I traveled through the days in Naruto World

The Days I Traveled Through in Naruto World Chapter 247

A student squeezed his own kunai and shouted angrily: "You said you must have the determination to kill, then I'm not welcome! Ah-!"

He took out a handful of kunai and rushed directly to the water tree.

"This fool, don't rush!"

Just now I reminded you not to fight melee with Mizuki. Why did this idiot charge up?Is it possible that the blood is on the top?

For such a reckless, passionate fool, Mizuki felt a bit like Naruto's character, but the difference between the two was that Naruto was thick and thin, but this guy was really stimulated by a word.

But soon this impulsive student used his own assassin, a shuriken appeared in his hand, threw this shuriken, and then a few handprints were formed: "Shuriken: the art of shadow avatar! !"

A grade ninjutsu!He seems to be a somewhat capable guy, but he is indeed underestimated.

Everyone should know that the art of shadow clone is b-level ninjutsu, and the enhanced version of multiple shadow clone is a-level.The latter is extremely intensive on Chakra due to the creation of multiple shadow clones. If it is a ninja who does not have a large number of Chakras, it is easy to take the time to die.So it is classified as a forbidden technique!

However, although the Shuriken shadow clone art is the same as the a-level ninjutsu, the difficulty of training is the controllability. After all, there is no chakra for shuriken, and multiple shadow clones need to be separated, if there is no long-term Practice is definitely hard to master.

"Huh, it's really amazing ninjutsu, but weapons are useless to me!" Mizuki is very confident that his King Kong is not bad, it is almost impossible to harm her without the weapons blessed by Chakra Do it.

But soon Mizuki noticed something was wrong, and when he saw these shurikens with a blank eye, their flight trajectory was wrong?Suddenly reacted: "Bow body shot!"

Text Volume 446. Come to grab

I really didn't expect this guy to be a rough but thin guy. It seems that this kind of personality is still capable of confusing?But it’s right to think about it. If it’s not for this kind of personality, I'm afraid I can't fool anyone!

It is a pity that with such a small method, Mizuki's eyes can see clearly, using his own mobility to cleverly avoid this attack.Shuriken all empty!

Seeing that his conspiracy had failed, the student did not give up. He had adjusted his tactics and caught up with Kuunai in his hand.

Seeing the thorns without sharpness, Mizuki's unbiased block, after all, her body is not afraid of blades, such an attack can not hurt her in the slightest.

And at the moment of blocking the attack, the other hand squeezed a fist to fight back, a fist hit the opponent's body, and in the blink of an eye, only a shadow flew out!

The body hit the wall and a hole was punched, and the student fainted on the spot.Seeing such an attack, Mute was scared to cover his mouth: "Heaven, this guy Mizuki, isn't it a killer, right?"

Tsunade looked very calm, and could see Mizuki's tricks: "It's an inch fist, the principle is similar to my strange power, and the power can burst out in an instant. But Mizuki's power control is very good, when he hit the opponent just now , Has controlled her fist, this student was only injured by the strong wind from her fist."

The ninja who is also known for strength, Tsunade's "weird power" is stronger than Raikage's. From this point, it can be seen that Mizuki and her are the same type of fighting style.

However, in comparison, Mizuki's fighting method is more desperate.Because the King Kong is not bad, you can ensure that you have a considerable advantage in the battle against the enemy!

The attack just now knocked people off with a punch. This was still the result of her retraction. The other party was blown away by the fist and the body did not suffer much trauma.If it is a fist hit, the bone fracture is all light.

"Is it possible to defeat the enemy with the style of fist? It's a terrifying power!" The students also heard the information given by Shi You, and probably knew the ability of the water tree.

One is a powerful force, which everyone can see clearly, and the other is absolute military defense. It is almost impossible to harm her with ordinary physical skills, swords and clubs.The last one is the unexplainable mobility, which is said to be able to save Konoha's "golden flash" speed from Kyuo's hands more than ten years ago!

No matter how you look at these three abilities, it is tricky. This has to give everyone a new understanding of the strength of the water tree.Terrible offensive power, absolute defensive power, it can be said that offense and defense are integrated.In addition, coupled with the unmatched speed, it is really perfect!

Seeing the stunned person was taken away by the medical staff, the remaining students stared at Mizuki.Leimen of the first squad even cursed secretly: "Damn it, she can't break her defense, and her speed is incomparable. How can we seize that bell?"

At this time, someone rushed up again, but the result of the battle was almost the same. Although the performance was already very good, it was a pity that he was bombed directly by a finger of the water tree and fell heavily to the ground and couldn’t get up. Finally, he was carried away by the medical team.

"Don't do it one by one. The refueling tactic is useless. Let's attack together!"

Someone finally got the hang of it, and already knew that the strength of the water tree was not just one year older than them, but had experienced missions and real combat, and had several advantages of its own, there was a gap between them.

This time, there are two class cadres, their strength is stronger, and there is a tacit cooperation.Yunli Qingyu also took the shot, because she knew that the Chakra of Water Tree was a thunder attribute. At this point, her wind escape technique had a restraining effect: "Wind escape: wind cutting technique!!"

The angle of attack is very tricky, and the general evasion method is definitely inevitable.At the same time, a cadre of the second class used the "Phoenix Fire Technique" of the fire escape technique to attach to Fengqie, and the blessing power of the two attributes was even higher!

In the face of such an attack, the tricky angle is a classic combination of fire and wind. Mizuki can't avoid it and dare not resist it. Only with the help of the "bow body and shadow" ability, it can be avoided by teleporting.

Soon more students rushed up and attacked the water trees in turn. The students in the stands were all exclaiming, because all of them knew that if it were them, they would have been beaten on the ground. Right?

But the person here is Mizuki, her bow and body are not in vain, seize every opportunity, every corner of the space that appears, and then catch a student, just throw a fist, but just fly out of the field alone. .

Kaminarimon quickly joined the battle. He cooperated with one of his companions and tried to replay the old trick with a steel wire. After binding the water tree, he seized the bell from her.They used this method on the first day when they dealt with Mitarai red beans, and they have achieved very good results.

It is a pity that they may not know that the Mitarai red beans at that time had let off the water and did not fight them with all their strength.Otherwise, you really have to fight, a ninja who is particularly high in the forbearance level, how can he not be controlled by a few students who are not even ninja?

Seeing such a situation, Mizuki just snorted coldly: "Small bugs!"

The steel wire is very flexible, and it is difficult to break it even with brute force.But the Mizuki here doesn't have to do this either. It's very simple to grab the wire and use his own strength to take advantage of him, instead throwing Raimon and his companions out.

But there is a bad boy here, who makes good use of the earth escape technique to sneak himself into the ground. This seems to be a kind of ninjutsu: "Earth escape: diving in the earth!!!"

This is a low-level ninjutsu rated as C-level. The main thing is that it has no offensive influence, but when it comes to the difficulty of learning, I think it should be no less than B-level ninjutsu.Because you have to dive underground and you can move freely, if you don't have good control of the Chakra, you can actually get trapped alive.

Using such a ninjutsu, suddenly broke through the ground from the foot of the water tree. Of course, the purpose was to take the bell from the water tree.Because Mizuki had just responded to Yunli Qingyu's ninjutsu and Raimon's wire, the extra line of sight was also on guard against the students who were about to attack.

I really didn't notice it, or maybe it was too late.Can only look at this guy, suddenly rushed out and pounced on himself!

Text Volume 447. Come to grab Next

Take advantage of the unprepared, surprise.

This person rushed out of the ground, just to pounce on the water tree, because the ground was broken open, the water tree also lost its center of gravity and was about to fall.

But at this moment, the water tree's body disappeared with a "bang", turned into a wood and fell on the ground: "Substitute technique!!"

"Ah, yes, want a sneak attack? Hey~!" Mizuki sneered: "Although I don't know what method you will use, I can already guess that you will definitely use sneak attack."

When talking about this, Mizuki shook the bell in his hand, a few jingle bells, and then continued: "I said, you can't grab it without some real strength!"

This bell-robbing game is much more severe than when Kakashi tested the seventh class.I didn't expect the reason. Kakashi just wanted to test, to make them unite and understand the importance of peers.

But the water trees here are all asking them to fight according to actual conditions!It can be said that if it weren't for the minimum casualties, the terrifying power of splicing water trees would be enough to kill these students!

"Damn it! Only a little bit!" The student who attacked with the earth just now was a little annoyed: "If you could hurry up then, you would definitely be able to snatch it."

It's a pity that it didn't. The slightest difference was a thousand miles away.

Leimen was thrown out just now. Fortunately, there was not much serious trouble. He came to this classmate and patted him on the shoulder: "You are already very good, don't be discouraged to join us!"

Immediately after Leimen and Yunli Qingyu from the second class, they said, "I have come up with a plan, and I need your help!"

Because it was a method for Mizuki, they discussed it in a concealed manner. The unrelated students were responsible for delaying Mizuki and still tried to seize her bell.

The water trees here will definitely not let them succeed. They beat them out one after another with a sharp fist. Most of them were knocked out on the spot, and then they were taken away by the medical team for treatment.

Seeing the number of students on the scene decrease one after another, and finally reduced to only single digits, the remaining people are the class leaders of the two classes.Some people have a bit of injury, but it's not a serious problem, but this kind of combat power still makes people lose hope.

Hearing the method that Lei Men had come up with, Yun Li Qingyu nodded first, but then frowned, asking, "Is this really okay?"

Raimon was very sure about this: "Don't you see it? Miss Mizuki's attitude. She is completely testing us. If she can't satisfy her, she will definitely not let us pass. This is what we can now The method used!"

The Qing Yu here can think and understand, so he finally nodded and said: "Well, I will cooperate with all my strength."

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