I traveled through the days in Naruto World

The Days I Passed in Naruto World Chapter 177

"Yes, the task of eliminating the rebels. According to the information obtained, there is a strong upper ninja among the rebel ninjas. The level is at least A grade, and it may become S grade depending on the situation!"

Is a good Shinobu?Yurihong frowned a little. In this case, the mission would be very threatening, and if Rebellion wanted to overthrow the country, there would definitely be subordinates.

Tsunade saw Yurihong's frown, naturally guessing her worry, and explained to her comfortably: "That's why I let Mizuki replace Shino. When it comes to fighting strength, she has the record of defeating Shino. "

It seems that Tsunade's choice still has a bit of meaning.

Of course, this is not to say that Shino's strength is poor. After all, Mizuki may not say that he can win when it comes to calmness and secret skills.But the strengths of the water tree are that the instantaneous technique and the King Kong are not bad, and it has its own powerful power.Whether it is speed, defense, or attack, it can be said to be quite perfect, and this point will not be worse than anyone else.

This is also a reassurance for Yurihong, right?After all, Mizuki's strength is real, and Teacher Xi Rihong must know this.And Mizuki is Hinata's older sister, so there is no question of trust.

Body 328. Rebel mission

Yunokuni is a country in the northeast of the Fire Country. It is rich in natural resources and has a superior environment. Just from the name of this country, you know that the most famous thing here is, of course, it is a hot spring!

The familiar saying is good: one side of soil and water, one side of people.Because of the beautiful scenery of Yunokuni, it is no wonder that people in this country quickly forgot about war after there was no war.

Hot springs, Mizuki couldn't help but think that if he soaks in the hot springs every day, he would probably forget to fight, right?When I think about bathing in hot springs, I look at each white body after another.Think about it~ wow~ the saliva is going to flow down!

"Sister? Sister!" Hinata's voice awakened Mizuki: "Why are you in a daze, drooling again?"

Oops, I'm a bit gaffe, just wipe it off.

Mizuki smiled awkwardly. In order to alleviate the embarrassment, he quickly shifted the topic to business: "How many renegade ninjas in Yunokuni? Who is the leader? Is there any relevant information?"

For the time being, all the thoughts that were not serious were put aside.

The main task is to complete the task, because Mizuki is the main force in the battle, and a person who can be trusted. The known information that Yurihong will obtain, briefly introduces one point: "We help Yunokuni eliminate the rebellion, according to Yunokuni According to the information provided, there are only a few ninjas who initiated the rebellion, but there are also recruited ronin and samurai under his team. The number is not indicated by intelligence. The leader of the rebellious ninja, here is a wanted order issued by Yunokuni."

After getting this wanted order, Mizuki and his companions have a look. There is a clear portrait on it?How come there are only portraits?Although there is no network in this world, there is no camera!

Xi Rihong explained helplessly: "Be careful, because this rebellious leader, but a cunning guy, destroyed all of his related information when he launched the rebellion."

Isn't it?All information is destroyed!Mizuki felt a little unbelievable: "How could it? Is there no backup information? Or is it that Yunokuni didn't provide it to us?"

"No, I shouldn't." Yurihong understood Mizuki's astonishment, but regretfully said: "The identity of the ninja was originally a high secret in each ninja village, and there was almost no possibility of backup. At that time, this person defected. , Burned all his materials with a fire. This portrait is still based on the wanted order drawn by the painter from the people who have seen him."

Is that so?Mizuki couldn't help but frown a little. A person who behaved so decisively might not be easy to deal with!

Looking at the portrait on the wanted order, you can roughly tell that the age is about 20 years old, and he looks a bit handsome, but I don’t know if it is the artist’s skills, or the person himself, and there is a clear cold color between the eyebrows. .

Look at the label below the portrait: "Le Zhengli, 21 years old, medium height, thin body, former assassination unit leader, number of missions completed--" [Character: Le Zhengli, provided by "Mingyuezhao Sponge" .

The above content is only the name and age, which is fairly clear information, and the following content is very vague. There is no such basic information. It seems that the information has been completely burned by a fire!

"Are there any useful clues?" After reading the above, Ya said to Teacher Yurihong, "As long as there is something that this guy has used, Akimaru can smell it and look for it."

Unfortunately, Yurihong said: "No, I have already said it, and it was burned out by a fire. The guy we are going to hunt must be very careful. But that's why, Hokage-sama sent our class. ?"

Mizuki nodded silently, it seemed that this was indeed the case.Tsunade-sama is very meticulous. If you want to talk about the chasing squad, the level of the eighth class is the highest of all the squads.

But if there are no clues, how can you follow the trail?

Hinata also asked at this time: "Does Yunokuni have any information available to us?"

Regarding this question, let Yuhihong think for a while: "According to the information given by Yunokuni, Rennin has contacted Raizhikuni and suspected of communicating with Raiyokuni secretly. This may be why the Yunokuni Congress came to seek Help from our country of fire."

Is that so?Originally, Mizuki was a bit strange. To put it simply, Yunokuni is also a country with a ninja village. Even if it has not been fighting for many years, it is reasonable to say that the country's civil strife should be the country's internal affairs.The best option is to deal with it yourself. Asking foreign ninjas for help should not be the first option.

Now it can be explained how much, if the treason ninja colluded with the big country.This is definitely not what Yunokuni, a small country that has forgotten the war, can resist.The most sensible option is naturally to ask another big country for help!

"The country of Thunder?" Mizuki's gaze flickered a little, because she remembered whether it was clear that what happened to the Hyuga clan back then was not exactly what the country of Thunder did?She slammed her fist to the ground, and saw that the earth was shattered by her full strength: "Huh, really looking for death!"

Poor Akimaru was taken aback, it almost fell in because of the crack, thumped on top of Fang, grunting in fear.

Ya felt Akimaru’s fear, and he also knew that Mizuki’s Chakra had a riot: "Hey, I said the big sister, don’t be surprised, Akimaru was terrified by you. ."

"Sister's head?" Mizuki glanced at her teeth, and a smile appeared at the corners of her mouth: "Hey, do you remember, you want to call me the head of your big sister!"

The title of "big sister", I remember not long after going to school, Ya this guy pretended to be cool and wanted to be the king of children.As a result, he was beaten by the displeased Mizuki.

At the beginning, Ya still thought about resisting, and for a while he fought hard with Shuishu.However, the Shuishu who was set on fire later stunned his eyes with his meridians, and from then on he recognized the Shuishu as the boss.

Don't mention the old stuff.

Mizuki picked it up with one hand, and now it was still a puppy's Akimaru, rubbing the dog's head as a pet: "Little Akimaru, do you want to mess with the older sister in the future? Make sure I eat meat, and you will have your bones!"

I don’t know if it’s true. In the end, Mizuki licked his lips incidentally: “Aha, what should I do after fattening? Do you want to cook stewed meat or serve hot pot? Well, let’s get rid of the dog meat. Unstable."

The terrifying breath, terrifying strength, scared Akamaru.

Hearing that Chiwan was about to be eaten, even Fang was frightened.However, Hinata smiled knowingly when seeing his sister.

Body 329. Everything is fantasy

Of course Mizuki wouldn't eat Chiwan. Although I heard that dog meat hot pot is really good, but this is Ya's companion. Mizuki still can't do things like killing his companion to eat meat.

This is what Yurihong teacher has already seen, but he said with a faint smile: "We will find a hot spring hotel first, and then we are ready to connect with the ninja of Yunokuni."

Hot spring hotel?It sounds great.Especially when thinking of bathing in hot springs, a young, snow-white and youthful body ~ with dry lips-"Hey, sister, why are you in a daze again!"

"Huh? Ah!" Mizuki scratched his head awkwardly, and then changed the topic: "I'm thinking about the task, it's okay? It's okay! Haha~!"

Looking at the way his sister looked like this, how could Hinata, who was so thoughtful, couldn't think of her careful thoughts?I grew up with her and knew what tricks she liked to play.

But seeing the feelings of the two sisters, she wouldn't say this.Just nodded silently, and then we all looked for a hot spring hotel to stay together.

The most famous place in Yunokuni is the hot springs, so it is not difficult to find hot spring hotels almost everywhere.

"I've been on the way for a few days, let's take a break today, okay?" Teacher Yurihong thought very thoughtfully: "I have already sent a message to the people in Yunokuni. Just wait for their contact.

It seems that having Shinobu to lead the team still has many benefits.If it is based on the personality of Mizuki, it may be to find a place to stay first, and then contact the other party at the meeting. Although it is a step by step, it is a bit of a waste of time.

rest well!

Four people asked for three rooms. The only boy in the tooth must be a single one, but he is not alone with Akamaru as a company.

The two rooms I thought were actually enough, and the three girls stayed together without getting in the way.But in the end, it was Mr. Yurihong who asked for a separate room, Mizuki and Hinata sharing a room.

Alas, this is really a pity. Mr. Xi Rihong is a very charming mature female. She has great body development, and she is well-proportioned, with a strong sense of coordination.

Mizuki licked her lips secretly: "As long as she is a beautiful woman, she won't get tired of it!"

It's a pity that I remember that Xi Rihong's scenes don't seem to be too many in the plot. The main reason may be that when Sarutobi Asma was killed by Hidan.Yurihong was pregnant with Asma's posthumous daughter in her belly, and that's why Payne later attacked Konoha and did not participate in the Fourth Ninja War.

But here I really want to envy Sarutobi Asma for being able to marry a beautiful wife and mother like Yurihong.And I want to admire Yurihong's courage. After all, the death of Asma Sarutobi will hurt her and blow her very much.But she still chose to give birth to this child as a single mother.

"Sister, what are you doing? Why are you in a daze again?" Hinata saw his sister again, this fanciful look, knowing that Mizuki was thinking badly again: "You won't be fighting, teacher Xi Rihong's attention Right?"

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