I traveled through the days in Naruto World

The Day I Traveled Through the Naruto World Chapter 236

The outbreak of the first battle was the contact of the vanguard of the attack, and the first one was to throw shurikens and kunai at each other, which seemed quite visual.

Mizuki can see that the students are playing so hard that they still have killer moves. They use Kuwu to stab each other's body. If it is not for training, most of them have been dulled, it may start. There will be bloodshed.

If it is said that fighting with weapons can be controlled by artificial means, but what really needs to worry about is the issue of the students releasing ninjutsu to attack their opponents.

They are all senior students. Generally, they have already learned D-level and C-level ninjutsu. If there are students with higher ninjutsu talents, it is not impossible to learn B-level ninjutsu.

Sure enough, it was at this time that someone made a handprint on the screen, and the water tree distinguished it from this handprint. This is the handprint of "Fire Dunge: The Art of Immortal Fire"!I saw multiple flame attacks, and the opponents fleeing.

The throwing and collision of weapons can be understood as watching martial arts movies, but if there is a ninjutsu confrontation, it can be understood to become a science fiction movie, with gorgeous ninjutsu flying across the sky.

The students with water escape fell on the river water and immediately formed the ninjutsu of the "water wall" wall. The flame hit the water escape and it was naturally extinguished.

The added visual effects made Yakumo sigh: "Are they really students? This way of fighting looks like a ninja!"

Hearing Yakumo's emotion, Mizuki nodded in agreement, but then subconsciously stunned, and corrected: "Yakumo, what are you talking about? When these students graduate, aren't they ninjas?"

But what I said here is correct. The current students really can't underestimate it, especially the students of the Ninja School. After they know ninjutsu, they are really different.

One party used water escape to defuse the fire escape, but was quickly smashed by a hammer.The student Mizuki saw did not know what kind of ninjutsu was used to adsorb the soil on his hands, turning them into a pair of huge hammers, powerful enough to smash a torn apart hole in the ground.

Fortunately, the target that was attacked jumped away first when the situation was not good, otherwise it would be smashed with such strength, and it would not have been beaten to bloodshed.

Seeing the water tree here, I was really a little dizzy: "It's really a thousand calculations, how can you forget this thing, if you take a blow like this, I am afraid that the'resurrection' mechanism is useless?"

The "resurrection" mechanism provided by the water tree is actually to get a scroll after defeating the monster, with her healing technique attached to it, and it can heal the injured as long as it is shredded.

However, this treatment effect is mainly aimed at the recovery of physical functions from trauma.But even his head was smashed. It is conceivable that even if Tsunade came, he would definitely not be able to save it.

However, the students who are fighting on the screen don’t seem to have this concept. They just fight to fight. After all, this is related to their grades. Even if they don’t want to work hard, how can they go back and explain to their parents?

I only saw the student with the hammer on the screen chasing the opponent, if it weren't for the opponent's class, the support arrived in time, I was afraid that something would really go wrong.

The conflict and battle between the two sides seemed to be escalating. Mizuki let out an "ah", and then said to Yakumo: "Get ready, your role is going to be effective!"

The role of the troublemaker is to prevent such a situation and can effectively attract the attention of the students.

Hearing Mizuki's command, Yakumo spread a canvas on the drawing board and painted with delicate paint. When the things she drew took shape, what Yakumo had drawn appeared in the picture.

This is a huge tiger with a pair of wings on its back. It has the ability to fly, and it can also breathe lightning attacks. Any student who sees it flees in panic.

"A monster appeared?!"

The students did not react to how this winged tiger came here.But everyone who saw it must be away from it, or they would be attacked by lightning, and the student who had just released Shui Dun had been electrocuted to his knees.

This student who has lost combat effectiveness and has fallen will be judged dead according to the rules of the game.Even if he recovers later, he cannot re-enter the battlefield. Only his companions can bring back the props scrolls to bring back the students who were judged dead.

The thing that appeared in front of me was such a monster that could drop items, but it looked very strong, and it was not very easy to deal with just by flying in the air.

When the students on both sides were fighting, this thing suddenly appeared, it was indeed very eye-catching, and they were at a loss.I don't know if it is attacking his opponent, or this guy who flies around and beats everywhere.

However, judging from the results of the feedback, Mizuki found that the students in these two classes quickly reached a consensus, first attack the creature that appeared, and then continue to fight when it is eliminated.

When such an agreement was reached, the water tree I saw was still satisfied, at least I knew that there was not much hatred between them, and it should be fighting for graduation.This way, I can rest assured, at least I know that it is not a battle of life and death.

Mizuki said to Yakumo: "Okay, let's transfer this tiger away! Go to other places in the trial field to make trouble, I think I should respond to more exciting places."

He gave the painted Yakumo just now, and gave the water tree a white look, but he didn't say anything, he just started to apply paint again and moved the tiger out.

When the goal of common response disappears, the students of the two classes here once again enter a state of confrontation. Throwing shurikens and releasing ninjutsu, walking through the battlefield one after another, and there are many strong explosions. occur.

The tiger flew away from this place and came to the next place where the battle took place. Here is where a chase is taking place. There are three people on the more side, and two people are being chased. It should have been a while. I saw the outnumbered. Among them, hurriedly began to evacuate.

But at this time, the five people who were chased and chased by the tiger were all knocked down by lightning.Seeing such a situation, some students noticed something: "This creature that appeared should be the'wild monster' mentioned by Sister Mizuki? Everyone prepare!"

Text Volume 427. Trial Exam [3]

Before the game started, Mizuki talked about a resurrection mechanism and emphasized it.However, judging from the situation at the time, many students did not understand it, but thought it was unnecessary.But some thinking, clever students put this sentence in their hearts.

There is some credit for Kurama Yakumo here, and she played the role of this "troublemaker" very well.Let her make trouble on the battlefield, but she didn't have any affection, but she did a very good job.

Mizuki had already seen it, and some students noticed the fighting tiger, but they were wise not to take action first, but to hide and observe carefully, as if they were still discussing countermeasures.

The students hiding in the dark and observing seem to be students of class one, and the leader of the team is not someone else. It is the class leader Leimen and a few student leaders. Since they are student leaders, of course their strength is needless to say, at least They are all elite level in this class, right?

They have already arranged the arrangements. Raimon was the first to make a few handprints. He is a typical Thunder Dunn ninja. When Mizuki was teaching general public classes, he had seen his strength and expressed his approval.

Raimon took out a handful of kunai in his hand, energizing it to emit an electric light, which was the effect of adding lightning attributes.If you are fighting with other people and using weapons to touch each other, the electric current will pass through the weapon and attack the opponent's body. The powerful electric current is enough to paralyze the human body.

However, the Kaminarimon here uses another method. He throws the kunai in his hand. The goal is to attack the flying tiger. Kunai is still holding a wire behind him. After hitting the tiger's body, he launches a stronger force. Chakra, pass the current to it.

The painful tiger was trembling all over the body and fell uncontrollably.Seizing this opportunity, other people swarmed up at the same time, using wind and water to escape, hitting the tiger's body.In spite of the struggle, the tiger would spit out thunder and strike back.But Leimen greeted a classmate, wound the wire rope and pulled it down.

Leimen Jieyin: "Lei Dun: Lei Guang!!!"

Finally, he slapped the tiger's head with the palm of his hand, only to see a "bang", and the tiger disappeared.

"Sure enough, there is nothing wrong, this is a kind of ninjutsu!" Seeing such a situation, the students all admired Raimon: "How did you know that it looked terrible just now?"

The emergence of this creature, and the easy killing of a few classmates, everyone is seen as real, how can they be so unbeaten now?

Of course, on this issue, Leimen explained to everyone: "The reason is very simple, because it is this competition, not a real battlefield. So teachers and examiners, it is impossible to really take it out, we cannot deal with it. Something comes."

Strong must be strong, because this is the need of the competition, but to ensure that the students can beat the range, naturally they should not be too strong, but the performance is more aggressive.

At the same time, judging from the situation just now, as long as the cooperation of multiple people is appropriate, even if the student is not very strong, there is still the possibility of defeat. Of course, if it is passively beaten to escape, it will definitely not be discovered.

It was at this moment that someone picked up a dropped item from the ground: "Look, what is this?"

A strange scroll fell from the tiger who had just disappeared.It looks different from the commonly used scrolls. There are weird runes on it. After simple identification, it is found that it should be an item similar to the detonation charm.There is also a clear tip above: the side with runes will be pointed at the enemy and then torn to release.

This is an idea that Mizuki came up with, to get props by farming monsters.Anyway, when playing computer games, such settings often appear, so I just transplanted it.Originally there was no other meaning, and it had little effect on the entire battlefield.

However, Kurama Yakumo, who sent this thing out, asked in a puzzled way: "Mizuki, is there any point in doing this? If it is on the real battlefield, could something like this appear? "

The question that Yakumo asked would definitely not appear on the real battlefield.But Mizuki's intention is not for anything else: "What I want is to make the entire battlefield full of uncertainty. This is also your task."

When adding this kind of props, the water tree has already been considered, which may affect the balance of occupation.So in terms of the volume of this kind of reel, there has actually been an arrangement that will only be released when needed.

At the same time, because of the appearance of this prop, it brings greater uncertainty to the game.This is also the result that Mizuki wants. You must know the changes on the battlefield, but not just with personal plans.

After obtaining this scroll, Raimon wanted to give it a try, but from the literal meaning, it seemed to be a disposable item, and it was gone after used.

Carefully put away this thing first, and Leimen summoned the cadres around him and asked, "Is there any information about those in Class 2?"

According to the information collected before the game, Raimon knew that the students in Class 2 who could pose a threat to him were also only the monitor of Class 2 Xiusuki and a few student leaders.

So early on, he set his goal on Xiushu. As long as he could beat Xiushu, there would be no opponent in the second class.

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