I traveled through the days in Naruto World

The Days I Traveled Through in Naruto World Chapter 241

Waiting for the next day to arrive, I heard that the two sides broke out and played against each other as soon as it was light, but they evacuated after a few fights, not as if they were really going to fight.

This made Shui Shu a little bit unknowable, but he quickly guessed it. He wanted to find out what was happening, or it was the encounter between the two parties. After a while, he found that it was meaningless, so he retreated first.

But anyway, if the fighting hit the present, the situation began to change.Mizuki has a God's perspective and can observe the situation on both sides, but the two sides in the game are fighting, and there is not enough intelligence in their hands, and no one dares to act rashly.

For a while, the scene became a little stalemate, but fortunately, it didn't matter, because the role of Yakumo, the "troublemaker", could play his own leeway again.

Two giant pythons are drawn. They are thicker than a bucket and can verbally emit hot flames. Although they are not real flames, they may not be burned after illusion, but the effect is that they can come out and can be directly. Passed out the pain of "burning" people.

When watching the video, the best food pairing is of course popcorn and coke.While eating, Mizuki cried out as he watched: "Yes, well done, you are really right to choose you!"

What is thinking in this guy's mind?Kurama Yakumo couldn't help but spit out: "You let me do this. Does existence have any meaning?"

"No~" Mizuki slapped his lips and replied: "I just want to increase the uncertainty of this battlefield. Well, if it makes sense, this is it?"

For some reason, Mizuki can't say that in the fourth Ninja War a few years later, many "monsters" will really pop out, right?Here, the use of Yakumo's realizing illusion technique is to simulate the strong man who "reincarnated from the dirty soil".These "monsters" that suddenly appeared so that future students can adapt!

Text Volume 435. Trial Examination [11]

The battle on the second day was almost as expected. The students in the two classes engaged in several small and medium-scale battles around intelligence.

The battle was not very fierce, but because of the participation of Kurama Yakumo, various illusion monsters were drawn to attack, and the losses of both sides were still a little bit, and the cadres of each class were "dead".

However, whenever you kill a monster of illusion, you will see the scrolls that fall, there are scrolls that can release various spells, and there are scrolls that can heal and resurrect people. After using these things, students in both classes are familiar with them. .

After this battle passed, Kurama Yakumo put down his paintbrush and put the paint aside: "I really don't understand you, so they can't do it by themselves? Do they have to do these ghosts?"

Yakumo grumbled, she was still a bit entangled with this question, because in her opinion, the students' competition, these things she did were completely meaningless.

Although there are explanations to add to the uncertainty on the battlefield, this is not understandable.At least in the current form, this is not necessary at all.

Of course, here is Mizuki's own reasons. She knows that such seemingly unnecessary behavior can hardly be understood by others.

But even so, she still insisted on her own thoughts: "Don't worry, I must have my purpose in doing this, and I have worked hard for you today!"

Seeing that Mizuki is still like this, Yakumo can only sigh: "Well, you all said that, can you only do this?"

Return the line of sight to the screen, and the real-time feedback on both sides of the game.

Just now they were all repaired by Yakumo's illusion. It is estimated that they have not figured out the situation yet, so both sides are still in a state of rest.

After the battle between yesterday and today, the students of a class were called together again from a scattered state. Judging from the number of students, there are only half of the students in a class, that is, exactly fifteen students are left.

When Leimen saw his classmate, he asked a little about the other party's information, and nodded clearly: "If you say that, have the people in Class 2 noticed it?"

Earlier, Leimen and his classmates exchanged this secret scroll, in an attempt to confuse the audience and make the second class people find the wrong target.

However, it was a pity that the desired effect was not achieved, because the second class's intelligence collection was in place, and it was soon discovered that the reels were exchanged.A battle that broke out in the morning had already proved the problem with the scroll.

Later, various monsters appeared, and the battle of the whole game had been disrupted. Everyone began to understand how much of the scroll that broke out.

Leimen was not too discouraged when he thought of the failure of his plan. After all, the purpose was to confuse the audience, but as long as the people in Class 2 were not all fools, sooner or later they could still see the problem.

Raimon said to his companions: "Tomorrow is the third day. If the other party can't find the scroll, he will definitely understand that it is on me, and he will come to look for it at that time. Everyone makes arrangements and we find a place to wait for work. Set up the traps so that you are not afraid that the second class people will not be caught!"

The last task is the key to the outcome of the two sides. Raimen expected that the people in the second class would go all out, so he dared to make this arrangement.

Of course, as a precaution, Leimen said to the student cadres around him: "Bro, you are the strongest person in our class. Take someone to touch the whistle this evening and inquire about the second class. Intelligence."

The importance of intelligence and the role it can play on the battlefield are self-evident things.There is a saying in the ancient art of war: "Knowing oneself and the enemy, a hundred battles will never end!"

I don't know if there is such a sentence in this Naruto World, but as a ninja, I definitely understand how much information intelligence will have on war.

Brow, who received this order, nodded clearly: "Guaranteed to complete the task!"

Such a scene has not escaped. Mizuki, who has the perspective of God, saw what Raimon commanded Bro, and then watched Bro's figure disappear from the place, and immediately understood that tonight, there must be no peace. .

But that's fine, because the fierce battle can only be tempered, but I don't know what the effect will be?Mizuki understands this to some degree: "Brow's strength should be one of the best in this class. It seems that the first class is going to be real, and I want to give the second class a good start!"

Hearing Mizuki's analysis, Kurama Yakumo on the side asked a question: "You said Burro is very strong? In this way, is the first team determined?"

"Does it mean the same?" Mizuki thought for a while, and continued: "I've seen the information of the students in this year. The subject scores are all very high. It is not an exaggeration to say that it is the first in the whole year. The purpose of Raimon’s dispatch of Buroh should be to create psychological pressure on the second class."

"From the standpoint of strength alone, Buro certainly has an advantage. But the strength of this individual is not high enough to single out a class. The biggest effect is to show his strength and give it to the second class. The students bring a psychological burden, so that when tomorrow or the day after tomorrow, and possibly a decisive battle, the students who have to fight against Buro are likely to be suppressed."

Of course, Mizuki thought for a while, and then said to Yakumo: "But it's not that the second class has no chance, and the chance is actually quite big, but I don't know if they can grasp it!"

The second shift is also the case. At least from the perspective of loss, they are slightly better, because they have concentrated their advantages from the beginning, so when they encounter a crisis, they are easier to deal with, and are better than the first shift. To two or three people.

Regardless of just two or three people, it seems that this number advantage is not particularly obvious.But if the two sides really fight and separate two or three people like this to fight one person, the chances are definitely still very great.

But I don’t know if such an arrangement can be made when the fighting breaks out. After all, if the fight really starts, the scene must be very chaotic, right?

When night fell the next day, Mizuki and Yakumo had just finished dinner and were chatting some gossip, and heard news saying: "The students of the two classes have already fought each other!"

There is nothing unexpected about this, because I know it will definitely happen.

The reason for the outbreak of the battle was that Buro took two classmates with good ability and launched a sneak attack on the camp of the second class, and there was a round of ninjutsu bombing, and the second class was caught off guard.

Text Volume 436. Trial Exam [12]

When he touched the camp of the second squad, he first encountered the trap set and was almost triggered. Fortunately, he responded quickly, controlled himself in time, and then handled it carefully.

Because after one day of fighting, everyone is actually very tired. Although the second shift is staffed on duty, it seems that it is not doing its best.

In this way, he took advantage of his unpreparedness to join the two companions, and at the same time released ninjutsu to attack.

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Text Volume 437. Trial Examination [13]

A knife was cut out in an instant, like a flash of lightning, so fast that it was invisible to the eye, let alone the reaction.Hideki was instinctively using his hands to defend the vitals of his neck, so he was not killed on the spot.

However, the companion beside Xiushu was a bit dysfunctional. The knife scratched the neck, and a spray of blood came out.The neck was slit. This was not a joke. After seeing this scene, Mizuki immediately ordered the nearby examiner to send medical staff to the scene for treatment.

This is just a game. Soldiers are not real wars. If people are killed, even if they do not take the main responsibility, at least they will not escape the blame.The angry Mizuki yelled: "TMD, if something goes wrong, I won't interrupt his hands and feet!"

In such a bloody scene, as a girl, the pommel horse Yakumo also frowned uncomfortably, and asked Mizuki: "Should I take action? Use illusion to stop their fighting?"

Seeing a nearby invigilator ninja, he quickly rushed to let the medical staff treat the injured, and it did not affect the examination process.After seeing this situation, Mizuki felt that it was not necessary yet.

He waved his hand and vetoed: "For now, Buro hurt Xiushu's classmate. He definitely wants revenge. If we stop it, it would be wrong. Let's take a look first?"

Shifting his gaze to the screen again, Xiushu saw that his classmate was injured and was taken away by the invigilators for treatment, not to mention what it would be like.

Xiushu here also had an injury to his arm, but it was not a major problem. He simply bandaged it with a tourniquet and took some blood clotting medicine by the way. There was no problem.

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