I traveled through the days in Naruto World

The Days I Traveled Through in Naruto World Chapter 217

With a cold smile, the giant skeletons and ordinary skeletons were sent away. They didn't need to directly pursue them. After escaping into the soil, when they broke out again, they had already blocked everyone's way.

The more troublesome thing is not only that, because at the same time, there are also a large number of skeletons near the port of the country of the vortex. Their task is very simple. They slash all visible living creatures and sacrifice their lives and souls. To their owner.

The people in the sealing team and the calamus and bellflower, who were responsible for the protection, and the residents evacuated safely, had to join the battle.If it's just a normal skeleton, it's not a big problem, they can still handle it.

But when this giant skeleton broke out of the soil, with a huge machete in one hand and a bone shield in one hand to protect the body, when slashing and killing, it was only the ninja responsible for the seal, as well as the calamus and Both Kikyo and Kikyo clearly couldn't handle it.

Text volume 395th chapter 392. Run!

The appearance of these skeleton soldiers existed only for the purpose of killing. They attacked humans unscrupulously, slashing the knives in their hands on humans.

Kikyo has cut off at least twenty or thirty skulls, but even with such a desperate battle, the effect can only be described in vain.Because the skeleton has no concept of death, even if the head is cut off, just pick it up and put it on.

When the giant skeleton appears, it is almost like a big boss. The big knife in your hand can clear an area with just one sweep, and it doesn’t matter what kind of hacking is the enemy or me. Anyway, the skeleton will not die. I will reconnect my body.

"The people in the sealing class have already decided to use the sealing technique!" Changpu appeared next to Kikyo, quickly repeating the content: "I heard the ninja from the sealing class just now, discussing to use the sealing technique to confine this place. Island, let us evacuate the local residents as soon as possible."

The situation is a bit urgent. It was originally expected to wait for Forbearance to complete their mission and return before starting the sealing work.But the changes happened too quickly, and if it continues like this, it might be beyond control.

There is no way to use the seal technique, because the task of the seal squad is to seal the island, and the situation here cannot be out of control.

"It's hateful!" Kikyo murmured, and then said: "Maple hasn't come back, and Shangren has not come back. How can they do this?"

The calamus here also expressed helplessness. Seeing a skeleton soldier rushing over, he chopped off its head with a ninja knife in his hand, and then kicked its head far away, the skeleton ran over to pick it up.At the same time, he said to Kikyo: "There is no way, they are also ordered by Hokage, and Maple is controlled by the enemy, we can only trust the Shinnins."

There is no other way. The task of the two of them now is to protect the people here.They can't do anything else, they can only hope that the battle of the Shinnins is successful!

Changpu patted Kikyo's shoulder and said to her with peace of mind: "Don't worry, Feng will be fine, but if we mess up the task, she will be very angry when she comes back!"

Yes, tasks that should have been simple are now a bit tricky.

Fortunately, the pre-arrangements were made so that the elderly and the weak, women and children were allowed to board the ship first, and had already left earlier.Many of the rest are young and middle-aged men. They can't presumably compete with ninjas, but if they hold weapons, they can also deal with ordinary skeleton soldiers.

But the trouble here is the giant skeleton that is taller than the house. Most people must have been unable to fight it before, and can only be dealt with by ninjas.

The people in the seal squad are already in battle, and these people are very good. It is said that there were originally ninjas from the Anbe, because the white tone of the mission came to perform the seal mission.

These people are very strong, and they know how to cooperate very well.A ninja Jieyin who knows how to escape from the earth system: "Earth escape: Huangquan Marsh!!!"

Ninjutsu slapped the ground, and the soil instantly became soft, and the weight of the average person would sink when he stepped on it, not to mention a giant skeleton that was taller than a house.

At this time, there was another ninja Kieyin, who displayed ninjutsu: "Fire Dane: The technique of unburnt!!"

Skeletons that have lost the ability to move are definitely unable to dodge this technique, and even if they have a shield in their hands, they don't have a shield, because this is burning directly on its body.

It seems that the ninjas of the Sealed Class are very strong, and they should have controlled this giant skeleton.Acorus and Kikyo came to them and asked about the situation: "The local residents have basically been evacuated and are now on the final boarding. Has this thing been controlled?"

The ninjas of the seal class have the same outfits as the ordinary Konoha ninjas, except that they carry scrolls with them. This is what they need to seal.

The ninja who had just performed the fire escape released his ninjutsu, and said with a cold face: "No, my ninjutsu has no effect, but it has also sunk in and can't get out of it for a while."

I don't know what this is. I don't need to be afraid of sword and sword injuries. I am not afraid of ninjutsu. I am surprisingly powerful. It is hard to say how long the technique of Huangquan Marsh can be trapped.

The captain of the seal squad also came: "Let the people on the ship move faster, we have to perform the sealing technique, otherwise, if this continues, we won't have—"

The words were not finished yet, only the ninja who used the earth to escape warned everyone: "Be careful!"

At the same time, sensing the coming of the crisis, several people swiftly jumped away from the place. It was at this moment that countless bone spurs were shot. Fortunately, they were reminded in time, otherwise they would all be shot into hedgehogs.

Before I had time to rejoice, the giant skeleton waved the blade, and the skin hurt by the blowing wind.It's a pity that some people didn't have time to dodge.

"Damn it, it's coming out!"

Because after attaching the soul, gaining a certain amount of wisdom, the giant skeleton uses the shield to increase the contact area, share its weight, and finally crawl out of the trapped swamp.

It was flames and cones, hitting this giant skeleton, there was no effect, after all, it was a skeleton, and hitting it couldn't be killed.

Seeing such a situation, the captain of the sealing class secretly cursed: "Damn it!"

Take out the scroll on his body, open it, bit his finger, smear the blood on the scroll, and Jieyin gathers the chakra, stretches out multiple hands from the scroll, and grabs the giant skeleton.

It was the first time I saw Changpu and Kikyo. I didn't expect that they had been subdued before they had time to make a shot. I admired the captain's strength.

But now is not the time to rejoice, because the next scene can be said to be a sharp turn.Someone pointed in a distant direction and shouted: "Look, what is that!"

Everyone can see where they are pointing. The white ocean is full of mountains and plains?No, to be precise, it is a sea of ​​skulls swarming over the mountains and sky!

The work of boarding the ship is almost to the end, but there are still dozens of people who have not had time to board the ship. Such a scene suddenly frightened.

Not to mention ordinary people here, even ninjas who have experienced life and death battles cannot face such a scene, especially the densely packed skeletons, the shocking feeling brought by the hideousness.

However, at this moment, Shangren, who had previously done the recapture task, had already rushed back in time.How embarrassed and embarrassed they looked, after all, it was Skeleton Sea who was chasing after them!

"Go! Go!"

"Seal class! Seal!"

Text Volume 396 Chapter 393. Counter Ambush

Ants often kill elephants, and one or two skeleton soldiers without wisdom are not necessarily good at dealing with ordinary people with weapons, let alone powerful ninjas.But as long as this number increases, even Shinobu will frown.

Surrounded by many skeletons, Rakshasa came to a nearby location and saw the person fleeing about to cross the sea, and said with a cold voice: "Want to escape the embrace of death? How is it possible!"

He stretched his hand forward and waved: "Go, Rotten Bee Swarm!!"

Countless bee colonies appeared, with a vicious smell, rushing to the remaining docked ships.The swarm was caught off guard, and the docked ships had no means of defense, and they swayed after being hit by the swarm.

Those who have been on the ship but have not uploaded it, after encountering the threat of poison, the exposed skin can feel pain, this is corruption or festering!

These struggling crowds were in a panic, and the ships that were already swaying themselves could not bear such a load. First of all, a smaller ship overturned, and the huge waves stirred up the ships nearby.The remaining ships also began to roll over, and one after another collapsed like dominoes.

The last ship is a Konoha commercial cargo ship. It is not an ordinary small wooden fishing boat. The whole body is made of metal. Only this heaviest ship can resist.But the greater crisis is not something else, but comes from those who have lost their ships, seeing that this is the only one left, they don't care to climb up.

Without any order, the crowded boarding becomes slow.This is enough for Rakshasa: "Ah, human beings, when they are desperate, it is really sympathetic."

The ninjas see this situation and know that if this continues, it will make the situation worse.The captain of the seal squad immediately said to Changpu and Kikyo: "Isn't your task to protect the locals from evacuation? I leave it to you now. I will meet them and find a way to suppress them with seals!"

Looking at the last ship left, there are still a mess of people.Of course, Changpu and Kikyo understood that they naturally nodded and agreed.

They came to the wharf with instant shots, used ninjutsu to attract everyone’s attention, and then issued a warning: “Don’t panic, we will protect everyone until the end. You see, the upper ninjas will do their best to resist. What is done is to work together, not to lose the order of the crowd, otherwise do you think how many people can get on the boat?"

The ninjas of the Sealing Class and Shangren were joined together, and they formed an indestructible line of defense. After all, these people were all Shangren, and it was not very difficult to block them for a while.But if order is lost in this way and all the swarms are crowded up, no matter how much time is gained, it is estimated that few people can get on the boat.

To make the relationship clear, fortunately, many of the people who stayed are young and middle-aged, and they still have a way to solve the problem.According to the orders of the two ninja adults, one part was separated to rescue the people who fell into the water, and the other part found a thick hemp rope to figure out a way to straighten the overturned boat.

This is the port area. The draft is not very deep. Ships that roll over will not sink directly to the bottom. There is still the possibility of righting, and there are more ships, so everyone can be confident: "You can leave!"

The chaotic state temporarily stopped, but the real battle has just begun.

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