I traveled through the days in Naruto World

The Days I Traveled Through in Naruto World Chapter 251

There is no problem. Looking at Hinata's little face, the ruddy bleeding comes from it, it must be because of Naruto.

"You are here, why did you come out to see you off? Look, Naruto is gone." Mizuki sighed helplessly: "Master Jilaiya is cultivating together, is it absolutely impossible to come back in a short time? "

Since childhood, Hinata likes to peek at Naruto. Unfortunately, starting today, Naruto will not be able to come back in two years.

The cute little Hina Tian, ​​who was said to be thinking by Mizuki, pointed at his finger very restlessly, and didn't know how to answer: "I, just, passing by, passing by."

Mizuki looked at her sister's appearance, how could she not count her mentality?But since Hinata didn't want to admit it, she was too lazy to talk.After all, I used to worry about Hinata, but due to Hinata's shy character, all of them ended in failure.

Now that Naruto is gone again, naturally there is no need to entangle.Changing the subject, Mizuki said to Hinata: "I will also find Tsunade-sama and ask her to guide me in my practice. Sister, you have to work hard too! Because Naruto followed Jiraiya-sama to practice and wait until he comes back. It will definitely become stronger!"

At this time a year ago, on the field of the Zhongnin exam competition, Naruto passed the perfect OK, the well-known "genius" Neji Hyuga.After a few years, he will be able to defeat Payne and become the hero who saves Konoha.So that it is to save the Ninja world and become the influence of the entire Ninja world!

But ~ Mizuki looked at Hinata, and I didn’t know that it should be said improperly: "The hero is sad for the beauty pass, Hinata depends on you!"

To soothe Hinata's emotions, Mizuki will go to Tsunade-sama.

This is a good thing, you must teach yourself to practice, can't it be delayed.

When I came to Hokage’s office, she just happened to see Tsunade drinking warm tea after her official business. She should have guessed the arrival of Mizuki: "Why, I sent Naruto away, can't you wait?"

Mizuki nodded, "Yes! Yes, Tsunade-sama. I heard Mr. Kiraiya say about Akatsuki's organization. Their target is Naruto, right? Three generations of Hokage asked me to take care of him. If I can't become stronger, all this can only be empty talk."

After hearing this, Tsunade nodded in satisfaction: "Very well, you are very determined, then the practice starts tomorrow!"

Text Volume 453. Practicing [1]

Naruto went out to practice with Jiraji too. Everyone was desperate to practice, and Mizuki could not slack off naturally.

Fortunately, this time Tsunade did not break his promise. He took a moment to personally guide Mizuki: "Starting today, I will personally guide you, but I hope you have enough mental preparation, because practice is a very hard thing!"

Of course there is this preparation. Mizuki naturally nodded and agreed: "Well, I will definitely practice hard."

Mizuki has this confidence. You need to know the practice of physical skills, but it is the most painful and tiring one. When he was a child, he had broken his bones more than once to practice.

Seeing Mizuki's statement and the self-consciousness on his face, Tsunade nodded in satisfaction: "Very well, then, I will begin to practice! I know you specialize in strength, which is very similar to me. You show it first."

"Yes!" Mizuki nodded clearly.

She came to the front of a rock and first closed her eyes and took a deep breath. It was just between a breath that her fist struck out like lightning.

With a bang, the rock was torn apart and broken into stones and chippings on the spot.

Seeing the scene of earth and rock splashing, Tsunade nodded in agreement: "It is very powerful. Without using Chakra, the power of the fist can break the rock."

Use your fist to smash the rock. In fact, Shuixu could easily do it very early.In addition, many ninjas who value physical training skills almost all have such abilities.

However, Mizuki didn't use Chakra here, it was completely splicing his own brute force to be able to do such a step, which is still very good.

Mizuki is very confident in himself: "Tsado-sama, although I am not good at ninjutsu and illusion, I dare to say that in terms of strength, I can be called the first person!"

Excellent physical fitness and strong strength are both Mizuki's pride, because only with these two abilities, even if she encounters a lot of Shinobu, she will not fall behind.

Tsunade expressed his affirmation of this point: "It is indeed very good. From the standpoint of strength alone, general Shinobu is really not your opponent."

Of course, the evaluation is very high, but here is very fast, saying that there is a problem.

Tsunade said: "You use brute force completely, without the slightest hitting technique. You can see the scattered rocks on the ground. From the place where your fist hits, it is obviously a splash. You can see it. What?"

Hearing Tsunade's instructions, Mizuki looked at the spattered parts of the rubble, showing a fan shape of one hundred and eighty degrees, which seemed to be his own fist, and the shock wave came from it.

Seeing this, Mizuki couldn't understand: "Is there anything weird about this? The broken stones splashed everywhere."

After listening to the questions in Mizuki's words, Tsuna pointed out the question with her finger: "You are right, the broken rocks will definitely splash everywhere. But where does the power come from? It's not your bombarding fist!"

"That's right, your fist is very powerful, and when you hit it, the power is very terrifying. But have you noticed that when your fist hits the target, the power actually spreads out? These scattered rocks, It's the state of being beaten out by your power."

Is this weird?When the power goes out, it is no longer under the control of the human body, and there is a scattering effect. Isn't it normal?

Mizuki touched his chin with one hand, subconsciously thinking.According to her understanding, the greater the power of her fist, the faster the punch. Because of the friction between the fist and the air, the shock wave generated is more intense.

Unexpectedly, at this time, Mizuki hadn’t figured out why, Tsunade knocked on her head: "You are really clever and confused for a while. To put it simply, your fists are powerful, but they are not focused on Together, it causes the spread and waste of power."

To make a better explanation, Tsunade himself also found a rock and punched it out with strange force.There was no problem, the whole rock was broken.

But here is different from the splitting of the water tree, but the place where the fist was hit, that is to say, the power from the fist was penetrated in by the slightest!

This was in sharp contrast to Mizuki's attack, and she noticed: "My fists are powerful, but they are not concentrated?"

Mizuki thought carefully again, remembering that he used his fist to strike a shock wave, as if he was practicing the Raptors to exaggerate.Because the reference is to the Bamen Dunjia, the pressure attack that is played is associated with the "sound barrier" of the aircraft.

When the aircraft is going to exceed the speed of sound, the shock wave problem will become more and more serious, but as long as the shock wave is broken, supersonic cruise can be carried out.

However, it is definitely unrealistic to use airplanes to compare with the human body, because all modern supersonic airplanes have rocket propellers, and their fists don't have this thing.

Seeing that she couldn't do anything, Tsunade gave a path: "Have you ever seen a bow and arrow? The bow and arrow can penetrate fine armor only by the elasticity of the bowstring."

Do bows and arrows penetrate the armor?Water tree is not particularly clear about the specific details.But it is also clear that until the appearance of the plate armor, the bow and arrow can easily penetrate any armor within the effective range.

It should be quality, speed and inertia, a series of factors forming the reason, right?The water tree is not very clear about this, because there is no relevant knowledge reserve.

However, looking at Tsunade's masterpiece, the rock burst from the place where it was hit, which is a bit similar to this kind of penetration.Mizuki began to think again: "If I want to achieve such an effect, I must remove the power to be large enough, but also to be fast enough!"

Mizuki began to try, closing his eyes and breathing calmly, adjusting his state.Then, at the moment when the spark was on fire, a fist hit another rock.The fist was unobstructed, and it hit directly, and the whole rock collapsed and shattered.

Seeing Mizuki's punch, Tsunade nodded with a smile: "Yes, your understanding is very high, but the power of a fist here is still too scattered."

The practice of physical skills requires practice over and over again, and ultimately it reaches the point where practice makes perfect.

Soon Mizuki gradually had a feeling: "Breaking out! If you hit the punch from the beginning, the shock wave will inevitably spread the force, but when you hit the target, you can release all the power. It will form a very strong penetrability."

Text Volume 454. Practicing [2]

In fact, the idea of ​​the explosion breakdown of the water tree, there is actually another scientific theory: the energy-concentrating effect!

The three-dimensional world famous anti-armor weapon: RPG rocket launcher uses this effect.It roughly means that when the warhead explodes, the products of the explosion will fly out under the action of high temperature and high pressure.Soon there will be a converging stream: jets with high velocity and pressure.Concentrate the chemical energy released by the explosive!

However, for the use of this energy-gathering effect, the water tree is more focused on the exercise of strength.Because according to Mizuki's own vision, as long as his eruption is strong enough, it will burst out instantly when fighting, and it will also have a strong breakdown effect.

This idea was approved by Tsunade, thinking that Mizuki could give it a try: "Sounds no problem, this is very similar to strange power. The cultivation of power is essential, but power is more particular about bursting, especially when attacking the enemy. When you are not wasting any excess power, you can gather all your power to get a stronger attack power!"

Shui Shu's most specialization is strength, because he has exercised strength all the year round, and the precise control in this aspect has already been very good.

Therefore, she can't be troubled by cultivation like this.As long as you practice harder, you will be able to do very well in less than ten and a half months.

When another fist hits a rock, the fist of the water tree can easily pass through. Although the scene of stone debris splashing is inevitable, the effect has been seen to be very good.

Seeing such a situation, Tsunade nodded and praised: "It's pretty good, your strength itself is very good, and when it bursts out, the strength is even more amazing. If you can blame the mechanics, you will definitely get twice the result with half the effort!"

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