I traveled through the days in Naruto World

My Days In Naruto World Chapter 240

Text volume 433. Trial exam [9]

This kind of victory has been announced, and Ibizi took the initiative to hand the bell to Hideki's hand, and an "excellent" result was recorded.

However, just when Xiushu and others from Class 2 were able to capture the flag, the leader of Class 1 Leimen and the cadres under him also completed the task of invading the base camp of Class 2, and the few who stayed behind could not stop them. The attack was quickly breached.

Of course, it is also painful to fight with the examiners who stayed behind in the second base camp.The base camp examiner in the second class is Mitarai Adzuki beans. Her nature is a bit more aggressive, and she is no cooler and better at using brains than Ibuki in Anbe.But especially the strength of Shinobu is not comparable to ordinary students.

Fortunately, this was not a life-and-death battle, and finally Mitarashi red beans released water.The big snake that was originally released can eat all of these students into the stomach.But in the end he didn't do this. Raimon seized an opportunity to beat his own ninjutsu, and used the "shulking snake hand" to hit a powerful current.

After being caught off guard, Mitarai Adzuki beans obviously suffered a bit after being recruited, but this also recognized the strength of Raimon and others, and handed their bells to the hands of Raimon.

This was clearly seen by Mizuki, although he felt that the water released by Mitarai's red beans was somewhat inappropriate.After all, the other side's Ibizi, but seriously hit.This makes the second class a bit of a disadvantage.

However, the facts have already been established, and the strength of the Thunder Gate has also been shown. It is not difficult to win the bell.So Mizuki reluctantly admitted: "These students are all excellent. It seems that a fierce battle will be launched around the third mysterious mission in a while, right?"

Mizuki's calculations are very clear. The two tasks of beheading the flag and capturing the flag are just plain procedures, and the last one is the real goal.

Yakumo here is a little curious and asked, "Do you really have any secrets on the scrolls you gave to the two classes? What would happen if they opened them?"

The arrangement of the reels is the planning stage before the start of the game. Yakumo does not know what is in it. This is very confidential.

Because it's a secret~ Of course Mizuki wouldn't say it, but with a weird look, he replied: "Secrets are secrets, hehe, if you want to know, come and bribe me!"

Sometimes it can become ill-behaved, Yakumo is a little bit aware, especially at night, when she says she wants to take a bath and sleep, Mizuki will be very excited.

What kind of greedy look gave Yakumo the feeling of ~ pervert~ Well, that's the feeling.Just like a boy who wants to peek at a girl's body!

When Yakumo met for the first time, he was obviously uncomfortable, but he thought that everyone was a girl, so he didn't think carefully.However, the sensitive Yakumo can feel the many things like this, and the water tree seems to be an unprecedented color!

Here is to understand what the bribery Mizuki said, she would not be fooled, so she refused very decisively: "No, the big deal will take a look, and you will know it naturally."

Seeing that his careful thoughts were frustrated, Mizuki curled his lips unwillingly: "Why, don't you want to know?"

In order not to leave her a chance, Yakumo resolutely said: "Yes, anyway, looking at the two of them, it is obvious that it is for the third task. Sooner or later, I will know it. Why should I do more?"

Seeing Yakumo's attitude, Mizuki knew that his plan was completely frustrated.

Disappointment is definitely inevitable, but with Mizuki's character, he soon wanted to open it up. When I want to eat tofu, what is the opportunity?

Shifting his gaze to the screen again, the information returned in the screen is that the students in the two classes have already started the final battle for the third task.

But before that, I must explain that the last mysterious mission is not a simple scroll battle.Although to a certain extent, it is correct to refer to the second game of the Zhongnin exam.

But here is one thing to pay attention to. Mizuki is referring to the Fourth Ninja World War. Obviously, if it is just a simple scroll battle, there is no need to be too reminded.

After the second class's Hideki defeated Ibizi, he began to shift his energy to the scroll competition.At this time, he had already obtained information, and Leimen also captured his base camp, pulled out the flag and seized the bell.

This unfavorable news naturally caused Xiushu to frown, but this did not exceed his expectations.Because he and Leimen should both want it, passive defense and head-to-head will inevitably lead to a protracted battle, so no one can be absolutely sure of victory.

The classmates around him were gathered, and Xiusuki was about to start the following plan and arrangement: "We are going to snatch the scroll next, but I'm sure the guy Raimon has taken this thing into his own hand for safekeeping."

When talking about this, someone will definitely say: "Find the guy in Leimen, beat him and then take the scroll back, isn't that all right?"

There is nothing wrong with this, so I'll take it back.Think about it, there is no problem, but when it comes to the other party's squad leader, there must be some strength.

Hideki said: "If you can, I don't think there is a problem. But this guy is so powerful, I know very well that if you want to beat him, you must at least find him first. However, judging from the current situation, we are ten. Eighty-nine is very difficult to catch him!"

"Why?" The student just now asked the question and said: "Don't he want to win? The examiners have said that only if you get a full score first can you win the game. If he doesn't come out, he will wait for us. Are you looking for it?"

On this issue, you should not think so.

Of course, there is nothing wrong with saying this, because if you want to decide a victory or defeat in this game, you can only look at the last task.

It should be possible to guess that if Leimen did not take the initiative to come out, it would be quite difficult to find it in the entire trial venue.

Qingyu thought for a while, and then said to Xiushu: "We should still send people to investigate Leimen and other cadres."

"By the way, after a day of fighting, everyone is very tired, and now it is almost dark. Should we consider the issue of camping?"

Many people agreed with this point. Seeing everyone's attitude, Hideki didn't say much.Nodding understandably: "Well, let's find the highest point, let the squad cadres suffer a little bit more fortunately, and inquire about the intelligence of the first squad overnight. In addition, send some people to do some traps and night vigils to prevent night attacks.

Text Volume 434. Trial Examination [10]

The first night of the game arrived. It was originally five days according to the game plan, but now it is only the first day in the past.

Mizuki has left the surveillance, anyway, there is a ninja under his command, if there is any situation, he will report.So she went back to the room here to rest with Kurama Yakumo.

A simple dinner, one French fries plus one steak, high-calorie and high-protein food, but Mizuki is a pleasure to eat. On the other hand, Yakumo’s ingredients are much simpler, plus a simple vegetable salad. A glass of milk.

This kind of food was used for dinner, making Mizuki frowned: "If you eat a vegetarian diet every day, your body will get worse! Eat more meat."

Beef is a food with extremely high protein content, which is a necessary intake for the human body.I heard that Yakumo’s body has been poor since he was a child, and he has no meat at all on a vegetarian diet.

But the Kurama Yakumo here obviously doesn't care: "I don't like meat."

Such an answer is really unsatisfactory.But when I heard that the other party did not like to eat, Mizuki didn't ask for it.

"One more tomato sauce, um, tomato and french fries, it’s really a perfect match!" Mizuki ate the french fries and beef, and shouted happily, "It’s delicious~ I heard that there is a hot sauce, I don’t know what to match. How's it going? Hey~ When, do it yourself!"

I was not honest when I was eating, I was still talking loudly without swallowing the food in my mouth.Just like a child, there is no etiquette on the table, which is completely incompatible with the identity of the big family!

Yakumo frowned when she saw it: "Why don't you pay attention, you are a girl, aren't you afraid that no boys like you?"

A bite of French fries dipping sauce, a bite of thick steak, Mizuki seemed to care about this question: "What is it afraid of, what if there are no boys like it? I don't live for boys. You and I stay too. It’s been a while, don’t you know my character?"

Because of the mission, Mizuki and Yakumo have been close these days.Food, clothing, housing and transportation are often together, such as the aforementioned bathing and sleeping, which is an example of this.

Yakumo here must have an understanding of Mizuki. The typical "egoistic" style usually looks a little quiet, because she doesn't want to talk to strangers, but if she is familiar with it, it is easy to find her carefree. And it's very boyish.

Yakumo didn't know if he liked this style, but it appeared on Mizuki's body, and there was no sense of disobedience at all.And if you want to say it, it should be a maverick personality, right?It's actually quite attractive.

But let's get back to business here, Yakumo finished his salad and drank warm milk.Simply wipe your mouth with a napkin, and then ask Mizuki: "Do you plan to continue watching at night?"

Seen in the first day of the game, the first two tasks were quickly completed.Seems to be able to see the next day?

However, the water tree here has a different view: "There will be no fighting tonight, and maybe even the next day, there should be no fierce fighting. One is today’s battle. Students in both classes If there is a loss, it is difficult to guarantee the enthusiasm."

"Secondly, from the performance of the monitors of the two classes, the level of performance is similar. Perhaps Raimon's ability is better. Just with a few class cadres, you can be the base camp of the next class. This kind of strength is considered very good. Later, when I was hitting Mitarai red beans, it seemed to be going well, but this was under the condition of water release, but it was already very good."

"For the two classes that I finished playing today, I must have a break in the evening. Of course, we have to take into account night harassment, but it should have little effect. After all, the monitors of the two classes are not stupid. It is impossible not to consider this. One point. So even if there is a night attack, it is estimated that there will not be much results. So instead of this, it will be a daytime battle the next day."

Of course, for the next day's battle, Mizuki probably also made an analysis: "You should have observed that Raimon and his men exchanged that scroll. I guess it was going to lure the enemy."

"But it's hard to say whether Xiusuki will be fooled, and it's better to send cadres to investigate than Raimon. Therefore, the next day's battle will most likely revolve around an intelligence war."

Mizuki’s analysis was not wrong. At the end of the day, there was not much movement in these two classes, because they knew that the other party would certainly not be unprepared, so there was no major movement.

I heard that wild animals appeared at night and triggered the traps laid down on both sides. I almost thought it was something, but fortunately, they all passed without danger.

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