I traveled through the days in Naruto World

The Days I Traveled Through in Naruto World Chapter 261

Seeing the other party pull out their sabers, Feng and Kikyo also showed their weapons, and they were also not afraid of fighting.Feng looked at the person in front of him, and said indifferently, "If you haven't played enough in front, do you want to play the second game?"

Without any words, the other party took out his weapon.

Seeing that everyone had already put their posture, it was obvious that fighting was already imperative.

Maple cast a few eyes to his teammates as secret signs, Mizuki and Kikyo understood in their hearts, and at the same time attacked from the enemy's wings.

The other party seemed to be prepared and reacted very quickly.There was also a counterattack. Kikyo and his enemy collided with their weapons, bursting out a few star points of metal sparks.

Mizuki grabbed the opponent's weapon, then slashed with a hand knife in the backhand, and once again smashed a blade: "I said, the sword is not valid for me!"

The attack of two people successfully attracted the attention of the other.It was at this moment that Feng pulled out his ninja sword.Volley made a waving motion and shouted: "Konoha Ryu!!"

The speed was unimaginable, and a blade of light and sword shadow flashed through like an electric light.Feng and the other side passed by in an instant, and the other side seemed to react and used his weapon to block.

But at this time, I only heard a sound of "clang", the weapon in the opponent's hand broke in two, followed by the enemy's neck, there was a blood mark, an incredible application appeared in the eyes, and then the head fell from the body. Come down.

This is the characteristic of Konoha-ryu. As an assassination-based attack tactic, it naturally pursues the ultimate in speed.All this is done in an instant!But don't be too shocked, because at this moment, you can see that the ninja sword in Feng's hand is also broken.

Obviously, to play this trick, there is still a very big price, especially for weapons.After all, the opponent’s weapon must also be sharp. When a collision occurs at a high speed, it will inevitably endure great damage. Breaking is a very common thing.

After solving one enemy, the other two enemies roared in anger.Vow to make them pay!

But the bellflower and water trees here will definitely not give the enemy this opportunity.Kikyo swung the blade to fight against his opponent, and metal sparks flew in all directions.The weapons of the last two people fought each other together. When the stalemate was in a stalemate, Kikyo said coldly: "Konoha collapsed, today is the time to pay back!"

The collapse of Konoha led by Osamaru was precisely the invasion of Konoha initiated by Otonin Village and Sandyak Village.As a result of the loss of a large number of excellent ninjas in Konoha Village, even the admired three generations of Hokage were sacrificed.

As the Hokage who has been in charge of Konoha for the longest time, the three generations of Hokage still have a lot of kindness to Kikyo.Because Konoha collapsed, and he died because of Dashemaru, how could Kikyo not hate it?Want revenge if you don't want it?

But looking back at her opponent, she didn't seem to be moved by it: "It's not always certain who will die!"

After the weapon confrontation was over, the two sides retreated temporarily, but at this moment, the other side quickly formed a few mudra and released a ninjutsu: "Wind Dun: Great Breakthrough!!"

Seeing the other party began to Jieyin, Kikyo also began to Jieyin, and it happened to be this ninjutsu: "Feng Dun: Great Breakthrough!!!"

Maple is good at fire escape, and Kikyo practiced wind escape. Unexpectedly, here happened to meet a ninja with the same attributes as him.

The big breakthrough of the two people collided with each other, and a powerful pressure erupted from this position, causing the shock wave to uproot even the extremely deep-rooted trees.

Kikyo's wind escape seems to be slightly weaker than that of the opponent. It seems that the enemy's forbearance training should be stronger than Kikyo.

This point was also confirmed by Feng: "The bellflower was originally a chakra with thunder attribute. In order to cooperate with my fire escape, I forcibly practiced the wind escape."

Everyone's chakras have different natures. It is best to practice the same ninjutsu, so that they can perform better.

But this is not necessarily true. After all, there are many ninjas who specialize in ninjutsu, and they may have multiple or even all attributes.Of course, this must be a hard practice, and you must study Chakra very deeply, otherwise Chakra is not well controlled, and Ninjutsu may fail!

Ninjutsu is weaker than the opponent, and Kikyo secretly "cut", but not to be outdone at this point, he seals again: "Feng Dun: The Art of Wind Cut!!"

Several invisible wind blades appeared, flying towards the enemy at great speed.

If this is a surprise attack, the probability of success is extremely high.However, this is in front of the other person, how to say others are also ninjas!

Jieyin quickly fought back, and the same was used: "Wind Escape: Wind Cutting Technique!!"

However, this guy's wind blade technique, the released wind blade, obviously more than platycodon, the number actually reached a dozen!

Excluding the several wind blades that were offset, the rest of the wind blades hit the bellflower, leaving marks similar to knife wounds on her body.The pain is definitely needless to say, but Kikyo gritted his teeth, resisted the pain on the body, and quickly sealed the seal again: "Feng Dun: Kamikaze!!!"

The previous two wind escape techniques were both C-level. This time, Kikyo used B-level ninjutsu. Naturally, the power must be even higher to disperse the subsequent wind cutting.

The other party stared at Kikyo coldly: "What's wrong? Can't it work? Can I only use B-level ninjutsu to hit my C-level?"

It sounds a bit ridiculous, but it is true!

Kikyo held his body steady, touched the injured part of his body, saw his own blood on his hand, and then squeezed his fist: "Anything that can't kill me will definitely make me stronger! You can't kill me, I Will become stronger!"

From his pocket, took out a handful of kunai, held it in his own hand, and began to Jieyin at the same time: "Feng Dun: Gale Palm!!!"

"Interesting, let me see how powerful you can be!" The other side Jieyin also said, "Feng Dun: Gale Palm!!"

The two sides once again launched a ninjutsu duel, the gale palm was mixed with attacks, and violently attacked each other.

However, the bellflower here is still using the sword-drawing technique while hitting the gale palm again!That's right, it's the samurai's sword drawing technique, but it's a bit different because there is wind on the blade!

Text Volume 4710. BattleNext

Kikyo and the enemy's ninjutsu fight against each other. Obviously, it is a bit short, but here she uses a small trick, which is to attach Chakra to her sword.

The collision of the gale palm hit half a catty, but when Kikyo rushed to the enemy, and the two sides once again used weapons to kill each other, the additional advantage of Chakra was reflected!

Compared with ordinary blades, with chakra attached, the sharpness is obviously better.When the two sides have several consecutive collisions, you can see that there are many ugly gaps on each other's blade.

Of course, the other party is certainly not stupid. When he notices that his blade has been punched out of these gaps, he will naturally understand how it was caused. The same is attached to his chakra, and the two are fighting fiercely!

Accompanied by a metal collision with "cang", I did not expect that the result was two knives, which were chopped and cut at the same time.

It seems that there is nothing wrong, the opponent's Chakra attainments must be better than Bellflower.But Kikyo, who refused to admit defeat, saw that the blade was broken, and immediately took out a handful of kunai stab at his opponent from his pocket.

Seeing the stabbing kunai, this person grabbed kunai to prevent it from piercing his body: "Damn it, dare you play this hand for me?"

This enemy is a male, and if you compare the strength of men and women, it is definitely greater than Doraji.However, in such a life-and-death battle, Kikyo must exert its full strength, so I don’t know who will die!

But at the same time, the battle between Mizuki and the tall and thin man was almost finished.

Speaking of the battle between the two of them, it was actually going on at the same time as Kikyo, and the intensity of the battle was even more fierce.

Needless to say, Shuishu's fist, there is energy from the mountain and the earth when it hits it. If it is hit, it is definitely immortal or disabled.So when fighting, always keep a distance.

But everyone here should know that the water tree has a powerful instantaneous ability, and it is not easy to get a distance, because only a bow can catch up, and then it will be hit with a punch.

This thin and tall man is a somewhat level ninja, at least a master at the level of ninja. It was the first time he saw the water tree instantaneous technique, because he reacted a little slower and was almost killed by a headshot.Fortunately, the speed at the time was fast enough, with a short stature method, and thrillingly avoided the headshot of the water tree.

At the same time, a kunai appeared in his hand, a sharp blade stabbing Mizuki's body.It's a pity that the sting was stabbed, and the strength is not too small, but what makes the pupils dilate is his own attack, and it really has no effect at all.

Because as a ninja, he used to encounter a ninja who used earth to escape, and he could strengthen his body with skills to achieve an almost invulnerable effect.But this made him puzzled. He used Kuwu's thorn to hit the water tree's body, and his hand felt exactly like stab the flesh, but he couldn't penetrate an inch!

Seeing his surprise, Mizuki didn't care about her attack at all, and didn't even react at all. He just said coldly: "Yes, your strength is not small, but unfortunately it is not enough to break my defense!"

King Kong is not bad and is not afraid of any physical attacks. If it were not for a blow of strange strength, she might not even take a step back.

A backhand slap knocked this guy away, and there were still white and red things in his mouth spit out. The white ones were the knocked out teeth, and the red ones were of course blood.

Looking at the teeth falling on the ground, Mizuki sneered again: "I'm so sorry, I knocked out your teeth. It looks like you can't whistle anymore, right?"

Compared with the attacks of the knife, chopping and axe, Mizuki is more afraid of ninjutsu and illusion, because these two kinds of attacks are all Fan Cou who is not bad and can't defend.

Mizuki fears this guy's trick, which is what kind of damn illusion, Otonin Village is good at using voice, which means that as long as he hears the sound, he will inevitably hit the opponent's illusion.

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