I traveled through the days in Naruto World

The Day I Traveled Through the Naruto World Chapter 178

This little Nizi~ Khan!

I have to say the sixth sense of girls, sometimes it is really accurate!But think about it with Mizuki's character, and according to Hinata's careful observation, how can you not guess what she is thinking?

Mizuki smiled awkwardly, and said: "What is the attention of Mr. Yurihong? If such a sexy beauty is not attractive, it is definitely a lie!"

This way of being harmless and not showing up, I can barely admit it, right?But listening to the vague meaning, how can it be said that Xi Rihong seduce her?

In this way, Hinata showed a dissatisfied expression. You must know that Yurihong is her instructor. As her own sister, why does she have such thoughts?He immediately rejected: "You can't think about it! Teacher Xi Rihong, you already have a boyfriend, you can't bully Teacher Xi Rihong like you bullied me!"

Usually Mizuki likes to bully Hina. After all, they are sisters who are related by blood, and Hina can feel Mizuki's love for herself, and naturally he doesn't care about being bullied.

But Xi Rihong is her instructor, and her sister actually wants to hit her attention, which is really against the human relationship.

When Mizuki saw his sister, she was usually shy and replied, but she knew what it was for, but she could even save her life.For example, during the Zhongren exam, Naruto's encouragement was not afraid of Ningji. When Penn attacked the village, even Naruto could not beat Penn for a while. This little Nizi dared to stop him.

So because knowing Hinata’s disposition, Mizuki knew that he could not cross this line, and could only say angrily: “Okay, okay, I know. I just want to ask Mr. Yurihong for advice, this is all right. Okay?"

Yuhihong is not a ninja of ninjutsu and physique, but a ninja who is good at and proficient in illusion.You must know that Water Tree's King Kong is not bad and is not afraid of any physical attacks, but in the face of ninjutsu and illusion, there is basically no resistance.

Ninjutsu is not bad, after all, her bow and body shadow are not vegetarian, as long as Chakra is enough, it is not impossible to dodge instantaneously.

But the illusion is a bit troublesome, because a ninja who is proficient in illusion can often be tricked by the enemy without noticing it.If it is during the life-and-death battle, if it cannot be cracked and reacted in time, it is very likely that you will die.

Hearing his sister's explanation, Hinata took a sigh of relief: "Well, since this is the problem, just ask Mr. Yurihong."

Mizuki pretended to be cute, spit out his tongue, hugged his sister affectionately, rubbed it comfortably, feeling the soft fragrance of Hinata's body: "My lovely sister, you still want Understand me!"

Unable to endure his sister's intimacy, Hinata's face showed pink and shyness again. This makes people want to look at it. Mizuki let out a strange scream, kissed and hugged him fiercely.

Hinata was so ashamed that he was a little overwhelmed. Fortunately, at this time, Mr. Yurihong came to their room and reminded: "I made an appointment with the shop owner. We will go to a hot spring in a moment!"

Hot springs?Long live!

It's not difficult to imagine what kind of picture appeared in the mind of the water tree at this time, reminding a few keywords: girl, fruit body, European pie!

The thoughts in the head are shown on the face, and the evil expressions are not discussed.

Seeing that my sister became like this again, what did she promise just now?Hina Tianjiao shouted: "Sister!!"

Body 330. Yu no country

The appearance of Mizuki was seen by Hinata, and he repeatedly warned: "If you dare to think about it, I will ignore you in the future!"

If it’s normal, it’s fine, Hinata, who is shyly replied, will not be so good, but this involves her own teacher, and she does not want her sister to have any bad ideas.

Out of doting on Hinata, since it was her, Mizuki must listen.Make sure that you are really not thinking about it, at least you will not have bad ideas about Xi Rihong.

Giving such a guarantee is to make Hinata believe in himself, which inevitably makes Mizuki's heart complain: "My good sister, for you, I really want to do anything!"

Alas, there was a great opportunity, so there was no way.When we soaked in the hot springs together, Mizuki didn't dare to think too much about Xi Rihong, at best he could only feast his eyes.

Fortunately, Mizuki found some compensation for Hinata.

Is there an episode here?

When soaking in the hot springs, the water tree was completely stripped, and all her beautiful figure was soaked in the water, but the clear spring water could not stop the temptation of youth.

Mizuki is an open person, he doesn't care much, and here is the female soup, it's okay to be open.But Hinata, who had a completely opposite personality, was ashamed to answer again, holding his own and didn't dare to let go.

Alas, Hinata definitely doesn't know, this kind of concealment dare not reveal it, but it is easy to make people think!So Mizuki ran to help: "What are you afraid of? Everyone is a girl."

Physical privacy between people of the same sex does not seem to be privacy. After all, I also have some places you have, but they may be different in size and shape. Isn’t there anything strange?

But Hinata was unwilling, and even immersed his body in the water.As a result, I didn’t know whether I was steamed red by the warm spring water or was blushed red by others. The water tree suddenly said, "kawaii!"

He kissed and hugged and rubbed, completely treating Hinata as the cutest toy.

It's almost like this. Looking at their two sisters so close, Xi Rihong can't help but sigh with emotion: "Your sisters' relationship is really good!"

After soaking in the hot springs, wash away the fatigue of the day, and rest well that night.

Early the next morning, the people from Yunokuni sent someone to contact them, mainly to provide relevant information.

"Le Zhengli, this is a cunning guy, with a very calm brain, he acts decisively and madly. He has done a lot for the country. If it weren't for disgusting peaceful environments, he would have done more. "The contact person of Yunokuni said: "We have already investigated. He and his men are gathered on an island in the offshore waters of our country. There is reliable information indicating that they will attack at any time."

Here is a map showing all the land of Yunokuni. Among them, there is an island very close to the mainland. This is the mission of Mizuki!

Seeing this map and listening to the introduction, Yurihong communicated with the other party: "This island is not far from the country of Yuno, haven't you thought of going up and exterminating it?"

According to Yuhihong's idea, although Yunokuni is a place where war is forgotten, but at any rate it is a country with ninjas, how could it not think about it at all?

In fact, this problem is not that Yunokuni does not want to, but is completely incapable: "You are from the fire country, and you don’t understand the situation of our Yunokuni. The current Yunokuni loses the need for war, and the ninja village is shrinking. Very powerful, most of the people who can maintain their combat power are militants and will be rejected. The remaining ninjas usually do small tasks to maintain the country's law and order. It is not bad, but if there really is a fight, it will be a little weak."

This is really helpless, the strong militant faction will be rejected, and the remaining ninjas have no combat effectiveness.It is said that Yunokuni had not thought about it before, but he figured out a way to eliminate the rebellion factor.But the results were all failures. One reason was that there was a gap in intelligence by the opponent, and the other was the lack of strength of the ninja.

Mizuki reminded a little of the various dynasties in the three-dimensional world, as if any dynasty once yearned for peace and lost the motivation to expand abroad, it would undoubtedly decline sharply.

To cite a few simplest examples: one is the Tang Empire, the strongest in the East. In a defeat in Central Asia, civil strife occurred within the empire within three years.

The most powerful Roman Empire in the West, when the country did not expand, the mercenaries of the Roman Empire turned into barbarians, and later it was the Roman Empire that these barbarians overthrew.

Even in the heyday of the Mongol Empire, after the death of Genghis Khan, a generation of arrogant sons, the Yuan Dynasty was just a part of this huge empire.

Peace and non-war is a good thing, but if there is no external contradiction, the internal contradiction will definitely be highlighted. There is no way to transform the internal contradiction to the outside. The final result is self-destruction.

Yunokuni is clearly like this, once threatened by war, has a powerful ninja village.However, peace has shrunk, triggering internal conflicts, and flying away becomes rebellious. If this one appears, there will be a second one.Maybe more will appear in the future!

Thinking of the Mizuki here, I couldn’t help but smile: “Ninja betrays his country and his village. Of course, it is a heinous crime. But if it’s not for some reason, I shouldn’t fail to consider the risk? The conspiracy to subvert your country is even more questionable."

The thoughtful Hinata immediately understood Mizuki's words, and subconsciously said: "Sister, do you think the other party is in any reason?"

There is no need to hide the water tree here: "Yes, everyone knows that rebellion and subversion of the country are undoubtedly serious crimes. If it is not for some reason, taking a big risk to do such a thing, it is really quite The lack of consideration. In fact, when I was on Villain Island, I also met a traitor from Yunokuni: Hida!"

Hidan is a ninja who originally belonged to Yunokuni. He was repelled by the people of Yunokuni because of his aggressiveness. In the end, he killed everyone and became a rebellious ninja before joining Akatsuki organization.

Hearing the name Feidan, the people in Yunokuni reacted a little. It seemed that they knew the reason why Feidan defected.Combined with the current task, it seems that there is a problem: "You mean, what is the reason for this Le Zhengli rebellion?"

"I think it should be so!" The water tree here, by the way, said one thing: "I know a boy who has been rejected by people in our village since he was a child. However, he has a good teacher who guides him towards the right growth. The boy has always I have had a dream since, he wants to be the Hokage of Konoha!"

The boy Mizuki said is undoubtedly Naruto Uzumaki.When he took the Zhongnin exam last year, his performance was quite eye-catching and he had already proven his abilities to everyone.

Imagine here, if it weren't for Teacher Iruka, after Naruto knew the truth, he would desperately protect him and speak his heartfelt words to establish a true value for Naruto.

Maybe Naruto back then, after encountering a major crisis, would he feel resentful for his existence?If I remember it, Naruto told Iruka before he got married. If it weren't for Iruka at the time, he might not be the one he is now.

Obviously, the reason Yunokuni has such a problem is most likely caused by his own problems.After all, the ninja was born to fight. If there is no war and a country that advocates peace, this ninja will lose the value of existence.It would be strange if there were no problems!

Text 331. Little things are sloppy, big things are good

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