I traveled through the days in Naruto World

The Day I Traveled Through the Naruto World Chapter 163

To conquer these two idiots, it really took a lot of effort, if it weren't for the nirvana - Asura Bahuang Fist.It may not be their opponent!

"Don't praise me. If it weren't for me to feed them, it would be impossible to control them." Mizuki shrugged helplessly, and then consciously put his eyes on Qing's body: "This uncle There seems to be something wrong with your eyes?"

Needless to say, Qing's eye is white, and he is looking at her now.

Mizuki himself is a person with white eyes, and of course he knows white eyes best.Knowing that this person has been observing himself with white eyes from the beginning. It is not so much surveillance as he is observing his strange behavior?

But this kind of feeling is not good. Mizuki used her own bow to appear next to Qing and said softly to him: "Uncle blame, don't roll your eyes. Looking at the girl is very embarrassing! "

Before he could react, Mizuki's figure returned to the original place again.

This happened almost instantaneously, but Terumi Mei and Chojuro could see clearly, and obviously they had to have an admiration for Mizuki's ability.

"Can she detect the white eyes?" Terumi Mei was the first to think, but looking at Mizuki's eyes, she should also understand that she is also from the Hyuga clan.It seems that the perceptive power of Baiyan is stronger than imagined!So he said: "Don't waste time here, tell me what you are here!"

Well, if that's the case, let's say it straightforwardly.

Mizuki said: “Now the villain’s island has been gradually ruled by my Dharma clan. It is seen that our villain’s island is very close to the water country, so I hope that we can reach a friendly relationship. We can agree to merge into the water country, but it requires Gain autonomy and serve as a bridge between the water country and the outside world."

The goal that the water tree here wants to achieve is very clear, which is to make the water country become the backer of the villain's island.Because she knows very well that in less than a year or two, Terumi Ming will become the fifth generation of water shadows, on the path of peace and openness.If you can get in touch with her in advance, the next thing will be twice the result with half the effort!

Of course, the more important thing is the villain's island, which is not enough to fight against the water country. After all, the power of an island to compete with a big country is absolutely wishful thinking.Since fighting is definitely not possible, the only way is through peaceful means, and Mizuki believes that his conditions are in line with Terumi Ming's ideas.

First, the island of the villain belongs to the water country and recognizes the rule of the water country, but retains its autonomy.Second, as the open port of the water country, the villain’s island can communicate with the outside world, facilitating the opening of the closed water country.Third, as the boss of the Bodhidharma clan, Mizuki specifically chose to find Terumi Ming, which is already a surrender to her.

The above three points are very clear, at least for the water country, there is no loss, and an island can be obtained for nothing, without the need to send people to manage it, and opening to the outside world can increase income, which is a hundred for the water country. Profit without harm.why not?

But Terumi Mei is not stupid. She can analyze the third point, that is, Mizuki doesn't look for a daimyo, or the fourth generation of Shuiying, is he actually looking for her?Even though he didn't know what the conspiracy was, Terumi Ming said vigilantly: "You should go to Shuiying-sama for these things, right? Why are you looking for me!"

Mizuki knew her worries, guessed that she would ask, and immediately replied: "The Land of Water is already lonely overseas, but it still has to close the country. Isn't this caused by Master Shuiying's policy? You let me go. Is it possible to talk to a closed person about the policy of opening up? As for the name of your water country, is it not affected by your water shadows, I can just go and talk about it as an outsider?

At the same time, there is also the trust of Miming: "Before I thought about finding a backer, I thought about looking for Konoha for help. But I know that this place is close to the country of water, so only the country of water can help. People around me told me , The Water Country is not only a completely closed country, at least there are people who want to contact the world. That’s why I’m here!"

Trust needs to be established. The reason why Mizuki dares to come here is of course the trust of Miming.If this were not the case, she might not even come.

Of course, there is also a gambling element here. After all, the four generations of water shadows are still there, and the water country is still under the closed and dark rule.Whether her goal can be achieved, in the end, she still needs to wait for the result.

Mizuki didn't know what Terumi Ming thought, but the words have already been said here, and he still needs to wait for a reply.But just as Terumi was thinking, some kind of strange feeling flashed in his mind.

At the same time, Terumi Ming’s guard, Qing, has also sensed: "No, this feels like the dark part of the water shadow!"

Apart from anything else, Mizuki's figure disappeared in an instant, and he punched the person in Anbu.Captured and controlled, but discovered by Anbu, was equal to the meeting between the two sides, and was considered exposed.

Body 305. Reach the goal

Mizuki's punch hit the Anbe man, but this has already been discovered: "This is the end of our meeting!"

Seeing this, everyone knows it, and it seems that Shui Ying is deliberately monitoring, don't look like it is controlled.However, it is certain that Shui Ying has received the news. With his dark and closed personality that is opposed to openness, if he learns the news, he will do his best to stop it.

Terumi Ming here understands the four generations of Shui Ying very well. Although he does not know what methods he will use, he will certainly not allow such things to happen.So I said very clearly: "Well, this time we meet, let's stop here for the time being! I will help you convey your question to Lord Shuiying, and I hope I can contact you later."

It seemed that what he had said earlier was still being heard by Terumi Mei, which also made Mizuki feel relieved.However, Mizuki considered it for a while and decided to finally elaborate on what he meant: "I came here to find you, not your water shadow, because I don’t trust him. The villain’s island will soon be ruled by me, and it won’t be the same as before. Chaos and disorder. The Water Country is one of the five big countries, but it has been closed for too long. If you don't want to fall behind the other four countries because of this, our Villain Island can be used as a window into the Water Country!"

After that, Mizuki made a polite understanding to Terumi Mei, then waved his hand and the Fengshen Thundermon disappeared in place.

Looking at the place where the water tree disappeared, Qing next to Terumi Ming said subconsciously: "This little girl is very unusual, she can find us at her age. If it's not the case, she can knock down Anbu. People, strength must not be underestimated. If she is our enemy—"

Qing's meaning is very clear. Since the other party has the ability to threaten him, he must consider how to prevent it.However, the way to avoid future troubles, of course, is to get rid of them soon!

However, Terumi Ming here naturally has his own decision: "You are right. This girl named Mizuki has a very deep city. It is not like a teenage girl at all, but more like a dozen years old. An adult of China. But what she said is not wrong. The country of water has been closed for too long, and in the long run it will inevitably lag behind the other four countries. Our country of water must move towards an open road."

Terumi Mei had her own considerations. Of course, it was not difficult for her to see that Mizuki was already in her mid-teens and already had good strength.The word "genius" can't be said!If it is an enemy in the future, it will be very troublesome, especially seeing her extremely strong instantaneous body.

But judging from the current situation, the opponent is not here to fight, but chooses to come to form an alliance.What's more, Shui Shu's words can be regarded as entering her heart, the water country has been closed for too long!

Similarly, after Mizuki left, she couldn't help gasping for breath, because of course she could also think that the relationship between herself and the other party was completely in an alliance and cooperation relationship.However, this relationship is not reliable. If the other party thinks he is a threat, maybe he will not kill him?

She is willing to believe that Terumi Ming will not do this, but there is a saying that goes well: "You must not have the heart to harm others, and you must not have the heart of defense!"

Fortunately, it was discovered that Terumi Ming and others had not chased him, and Mizuki understood that he was worrying too much.However, thinking of the dark part of Shui Ying, this secret plan has already been discovered, and sooner or later this fuse will detonate.

Originally, when he returned to the place where he was staying, Mizuki considered whether to wait for a longer period of time, guessing that if Terumi agreed, she would come to see her in all likelihood.But this plan could not keep up with the changes. Within two days, someone from Villain's Island came to look for it, saying: "There is news of the Warring States Tea Cup."

The task of looking for tea cups, I didn't find it for a long time, I thought it would be a long time.Unexpectedly, there will be news so soon?

Mizuki asked the person who passed the information and asked the source of the information and whether it was reliable.All I got was: "The news came from the black market. Someone got a tea cup from the Warring States Period and it has been sent to the villain's island. So Master Ji Jiu gave a special notice!"

Money can make ghosts grind, as long as they can afford to buy someone else's life, let alone a tea cup.This is also the black market. You know that after a while, even two ninjas were assassinated!

Hearing that Ji Jiu ordered someone to inform, it should be no problem.I just don't know if the thing I sent is true or false, so I ordered people to come to the water tree.

Of course, in this matter, the water tree will not distinguish between true and false, so we still need to ask whether the appraiser has come?But the news is that it will take a day or two, but as long as they return to the island of evil, it should be almost the same.

That’s good. The things we have to talk to about the Land of Water have already been said. As for the final result, it depends on how the Land of Water handles it.

However, the water tree can predict that the future of the water country is in the hands of Terumi Ming. The fifth generation of water shadow in the future will inevitably lead the water country on the road of peace and openness.She is still full of confidence at this point!

Therefore, if the guess is correct, the purpose of my visit this time can be regarded as achieved, at least the villain island can be regarded as the line of the fifth generation of water shadow in the future.In this way, waiting for Terumi Ming in the future and then Shui Ying, this line is even settled.

Back to the villain island, I saw Ji Jiu asking about the situation.

Ji Jiu first briefly reported on Bodhidharma's affairs: "We have basically subdued all the gangs on the island, and all those who obey have been incorporated, and those who are not satisfied have been thrown into the sea to feed fish. Regarding absorbing the exiled population, I I have deliberately reviewed that some of the people who can have a good skill have been assigned a job to do it. As for the people who can only fight and make trouble, they are ordered to go down and get rid of it."

The Bodhidharma clan is a force that Shuishu wants to support himself, hoping to reach out to the world and reach the best of various countries.Although it may not be able to compete with the five major powers, it is the most hidden strength, and it can be used for oneself.

After hearing this, Mizuki was very satisfied: "Master Ji Jiu is really reliable in doing things, but we still need to be cautious. We must always urge the people below. We will have to do big things in the future. We can't tell the previous gangsters and we will lose. Can't afford it!"

The third-rate land ruffians live by collecting protection fees.The second-rate gangsters are doing illegal business.But a truly first-class underworld, want to do business all over the world?Only use legitimate business!

By the way, I also mentioned the Bodhidharma family. The statistics of the materials have roughly figured out the real estate and manpower, but the accounting is too complicated, so it is not yet available.

Finally, I was asking about the Warring States Tea Cup: "Where is the person? Take me to see you!"

Text 306. Transaction and task completion

Somewhat unexpectedly, the person who accepted the reward on the black market was not someone who was said to be two people in black clothes and red clouds. This iconic decoration made Mizuki recognize at a glance: "Ah?"

Those who came were also very surprised. They didn't expect anyone to recognize them.But there is something more peculiar. Mizuki even knows their names: "Fei Duan" and "Jiaodu"

These two are called by the good people: the zombie duo, because of their immortal ability, they killed the guardian of the twelve warriors and the Sarutobi Asma.

"Hey, how did you think that my name is even known to the people here?" This ignorant voice, no, it should be a shameless voice, it is undoubtedly Fei Duan.He laughed and said, "Little girl, see you and me, do you want to join the Cthulhu?"

"The Cthulhu?" Mizuki knew that this guy had a strange belief, but he had no interest in it: "Sorry, no interest."

The blatant refusal to preach, made Fei Duan obviously angry: "Damn stinky girl, see if I don't sacrifice you!"

When he said this, he had already taken out a weapon: the bloody March sickle.

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