I traveled through the days in Naruto World

The Days I Traveled Through in Naruto World Chapter 255

Thinking of the Mizuki here, he asked Tsunade-sama, "What about our mission?"

Asking them to come here must have something to explain.

Tsunade said, "Mizuki, I want to send you to the land of the country to protect the eldest son of the daimyo of the land of the country. This is the future prince of the land of the country, and is also the object of our country of fire. Kozakura used to follow Jiraji. I have also been to Tanokuni, got to know some local ninja families, wooed them to form an alliance, and fight against the rebellion in Otonin Village together!"

Was that what I called them to do?

Because of the importance of this task, Mizuki and Sakura naturally wouldn't refuse, and immediately nodded in agreement: "No problem, what's the level of this task?"

"The protection of important personnel is an A-level task. If a rebellion occurs, it is at least an S-level." Of course, Tsunade will send Shinobu to assist in such a difficult task, and he also said one thing: " By the way, your missions are different. Mizuki is to protect dignitaries and respond to rebellions, and Sakura goes to Tanokuni to win over the local ninja family. The mission levels are different."

Mizuki and Sakura nodded and understood, it seemed that this task would require the cooperation of multiple teams.

The task is almost finished like this.After a while, a small group will be used to meet Mizuki, and Sakura has already left with Silent.

When everyone else was gone, Mizuki thought of one thing: "Does Kurama Yakumo's mission need to continue?"

Kurama Yakumo still lives in Mizuki's house, but because she wants to stay at school more, and Mizuki wants to learn from Tsunade, she doesn't encounter it frequently.

But now, Mizuki is going to Tanokuni for a mission. If there is trouble, he may not be able to return for a long time. Is it really good to let Yakumo stay at home?

Fortunately, about this matter, Tsunade has already thought: "A semester of school is over, and Kurama Yakumo will be taken back to the current residence of the Kurama clan, so you don't have to worry about this matter."

It looks like another mission is over.Mizuki finally sighed, one less thing to worry about is definitely a good thing.

The door of Naruto's office was knocked open, and several ninjas walked in. When Mizuki looked at the visitor, he immediately exclaimed that the world is so young: "Sister Maple, Sister Changpu, Sister Kikyo, didn't you expect it to be you again?"

Unexpectedly, Mizuki was also here, and the three of them were also surprised.

Mr. Tsunade soon explained the specific situation: "Your mission in Kawa no Kuni has been performed very well. So I want to delegate this mission to you. There is one more thing, Maple wants to apply for Shinobu's order has been approved. This time the task is a test. I hope you can do it well!"

A-level tasks usually require the leader of the upper ninja. If Feng can complete it well, he is indeed qualified to become the upper ninja.

Seeing Feng's age now, he should be only seventeen or eighteen years old, right?Such an age is not too old. Generally speaking, many ninjas are promoted to Shangnin, and they should be in their twenties.

"Wow, Sister Feng, are you going to become Shangren?" Mizuki was a little envious: "I heard that I become Shangren, but I have allowances. I have to treat you to dinner!"

To know that to become a Shinobu, one needs outstanding strength. Maple's strength is pretty good, and Konoha-ryu's tricks are extremely strong.Another is rich mission experience. After all, the important source of funds for Ninja Village is to receive missions to get commissions and rewards.

However, if you want to become a Shinobu, there is no one in a hundred candidates. Naturally, it is not that you can be promoted successfully if you become a Shinobu.It needs to go through layers of screening and testing, but as long as it succeeds in reaching the top level, there are definitely many benefits.

Feng is very confident of himself: "Okay, this task is completed, I will invite you little greedy ghost to eat!"

Everyone is already familiar with it. The water tree does not have many skills, but it is really one thing to know how to eat.Especially those who need big fish and big meat, it is simply a meatless guy.

Seeing that Kaede was confident, Tsunade said to her with satisfaction: "This task is to protect the eldest son of Daimyo Tanokuni. This person is the prince of the future daimyo and is also a person supported by our country of fire. So we must protect Good for his safety! Regarding the response to the Otonin Village rebellion, I have already sent someone else before. You will act by chance in Tanokuni. If necessary, I will follow the situation and send new troops there!"

Text Volume 460. Field Country

After a journey of less than two days, Mizuki, Maple and others quickly came to the territory of Tanokuni.

Open the data in hand to check, there is information about this country recorded on it, and briefly look at the key points.Feng said to everyone: "Be careful, follow the plan, don't act alone, at least two people. There is a town ahead, let's go ahead and take a look."

Mizuki nodded to express that she understood that her impression of this country mainly came from the Otonin Village founded by Onomaru.But I heard that the name of this country is a complete idiot, and has no ability at all.

But I also wanted to expand the territory and obtain the support of strong combat power.Needless to say, it was naturally used by Otoshima. Although Otonin Village was established, it was not under the control of this daimyo at all. Instead, it was used in Konoha for Otoshimaru last year. Collapse plan!

But now the daimyo of Tanokuni seemed to have noticed that the ninja village he ordered to build, did not accept his order, so he wanted to ban it.But it was this idea that touched the nerves of Otonin Village, and only then did the plan to rebel and support a puppet appear.

The stupidity of the leader of this country, Mizuki does not want to make too many complaints.But as soon as I walked into the local town, I couldn't help it a bit: "To build a country into such a ghost, it seems that the leader of this country is really inappropriate!"

There are indeed a lot of people in the town. It looks a bit lively, but it's too chaotic.Pedestrians hit each other while walking, and if they don't agree, they will start fighting.

Such an environment full of violence, Mizuki has only been seen on Villain’s Island before, but Villain’s Island is a gathering place for rebels and criminals.But here is the country of Tian. It manages a country like this ghost, and you can imagine how rubbish the name of this country is!

At the same time, something happened in this town.

Because I came from the country of fire to the country of Tian, ​​and thought that since they were all here, I would simply find a restaurant, want to eat something and take a break.

Everything was normal at the beginning, and the food was still delicious, but it quickly became clear.When I saw some girls look good, I wanted to pay attention to them.Open an expensive and outrageous bill, and the number on it is three more digits!Nima, I met a black shop again!

Mizuki is still shocked, how come he meets the plot of a black shop again.The most anxious Platycodon grandiflorum here, directly slapped the table and cursed: "I have seen the menu, and it won't be a hundred taels. You actually want tens of thousands? Why don't you grab it!"

The store should see that a few of them are ninjas, but if they dare to do this business, how can they not have the ability?So I summoned thugs and surrounded them: "Want to eat Bawang’s meal? Huh, don’t take a look, what is this place? I tell you, if you don’t want to take the money, or stay, I will pick up the customers and pay off the debt. Otherwise, don't blame me for being polite!"

Let alone here, I saw the thugs in this shop, every one of them looked fierce and vicious, and from the posture that they held their weapons, it could be seen that all of them were practitioners.

Kikyo was going to be angry on the spot, almost drawing a knife.But was stopped by Changpu who was sitting next to her shaking his head, Feng stood up and looked at the store, took out the money that should be paid, and put it on the table: "We should pay no less. I hope you will also Don't embarrass us!"

Isn’t it a very polite speech?And the money has already been given, if you don't do it, everyone will be in peace.

But the other party seemed to have misunderstood something. They thought it was the girls who were subdued and didn't care about the money on the table. They simply pointed out: "I said you did not make a mistake? Are you here to send the beggar?"

TMD, don’t toast, take fine wine!Seeing the water trees here, it was obvious that I couldn't help it.

If Mizuki made the move, hitting these guys with her power would definitely be a maimed to die.Fortunately, the solution of the final matter was not that Mizuki had taken it out.

Feng's eyes froze, and he immediately released a murderous air.

Frightened the shopkeeper and the fierce thugs, their expressions changed drastically. It felt like Mizuki knew that they had all been hit by Maple's illusion.

If the average ninja is not prepared, illusion will be very troublesome, let alone these ordinary people, naturally it is easy to control it.

The bill that was supposed to be paid afterwards was finally paid.

But this feeling of being blackmailed was really uncomfortable, and Kikyo expressed his dissatisfaction: "Why did you stop me just now? Seeing their very skillful methods, maybe a lot of bad things have been done. I really want to beat them. They have a meal!"

Mizuki expressed his support for Kikyo's idea: "Yes, this kind of bad guys definitely do bad things, even if they are killed, it would be a shame!"

Seeing the dissatisfaction of the two of them, Feng sighed helplessly and replied: "I know what you said, but don't forget that this is the country of Tian. If our trouble is too big, it will be easy to be caught. Otonin Village is watching. Our mission is special. If we can avoid trouble, don't make trouble, do you understand?"

After all, this place is the country of Tian, ​​and Otonin Village is the ninja village of this country. This is not the country of fire and it is not the village of Konoha. What's more, they have tasks on their bodies, and there are many places to pay attention to.

If it is not necessary, there is no need to make things too much, so as not to mess with yourself.

There is no other way. After listening to Feng's explanation, Kikyo also understands, and can only give up bitterly: "Cut, it's really cheap this damn bastard!"

However, through such a small incident, people can see that the security of Tianzhiguo has almost collapsed.

If a country is managed like this, the name of this country can really be used, and it is not an exaggeration to describe it as a wine bag and rice bag.I heard that you still want to open up new territory?It really deserves to be overthrown!

Leaving this unlawful town, you need to consider the task.Changpu said to Feng: "What should we do next?"

According to the task assigned to them by Hokage, it is to ensure the stability of the country of Tian, ​​especially the safety of the eldest son of the daimyo, because this is the heir supported by the country of fire, so you must pay special attention.

Tian Zhiguo’s daimyo is a fool, and there are ways to deal with it.Kaede also said to everyone: "We will first inform the daimyo of the country that Otonin Village wants to plan a mutiny, and then stay in the daimyo mansion for the reason of'safeguarding', and then contact the daimyo's eldest son. Just protect the safety of the eldest son!"

Text Volume 461. Meet

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