I traveled through the days in Naruto World

The Days I Traveled Through in Naruto World Chapter 169

In the face of the root ninja who rushed forward, Mizuki had to fight back.Using the fighting skills given to her by the teacher, and relying on her own King Kong's indestructible ability, an enemy was killed with a weapon, one hand was used to defend against the hacked sword, the other hand clenched a fist and swung towards the rushing enemy.

"Damn, why are there so many people?"

The water tree is still quite strong, but Danzo can see clearly that she is actually supporting her, and the flow of Chakra is slowing down. This is a typical sign of exhaustion.

As soon as he knocked down an enemy, a ninja with roots soon came. Their killing was very decisive, and the methods were quite fierce. They didn’t even look at Mizuki as a little girl, but wanted to put her. To death!

Mizuki estimated her remaining Chakras. She had already used the slingshot two or three times. That is to say, less than one-fifth of the original Chakras were now less than half of the remaining.

What was even more troublesome was that she encountered a siege from all directions, attacking her with knives and slashing, but it took Chakra to be able to defend against the damage.

With such a high-intensity battle, Mizuki could not determine how long his Chakra could last.Anyway, as time goes by, the consumption of chakras is increasing, and the flow rate is gradually forced to slow down.

An enemy took this opportunity to slash the ninja sword at Mizuki, Mizuki instinctively blocked it with his arm, but the consumption of Chakra was not enough to completely resist the sharp blade.

Finally a blood mark appeared from a knife wound, and the painful Mizuki also exhaled a cold breath: "Asshole, if this goes on, even if it is either hacked to death, or to be consumed, is it possible that you are a traverser and you are going to die here?"

Unwilling to reconcile Mizuki, she still tried her best. The guy who cut her, was forcibly grabbed the blade in her hand and broke his bones with brute force!

But just as she broke the bone, another enemy came up and struggling to cut her back with a knife.He ate the painful Mizuki, yelled and broke his hand.

Mizuki's absolute defense is dying. Seeing that she is no longer insensitive to swords, the ninja at the roots fights harder.A ninja rushed up and stabbed the ninja knife into her abdomen.

Seeing this situation, the only reaction was to grab the blade forcibly, not letting the opponent sting him.However, there were other ninjas who took the opportunity to chop her shoulders, and the strong amount of downforce caused her to skew and trip over her balance.

At this time, a sharp ninja knife finally pierced her abdomen. There were no bones here. The white knife was stabbed in from the front, and the red knife came out from behind, coughing out a mouthful of blood.

The multiple wounds on the body, as well as the severe pain in the abdomen, made Mizuki's eyes blurred for a while, and almost passed his breath.But waiting for her result, I saw a sharp blade, slashing at her neck.

"It's over!" This was Mizuki's first thought, almost everyone thought of himself: "It's going to die!"

But just when the sharpness of the ninja sword was about to cut the neck of the water tree, a figure suddenly appeared.The root ninja who was about to kill the water tree was knocked away tens of meters with a fist.

People who can possess such weird power don't need to think too much to know who it is.Tsunade came to Mizuki, protected her behind her, and looked at Danzo coldly: "You'd better explain to me why you want to move my disciple!"

Body 315.

Fortunately, Tsunade-sama appeared in time to save Mizuki's life and protect her behind her. Silent hurried forward to treat Mizuki.

Looking at the multiple wounds on Mizuki's body, especially the injuries that penetrated her abdomen, it was obvious that she was injured seriously.In this way, Tsunade's eyes shot anger, and he questioned Danzo, "Better you have a reasonable reason and explain to me why?!"

Konoha's ninjas were cruelly killed by Konoha's people, it is impossible to justify.What's more, even if it is necessary, it is necessary to obtain an arrest order from Hokage if it is determined to be a traitor, just like the incident of Sasuke's rebellion.What qualifications does the root have?

I saw that Tsunade had come in person, and she was not only alone, but the ninja directly under the Hokage Shadowbe had also been branched around, observing every move here.

But Danzang here didn't have any signs of trouble, and just replied indifferently: "I heard that this girl killed a villager and was tried and imprisoned. Later, she went to the villain's island and colluded with the local gang. The country. As Konoha’s ninja, killing innocents, forming parties for private gains, and secretly collaborating with enemy countries, isn’t it a crime?"

None of this information is wrong, Danzo already knows a lot.

Needless to say the killing of innocents, the evidence is indeed conclusive, there is nothing to deny or question.But if you go to Villain’s Island and join a local organization, you will form a party for private business. Isn’t this a bit too much?

Of course, with regard to the dark water country, this is indeed easy to say.If it is said that joining the villain's island earlier is to complete the task, then contacting the water country is obviously beyond the scope of the task.Logically speaking, this is almost treasonous, but it's just a difference in actual actions.

Tsunade heard what Danzo said, although he knew what he was saying was the truth, but it was obvious that this was just the reason he found out, and it was entirely for prevarication.He directly refused: "Shuishu did something that he missed. There was a village in the slaughter that had already been punished accordingly. This is a big name already known."

"I went to the villain's island to join the local gang, just to complete the task I assigned, and in the subsequent report, it has been reported in the form of a letter." When explaining here, by the way, I took out the letter written by Mizuki. Including a report on the exchanges between myself and the Water Country: "The communication between Water Tree and Water Country has been approved by me. What else do you have to say now?"

As Hokage who is in charge of Konoha Village, her approval shows that Mizuki's communication with Water Country without authorization has been officially recognized, and Danzo will no longer be able to take this matter.

But this is okay, Danzo is not a dull person, knowing that Tsunade is determined to protect Mizuki.He said without haste: "Hokage-sama, you recognize her secret communication with the Water Country, but how do you explain that people who should be serving sentences in prison can still run out to do tasks? Did you forget your name? Has the sentence been handed down?"

The daimyo's judgment clearly mentioned that in order to prevent similar things from happening, someone must look at the water tree.But in the process of carrying out the mission later, only Fengshen Thor was by Mizuki's side. However, it was clear that these idiot brothers were definitely not for surveillance.

Naruto is the highest authority of Konoha Ninja, but the real power of the country of fire is still in the hands of the daimyo, so that it has the right to appoint and remove Naruto.Therefore, the effect of the daimyo's judgment is definitely greater than that of Hokage.

"Hmph, I knew you would say that!" Tsunade snorted coldly, and took out a document: "This is the order of the daimyo, because Mizuki has done the task with merit, and in addition to the previous task of protecting the country of the river, the country of the river The daimyo praised the water tree and won the interests of the country of fire and the country of river. Hereby, the remaining imprisonment is exempted, and there is a seal stamped by the daimyo. You should know it?"

Right now when Mizuki was taken into custody, Tsunade had promised at that time that he would definitely find a way to help.First, it was Tsunade's own assurance that she explained the reason for the matter and determined that what Mizuki did at the time was not her subjective will.

Secondly, Tsunade wrote a letter to the daimyo of the country of River, hoping that he could help Mizuki.After all, if it weren't for Mizuki's obstruction, I'm afraid he would have lost his position as a big name.Because of this kindness, the daimyo of the country of Sichuan agreed to help Mizuki plead, which is also a weight that favors the sky.

Of course, the most important thing is the water tree, which completes the task cleanly.To get the baby that was lost during the Warring States period, I am happy to be happy from ear to ear.Knowing that the child Mizuki, who is still young and has the big names of Hokage and the Kingdom of Sichuan, begged for mercy, so he just went to the water and sent his love.

All the seals on Linghe must be true, and it is almost impossible to fake them.As a high-level person who met the daimyo, Tuanzang was naturally able to distinguish it.

There is Hokage here, and the order of the name has already been taken, and the attitude of the guarantor is quite obvious.Seeing this situation, Danzo understood that it was impossible to take a shot.As long as Tsunade is still here, he can hardly make a move: "Well, since even the daimyo's order has come down, I won't pursue these other things."

With a direct wave of his hand, the ninja at the root evacuated.

Mizuki, who received the silent treatment, had his injuries under control. He forcibly propped up his body, looked at the going away Danzo, and said to him with a sigh of strength: "When three generations of adults were alive, I heard him say something. As someone who has competed with the three generations for the position of Naruto, do you understand why it was him who became Naruto? Because you don’t understand the importance of life, the third generation of Naruto once said: As long as there is a place where leaves fly, fire will burn, fire ’S shadow will shine on the village and let new leaves sprout."

Probably because it was about the experience of reincarnation and rebirth, Mizuki could understand the meaning of this sentence somewhat.Leaf refers to Konoha, and fire refers to Hokage.Hokage shines on Konoha Village, this is to let new leaves germinate.

Man is alive, has his own will, and is not a tool for accomplishing tasks.No matter how good the starting point is, but to erase a person's emotions is already deviating from human nature, and it is even more contrary to the emotions that are given to life by the way of heaven.

Mizuki didn't have much personal enmity against Danzo, at least not before this incident.And knowing that Danzo's nature is not bad, it will not harm Konoha's interests, just for his actions, can not express his approval.

After hearing what Mizuki said, Danzang turned around and glanced at her. There was no emotional wave in his muddy eyes, and then disappeared in place with the rooted ninja.

Body 316. Blueprint

Because Mizuki takes the physical technique route, she pays great attention to exercise at ordinary times. She has a fairly good physical fitness. Such injuries will not pose a serious problem to her, at least it will not pose a major threat to her life.

However, considering that there are multiple stab wounds, especially the injuries on the back and waist, if it is not good for health and training.It's a trivial thing to leave unsightly scars, and it is the most troublesome if there are any sequelae left behind.

This is the wound that Mr. Tsunade personally treated for Mizuki: debridement, dressing, and dressing.Waiting for all the processing to be completed, finally let out a long sigh of relief: "Okay, be careful not to move during the recovery period, especially to avoid any major movements, so as not to pull the wound and cause secondary cracking, if you leave scars, it will not look good! I will let Sakura take care of you during this time."

Fortunately, there is medical authority. Even if Mizuki wants to die, he won't die, but the pain has not completely subsided, and Shui Shu still has cold sweat on his face.

However, I have even experienced slashing and piercing my abdomen. A little bit of pain is still a trivial matter. I relieved myself and nodded and replied, "Yes, I understand, Tsunade-sama."

In the past, there was an existence of King Kong that was not bad, and he thought he had absolute defense, but he still didn't feel much.But once there is no protection from King Kong, you will find that you are not much different from others.

Although she almost died this time, it also taught her a lesson that she should not rely too much on her own defense!If it weren't for Tsunade's arrival in time, I'm afraid that he is really bad luck.

For this, Mizuki expressed his gratitude to Tsunade, but Tsunade here said: "If you want to thank you, you should thank Naruto. If it weren't for him, I wouldn't find it!"

At this time, Mizuki realized that the original letter from Tsunade-sama actually agreed to her request and that he could stay on the island of evil temporarily.But I don't know why, the letter that fell into the hands of the water tree turned out to be another version.

Combining the incidents that happened this time, in all likelihood, it was Danzo.So Mizuki had to get angry: "I have never known him, why did he come to hit my attention?"

According to the memory in the impression, although the root is very dark, the purpose of the action is still for Konoha's benefit.But Mizuki didn't destroy Konoha's interests, so why would Danzo keep his eyes on himself?

Mizuki definitely couldn't think of this problem, because she had never experienced such a thing. Although she could smell a little conspiracy, she couldn't make a clear judgment.

There is no conclusive evidence, everything can only be guessed.Tsunade can also only speculate: "Danzo may have a bigger plan!"

According to the information that Tsunade learned, it is known that the Yunv clan and the Zhongshan clan have been forced to join the roots.However, the Uchiha clan was destroyed, and Konoha’s most powerful clan today is the Hyuga clan.

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