I traveled through the days in Naruto World

The Days I Traveled Through in Naruto World Chapter 189

Instinctively used kunai to make a resisting movement, blocking a ninja sword very accurately.Looking at the blade close at hand, if she slowed down for even a second, her head would be lost!

The beheading failed, but the other party was really discouraged and made a cold voice: "It's a pity that I was almost killed. Your illusion skills are very strong, and the reaction speed is very fast. Unfortunately, the choice you made was not wise."

At this moment, he gestured to his men: "Leave the girl from the Hyuga family, and kill the rest!"

Hearing his order, his men took out kunai and shurikens and shot them like raindrops from all directions.

"Be careful!"

In order to protect the water tree to the bottom, Hinata uses her guardian gossip to create a semi-circular defense. The chakra is gathered in the palm of the palm and then refined and strengthened into a needle shape. When making a move, close objects will be broken. Form an absolute effect similar to Huitian.

In the past, he used this trick to protect Naruto when he was performing the mission of the tiny incense bug. Now he uses this trick to protect his sister and defends all the thrown kunai and shurikens.

But this kind of defense is limited after all, and the enemy would be stronger if they were not, and protracted fighting would be detrimental to them.Xi Rihong confronted each other twice with kunai, and then said to Fang, "Protect the water tree and break through!"

To see the situation clearly, he put Akamaru on the ground and said to it, "Use that trick!"

He landed on all fours with the imitation of beasts, and Akimaru became a human form, but they were superimposed on each other to activate his own secret technique: "Two-headed wolf!!"

Turning into the form of a two-headed wolf, he swallowed the water tree into his abdomen to protect it, and then uttered a long scream.This is telling Hinata and Yurihong to be ready to stand out from the encirclement-"Spikes!"

The attack method of the Spike Wolf is the same as that of the Tongfang, but it is a version of the two-headed wolf state, forming a huge tornado, spinning at a very high speed, even if it is not in direct contact with the opponent, it can shred the enemy!

But there is actually a problem with this, because under high-speed rotation, there is no way to see the target clearly. Generally speaking, it is necessary to mark the enemy in advance.But now it's going to break through, just rush out, so there is no need to mark it.

Facing the direction of the wolf's assault, watching that even the big tree with a thick waist can be torn apart, even if it wants to intercept it, the enemy ninja here can only jump away and avoid it.

Taking advantage of the present, Xi Rihong and Hinata ran away with them.

Seeing a duck that is cooked right away and want to run awayOf course, these ninjas would not agree. Someone made mudra to release ninjutsu, although they were stopped by people around them, don't cause accidental injury.But in the current situation, nothing can be taken into account: "Feng Dun: Great Breakthrough!!!"

The strong wind blows, and several people can't resist it, and they are blown away directly with one blow.It was a two-headed wolf with teeth turned, relying on his tall body to resist the attack of a big breakthrough.

But this is not very useful. The two-headed wolf can resist once, but it is difficult to resist more ninjutsu.The ninja who has the fire escape releases a giant fireball, which is uncomfortable now.

With a "bang", the two-headed wolf turned into smoke, leaving nothing behind.

"Is this a avatar?" Seeing the two-headed wolf turned into a fog, the ninja who came after looked at each other. If it was said that he was relieved, how could he not see anyone?But if it is a shadow clone, how did everything just do it?

Seeing this situation, the headed man hesitated a bit, and then suddenly thought of a big change: "Damn it, it's a trick, it's all illusion!"

Text Volume 347. Counter Ambush

It's hard to imagine this is illusion?Someone tried to use illusion to dispel, but it seemed to have no effect.

But here is someone who understands: "We encountered this kind of illusion a few days ago. It is not an illusion aimed at mind control, it is more like an illusion combined with shadow clones. It can imitate my own behavior and the technique is very superb!"

As a well-known Shinobu in the village of Konoha, Yurihong is not from a celebrity, there is absolutely no blood to succeed.However, he took the path of specializing in illusion, which is naturally very comparable.

But such an answer is still incomprehensible. It is true that such illusions are quite clever.However, anyone with a little bit of common sense understands that illusion is illusory and not real after all. To put it plainly is fake!

With the attacks of Feng Dun and Huo Dun just now, it was obvious that the entity was hit. Even if it was a shadow clone change, was the "fang Langya" imitated?

[Here is an explanation: There was a very inappropriate mistake in the previous chapter. The two-headed wolf ninjutsu "Yalangya" was wrongly written as "Langyalang". The reason is that I remembered an old song when I wrote it. The lyrics of the sentence is "Lang Dalang"~ I was drunk, and I wrote it somehow~ Now the error has been corrected.

Thinking of such a problem, the masked ninja suddenly noticed something.Subconsciously checking the surrounding environment, they have come out of the small forest and came to an open place.

If it is a sneak attack, it is obviously not a perfect place, but if it is to attack, there is not even a place to cover it.

Looking at this environment, the masked ninja suddenly shouted: "No! Be careful, there is an ambush!"

The words had not yet fallen, and countless smoke bombs appeared in the sky, and the smoke that was excited after the explosion blocked all eyes.It was at this moment that a familiar "ya Tongya" sound rang.

Tooth-to-tooth is the tooth-to-tooth test, which has been used many times. Although this kind of smoke can block the line of sight, the perception of the tooth comes from the nose, so naturally there is no problem.

But these ninjas don't have such a perception ability. In such an environment, let's not say that they are using ninjutsu to fight back. I am afraid that even the defense does not know which direction to defend.

The masked ninja headed hurriedly shouted: "Retreat, retreat, leave this place!"

These ninjas moved very quickly, and immediately retreated a long way in the direction they had come. As long as they returned to the small forest just now, they could still use the trees as cover and protection.

But after all the mice were drawn out, how could they escape?The evening red knot seal is completed: "Illusory: Absolute Lotus!!"

A blooming lotus trapped everyone in it, and as the lotus gradually closed, even the line of sight began to appear distorted.However, this is not the most terrifying place, as long as the lotus is completely closed, an explosion will occur to kill all the people inside!

Of course, they won't just wait and die, they can only think of other ways.It's a pity that this opportunity won't be there, Hinata's white eyes are already open, and the smoke has no effect on her sight.With his superb soft boxing skills, although he can't say that he can fight Duning times, it is more than enough to fight these invisible ninjas.

"The damn smoke, why doesn't it dissipate?" The masked ninja called: "Use the wind ninjutsu to blow the smoke away!"

I almost forgot, the other party is a Fengyun Ninja, but no one can see anyone here. The Fengyun Ninja was afraid of hurting himself by accident, so he hesitated not to use it.

But now that I have been ordered, I can’t control too much. After all, it’s better to hurt yourself than to destroy the group, right?!The handprint of Wind Dunge is completed: "Wind Dun: Great Breakthrough!!!"

The big breakthrough is Fengdun’s C-level ninjutsu, which is a very common type of Fengdun ninjutsu. Because the low-level chakra has a small amount of consumption and has good power, it can be regarded as a very practical ninjutsu.Especially the current smoke, the effect of using this ninjutsu is very good!

Because of the violent wind blowing from the big breakthrough, the smoke from the smoke bomb was blown away, and the original sight was restored.But as soon as their vision was restored, what they saw was the few people who surrounded them. One of them turned out to be the poisoned water tree just now?No, why doesn't she seem to have changed at all?

Shui Shu looked at these people with confused eyes, and said with a cold smile: "Are you surprised? Why am I not poisoned?"

In fact, there is no need to guess why this is.After all, I said just now that there are illusions, isn't it the water tree's poisoning?

What's more, if you think about it here, you can actually understand it.First of all, the three corpses and the surrounding environment are obviously very uncoordinated. When the three ninjas are attacked, will they really not even resist?

In addition, Akamaru issued a warning when Ya touched the corpse. Does anyone think Ya does not understand the warning?Or do you think he can't smell anything from his nose?

In summary, it is not difficult to explain, all this is just a routine!

But here again, these ninjas got into the trap, but from the comparison of strength, the two sides are actually out of proportion.There are a lot of opponents, and they are all experienced ninjas. It is still difficult to kill them all, and there is even the possibility of being counter-killed.

Of course, since it is a trap, it will not just be the next one, there must be a hole!Mizuki pointed to the ground: "I advise you not to move, if it gets stuck in your feet, it will be bad."

The ninjas glanced at the ground subconsciously. The ground here is covered with a thick layer of grass, but if you look closely, it seems that there is still a metallic light.

It turns out that these are nothing else but the iron tribulus that Mizuki bought in advance. This kind of thing is not very useful against ninjas, but in this open area, there is no way to jump onto the tree. They should be careful every step they take. cautious.

In other words, their actions were also restricted, and then Mizuki took out a bag of smoke grenades: "I know you have wind escape ninjas, but I don’t know if it’s your chakrado or my smoke grenades. ?"

In order to catch these fishes, I actually bought a lot of bait. In fact, if you want, the water tree can buy some detonating charms, and you can watch them at that time.

It's a pity that Mizuki doesn't like to use detonating charms. After all, she is not good at using them. Even if she buys detonating charms, she has nothing to throw.

But this is enough, because these are actually a school of fish and shrimp, and the real big fish have not caught the bait.Because Mizuki had already guessed that the masked ninja here was not the mastermind.

Text Volume 348. Strong Fight

The sudden turn of the situation caused the opponent to become passive.If it were to discuss combat power alone, Mizuki would only have four people, and he would definitely not be their opponent.

But now with the help of geography, they are introduced into this open area, making them invisible.Then use iron tribulus to restrict movement, and smoke bombs to obscure the opponent's field of vision. The combination of these various unfavorable conditions and restrictions has already made the opponent feel strenuous.

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