I traveled through the days in Naruto World

The Days I Passed in Naruto World Chapter 190

What's more, at this time, the red lotus blossoms in Xirihong had grown up. The reason why there is no explosion now is entirely because of being controlled.But with the sword of Damocles hanging over his head, these guys feel jealous and fear, right?

Mizuki pointed to the masked guy and shouted at him loudly, "Say, where is your leader?"

These ninjas paid great attention to hiding their faces. They looked very similar to the ninja costumes of Tanokuni. All of them were wearing masks except for their two eyes.

So far, the leader of the other party has not revealed his true identity, and it is really impossible to determine his identity with just a portrait of a reward order.

But wanting them to take off their masks is not an easy task. Although the current situation is not good for them, it does not mean that they will stop at it.

Do these guys dare to wink at each other, thinking that Mizuki's eyes are decorations?Obviously they didn't see the coffin, the masked guy sneered: "Want to know the leader? Take his life!"

They were very decisive, almost at the same time, everyone released their own ninjutsu.It seems that he wants to force a breakthrough, but it may also be to change the situation that is not good for them now.

Seeing that they were stubborn, Xi Rihong's handprints had been formed: "Julianhua: Broken!!"

Lianhua encased them, and then there was an explosion. The power was like a detonating talisman tied up in a circle. If the human body directly responded, it is estimated that even if the water tree's diamond is not broken, it may not be guaranteed to be safe.

I don't know these guys, but don't you just blow them up?

Because of the explosion, the high-temperature flames and the air waves that set off, it is difficult to observe the situation with the white eyes of the water tree.But when the explosion was over, what I saw was surprising.

It turned out that these people's method was to first protect them with earth escape, and then soak the soil with water escape, so that they could not only defend against the lethality of explosions, but also prevent high temperature burns, but they were quite a bit savvy.

But the next thing is the main event, because the explosion of Yurihong's absolute lotus is a one-time consumption, unless the absolute lotus is used again.So after the explosion was complete, their counterattack began.

But I have to say one more thing here. Although he successfully defended against the explosion of Jue Lianhua, it did not mean that he was not injured, but he was very tough.The head of the masked ninja took the lead and launched a counterattack: "Tu Dun: The Corridor!!"

After completing the knot printing with both hands, and then pat on the ground, the soil began to change, rolling and bulging forming a road.

Mizuki also looked at it for a moment. It was really a thousand words, forgetting that the other party would have a ninja.You must know that the advantage of Tu Dun is that it can change the terrain, and can change the unfavorable geography into a favorable environment.

Although this consumes chakras very much, it is still very worthwhile if the situation can be reversed.

Seeing this situation, everyone can't be careless, throwing the prepared smoke bomb with one hand, and at the same time saying to everyone: "Teacher Yurihong, please use that trick!"

The smoke bombs, the smoke released, will inevitably be restrained by the ninja of the wind escape, so the help of Yu Rihong is needed here.It was when this guy had already completed the seal and wanted to perform Fengyun Ninjutsu again.He saw cherry blossoms in the sky?

Sakura is the illusion of Yurihong: "Three Sakura!"

Anyone who sees the cherry blossoms will fall into the illusion. At this time, the red evening sun can take the opportunity to surprise.Cut through the throat of the hapless man with the blade of Kuwu, so that even the wind cannot blow it.

Seeing that they had not killed their companions, the others suddenly became frustrated and formed handprints towards Xi Rihong: "Shui Dun: Water Turbulence!!!", "Lei Dun: Earth Go!!"

The cooperation of water escape and thunder escape, although not similar to fire escape and wind escape, which complement each other is powerful, but it should not be underestimated.

Seeing this situation, Mizuki responded: "Flick the magic!"

An extra small projectile came out of her hand and was ejected by her fingertips. This was the only long-range attack she could control.

Don't look at this as the ejection, but condensing the chakra to a point, the power is not as small as it looks, but it has a killing effect comparable to a bullet.

That is to say, the attack of this blow is like a bullet, piercing a person's body!

The poor Thunder escape ninja, who just released a hand of ninjutsu, was given a headshot by Mizuki on the spot, and the red and white ones were blown out. Obviously, this was already dead and could not die again.

The battle had just begun, and two companions had already died. While making these people angry, they also appeared somewhat frightened, afraid that they would also be killed.

However, these guys are ninjas after all, and they are ninjas with strong psychological qualities. They quickly turn anger and panic into fighting power: "Brothers, kill! Kill them, Yunokuni is ours!"

They are a bit crazy, although they have given previous orders, don't hurt the Hyuga clan.But now to save lives, we must resort to all means.

Kuwu's throwing, shuriken attack, these things are good to say, Hinata can use the guardian gossip, and it can be easily beaten down.However, now there are enemies who are hacking over with a sword, which makes her a little hard to resist.

Hinata uses soft fist, although unlike Mizuki, he doesn't need to use weapons.But more often they use soft fists to fight, facing the blades from hacking and slashing, always trying to avoid them.

Fortunately, the tooth at this time helped Hinata, and cooperated with Akimaru to use his teeth to attack the enemy who had been slashed. He also injured one by the way, the guy who just breathed fire to him was cut by him.

The injury is not serious, but it is also painful, and the knot in his hand spouts flames: "Huo Dun: The Art of Phoenix Fire!!!"

A very low-level fire escape technique, the killing power is not very high, but it can control the trajectory, and it can pose a certain threat to the teeth that use the teeth to pass the teeth and move at high speed.

These ninjas still have a bit of strength, and they seem to want to eat them, fearing that it will be a little difficult.Seeing the unfavorable situation of the battle, he gradually became unable to support him. Regardless of Mizuki's ability to resist sword attacks, it might be a little dysfunctional when faced with ninjutsu.

Text Volume 349. Strength

These ninjas are more difficult to deal with than imagined. If they were only fighting with physical skills, Yayou Secret Art and Hinata's soft fist, they would still be able to fight vigorously.

But when they saw that physique was not dominant, these ninjas were not polite to use ninjutsu.This is Huo Dun that even Shuizuo is unwilling to resist. Naturally, the two of them can't stop them, so they can only find ways to avoid them and not be burned by the flame.

The multiple flames of the Phoenix Fire technique bombarded them in turn.Ya uses Tong Ya's high-speed movement to evade, and at the same time he can launch a counterattack to the opponent: "Ya Tong Ya!!"

Tooth and Akamaru cooperated tacitly, and bumped one after another.Seeing this, the latter realized that it was too late for the seal and had to dodge by jumping off the spot.

It was at this time that Ya shouted to Hinata: "Hinata, just now!"

It is difficult for a ninja to react in the air when he jumps away, although he can turn around with skill to deal with some threats.But the trajectory of the parabola will not be changed, and Hinata's white eyes can judge such a trajectory.

Seizing such a good opportunity, Hinata punched Rourou out: "Ha!"

"Damn it, dare to count on me!" The taste of being hit with a soft fist will definitely not be very comfortable. After holding back the pain from the body, he will directly fight back with his backhand: "Go to hell!"

Holding a handful of kunai, stab at Hinata who attacked him.

Hinata's white eyes saw his attack, so she was naturally prepared for it. Here she used a leaning posture to stick directly to the opponent, and then grabbed the opponent with one hand and took the kunai. Hand and the other hand make a soft fist at the same time, hitting the opponent's hand.After knocking off the weapon in his hand, he directly grabbed the opponent's arm and performed a beautiful shoulder throw.

This scene was of course seen by Mizuki. According to his fighting physique, this trick has a special term: breaking the arm of a strong man, which is a trick to defeat the enemy.Because in the process of physical combat, it is definitely a combination of fists and feet. Once the opponent is suppressed, you can use this technique to counter the enemy.

Mizuki exhaled: "Don't look at Hinata who is usually introverted and shy. He seems to be weak, just because he is too kind. But if you want to be serious, no enemy will be afraid."

The most direct example is that in the future, Penn’s attack on the village chief showed strong strength. Even Naruto, who was considered the only promising at the time, was also defeated by Penn.

But even if they met a powerful enemy like Payne, when they saw Naruto encounter a crisis, when everyone was at a loss, only Hinata bravely stood up to fight.

There is a saying: meet on a narrow road, the brave wins!

The brave Hinata showed very good combat effectiveness, especially in her physical skills, and with the cooperation of teeth, she defeated a ninja who was at least a middle-level ninja.

"Damn it!" The man still wanted to struggle to get up, one hand was injured, and there was no way to use ninjutsu.He could only use the other hand to pick up Kuunai and attack again.

This guy looks pretty stiff, but it's not wise to do this. Both hands just didn't work. Now only one hand is left holding Kunai and waving, it would be strange if he could hurt Hinata!

Dodging from left to right, avoiding the opponent's stabbing attack, Hinata punched the soft punch once again, this time it hit the opponent's chest very accurately, Mizuki's white eyes could clearly see, and the hit was this guy's. Heart pulse.

However, it seems that Hinata left his hand. If he directly attacked the heart, he should have stopped his heart on the spot.

When Mizuki was observing Hinata, he encountered an enemy's surprise attack. He was stabbed in the chest by a hand of Kuwu, and he was still in the heart. It was obvious that he wanted her life.

This made Xi Rihong startled, but she soon realized that she had thought about it too much.If you use ninjutsu to attack, such as fire ninjutsu and thunder ninjutsu, Mizuki might be really dangerous.

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