I traveled through the days in Naruto World

The Days I Traveled Through in Naruto World Chapter 235

Text volume 424. Last sentence

"The banner represents your base camp. Being pulled out means that your headquarters has fallen."

"The special Shinobu sitting in your headquarters, everyone has a bell on their body. When they encounter snatching from the other side, they will make the necessary resistance. But as long as the bell is snatched, it means the'general' died!"

Slashing the generals to capture the flag is a very appropriate rule of the competitive game. Even the shogi game in this world has such rules.

However, the students here are very good, and they immediately noticed something strange from Mizuki's words.Someone raised his hand to indicate that he wanted to ask a question. After getting the consent of Mizuki, he said: "A banner, representing the headquarters, is already a victory. Why do you want to do this extra and add a'general'?"

What this question says is that in many games, as long as you complete one ending, you are actually considered a victory.Why do you need to make such a decision?

Regarding the student’s answer, Mizuki quickly replied: “This student’s statement is not wrong, but if you listen carefully, you should be able to discover that the capture of the flag and the beheading of generals I mentioned earlier did not actually explain. Just won the victory."

"It's not wrong. I know that the public class you have ever attended should be similar to capturing the flag. As long as the flag is successfully captured, it is considered a victory! But have you ever thought about the factors that determine the outcome of a war? Is it just that your own headquarters is destroyed? Or is the killing of the'General' count as failure?"

No, of course not!Mizuki said: "Last year's Konoha collapse incident can be said to be the best example. Our village was attacked and all three generations of Hokage were killed. But in the end it was us who won the war of defense and we protected ourselves. Village!"

Mizuki said to all the students: "If the banner is down, it can still be erected. If a'general' is dead, someone will take up the post. But as long as one of you is there, there is still hope!"

The victory of this game is not a complete capture of the flag, but if you remove the opponent's flag, the party and the student who win the bell can get extra points.

If you want to talk about how to decide victory or defeat, there are two ways: the simplest is to "kill" all enemies, and how many enemies are killed, there are points and ranking mechanisms.

The latter method is to complete the beheading and capture the flag. If you complete the third task, kill the people who carry the "secrets" and deliver the secrets to the Death Forest. The Hokage in the central tower will add another point.Cut the generals, capture the flag, and obtain secrets. The party who completes these three tasks first can also win!

Killing the enemy, beheading the flag, hiding missions, group and individual points, these actually guarantee the uncertainty of the game to the greatest extent in a sense.And it’s the most likely thing that needs to be done in the simulation of the real battlefield situation.

Of course, there must be someone here who will ask more questions.For example, someone said: "Two classes, 30 people in each class, there are excellent students and inferior students, many people who are better than me can'kill' more enemies, does it mean that there are people, and they may not be able to grab them? How about points? If this is the case, will it be considered a failure?"

Mizuki has always mentioned the issue of personal points, and everyone is a little worried about what will happen to this point.

But for this question, you can actually rest assured. Mizuki replied very clearly: "Personal points are conducive to the order of ranking later. This is for you to understand the teacher's consideration after graduation, grouping and scoring. , Although it is indeed counted as grades. But for students with poor ability, there is no need to worry too much."

Poor students are useful, not to mention that every crane tail is useless.At least the few crane tails that Mizuki knew about later all became superb.For example, Uchiha Daito, Maitek, and the protagonist Uzumaki Naruto!

Here is the need for Yakumo, the role of this "troublemaker" exists.If you want to stay behind, you can find "wild monsters" in the forest. It is an illusory creature created by Yakumo. As long as you successfully defeat such a wild monster, you can get an item that can resurrect the "dead" teammates.This is also a kind of integral!

Maybe this kind of mechanism seems a bit incomprehensible, or even ridiculous. How can the dead be brought back to life on the real battlefield?But the deep meaning of the water tree is here. It is necessary to know that with any battle, there is bound to be someone injured who needs to be treated as soon as possible.

This seemingly ridiculous resurrection mechanism is actually designed to simulate the scene of saving your teammates on the battlefield.No one dares to make jokes about life, and no one hopes to die!

Speaking of his own thoughts, Mizuki told all the students: "This is just a game and there is nothing wrong, but we hope that each of you can learn something from it. Remember that you are Konoha ninjas, and wars are always there. There may be an outbreak, but it’s not far away from you. I won’t say any more examples. Everyone has experienced that day."

"This exam is related to your own results, but it is also more related to your future. Killing the enemy, beheading, capturing the flag, secret missions, and rescuing the wounded, I have already put all the battlefields that can happen. All things in the world are presented in front of you."

That's right, the water tree here should be considered very thorough. She is very clear in her heart that within two or three years, Payne will inevitably attack Konoha Village, and there will be outbreaks later. The fourth Ninja World War.

If these students are successfully promoted to Zhongren, they will definitely have to go to the battlefield. What they have learned now can give them a little help.

Finally, Mizuki said to the students: "I know you still have a lot of questions to ask, but the rules of this competition are very simple. First of all, you have to live first, otherwise there will be no so-called victory. At the same time, you must do your best. Defeat the enemies in front of you, destroy more enemies to get more points, slay the secret scrolls captured by Capture the Flag, and deliver them to the hands of Hokage in the Central Tower, and you can get the final victory! Remember what I said This sentence!"

Finally, Mizuki emphasized that she should remember what she said. I wonder if these students really understand it.

Text volume 425. Trial exam [1]

After the two graduating class students are sent to the Death Forest, they will be handed over to their respective "general" examiners.

These two "general" examiners are very forbearing, and they will continue to introduce the students to the things that need attention in the death forest.After all, this is just a two-class confrontation, not a real battlefield, so no one wants casualties.

According to the narration of two special Shangren, their task is to observe each student and make a comprehensive evaluation and scoring of their performance in battle.Under normal circumstances, they will not intervene, but because they have the status of "general", they will carry bells on their bodies. They will only participate in the battle when the opponent wants to snatch the bell.

When they were about to enter the arena outside, Mizuki had already said it once. They were only narrating it again, but here at the same time reminded: "There are many poisonous insects and beasts in the death forest. You must be more careful. "

The specific rules and requirements of the game have already been said.

One way to achieve victory is to "eliminate" all opponents, but because of the existence of a resurrection mechanism, it is actually very easy to be a war of attrition.The other is to complete three tasks, remove the flag of the opponent's base camp, seize the bell from the general, and complete a secret task.The class that finishes first will win.

However, thinking of the occurrence of battles, there will inevitably be casualties. In order to minimize the losses, apart from the two examiners who are specially appointed as "General", there are actually more Zhongnin examiners scattered around the death forest. Respond to emergencies at any time, and there are medical ninjas transferred from the hospital on standby to minimize possible casualties.

These are all narrated and supplemented, and then the game begins.

The central tower of the death forest, the water tree has already come to this place. The last time I came was during the Zhongnin exam last year, when I was still a student of the exam, and now I am the chief examiner here.

There are various monitoring screens in the central tower, and basically the implementation of the entire Death Forest can appear in front of one's own eyes.There are already two ninjas here. After contacting the "General" examiners of the two classes, they confirmed: "The game begins!"

Mizuki sat on a chair and looked at the display on the screen. This kind of ancient "big head" screen is really an antique.Fortunately, the display is still clear, and it can be clearly seen that the students in the two classes have taken action.

Also with her is Kurama Yakumo. She has a drawing board in her hand. This is for her illusion. The things drawn can become real.

But here she was not in a hurry, but watched the video with Mizuki: "Mizuki, you have taught these two classes, should you have a little observation? Do you think which side of the two classes has a higher probability of winning. "

When formulating the competition plan earlier, Mizuki had evaluated the overall strength of the two classes, but did not think which one had the greater advantage. It could be said that it was a half-hearted difference.

But such an answer cannot satisfy Kurama Yakumo.Mizuki thought for a while, and roughly said: "From an overall point of view, the advantage of the second class lies in the three people I mainly like: Xiushu, Yunli Qingyu, and Shiyou. Xiushu seems to have combat experience, light Yu is said to know two types of ninjutsu. Shiyou is a student I have taught myself, and I know their abilities very well."

Of course, since it is a class match, it is certainly not a few people, so you can change something.And because he taught another class, Mizuki also affirmed: "Raimon and Bro of the first class are also very good, especially Raimon is very intelligent, war is not only about the strength of watching, but also the shrewd mind. It’s also very important."

Mizuki's impression of the war most admired was the counsellors and generals who were strategizing and deciding to win thousands of miles away.A smart mind to work out appropriate tactics and strategies is more conducive to determining the final victory.

After listening to Mizuki's concise analysis, Yakumo knocked on the drawing board and thought: "This is you, let me be the role of this'troublemaker'?"

There is almost this meaning. When it comes to this role, there is still a deep meaning.Mizuki said: "What I need are uncertain factors. There are many uncertainties on the battlefield. For example, the opponent's strategy, the judgment of one's teammates, and even the influence of the weather."

Yakumo seems to be able to understand a bit, this idea may also be the original intention of the resurrection mechanism, right?By using this "resurrection" method, to a certain extent, it can simulate the situation of "more" people joining the battle.

For the control of normal games, Water Tree completely simulates the various situations that may exist on the battlefield.Such a profound meaning must have been sensed by Yakumo: "Why do you take it so seriously in a game between students? Even if it is Hokage-sama who wants to see it, is it too fussy?"

This question asked is not easy to answer. After all, I can't say that I know that a few years later, the fourth war in the whole world of Ninja is about to break out, right?

Because Mizuki had already been reminded about Akatsuki's organization, she didn't want to cause more trouble.So let’s take Konoha’s collapse last year as an example: “I have experienced things last year, so I feel deeply. They are the ninjas of the future and will experience similar things sooner or later. I don’t want them to, when things happen, I don't know what to do yet!"

No matter whether Yakumo can understand it or not, the Mizuki who made all of this is planning for the outbreak of the next Ninja War.

Of course, because I knew about Konoha's collapse and had heard about Mizuki, it would be impossible if Yakumo didn't understand it, so he nodded clearly.

Yakumo put his drawing board in place, and saw that Mizuki was paying close attention to the dynamics on the playing field.

Because this is an issue related to grades and graduation, students can be said to be 100% motivated, and they can't wait to beat the other party right away.

There are dozens of students in a class without the direct management of the teacher. Many of them are not convinced by anyone. Some people are very decisive. Many of these people are very good students and like to fight. They attacked in groups of three and two.

However, there are prudent students who know how to arrange and plan first.Let the students who attacked before can test the intelligence of the other party, and then use the results obtained from their own analysis, and then take the initiative to attack and win this trial.

Text Volume 426. Trial Exam [2]

"It's fighting, it's fighting!" Yakumo exclaimed excitedly: "Look at Mizuki, here it is!"

I don't know what's exciting about this, but Mizuki still turned his attention to a display screen.

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