with the neighboring countries has finally eased up, how can it cause the unpleasantness of the country of water for the evil island that is beyond its reach?

Of course, Mizuki would definitely be an idiot, and she would definitely not go stupid if she went to die.The person she was looking for in the Land of Water was Terumi Mei, the fifth generation of Water Shadow in the future.This is a very peaceful person, and the impression comes from that during the Five Shadows Conference, she expressed remorse for the mistakes of her predecessor Shui Ying.

Of course, in order for Ji Jiu to be at ease, Mizuki also said comfortingly: "I will bring the Wind God Thunder God, you should know the strength of the two of them? And even if I can't fight, who can catch it if I want to escape? "

After taking this reassurance pill, Ji Jiu finally nodded in peace.

Feng Shen Lei Shen's strength is not good, but his strength is beyond doubt, definitely better than the two general Shang Ren.The other is that Mizuki's own ability is not lost to the "golden flash" instantaneous technique of the year. It shouldn't be a problem to have such a means to save his life.

Thinking of this, Ji Jiu is not entangled: "Well, you have already said that, I will send someone to send you to the Water Country, but everything is better to be careful!"

The island of the villain is close to the country of water, and you can go to a small boat.

The Water Country is one of the five big countries and the only big country that hangs alone overseas. The current position is under the execution of four generations of water shadows. The country is known for its isolation and darkness. The famous Ninja Ninja Seven was born in this country. .

At first, according to the ocean country in the impression, it should be a scene of blue water and blue sky.However, waiting for the water trees to come to this country of water, only the fog was filled, and they could not see each other if they walked a little further.

"No wonder, this should be the origin of the so-called'Mist Hidden', right?"

That's why there will be four generations of water shadows, and the water country under the rule is also known as the blood mist!

But that's what I said, but judging from the current timeline, the water country is still ruled by four generations of water shadows. At this time Terumi is just a ninja from the water country.

Think about Terumi Mei, who is the fifth generation of water shadow in the future, this is the only double-blooded ninja in the entire ninja world.Presumably this alone would not be comparable to the general upper ninja, at least at the same level as the elite upper ninja like Kakashi.And it will definitely be stronger, because the ninjutsu of blood inheritance, but there is no way to be copied by Shalanyan.

Because the current water country is still under the rule of four generations of water shadows, the hidden mist village is dark and closed, and it is almost impossible for outsiders to enter the hidden mist village of the water country.

Mizuki wouldn't venture into it, but asked someone to find a relationship to contact Terumi Mei.I hope to discuss with each other outside of Wuyin Village.In order to prevent Terumi from becoming suspicious, thinking it was a scam, he also added his token and a password for contact.

This is how I finally met. In order to express his sincerity, Mizuki briefly introduced himself: "My name: Mizuki Hyuga, as you know, now I am the island of the villain, the boss of the Bodhidharma. Come here. The goal is to reach a cooperative relationship with the Water Country!"

The first time Terumi Ming saw Mizuki, she was just a kid.But because I had known it before, I knew that the little girl in front of me had the strength to kill Shangren.Want to know how old she is now?!I thought so in my heart, but he said: "Find me to reach a cooperation? If you don't find Lord Shuiying and the country's name, why are you looking for me?"

The Mizuki here first bought a pass, with a smile on his face.She rolled her eyes and glanced around. Regardless of the current scene, only Mizuki and Terumi Mei met alone, but there was a mystery hidden in her eyes.

Mizuki said, "In the blinding eyes, there is no dark corner. You ask your people to come out, and I ask my people to come out. How about we first meet frankly?"

Text 304. Meet and discuss

Because it's the first time to meet each other, if you don't have any scruples, this is not a well-trained ninja.

Mizuki's proposal was approved, and the ambushes of both sides appeared at the same time, the wind god Thunder God and the opponent Ao and Chojuro.As expected, the two guys who will serve as the guards of Terumi Ming have already been under her for a long time.

But this is also reasonable. How could the person who is the guard around him not be the one he trusts most?There is absolutely no one who will worry about him, let him come!

Qing is a typical forty-something uncle. He looks quite capable. One eye is blindfolded, which makes people think he is blind.But in fact, the eyes inside are just the spoils he has captured-white eyes!

Chojuro is the shy image of the big brother next door, now he is three years older than Mizuki, and his weapon is a flounder among seven knives.If you remember that there is no mistake, he is the only one built in the Seven Ninja Swordsmen, and the sixth generation of water shadow will be the post-generation.

Mizuki looked at the two guards around Terumi Ming, who also saw Terumi Ming, the two brothers Fengshen and Thor.She seems to have seen something: "They are Fengshen and Thor? I have heard of them. They killed their companions for food. Remember that it was your fifth-generation Hokage that appeared before they were both. A uniform, right?"

Terumi Mei looked at Mizuki interestingly: "The two of them are not people who rely on control. You can call them two as your own guards. It looks like I underestimate you?!"

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