I traveled through the days in Naruto World

The Days I Traveled Through in Naruto World Chapter 168

Flying Thunder is a ninja researched by the second generation. It needs the coordinates of the mark to use it. But from the situation of the water tree just now, she didn't even prepare the mark, how did she teleport accurately?

Danzo observed it for a while with the eyes of the writing wheel, and the most likely thing to be certain was of course the blood inheritance limit of the Hyuga clan-white eyes!

Body 313. Dilemma

Facing a sword attack, Mizuki can ignore the damage, but if someone uses ninjutsu, he has to be more careful.Especially the ninjas at the root, some come from various families, and there are many ninjas who know how to use secret techniques.

Originally, according to Mizuki's ability, it was no problem to escape with the arched shadow, but when she saw the wind god Thor who followed her, she couldn't bear to get caught.So I want to rescue!

The arched Bullet Shadow instantly reached the root ninja who had tied the wind god Thor, and punched them with a fist.One person was knocked down, two people were knocked down, and the Fengshen and Thor brothers used brute force to throw the remaining root ninja directly away.

Seeing that the two people were finally out of trouble, Mizuki said to them: "It's very dangerous here, and it's inside the house, so you can't fight!"

Order the two of them to use strange force to directly destroy this place. The bigger the noise, the better, because it should not be too far away from Konoha. If there is any movement to the village of Konoha, it will definitely alarm Master Tsunade!

Feng Shen Lei Shen nodded his head understandingly, and at the same time used strange force to knock the ground, the earth suddenly burst open.The ninja at the root could only jump and dodge. Mizuki called the two of them at this opportunity and quickly found a way to break out.

There are two ninjas with roots, and they want to stop them, throwing out the rope as an interception.However, in the face of the strange power of Fengshen and Thor, these two rooted ninjas were almost unable to intercept them, not only that, they were also hit on the spot.

"Want to run?"

Tuan Zang snorted coldly. His roots are not a vegetable market. Where can he come if he wants to and leave if he wants to go?He exploded at his own speed and rushed straight to the water tree that wanted to escape.

He can ignore Fengshen and Thor, but Water Tree must not be let go!

Mizuki's white eyes noticed: "So fast!"

As someone who can compete with the three generations for the position of Naruto, of course, the strength is not too bad. What's more, knowing that there is a bonus for writing round eyes, with the current state of the water tree, it may not be a disadvantage for a while, but wait until Her chakras are exhausted, and she must be caught with nothing.

Seeing that it was Danzo himself, Mizuki couldn't be too careless and act defensively.But the attack was just the crutch in his hand?

But even so, Mizuki subconsciously cried out badly.Because in her white eyes, you can clearly see Chakra, blessed on his cane, and the place of attack is her chest.

With a single blow to the chest of Shui Shu, Dan Zang's Chakra was able to embed it, and there was even a King Kong who wanted to break her not bad!

Fortunately, Mizuki's reaction was fast enough. Using the skill of fighting technique, he slashed Danzo's crutches with a sudden blow, so as not to pierce her body.

But even so, Mizuki clearly felt that his body was quite uncomfortable.There is a sweetness in the throat, I know it is coughing blood!

Mizuki took a sip, spit out bloody foam, wiped his mouth: "MD, you are a chakra with the wind attribute, no wonder it can erode my defense."

Lei Dun was restrained by Feng Dun. Although the King Kong of the Water Tree was not bad and could improve resistance to a certain extent, the attributes were restrained. This is a fact that cannot be changed.

The characteristic of the wind attribute is that it is like a blade, cutting and tearing all kinds of things, just like Sarutobi Asma can penetrate a tree pole and crush a boulder.

Of course, the fact that Mizuki's King Kong is not broken can almost be broken, and it is more or less related to her practice in this area, and the delay in achieving perfection. If she can cultivate to great success, she should be able to achieve true invincibility.

"Yes, it's really amazing defense!" Danzo's blow was unsuccessful, and another blow was hit, still swinging his cane.

Mizuki tried to break this damn crutch with his own brute force.But I didn't expect Danzo, although he was old, but his physical skills were not weaker than imagined. He held his crutch with a lock and pinched Mizuki's hand to make it unsuccessful.

But don't underestimate the water tree here. He is good at physical skills, especially fighting skills, and has its own power specialization characteristics. Even if you fight with Tsunade in close combat, you will definitely not fall behind.

Seeing that one of his hands was caught, Mizuki could still kick it with his foot!-Severe children and grandchildren!!

In the last big fight in the prison, I used this trick to persuade many people, especially in the later punishment process, if I met someone who was not convinced and challenged the water tree, I used this kick!As long as it is a normal man, few are not afraid of this trick.

Seeing such an insidious move, although Dan Zang's face was expressionless, his hand movements were not slow.Give up the hand holding the water tree, holding the cane in both hands to resist.

Mizuki's fierce power was not small, and a single blow kicked him off the ground. Fortunately, it was not a direct injury. After a dexterous backflip, it fell back to the ground very smoothly.

But at this moment, Danzo's hands formed a mudra: "Feng Dun: Vacuum jade!!"

The continuous ejection of air bullets is as fast as machine gun shooting, and the power cannot be underestimated, at least if it hits an ordinary human body, it will be penetrated!

Faced with such an attack, because the speed of the call is too fast, it is difficult to escape, and you must pay attention to your chakra.So the water tree is attacked with diamonds that are not bad, hard top vacuum jade.

Vacuum Jade's attacking power is not bad, hitting Mizuki's body is very painful, a bit like someone is hammering a nail on her body.

If this is the case, it will be over.But Danzo obviously won't give a chance to make several handprints again: "Wind escape, vacuum great jade!!"

If the bullets of the vacuum jade are only bullets fired by the machine gun, then the attack of the vacuum jade should be closer now, and the bullets of the machine gun are more powerful.

What is more troublesome is the continuous attack, the water tree has no way, only the strong top damage it can receive.The situation is worse than she thought: "If I chakra enough, I can fight the war of attrition. But the current state is not good!"

Especially Mizuki knew clearly that Danzo possesses the pupil technique of the Uchiha clan-Izanagi!!

This is a kind of ninjutsu that is more difficult to deal with than the shedding of the Oshe Maru.

If it were to be a normal opponent here, Mizuki could completely use the Asura Bahuang Fist, but facing Izanagi, who could turn the attack into nothingness, there was really no way.

The current water tree can still resist with the imperishable diamond, but if the time is long, with the exhaustion of Chakra, what can she do?

Body 314. Encountered Siege

Fortunately, there is the god of wind and Thunder around Mizuki, the two of them are not very good at their brains, but the combat effectiveness does not need to be questioned.Just when Mizuki and Danzang fought, they were a bit at a disadvantage.

The two brothers were going crazy at the right time. It turned out that they were carrying food rations. This is to prevent them from being hungry and fill their stomachs with spare food.

Originally, this was nothing, but for their brothers, food was equivalent to their own lives, and the consequences of trampling on their food had to pay the price of death!

The two brothers made fists together and smashed the strange force to the ground, and the earth and rocks were flying up. Regardless of the lethality of the rocks, it was not great for the ninja, but it would still hurt to hit the body.

What's more important is the shock wave caused. This turbulent wave can tear even the earth. It is conceivable how powerful it is.The root ninja who attacked around them had no choice but to retreat.

Mizuki seized this opportunity, jumped onto Fengshen and Thunder God, and quickly ordered them: "Run away!"

Are you kidding me not to escape?

This is not a good place. The ninjas at the root are all elite, and it is not easy to hit these people.Moreover, their leader is Danzo. If you change to someone else's water tree, you can still fight to the death, try an Asura Bahuang Fist?But this "resurrected" guy, how to fight with her current Chakra amount!

Seeing that three people were about to escape, the ninja at the root hurriedly intercepted them.However, I have learned from the past, it is almost impossible to stop it through brute force.The rooted ninjas cooperated with each other, one using soil escape ninjutsu, and the other using water escape ninjutsu, mixed into a mudslide rushing over.

"Damn it!" Seeing this place turned into a quagmire, he couldn't help cursing.But seeing the root ninjas surrounding him, Mizuki had to be cautiously guarded: "I did the task steadily. I didn’t expect to be treated like this? Come on, let me see the strength of the root ninja. how is it!"

Mizuki has plans to fight the trapped beast. After all, with her current Chakra, it looks like three or four times. If you want to escape, you may not be caught as far as you can.If you are waiting to die?It's better to fight to the death!

All the people around were rooted, and the three of them had been besieged, and there was mud on the ground, making their actions quite troublesome.Unless it is abandoning Fengshen and Thor, it is really hard to escape.

At this time, the roots separated a road, Danzo walked slowly, and finally said to the water tree: "You can't escape, you only have two choices! Either choose to join the roots, or choose to be eliminated."

Does it seem to want to force choice?Mizuki was very unwilling, and directly and flatly refused: "Sorry, I am Konoha's ninja, I will only obey Naruto's orders!"

There is no other way to choose. Mizuki has always been unfavorable with Root and Danzo, because he can't agree with what he is doing, so naturally he doesn't want to get along with each other.

Danzo was so bluntly rejected, his emotions are still calm, maybe he has already guessed the result, right?However, in this case, refusing to join the root organization means choosing the latter.

The ninjas of the root moved together, they accepted the order of Dao Danzo, absolutely unconditional obedience.

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