I traveled through the days in Naruto World

The Days I Traveled Through in Naruto World Chapter 252

Weird power?Mizuki knew that this was Tsunade's sign, and it seemed that even Jiraji had said that she was almost beaten to death by her strange punch.

Your own strength is very good. If you learn the strange strength, you will definitely be stronger, right?Thinking of the Mizuki here, he couldn't wait to say: "Tsnade-sama, can I learn'strange power'?"

It sounded like looking forward to it.

"Aren't you studying?" Tsunade just smiled, then pointed to the rock that was destroyed by the water tree just now, and said, "Explosive power, this is strange power."

After a short pause, Tsunade continued to explain: "I have taught you a few books before, should you still have an impression? These are the theoretical knowledge given to you. How to accurately control chakras needs to be It bursts out in battle, this is the characteristic of strange power. Now the explosive power you practice is to learn how to burst out strange power!"

Reading books is to gain theoretical knowledge. The whole body is like a high-speed passage of chakras, and chakras can be quickly extracted when needed.

The explosive practice now being carried out is how to use this power.To put it bluntly, it is to learn how to use strange power instead of a normal fist strike. This is to concentrate all the power to achieve a strike effect similar to the "energy accumulation effect".

Hearing that what I was doing was the strange power practice, Mizuki quickly became excited: "Wow~! This is really great!"

Looking at her happiness, Tsunade was still a little strange: "A strange power of cultivation, is it worth so happy?"

Of course, if it is for the average ninja, the strange power is not much to be happy about.But don’t you know that the battle of the water tree is just an attack with physical skills and fists?

The significance of learning strange power is very important, which will make her more aggressive.And if you apply this strange power to your various skills, God knows how effective it can be!

If Mizuki is unhappy, it is strange that he is not excited.Then he said: "I will definitely practice well, and strive to learn strange power as soon as possible!"

Clenched a fist, it was another fist!-Boom!

The astonishing power that burst out shook the ground.

Seeing that Mizuki had become so energetic, Tsunade couldn't hurt her enthusiasm.I have to say that Mizuki is very talented in this aspect, and he is definitely very specializing in strength, but it may not be easy to master the mechanics.

This is not to say that Tsunade has no confidence in Mizuki.Because at least from the perspective of power control, the water tree definitely has no problems.However, compared to Chakra's aspect, it may be that Mizuki is not good at using ninjutsu, which is not very satisfactory.

Fortunately, this is just a small problem. You must know that Mizuki's physical fitness is excellent, and the Chakra that can be extracted from the body is far better than his peers.As long as Chakra's control exercises are strengthened in the future, this should not be a problem.

Tsunade, who watched Mizuki's practice, also gave some guidance by the way: "Don't fight with brute force only. When you throw a fist, concentrate your energy and don't have distracting thoughts in your heart, otherwise the fist will be messed up!"

When fighting, you only need to defeat the enemy and don't think about anything else.

In order to achieve this effect, Mizuki tried to treat himself as in a fighting state.

Soon every time you punch a fist, it will become more and more clean, because there is only the target of attack in your eyes.When launching an attack, the target will be very clear. As long as the fist attacks go straight, there will be no muddy.

Watching the passage of time one day after another, Tsunade saw Mizuki's performance in his eyes, waiting for the time when he felt it was almost the same, in order to make it a little more difficult, so that he could master the strange power and use it skillfully, and wanted to use actual combat methods.

Both of them are typical power-type ninjas, and the power generated by the addition of fists and feet is almost the effect of the collapse of the land.Anyway, after a fight, the surrounding ground was broken. Fortunately, I found a place far away from Konoha Village, otherwise God knows what the fight will be like.

Of course, when it comes to the actual combat between two people, Tsunade has another hidden meaning, which is to let Mizuki cultivate at the same time, how to protect himself when fighting.

During the battle, Tsunade said: "You have an excellent physique and invulnerable defense, but this does not mean that you will not be injured. You have experienced the power of strange power, even if your King Kong is not bad, you must resist this. A powerful attack, even if the damage is not visible on the outside of your body, but receiving such a heavy blow, your organs will definitely be uncomfortable, right?

King Kong is not bad and is not invincible. This is what has already been explained. Even if Mizuki uses his hands to defend and protect his body with a single blow from Tsunade, he is still blown out by one blow, breaking ten consecutively. A few trees stopped.

Text Volume 455. Practicing [3]

In the actual battle between the two, Tsunade's strange power left a deep influence on Mizuki.Because according to the truth, it is okay to have King Kong not bad, ignoring any physical attack methods.

However, in the confrontation with Tsunade's strange power, it was obvious that he was at a disadvantage.Although the strange force's attack would not break her absolute defense, the powerful destructive power caused by the strange force was enough to shake her internal organs upside down.

For this reason, the water tree vomited a mouthful of blood, and it took a long time to relieve the damage caused: "Fortunately, the defense of'King Kong is not bad' still works. If it is replaced by someone else, I am afraid I will be beaten. Is it rotten?"

This should be something for sure. Remember that when Sannin met, Oshomaru couldn't hold Tsunade's fist. If he changed to someone else, he would definitely be beaten to death.

Tsunade walked over and took out a pill, and sent it to Mizuki: "Eating it will help recover from the injury."

Seeing Mizuki taking the medicine and taking water, Tsunade said about the battle: "You should have found out? The use of strange power! When you hit the target, your power will burst out instantly, even if your King Kong is not broken. It’s also very uncomfortable to bear such injuries."

The difficulty of the strange power seems to be C-level, not particularly difficult to learn, the main thing is for the user, who must have very good Chakra control and explosive power.Focus the chakra on one part of the body, and then burst out in an instant, so that it can achieve the effect of breaking the ground.

However, after learning the strange force, there are moves that can be used in common with the strange force, such as "Sakura Charge" and "Tian Shou Foot". Using the same principle as the strange force, the Chakra is concentrated on a certain part of the body and then attacked. Time to burst out all the power!

Mizuki has already begun to learn strange powers, and naturally understands something.After drinking the water, she pondered for a while, and immediately said to Tsunade: "Tsunade-sama, if you look at the blow, the destructive power caused by the strange power is the maximum chakra extracted from the body, and then all burst out in an instant. ."

"You want to ask, when I use strange power, how many chakras should I use?" Tsunade looked at Mizuki and replied, "The better the control of the chakras, the less chakras you can use to break out. The stronger the strange power is. The chakra consumed by the punch just now must be much less than your King Kong is not bad."

After using it many times, Tsunade has already determined that Mizuki's King Kong is not bad, and he can see a certain way.And last year, there were two other cracked examples.

One time was on the field of the Zhongnin exam, and was cut with a wound.The other was when he was pierced by the opponent with a thousand thorns when he was in the pocket of the drug master.

King Kong is not bad and has a strong defensive power, this is absolutely beyond doubt.But there seemed to be a loophole, which was quickly said by Tsunade: "Your King Kong is not bad should be extracted from Chakra, filling the surface cells of the body to form a solid armor. Normal enemies use swords. Slashing or long-range weapons, because the user's power is not equal to yours, so slashing has no effect on you."

"But you should know that such an absolute defense is not invincible. If the enemy's power exceeds you, and when attacking, it bursts out of your strength, there will still be damage, just because your physical fitness is excellent, it is not easy. Be seen."

"The power that I use to burst out with the strange power has exceeded the power you can resist. So you will be beaten out and your body will be hurt. It is only because of the protection of the undamaged King Kong that you can be safe, right?"

Tsunade's words, Mizuki nodded, and this was almost the answer.Because it is his own skills, what weaknesses are there, Mizuki definitely knows best.

When playing the game "Ragnarok", when Shura turns on King Kong, it is not bad. If it is not MISS, it will float out red numbers. Despite many weak attacks, only 1 point of HP will be deducted.But this has already proved that King Kong is not bad, but only enhanced, the character's defense is only, not invincible!

Tsunade also took a sip of water by the way, and then continued: "In actual combat between me and you, you not only have to use strange power to attack me, you also have to avoid my attack."

Because here it can be seen that the water tree is not bad for its own King Kong, and it has already appeared to depend on it.If it is a normal opponent, there is nothing wrong with this, but if the opponent is a master, then she will be very dangerous.

When doing missions, when encountering strong opponents and seeing troublesome tricks, Mizuki will use the bow slingshot.However, Tsunade's request here is to use his own reaction to complete it through the movement of his body.

The reason is also explained: "I know you have a very good instantaneous technique, but when fighting, for example, the attack just now happens in an instant, and the coordination of reaction power and the body will become very important! "

This should be understandable, Mizuki is a ninja who specializes in power, and he is very good in physical skills.But in terms of speed, it is not very satisfactory. If it is the speed of movement, she can use the bow to shoot.However, what if the reaction speed and the body's emergency speed cannot keep up?

Mizuki nodded and said, "I understand!"

Having rested for a while, Mizuki stood up again and confirmed her injury. After okay, she squeezed her fist and said, "Tsunade-sama, go on practicing!"

Seeing her motivated, Tsunade had no reason to say no.

The two people put up a fighting posture and collided together again.And it was a right punch as soon as he came up. Mizuki and Tsunade used strange power at the same time, and the burst of power set off a violent wind, and the ground was shattered.

The backhand was another fist. Tsunade hit Mizuki's waist and abdomen with his fist. The latter reacted and blocked it with his hand, but he didn't expect the power, and Mizuki's body flew out again.

But in an instant, the ground was shattered by Tsunade's stomping, his figure rushed in front of Mizuki, and then he smashed it down with a fist.Although Mizuki had an obvious reaction to block the punch with his hands crossed, the burst of strange power directly pushed her into the ground.

A mouthful of blood was spit out, so Mizuki was embarrassed.It took a lot of effort to climb out of the pothole very hard.Looking at Mizuki's appearance, Tsunade shook his head helplessly: "I told you, don't choose hard resistance, your King Kong is not bad, even if it can defend against blows, but the power cannot be eliminated, choose to use the method of avoidance! "

Text Volume 456. Practicing [4]

The head-to-head fighting style has always been the characteristic of the water tree, used to his own advantage to fight the opponent head-on.However, the opponent he encountered before, just like Tsunade said, is not a real master, her advantage is obvious.But if you face a strong enemy, it will be very tasteless.

Tsunade has the title of "Three Ninjas," and this alone cannot be a general.What's more, as an expert on medical ninjas, Tsunade knows the human body very well.The King Kong dealing with the water tree is not bad, and naturally it is easy to fight.

However, the growth rate of Mizuki here surprised Tsunade.Every time two people fisted, Mizuki was not much worse than Tsunade by taking advantage of his own strength.And with the proficiency of the strange power, it still has the upper hand!

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