I traveled through the days in Naruto World

The Days I Traveled Through in Naruto World Chapter 179

Of course, there is a large part here, and it should be Shui Shu's inference. Since it is betraying his country, he must betray his own village.If the risk taken is not in your own interests, this behavior will become meaningless.

"I can express my agreement with the situation you mentioned, but betraying the country is an unpardonable guilt. It is not you and I can decide."

People from Yunokuni can understand the meaning of Mizuki.However, the crime of betrayal of the country seems to have been forgiven very rarely since ancient times.

What's more, the consequences that need to be considered as soon as this start is that the country loses its prestige and binding force, as long as someone is unhappy and treason, and then there is the possibility of forgiveness, this is not justified, right?

Of course Mizuki understands what the other party means, but this does not require the other party to worry about this, because she thought of a way: "Our task is to eradicate the rebellion for your country, as long as this goal can be achieved."

At this time, Mizuki glanced at the teacher Yurihong who was the leader, indicating that he had a way to try.After getting the other party's approval, he explained: "We need your country's name, give us a convenience, first sign an amnesty, and then allow us to see the other party alone."

"You can rest assured that since we are going to complete the task of eliminating the rebellion, we will do it for the sake of Konoha's credibility. However, considering that your country has acted, you will inevitably be alerted by the other party. All you want to get close to the other party must To find a suitable excuse!"

I thought that when Jing Ke stabbed King Qin back then, he used the map of Yan Guo to seduce him to meet with King Qin. Later, the origin of the idiom "seeing the poor" came into being.

Capture the thief first, capture the king, since it is to meet the opponent's leader, there is no doubt that you must come up with something that can move the opponent's mind.If you can carry an amnesty order, you can avoid the risk of treason, should it be possible to see the other party?

The way is said, it depends on how the people of Yunokuni choose.

Obviously, as long as the people of Yunokuni are not stupid, they can definitely hear that this is the way, but the other party is worried about the probability of success: "How sure can you be?"

Mizuki thought for a while, it was not easy to say how certain he could be.After all, it is dealing with different enemies, and God knows if the other party will be prepared?So this can't be said nonsense.

Cleverly using a bow and slingshot, appeared behind this person in a thunderous manner, and then pinched the opponent's neck: "How confident do you think this speed is?"

The people in Yunokuni can feel the strength on their necks.If Mizuki wanted to kill him, he could easily twist his neck!Such speed and power shouldn't be said to be only a few percent sure, right?

Only with strength can give people confidence, and the strength shown by the water tree is enough to be affirmed by the other party.The people of Yunokuni agreed: "I think it should be fine, but the imperial decree of the amnesty decree needs to be signed by the daimyo."

This is naturally no problem.

After some consultations between the two sides, Yunokuni promised to help, provide a daimyo's amnesty decree, and mobilize some ninjas, ready to cooperate with Mizuki's actions, and strive to wipe out all the rebel ninjas.

Originally, Mizuki didn't want to be too active, so as not to be noticed by the opponent in advance, causing his plan to fail.But if you think about it, this is actually a matter of Yunokuni. They are helping Yunokuni to eliminate rebellion, and they are not trying to interfere in the internal affairs of this country, and it is estimated that the other party will not trust them much, right?

The matter is explained in this way first, the people from Yunokuni will leave for the time being, and they will tell the daimyo back, and then they will start to act after the preparations are completed.

Seeing the people in Yunokuni leave, Mizuki finally sighed, wondering if his plan is feasible or not?

At this time, Xi Rihong came to Mizuki and said admiringly: "Mizuki, the plan just now, is this what you planned in advance?"

"Not really, but I looked at the map and felt that the location of this island is not far from Yunokuni." There was no one else here, and Mizuki said cautiously: "I think if it wasn't for conspiracy, the ninja who defected should be Be careful to hide, how can you blatantly expose yourself?"

Mizuki's logic is very simple, because she has stayed in the villain's island, and she knows very well that for Rennin, escape from the control of her own country should be the wisest choice.

But when she opened the map just now, at first glance she saw this occupied island, not far from Yunokuni.This is very inconsistent with the logic of rebellion, and it does not conform to many common sense.As mentioned earlier, this rebellious leader destroyed all his intelligence. Why would he expose himself now?

Since a ninja is trying to erase the traces left by him, how can he expose such a flaw?Such a contradiction, no matter what!

When Yurihong heard the problems Mizuki had said, he immediately realized something: "You mean, there is a problem in Yunokuni?"

Mizuki very clearly affirmed!

The ancients said it well: be born in sorrow and die in happiness.Only when it comes from external threats can a country maintain its cohesion, but once it is greedy for peace and pleasure, it will inevitably become rotten, especially internal contradictions will become increasingly prominent.

If it was just a guess, it would be good to say, but there is a very clear feeling that maybe the problem within Yunokuni is not small, and the plan Mizuki put forward looks very perfect.

However, I need to use the amnesty decree as an excuse. I just want to see how big the problem is in Yunokuni.

"Mizuki, your thinking is very logical, and the capture of details is also in place." Teacher Yurihong praised: "Originally, I heard Master Tsunade say that you are very smart, although your work looks rough, but your mind Very delicate. Some small things will be sloppy, but big things can't go wrong."

The logic is strong and should be derived from male thinking.The capture of details is good, this is the delicate mind of women.Doing rough and small things is sloppy, this is because she doesn't care about the details, and focuses more attention on the things that need to be done.

Of course, because of the advantage of crossing, this one cannot be ignored.

But here is the story. If Yunokuni has a problem, what should their mission do?Several people deliberated carefully, and Yurihong, as the leader of the team, arranged to say: "I will play the main force with Mizuki, and Hinata and Ka are responsible for covering and attracting. I hope Mizuki's plan can succeed. People are unreliable, we have to rely on ourselves to complete the task!"

Text 332. Catch the Thief, Catch the King Part I

"Are you ready?" After receiving the amnesty decree signed by the daimyo, according to the plan planned by several people.Mizuki and Yurihong went to the island together, and Hinata and Ya as support and cover: "Everything is going according to plan, everyone be careful!"

A team of ninjas from Yunokuni was accompanied by the action. It seemed that they were professional. It was said that it was the team around the daimyo who was specially prepared to deal with emergencies.

But for these ninjas who are used to enjoying peace, Mizuki questioned the strength of these ninjas, and only hoped that they could play a role in that time?

Because it's not far from the coast, Mizuki and Xi Rihong were too lazy to take a boat, and they just walked across the water.Coming with fanfare like this, they can't see them if they don't believe it.

Before reaching the halfway point, I saw the people on the island taking action. There were probably dozens of people gathered. Judging from the costumes of these people, they should all be ronins and samurai.

Seeing the red sunset of these people, he said interestingly: "Is this welcoming us? There seems to be a lot of people."

It is certainly not necessary to greet them, but with these people, Mizuki dares to say that with his fingers, he can all resolutely drop.Her fist was squeezed: "Welcome me may not be necessary, a group of arrogant guys relying on weapons, I have seen a lot on the villain island. Do you want me to go up and clear the field?"

The fist is the last word, this is the idea that Mizuki firmly believes in. Just holding a weapon and being arrogant is only to bully people who are afraid of hardship.

Seeing Mizuki a little eager to try, Mr. Yurihong decisively stopped and said: "Don't forget our battle plan. If we do it now, it would be a sign of malice. Do you think the other party will meet us next? "

That's not wrong. Their plan is to capture the thieves first, and kill the leader of the opponent, so that these people can be left without a leader, and the task will be completed naturally.

It really doesn't make much sense to kill a group of miscellaneous soldiers and Xiaoyou now.

"Follow my instructions, don't expose your murderous aura first."

Xi Rihong asked Mizuki to proceed carefully, and then the two of them continued to walk over. About one or two hundred meters away, they saw someone from the other side took out a bow and arrow, and aimed at them with a bow and arrow.

When he reached this place, Yurihong stopped and said to the other party: "Let go of your weapons, we are not here to fight, but to negotiate with your leader. Here is a handwritten statement from the name of Yunokuni!"

Holding the amnesty decree of Yunokuni Daimyo in his hand, I just don't know what the other party thinks.If the opponent doesn't care, the plan may simply fail, and it is necessary to consider the means of force attack.

Waiting for a while, it seemed to have some effect. The opponent's crowd separated, and two masked men came out. The steps were very steady and light. At first glance, they knew they were long-trained ninjas.

The other party said: "Who are you? Explain your intentions!"

Yurihong replied: "We are Konoha’s ninjas. We have come to mediate with you at the request of the Daimyo of Yunokuni, asking you to stop subverting Yunokuni. Yunokuni can choose to give in. This is The amnesty decree bears the seal of the name as proof!"

To show that they are the ninjas of the country of fire is borrowing the status of the country of fire to warn the other party that they are not weak to deceive.Then he said that he had no malice, and just came to help Yunokuni pass on his willingness to make peace with the other party.To put it plainly, it can be said to be-Zhaoan!

The two masked ninjas looked very vigilant, and they negotiated a few words in a low voice, and then one of them disappeared from the place, and it was estimated that they had gone back to report.

Mizuki and Yurihong waited for a minute or two. The ninja who had just disappeared came back. They didn't say a word but just stopped at the other person. The meaning should be very clear: "Agree!"

When the two ninjas waved their hands, the Ronin and the samurai under their hands were automatically separated from the middle, allowing the two to walk in the middle.

So you don't have to be polite.

However, there was an episode when I was walking along with it.

It may be that I saw Mizuki and Yurihong, two girls, one big and one small, who were despised by these people, and they had mocking expressions from the beginning.

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