I traveled through the days in Naruto World

The Days I Passed in Naruto World Chapter 262

Similarly, because of the Chunin test, there was a match during the qualifiers. Mizuki knew that even blocking the ears would be useless, because the human body has a larger proportion of water. If the opponent uses illusions, they will inevitably be recruited. .

But now it looks better, the teeth are all knocked out, and there must be air leaks in the mouth. I want to blow the whistle and it's no longer enough. The sound source is controlled from the source.

The tall and thin man got up from the ground, spit out a spit of blood from his mouth, and said slurredly: "Even if you are going to die today, you will be got rid of!"

At this time, his hands began to print. Although his teeth were knocked out, there was no way to blow the whistle to cast illusions, but he could use the method of making sounds!

According to scientific theory, sound is transmitted by vibration. As long as it can create movement and static, sound is easy to appear. It was originally by blowing a whistle, but now it is knocking two kunai.

The harsh metal sound is transmitted to the brain, and the stimulated water tree's head will explode.

However, this tall and thin man seems to be a bit unaware of the situation. Now it is not the time to be two-on-two, but in a two-on-three state.

After Kaede killed a person, he used fire escape to dispose of the corpse, and then he noticed the battle between Kikyo and Mizuki. At that time, Kikyo was fighting ninjutsu with the enemy, but Mizuki was stimulated by the sound and was holding his head in pain. Call.

Seeing such a situation, of course Feng came to help quickly, took out the shuriken he was carrying, and threw it at the thin and tall man.

In order to defend against the attack of the shuriken, the thin tall man had to evade and could only stop the percussion. There was no resistance in his hand, but as the voice stopped, Mizuki returned to normal again: "Damn bastard, look. I won't kill you!"

To be honest, the original metal noise is very harsh.Moreover, disharmonious voices can easily cause a person's neurasthenia and become irritable.

Just now this bastard made a terrible ghost noise and almost blasted her head.Mizuki was very angry now, and he rushed up to hit his chest with a punch. You could see the entire fist fell into the blow, and then this person flew out directly.

Mizuki's fist has added strange power, which is not something ordinary people can bear, even if this guy is a ninja with better physique.But from the power of this punch, his chest was sunken in. Now even if he was not killed on the spot, it should be almost the same.

Just at this time, I saw the battle between Kikyo and the last enemy, and Mizuki naturally went up to help.Although Kikyo's strength is weaker than the opponent, but now with the power of Mizuki, there is no suspense in this battle.

Text volume 471. Withdrawn

I finally defeated these enemies, but Kikyo was slightly injured, and the water tree was affected by the illusion, and the mental aspect was not very good, and he was in a relatively weak state.

Feng's ninja sword was also broken, and if they encountered a stronger enemy, they would not be able to deal with it.Mizuki lifted up Kikyo, made sure that her injury was OK, and said to Feng, "Shall we leave now? If we are chasing soldiers, I'm afraid we will be in trouble."

The three immediately left this place, but just before they left, multiple figures appeared where they had just stayed.

The leader was a woman, looking around the surrounding environment, where fighting was everywhere, causing a mess of destruction.Finally, he locked his eyes on the bodies of the three men who were killed.

A corpse has been separated from the corpse, and the dead cannot die again.In the last two people, the tall and thin man hadn't died yet, but his chest was hollowed in, almost the air intake was more and the air was less.

The last person who fell to the ground only saw his arm, which was torn off by the roots, and bright red blood spewed out, forming a large pool of blood.

Although it looks miserable, but at least it is still conscious, and it is still very clear.After seeing this person, the leading woman said coldly: "You failed? Well, it should be like this."

"Master Qiongyue~" Because of too much blood loss, the tone of this person's speech was already very weak: "Sorry, let you down."

I didn't expect that I would fail, and I was still defeated so badly, now I can see my death even more.

Qiongyue did not speak, but stared at this person coldly.Listening to him panting heavily, he continued: "Konoha's ninjas have already learned about our information, but unfortunately they have not been able to stop them."

Because of the exposure of the plan and the failure of the assassination, it should be possible to guess that Konoha will inevitably come to investigate their intelligence.Originally, their task was very simple to intercept, at least even if it was delayed?

But I didn't expect these guys to be really disappointed.Not only did it not delay, but instead made it look like a ghost, Qiongyue's eyes appeared cold: "Yes, you really disappointed me too much, and you didn't even leave an enemy!"

If the opponent's strength is too strong, this can be considered impossible.However, from the information obtained, at this time Konoha Village has not sent famous ninjas, such as the famous "copy ninja" Kakashi in the ninja world.

Their opponents were a few unknown ninjas, and they were all defeated so miserably, it was too unreasonable.

Of course, there are battle traces left everywhere here, and the strength of Konoha Ninja can be judged, and it should not be as weak as imagined.But what about this one?If they fail, they fail!

Qiongyue pulled out the ninja sword she was wearing: "You can't live anymore, let me end your pain!"

When he said this, he had to chop off the ninja sword.

Looking at the scene of the corpse separating the family, Qiongyue's face didn't make any waves, as if he had become accustomed to such bloody scenes.He flicked the ninja sword casually, threw off the thick blood on it, and took the ninja sword back into his scabbard.

This is a ninja who came up next to her and whispered in her ear: "My lord, what should we do next? Konoha will definitely work out a battle plan to attack us when he learns of our intelligence. How should we respond? What?"

Qiongyue glanced at the corpse on the ground for the last time, and said: "The people of Konoha have our intelligence, just thinking about attacking us. They want to attack, they will not think of defense! The order goes on, summon all Manpower, we start first to be strong."

Strike first to be strong, then start to encounter.Now that they all know that Konoha's people will definitely not let them go, then there is nothing to hesitate.

The ninjas of Otonin Village were quickly summoned, standing together, there was a crowd of black people, let alone a hundred people.

Although Otonin Village is not as strong as it was when Otoshimaru was there, it still has considerable strength, at least if it is used to capture the country of Tan, such a small country is completely sufficient.

At this time, Mizuki had just completed the task, and delivered the information and the drawn map to Dao Silent's hands.

Seeing her embarrassed, and when Kikyo came back from injury, Mute knew that they were fighting: "Didn't you say it's good, just find out the information? Why is it fighting again?"

The current Mizuki's head is still aching, and the task of explanation is to hand it over to Kaede: "At the beginning, it was pretty smooth and did not disturb the ninjas of Otonin Village. However, when they were evacuated, they encountered interception and had to fight. ."

It's still good, at least it is back safely.

Seeing the appearance of the water tree and the bellflower, Mute helped to check the situation, but fortunately, there was nothing serious.The illusion in the water tree is no problem. The headache is stimulated by the noise. Just take a good rest and sleep.

Most of the injuries of Platycodon grandiflorum are traumatic. Put on a therapeutic plaster and then bandage it again.

With the information of Otonin Village in his hand, he mutely said, "Let the two of them rest first. Then, shall we make a battle plan?"

Mizuki and Kikyo arranged a separate room to rest, and the elite and Maple left to discuss combat issues.

I sorted out the information in my hand. It showed the specific location of Otonin Village, as well as the local terrain and environment, as well as the outposts discovered through the eyes of the water tree. These are very important pieces of information.

The plan and arrangement of the battle is roughly like this: First, the ninja must be the main force, and the outer outposts must be pulled out first, and then the samurai of Tanokuni will be united to launch a fierce attack on Otonin Village.

Because their task is to eradicate the current Otonin Village, everything is mainly offensive.However, considering the current combat power, most of the local ninja families in Tanokuni are not very strong.Mute intends to write back to Konoha, requesting to send Shinin to support.

This was recognized by Maple: "Send the letter back to Konoha and let Naruto send to Shinobu to support it. It will take at least four or five days. It will just allow my companion to rest well and should be able to recover considerable combat power."

Both the calamus and platycodon are injured, and the condition of the water tree is not bad, but the influence of the illusion is still there, and it happens to be able to take a break these days.

When the support of Shangren comes, it can almost recover 70% to 80%.If you want to come, the three of them must also hope that they can participate in this battle!

Text Volume 472. Sudden Attack

Because Mizuki was attacked by the sound illusion, her whole head was still buzzing, and she couldn't even sleep well because of the pain.

The bellflower and calamus, who had slept with Mizuki, saw her holding her head tossing and wanting to help take care of her.But seeing that they are all hurt, Mizuki is a little embarrassed: "I'm sorry, I can't sleep with a headache, and I'm bothering you. I'll go out to get a good breath, and come back better?"

In this way, for convenience, without affecting the cultivation of platycodon and calamus, Mizuki went out for a walk by himself.

The brain is still painful and uncomfortable, and it always feels that there is still a harsh sound reverberating, and nothing can be lost.Although Ms. Silent’s examination revealed that this was a short-term effect on the brain after being invaded by Dao Illusion.As long as you sleep quietly, you will soon recover.

But this is light and light, just imagine, for example, in a vegetable market, in such a noisy environment, can anyone really fall asleep quietly?What's more, this kind of voice is directed to the brain. How can Chong's head be dizzy?

Because it was already night, most people had rested except for the necessary guards and guards on patrol.The water tree jumped onto a tree, sat on the branch and looked up at the stars, hoping to take advantage of such an environment to quiet down his brain as soon as possible.

Fortunately, today is a good sunny day, the starry sky is quite bright, and the tranquility of the night is relaxing.Mizuki leaned on the trunk, adjusted a comfortable posture, and stretched out a lazy waist: "It's really good, Tianzhiguo is a place with perfect pastoral style, plus such beautiful stars, it is really perfect!"

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