I traveled through the days in Naruto World

The Days I Traveled Through in Naruto World Chapter 254

Because of the absolute strength advantage, Sakura has to admit that Mizuki is better than her: "It's really powerful, it's Mizuki!"

In a simple match, Tsunade saw the battle between the two people in his eyes: "Sakura's control over Chakra is obviously much better than Mizuki. No wonder he learns so quickly. But Mizuki's use of power, It's already quite outstanding. Combining strange power with one's own power is really not something ordinary people can stop."

Hearing Tsunade's praise to Sakura, Mizuki asked with some confusion, "Tsuna-sama, how long did it take for Sakura to learn strange power?"

"A few days, about a week, right?" It was Sakura who was talking, and she said, "It was when Mizuki-chan was going out to do the task, Tsunade gave it to me by the way."

Such an answer caused Mizuki to be dumbfounded. Is it sure that it is only a week?I remember that when I was learning strange powers, it took nearly a month before and after to be considered successful.

People are really more angry than people, but this is true, because the difficulty of learning strange power is only C-level, it is not very difficult to learn, just to master the outbreak of Chakra.But Sakura's talent is Chakra's control, and naturally she learns much faster than Mizuki.

Of course, Mizuki's Chakra's control is not bad enough, but she is better at power.Because of using fists and brute force for a long time, after a long time to form a habit, you will pay more attention to the use of strength, so naturally the ability to control Chakra will be much worse.

Sakura and Mizuki each have their own advantages, so that they can learn together to form a complement each other. This will definitely help them in their cultivation.

Text Volume 458. Practicing [6]

Mizuki's control over Chakra was not ideal, but Sakura had physical skills and lacked practical experience. Obviously, the two of them were arranged to practice together, and Tsunade should have done this deliberately.

Today Tsunade has urgent official duties and needs to deal with some things temporarily.

However, neither Mizuki nor Sakura had a rest, they were still practicing hard.Because since Naruto left, the companions around him have been practicing hard, and no one wants to be left behind.

The fist of the two people added together, Sakura was on the offensive, and Mizuki was on the defense.In order to teach Sakura, fighting and actual combat skills: "The speed of punching is too slow. When attacking, you must not hesitate. Just think in your heart and beat me down!"

Kozakura answered and punched directly.

Facing the frontal attack from the fist, Mizuki protected her chest with both hands calmly, but Kozakura's fist was very strong, bearing a terrifying force, and she had to step back a few steps to remove such power.

"Oh, hello, it seems that your strange power has become more proficient." The hands of the water tree's defense were a little numb with pain: "I think this punch will be enough to break the rock."

Seeing Mizuki's pain, Sakura realized that she was hitting too hard, and she was a little embarrassed: "Sorry, I shot too hard."

Mizuki simply rubbed her arm. Her physical fitness was very good. With the protection of King Kong, she was not injured at all.Waved his hand very generously: "It's okay, didn't I say it? You just want to defeat me in your heart."

When I was young, the relationship between two people was pretty good, so naturally I would not care about such things.

Taking a look at the time, they have been practicing for a while, Sakura suggested, "Shall we take a break? I am going to have a lot of snacks!"

The proposal of taking a break was approved by Mizuki. It is a good thing to cultivate hard, but also pay attention to the combination of work and rest!So the two of them found a clean place nearby, then spread a clean mat and sat down.

Loosen one's own muscles and bones, the bones of Mizuki crackled: "Wow, the bones are going to be crisp."

At this time, Sakura had already opened her food box and brought the food inside to Mizuki: "Come on, it's just a guilty condemnation, eat some?"

Mizuki saw Sakura's food box, why are all cakes?There are also biscuit and sweet balls, all such beautiful sweets?

Because of my physical exercise, sweets are a terrible thing. There is no way that Mizuki can only tactfully refuse: "No, I have my own food."

When you open your lunch box, there is only a large piece of beef. Meat is the main part of the water tree food. At most, you can put a few cherry tomatoes and lemons and other fruit ingredients.

Seeing her such a dietary composition made Sakura very surprised: "You eat these every day? If you always eat meat, aren't you afraid of imbalanced nutrition?"

Picking up the prepared knife and fork, Mizuki couldn't help but start to move. To the question Sakura asked, she simply replied: "That's why I eat some extra fruit! If I don't eat meat If you do, you can’t keep up with the physical strength of high-intensity exercise!"

Of course, if you want to talk about nutrition, it's like the desserts in the Sakura box, let alone nutrition?

Kozakura looked at Mizuki, cut a piece of beef, and put it into her mouth. She was eating happily, and said a little bit stunned: "Really? It's amazing. Seeing that you usually work hard, you don't have any growth. Muscles?"

The interested Sakura also touched Mizuki's body, wanting to see her development.

But this touch doesn't matter. I actually touched the best part of the water tree, which is big, soft and elastic. Kozakura was stunned: "This feeling ~ muscle?"

I reined it, and the water tree almost squirted out what I ate, and quickly protected his chest.

Looking at Sakura very unkindly: "What are you doing? Where is this muscle? It's obviously my chest? Damn it, don't you own it?!"

Originally, I would say later: "You have to touch, touch yourself."

But when Mizuki's gaze noticed the Yima Pingchuan on Sakura's chest, suddenly felt something was wrong?Then another thing came to mind: Sakura is an airport!

Alas, this is a resentment, Sakura is also aware that the ratio of her chest and Mizuki has clearly opened up the gap.

Mizuki noticed Sakura’s demeanor, so naturally he wouldn’t say anything against her. He carefully sorted out the clothes, then changed the subject and asked a question he wanted to ask: "Do you have any tricks for controlling Chakra? ?"

In order to improve the practice of Chakra when I was young, the methods used by the water tree were climbing trees and standing water exercises. Of course, these were all successful.However, after using these two methods, it seems that Chakra's control ability is only like this.

Regarding this trick, Sakura thinks about it, and tells her own experience: "It was taught in school: Chakra's refinement requires mental energy, so you should not be too nervous or too desperate, although it can break out. It’s a strong force, but it’s not good for gathering energy. It’s best to relax your spirit."

Doesn't it mean not hurry?If it sounds, it seems to make sense.

This is like doing things. If you are too nervous and trying to do it, it will make you messy, and you may also do things badly.

Mizuki's temperament is a bit anxious, maybe this has something to do with his physical skills?After all, ninjas of the physique type use their fists to solve problems more often, and the demand for Chakra should really break out.

The simplest example is the Eight Door Dunjia of Emperor Kai and Xiao Li, and even with sweat and blood, Chakra's role is to explode all his power.

Of course, Sakura thought of one thing: "Chakra's control will be related to the ninja's cultivation. As long as the ninja's mental energy becomes stronger, it can also improve Chakra's control ability."

After Mizuki heard it, he felt that what he said was very reasonable. It seems that the improvement of Chakra's control ability still requires his own hard work!

Just when Mizuki was thinking about how to exercise his spiritual energy in the future, the sound of an eagle falcon came from the sky.Looking up in the direction of the sound, he found that this was an eagle raised by Konoha.

The eagle flew, hovered in the sky, and then flew back to the village.There was a secret sign inside. Mizuki said to Sakura, "Master Tsunade is calling us, maybe something is going on!"

Text Volume 459. Urgent Mission

Mizuki and Sakura came to Naruto's office, and saw Tsunade-sama that they had arranged tasks for several ninjas, and watched these ninjas leave immediately.

Seeing this, the two asked Tsunade, "Master Tsunade, is there any emergency?"

Flying Eagle Transmission is a means of communication that is only used if there is an emergency.The flying eagles just now knew very well that if it wasn't for important things, they wouldn't use this method to summon them.

Tsunade didn't talk too much nonsense, and said straightforwardly: "Mizuki, do you remember the traitor I called you to arrest the other day? An important message has been received from him. Otonin Village wants to betrayed , Overthrow the current name of Tian Zhiguo and support a puppet."

God, betrayal!

Hearing such an information made Mizuki dumbfounded on the spot: "How could this be? If I remember correctly, Tanokuni's daimyo supported Otonin Village! Why did they think of launching a coup?"

Mizuki thought it was a bit weird. The situation in Tanokuni was different from other countries. The Otonin Village was only established in recent years, and the current Daimyo Tanokuni was determined to support it.

Of course, although the existence of Otonin Village is largely the so-called Oshamaru.But if a country does not support its own ninja village, the result will not be like Yunokuni?

However, the information is accurate, and Tsunade said one thing: "Mizuki, Otonin Village was established by Otomaru, and most ninjas don’t listen to Tanokuni’s daimyo orders at all. Even though Jiraji used to I have also been to the country of Tian and found that the Oshe Maru has long been gone, but it is hard to guarantee that after such a long time, there will be no new careerists."

After listening to Tsunade's words, Mizuki pondered for a while.Otonin Village is a village created by Otoshimaru. Konoha was very noisy when she collapsed. She didn't want to bother if she could.

But the name of the country of Tian is the lord of a country. If the name of the country is overthrown and a puppet is erected in Otonin Village, it should be even more unfavorable to the relationship between the country of fire and the country of Tian, ​​right?

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