I traveled through the days in Naruto World

The Days I Traveled Through Naruto World Chapter 248

In order not to make a fool of themselves in front of Hokage, and want to show their strength, they all knew what to do.And they really can’t, so they will be beaten back to school to wait for graduation, right?

The students in two classes took out a few scrolls from their pockets and asked Mizuki: "Miss Mizuki, do these things still count?"

Prop scroll?This is to increase the uncertainty of the game, so a small method used.Any illusion creature drawn by Yakumo, as long as it is defeated, it will drop this thing.

It has the effect of "healing" that can "resurrect" a student. At the same time, some scrolls are offensive and contain small ninjutsu with various attributes.For example, the "thunder technique" of thunder escape, the "wind cutting technique" of wind escape, the "fire hunting technique" of fire escape and so on.

Seeing these things, Mizuki only thought for a while and admitted: "As long as the game is not over, you can use it, and I also said that you can use all means!"

It would be great to get such an answer!

From it, he took out a scroll of the "healing technique" type, and asked to resurrect the few students who were watching. First of all, it must be the monitor of the second class Xiushu, and Bro, who "will die together" with him.

Their strength is very strong, and it is certain to be resurrected.In addition, there are two students with good ability, who play a role as support for the battle.

After Xiusuki and Bro came down from the second floor, they didn't know the plan that Raimon had just laid out, and they ran to ask briefly. After learning about the plan, they both had different expressions.

But after being silent, Hideki said: "It sounds like I miss your plan!"

Seeing that they had finished their discussion, Mizuki also became impatient.I hit my fist, and the metal on the glove clashed: "Hey, how are you? Let me remind you first, any conspiracy and tricks, without the support of the strength, will not work."

Waiting for the students to discuss, Raimon stood up and said to Mizuki: "As long as we put our full strength, you will see it!"

After saying that, he snapped his fingers, and the remaining class leaders and classmates were mobilized at the same time to form a fan-shaped circle around the water tree.

When Mizuki saw this situation, she was stunned for a moment, because she seemed to realize that the other party had plans to restrict herself.But I have a bow, can such encirclement be useful?She naturally showed extreme disdain for this!

But at this moment, Kaminarimon and Buro got the seal at the same time, and they launched a combination of ninjutsu.

Raimon: "Lei Dun: ——!!!"

Bro: "Huo Dun: ——!!!"

The two together: "Electric fire attack!!"

Electricity and fire, seemingly two irrelevant attributes, have been combined in this way.

This is an attack of two kinds of escape techniques. Mizuki didn't dare to be careless after seeing this, because the defense power of King Kong is not bad, mainly for physical strikes, which can almost completely defend against attacks such as swords and guns, but against ninjutsu The attack is much worse.

Mizuki uses his body to resist ninjutsu. This is definitely an unwise plan. What's more, there is fire escape ninjutsu among them. If he is shot in his body, there will definitely be an explosion effect, even if his body can carry it. Can withstand the explosion, but the high temperature caused is impossible to withstand!

Continuously use the back jump and instantaneous technique to avoid the attack of two people.But at the same time, Xiushu and Qingyu are also teaming up. The former uses water escape and the latter uses wind escape.

The combination of Shui Dun and Feng Dun, I saw it once in front of Mizuki, so it was somewhat of an impression.Knowing that when Shui Dun is blown up by the wind, it looks like a tsunami stream is set off, and the power and destructiveness of the formation is even higher!

Text Volume 448. Strategy

The power and destructive power of the water escape technique is far less powerful than the other types of escape techniques, but with the addition of the wind escape technique, the impact of the current is doubled!

Despite the protection of the King Kong, it was certain that the water tree would not be harmed, but the impact of the water flow could not stop it, and he was directly rushed back, hitting the wall behind him to stop.

Seizing this opportunity, Keiyu Yuyin launched ninjutsu: "Wind Dun: Cold Wind!!"

Because of the impact of the water escape technique, the whole body of the water tree was wet. At this time, when it encountered a cold wind, it quickly formed hard ice.

Seeing such a situation, Mizuki somewhat understood the opponent's tactics. Is this trying to restrict himself?But do you look down on yourself too much!

Mizuki sneered and said: "It's a very interesting tactic. If it's frozen in ice, it's really difficult to do, and the connection seal won't work. But the ice-covered three feet is not a day's cold. Before I can be completely frozen, Wanting to trap me is just wishful thinking!"

Chakras are extracted from the knot printing of both hands. Because of the excellent physical fitness of the water tree, the equivalent of the chakras is extremely large. The chakras that appear appear to be on the body, adding a layer of protective armor.

Because of the stimulation of Chakra, the water tree's body cells are activated and begin to enter a state of "explosive air". The fair skin is affected by the acceleration of blood, as well as thunder and electricity.

The powerful chakra radiated out was felt by everyone present, especially when the powerful current bounced out, it could hit the metal guard on the second floor, scaring the nearest student back two steps in a row. : "Oh my God, this, such a strong Chakra, is really terrible!"

There is a method of judging strength among ninjas, which is to perceive the strength of the opponent's chakra. The stronger the ninja, the stronger the chakra will naturally become.

Mizuki's physical fitness is extremely strong, and the chakras that can be refined are even more needless to say.Now that he has entered the "explosive" state, his strength is naturally even more unpredictable.

Seeing the Chakra released from her body, the students fighting with her below felt the same.Among these students, the one who knows Shuishu best is Shi You.He said: "The current Miss Mizuki is already going to be real. Her current strength is ten times that of just now!"

When Shi You was first trained by Water Tree, he was exhausted to death, and he expressed some doubts about this physical cultivation.Because according to traditional concepts, ninjas should have more and stronger ninjutsu.In order to give such an answer, Mizuki showed his strength to Shi You!

Seeing that the water tree enters the state now, it is almost exactly the same as at the time. Naturally, I understand that the water tree at this time must have already exerted its full strength.

Yunli Qingyu could perceive that the speed of the ice is not fast enough to achieve the effect of freezing, and immediately said to Leimen: "No, if she moves like this, the speed of freezing cannot keep up with her breaking free speed, and~! , She is coming out!"

Because the speed of the ice is not fast enough, it is a pity to be run out by the water tree, this result is definitely not good.

Leimen said to the classmates around him: "Suppress her and beat her back again!"

At the same time, he quickly removed several handprints himself: "Lei Dun: Electric Surrounding!!!"

Raidun Ninjutsu was launched, and Chakra was released from Raimon's body, surrounded by a halo of electric current, and then touched his hands to the surface of the water, and the powerful electric current passed!

Through the white eyes of Mizuki, it is roughly possible to observe that the ninjutsu used by Raimon is capable of absorbing natural ions to achieve a similar effect of gaining oneself and releasing more powerful electricity.

I really don't know how he made it bigger, or is it just that Raimon is just absorbing the chakra of nature for his own use?But seeing the strong current coming, Mizuki chose to retreat immediately.

But it is a pity that if you don't use the bow body shadow, the speed of the current will be faster than her movement speed, and the body will be paralyzed by the electric on the spot.

"What a strong current!" Mizuki felt it very clearly. The current passed through his body and it was very uncomfortable.But here she is also hard-hearted and immediately formed her handprints: "You can escape from thunder, but so do I!"

Control your own chakras and draw out the current that hurts you.

This principle is based on the "law of conservation of charge", which can be understood as the positive and negative electrodes of a battery, one end enters the other end, but the inside is balanced.It belongs to harmless direct current, not alternating current, which does little harm to the body.

Raimon's attack was invalid. He realized this and sighed in secret, "Her Chakra control is so precise?"

It seems to be in trouble, if you can't suppress the water tree, there is no way to control her.With a very strong instantaneous technique, it is basically impossible to take the bell from the body!

Fortunately, the classmates around him were very powerful, and Burro used the fire escape technique to successfully suppress the water tree.However, there was a trouble with Fire Escape, which obviously conflicted with Qing Yu's "cold wind".

But soon the support came. Xiushu had already issued a water escape technique, and a large amount of water was sprayed directly at the water trees.At the same time, some students of soil escape technique raised the soil wall to form a cofferdam.

Xiushu said to Qingyu, "Seize the opportunity!"

Qing Yu, who was reminded, used cold wind again for Jieyin, and soon the water surface was frozen.

The water trees here reacted very quickly, smashing the ice layer with a fist: "Think beautifully! Don't think that you can trap me with such small means!"

Because of the destructive power of the fist, the speed at which the ice layer forms can't keep up.It seems that such a plan is about to fail, right?

However, there was an unexpected situation. A hand stretched out from the water and then dragged the water tree into the water.

When the water tree was dragged into the water, the whole person was almost stunned. It was not that she did not know how to water or was unfamiliar with water, on the contrary, her water was very good.

But because it was great, after being pulled into the water, I immediately realized that I was in trouble.One is that when you are in the water, your physical advantage cannot be used, and the greater the force you hit, the greater the resistance you receive from the water.

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