I traveled through the days in Naruto World

The Days I Passed in Naruto World Chapter 218

The ninjas looked at thousands of skeletons, and their scalp was numb. Fortunately, there was no intensive phobia.

"Damn it, what kind of monster is this? Is the army summoned!"

Yes, the army, should only be able to use this word to describe the scene in front of you?

The captain of the seal squad arrived, and after seeing a few Shangren, he explained the current situation: "We must use the seal technique, but when the seal technique is used, we cannot be attacked, otherwise the sealing process will be interrupted. I hope you can buy time for us!"

It is not easy to seal an island. Although the people in the seal class have done a lot of preparation before, they only need to unseal the scroll that they carry with them. When the seal formation is completed, the seal is considered successful.

However, when the seal formation is formed, it is necessary to ensure that all are connected. However, even if there is only one corner, and the attack is destroyed, the formation cannot be connected as a whole is regarded as a seal failure, and it must be restarted.

This is understandable, and the upper ninjas nodded and understood: "We know, I will find a way to buy time for you, and also for the evacuation of the last personnel on the island."

The people in the sealing class moved quickly, and they went straight to prepare for the sealing technique.Here it depends on a few Shangren!

"That's what I said, but there are too many enemies, right?" Sarutobi Asma scratched her head helplessly, looked at the sea of ​​thousands of skeletons, and said: "What are you going to do? And there is that enemy here. , She will definitely not sit back and watch!"

Yes, looking at this scene, they looked like bones, they are ninjas and not gods. If they fight head-on, God knows will they be exhausted first?

Gazing at the direction of Rakshasa, Kakashi's writing wheel turned, and he seemed to perceive something. Looking along the other side's line of sight, Raksha seemed to be chasing water trees?

Kakashi turned and looked at Mizuki's body. Although he didn't know what Raksha was looking at, he could see through the writing wheel that Mizuki's body was being occupied by a red chakra!

"What's the situation?" Kakashi became vigilant when she noticed something wrong, and looked in the direction of Raksha again, and found that she looked at the corner of her mouth with a mysterious smile: "Oops, this guy— !"

It was at this time that the talisman paper pasted on the water tree was actually ignited by an unknown person.

The talisman was burned to ashes, and the original imprisonment ability was eliminated. Everyone quickly retreated. They knew the ability of the water tree. If she was caught at close range, that fist would be fatal.

At the same time, not only Mizuki got out of control, but Feng also struggled to escape from the worm pot.There is a wolf in front and a tiger in the back: "This is troublesome!"

Not much, Mizuki rushed to several people in an instant, and shook her most terrifying fist.And Feng's hands began to seal, and he performed ninjutsu: "Fire Dun: Phoenix Fire Art!!"

Shui Shu's fist smashed into a big pit, and the Shinobumen had to jump to avoid it. At this time, several phoenix fires hit.Kakashi Jiyin Defense: "Tu Dun: Tu Liubi!!"

An earth escape wall appeared, just for everyone to withstand the attack of the flame, but before I could breathe a sigh of relief, I saw the wall of the earth flow wall shook, and then watched the earth wall is pierced. As for who is passing through, Needless to say this.

Mizuki ignored the collapsed wall and walked step by step.

Text Volume 397 Chapter 394. Absolute Strength

Did Mizuki and Maple cooperate just now?First, the water tree launched an attack, and then asked Feng to use the fire escape technique. Seeing that there was a soil escape technique to defend, the water tree was breaking through with brute force.Although it looks very rusty, this is more than the previous fight, and there is already cooperation.

Raksha showed a cold smile on his face, and said softly: "Yes, the initial integration has been completed. As long as the integration becomes more and more perfect in a few days, they can become my subordinates, two outstanding fighters. !"

First use the secret technique to control the person's body, and then more and more merge the spirit to achieve the final control of the person?It is a bit similar to the secret technique of the mountain clan, but the difference is that the method is different. The technique of turning the mind is to occupy the target's body, and it has a time limit.

On the other hand, Raksha's secret technique can integrate the spirit of the person, and after the perfect integration is finally achieved, the person will be permanently enslaved.Although it will retain the consciousness of someone, it will never get rid of the master's control.

Several Shangren avoided attacks one after another, jumped to a distance to confront the enemy. Hearing what the enemy said, it was really unbearable: "What do you think of human beings?"

According to the scrolls previously won from the water tree, the Shinnins knew that this was Shura. Although looking at the Rakshasa and ordinary human females, it actually belonged to an existence from another world.

"I don't have any opinion on human beings, just for my own meaning." Raksha doesn't care how to treat human beings, because for the meaning of Shura's existence, all this is not important: "I have seen from these two human beings. Your world has observed your history. You humans have gathered together to form one country after another. However, there is no difference between what war is meant for and what I am for."

The Rakshasa summons the water tree and the maple to instill more powerful power into them, and integrate their will into their spirit. Is this accelerating the integration?

With more powerful power, the eyes of Water Tree and Maple bloomed with a more scarlet light, and bloodthirsty expressions appeared on the expressionless faces one after another.

Seeing such a situation, the Shangnin people are all uneasy. If this continues, can they really only use killer moves?Kakashi and Kay glanced at each other, and the latter nodded clearly.

Kakashi looked at Raksha again, and said loudly to her: "What did you break the seal and come into this world for? Just for killing and enslavement?"

The Rakshasa here replied: "I am not interested in mankind. If you want to say why? Mankind is just a means to help me and achieve my goal! Become my servant, get my blessing, and get eternal life!"

She has no hatred for human beings, just because she needs to turn humans into her own power to do something.

However, I have already noticed that these humans are not simple, at least they are not obediently caught.Well, it doesn't matter, show absolute strength and let mankind lose the belief in resistance!

Raksha silently said: "Dark ritual!!!-Coming: Skeleton King!!!"

Absolute strength, absolute suppression, the original giant skeleton is not easy to deal with, now based on this giant skeleton, countless dead bones crawling all over the body.

Not only did the size of the giant skeleton suddenly become larger, but even a pair of skeleton armor appeared on the body, which was a battle armor formed by connecting all the skeletons together.

If there is anything to compare here, it is estimated that only the size of the nine tails 13 years ago can be comparable to this skeleton.If that is the case, can it be explained from the side that the possible strength of this skeleton should also be close to the tail beast level?

You can summon a powerful creature that is close to the tail beast level. What kind of strength is this?And from the current observations, Shura is far from showing real strength, right?!

At this time, Rakshasa had already jumped onto the Skeleton King, looked at the following Shangren, and said coldly: "You are not worthy of me to summon the Skeleton King, but in order for you to recognize the facts, let Take a look at my strength!"

With a simple snap of his fingers, the Skeleton King's eyes were bright, holding a knife in one hand and a shield in one hand, making a gesture of about to attack.

The Skeleton King held his blade, his aura suddenly changed. When the sword was swung out, it was engulfed in pitch black energy. However, wherever this energy went, the vegetation would quickly wither and decay.

Even the few Shangren here, there is almost no room for resistance, if it weren't for Rakshasa who thought they would be useful, and deliberately let go of a life, I am afraid they would have been killed.

But even so, the violent wind formed by the Skeleton King swinging his sword easily knocked them down, but the wave of cutting out even cut the sea water away.

Sure enough, there was nothing wrong. To display such a terrifying strength would definitely not be much worse than the nine tails who appeared in Konoha Village more than ten years ago.And being able to control an enemy with such a strength, let alone a few of them can resist!Not to mention fighting here, even if it is delayed for a little time, it is difficult to wait for the completion of the sealing technique.

Is it really impossible?——No, even if it’s a try, use the method of sneak attack: "Towards the Peacock!!"

I don't know when, Kai appeared in the air, opened eight doors, and countless fists fell. Because of the extremely high speed of punching, the friction produced flames, and the flames scattered from the fists dyed the sky red.As bright as the sunrise, as dazzling as the tail feathers of a peacock!

"A dying struggle?" Luo Sha just sneered in response.

The Skeleton King raised the shield in his hand to block the fire damage from his fist and friction. Whenever a fist attack smashed a hole, there was a speed visible to the naked eye soon, and he was quickly repairing it.

It can't be said that the speed of recovery is faster than the speed of smashing, but it greatly improves the defensive power. Although the bone scum is splashed, the Rakshasa under the protection is not harmed.

Waiting for all the attacks on the Peacock to finish, Kay returned to Kakashi's side and said embarrassingly: "Sorry, the enemy's strength is stronger than it looks."

Raksha was not angry at the sneak attack, but the fact that she was under absolute strength would only make her more smooth and free.Finally, he said to several Shangren: "Don't think about sealing me again, you don't have this chance. Now make your choice? Surrender or die!"

Text Volume 395. Communication of Ideas

Since what happened on the day of the ruined temple, it was actually only seven or eight days. During this period of time, the consciousness of the water tree was like sleeping, falling into the boundless darkness.

Originally, there was nothing, as long as this continued, the consciousness of the water tree would be assimilated sooner or later, and then it would be combined to form a new soul and personality.

But accidents always happened inadvertently. The reason was that the things in her hand became active again when the seal was broken.It's just that most of the energy generated at that time was sucked away by Rakshasa, and the original thing did not happen.

But with the release of the seal, what should happen will always happen.

It was when Mizuki's consciousness fell into the deeper darkness, but at this time, there was a mysterious and strange power that awakened her consciousness from the darkness.

Of course, this is at the level of consciousness. Although Mizuki's consciousness has been awake, he still has no control over his body.And the place that trapped her consciousness was still dark everywhere.

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