I traveled through the days in Naruto World

The Days I Traveled Through in Naruto World Chapter 167

"Huh, little girl." Danzo's mouth curled slightly, but it faded in the next second: "I've heard about you, the eldest lady of the Hyuga family, the school is very good, not inferior to the little ghosts of Uchiha's family. . When Konoha collapsed, a single person killed two Shinnins, and later in the missions, he was recaptured. None of the Seven Shinnins was your opponent. I heard that you also murdered and slaughtered the village and were sentenced to enter. I went to the prison, but instead of suffering, he managed the prison in an orderly manner. Then Tsunade was sent to the villain's island for a mission, and it didn't take long before the villain's island was ruled."

It seems that the person who has been rooted in his past has been investigated very clearly.If you say this, you should not guess wrong.

Mizuki gritted his teeth secretly: "Master Danzo, did you investigate me very carefully?"

The root tissue hides the dark part of Konoha, like the root of a big tree, which is very suitable for Tuan Zang's dark personality.Although he knew that he would not harm Konoha's interests, he really couldn't be recognized for his way of doing things.

If I remember it correctly, Sansho Yu Hanzo forced Yahiko to die, and Akatsuki, who was supposed to be on the path of peace, eventually fell into Uchiha's hands and became a pawn for the terrorist plan.There is also the tragedy of the Uchiha clan, which also forced Uchiha Itachi to almost wipe out the Uchiha clan.

Although he knew that Danzo's starting point was also for Konoha's benefit, the methods and processes were too bloody and terrifying.In the end, it was used by even worse people. This is considered to be a stain that cannot be washed away at the time of death.

At this moment, Danzo said to Mizuki with a cold expression: "Your information is not difficult to obtain, but when it comes to these information, I am more interested in your own person. I can ignore the attack of the blade weapon and possess the power of Thunder God. Instantaneous, if Da She Wan is here, he will be very interested!"

Saying that I don't care about Mizuki's face here, he stretched out a hand and continued: "I ask you to join the root."

MD, this guy really has crooked thoughts, and he has smelled conspiracy since just now.

"What if I refuse?" Mizuki responded coldly: "I am Konoha's ninja, and the only person who can order me is Hokage-sama!"

Seeing yourself throwing an olive branch kindly, and finally hitting a closed door?Danzo slowly retracted his hand, his voice exuding chills and replied: "Root, there is only obedience and death, what is your choice?"

Danzo hit the ground fiercely with the cane in his hand, and more than a dozen figures appeared from all around the house. These people's movements were clean and neat. Judging from their decorations, they were all rooted ninjas!

Seeing this situation, Mizuki's heart sank. Facing these well-trained ninjas, let alone her current state, she was not restricted by the sealing technique before, and may not be able to beat these root ninjas. .Not to mention the current situation!

Taking a look at each side, Shui Shu coldly snorted, and gave an order to the Fengshen Thor next to him: "Fengshen Thor, you two compete to see who can fight more and who has an egg for dinner today!"

As their right and left guardian, Fengshen Thor's combat power should not be underestimated, as long as they are tempted by food, they can do everything.

After receiving Mizuki's order, knowing that he could add an egg tonight, the two of them made angry expressions at the same time, like ninjas rushing to the roots like playing sumo.

Of course, the root ninjas are elite, equivalent to Hokage's direct Anbu, and everyone is well-trained.Fengshen Thunder God is very powerful, but he can only fight with brute force, and he doesn't use his brain to fight.

Rushing arbitrarily, the ninja at the root swiftly jumped away, and at the same time, he took out the chain in a tacit understanding, and entangled the Fengshen and Thor very quickly, and then several people pulled the chain as a group, and tightened and bound the two. .

Danzo didn't care about this episode, but said coldly to Mizuki: "Fengshen and Thor are a trouble, but I am willing to let them in, why didn't I think about it?"

Seeing this guy indifferently, Mizuki understood that the other party was prepared, and he had anticipated that the wind god and thunder god would definitely walk with him.Obviously, these two idiots cannot be exposed to the whereabouts of the water tree, so arrangements have already been made.

Fengshen and Thor, who don't know how to fight with their brains, are of course very easy to be subdued.

Now only Mizuki was left here, Danzo looked at her coldly, and finally said, "Do you still want to resist?"

Body 312.

The journey of the Bird Kingdom is very long, but fortunately, the task of removing spirits was successfully completed in the end.

Naruto, who finally returned to Konoha Village, walked happily on the street, muttering to himself with a smirk: "It's so happy to complete the task and eat a bowl of ramen!"

Naruto’s love for ramen will never forget wherever he goes. As long as he eats a delicious ramen, all his fatigue will be swept away and rejuvenated.

Of course, the reason why he loves ramen so much is that he was taken care of by the owner of Yile Ramen when he was a child, and secondly, he had a special emotion in it?

When I first came to the Yile Ramen restaurant, I was about to order some ramen. When I saw the owner of Yile Ramen, I looked a little unhappy.So I asked what happened: "Stop hitting uncle, what's wrong with you? See how unhappy you are."

Shoudai is the owner of Yile Ramen. Seeing that it was Naruto, he said, "Just now Mizuki and two companions ate a lot in my shop, but the money was not enough at the checkout!"

"Huh? Mizuki!" When Naruto heard Mizuki's name, he jumped up.But after listening to the boss, I felt something was wrong: "What's wrong, Mizuki eats, how could she not pay? By the way, where is she!"

It has been a while since I saw Mizuki, Naruto was unconsciously excited when he thought of the girl who was with him early.

But when I hit the uncle next, I was a little bit optimistic: "When she left, she seemed to have left with the Anbu."

What kind of organization is Anbe? As a ninja Naruto, no matter how stupid it is, it is clear that there is obviously a problem when people from Anbe come to Mizuki!

"Sorry, hit the uncle, I'll be back in a while!"

After an apology, Naruto ran out, went straight to the office of the Hokage Building, rushed in and shouted at Tsunade, "Ms. Tsunate, what happened to Mizuki? Why did you send someone to arrest her!"

At this time Tsunade was busy with the work at hand, and he was suddenly broken in by this guy, but he still didn't realize what was going on.Just instinctively replied: "What are you talking about? Mizuki was arranged by me to do the task, and for some time I can't come back."

Mizuki is doing a mission on the Island of Vicious Man. This is a letter she wrote personally. In order to avoid being missed by Danzo, let her stay on the Island of Vicious Man to concentrate on development. I think it should be a period of time that she cannot return.

"Impossible!" Naruto didn't believe it, and said directly: "I went to the Yile Ramen Restaurant just now, and Uncle Mizuki said that Mizuki had eaten ramen in his restaurant just now, but he didn't pay the bill and was taken by Anbe. The people are taken away!"

There is every reason to believe that Uncle Hand Beat will not lie about this, and he and Mizuki are also familiar with each other. He used to accompany himself to ramen noodles. It is absolutely impossible to talk nonsense.

Hearing Naruto's words, Tsunade, who was immersed in work, was taken aback, stopped what he was holding, and looked at Naruto with a frown, "You mean, Mizuki is back?"

Naruto nodded and confirmed: "There can be no mistake, I went to the Yile Ramen Restaurant, this is what Uncle Shou Da said."

how is this possible?Tsunade remembered that he wrote back, agreeing to let Mizuki stay on the island of evil, how could he suddenly come back.If something suddenly chooses to come back, how can you not come to see yourself!At this moment, Tsunade recalled the silent reminder. Could it be Danzo that bastard?

With a palm on the table, Tsunade shouted, "Come on!"

The ninja of Naruto directly under the Anbe flashed from a dark corner and came to Tsunade to wait for instructions.

Tsunade issued an order and said, "Summon the staff of Anbe immediately and follow me to the roots!"

The ninjas of Anbu are no worse than the roots, they are also the elite of the elite, and the orders of Naruto are quickly executed.However, on the other side of this moment, the situation of the water tree is not very ideal.

Speaking of letting the water tree obey?Sorry, Mizuki only believes in fists!

Very sternly refused Danzo: "I am Konoha's ninja, only Konoha's shadow can order me! When the three generations were alive, I heard that you and the three generations disagree, I am sorry that I and the three generations I have the same opinion, I cannot agree with your behavior!"

Regardless of whether this guy is in the original intention of fighting for Konoha, what if he is finally washed out?The mistakes made are indisputable.

Seeing Shui Shuming's stubborn refusal, Danzo was not angry. His method was very simple: "I heard that your physical skills are very good, I would like to see if it is true!"

With an order, the ninja at the root rushed forward, and the cold glow of the ninja sword came out.

In the face of these swords, lights, swords and shadows, the water tree turned on the King Kong in an instant. It was not broken, and all the blades were cut on her body, but she could not hurt her at all!

The sword couldn't harm her, but it made her angry and blessed her. With the strength of her expertise, Mizuki forced all these people away.

The fist had been squeezed by the squeezed bones, and she slammed a fist very simply. The root ninja in front of her wanted to block with a ninja knife, but unexpectedly, her fist was even harder than a steel knife.Not only the ninja sword was interrupted, but the ninja was also punched.

Tuan Zang watched silently, without any turbulence on his face, just murmured: "The sword is not hurt, the intelligence is not wrong."

However, in his writing wheel, he could see Mizuki's body, filling Chakra with cells, forming an armor-like defense.Obviously this is the mystery of the innocence of the sword!

Order: "Capture!"

The ninja at the root throws a big net, which is made of iron locks. If such a big net is trapped, even if it is as powerful as an ox, it will be difficult to break free.

Seeing this situation, Mizuki instinctively wanted to avoid it, but the root ninjas rushed everywhere, and there was almost no room to move.However, when I saw her, about to be captured by the net, I saw her disappear out of thin air!

The speed is so fast that even Danzo, who has the writing wheel eyes, did not react, and his expression was startled: "What a quick instant technique, the four generations of the so-called'golden flash' back then used the Thunder God. Right?"

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