I traveled through the days in Naruto World

The Days I Traveled Through in Naruto World Chapter 263

Such beautiful scenery on a good day is always full of poetry and picturesqueness, which makes people involuntarily fascinated.

While staring at the stars in the sky, Mizuki seemed to hear someone calling her. He looked under the tree and turned out to be Sakura, and said hello: "Hi, Sakura, why are you here?"

Finally seeing Mizuki come back to her senses, Sakura said to her, "Sister Mute, don't you want you to rest earlier? Why are you still in this place?"

"Can't sleep!" Mizuki replied a little helplessly: "There are noisy noises in my head, and I have a headache to death. Now it is better."

Who doesn't want to sleep. After a day of tiredness, and even fighting with the enemy, how can he not want to rest?But the premise is to be able to sleep.

Sakura jumped up and jumped to the side of Mizuki. Fortunately, the girl's weight was light, and the branch was thick enough to bear the weight of two people.

Standing firmly, Sakura looked at Mizuki, then touched her head, and asked, "Does the head still hurt?"

Feeling Sakura's hand, warm and soft, it is still very comfortable to be touched.Mizuki shrugged: "Well, it's okay? It's better than at the beginning. By the way, what about you? Why are you here?"

Because fighting is about to take place, someone will definitely be injured.It happens that Sakura knows medical ninjutsu here, and it is passed down by Tsunade-sama, so it is arranged to do logistical work.

Sakura said, "Sister Silent, let me contact the Wind Demon clan and prepare the medicinal materials we need. There will always be people injured in the battle and need to be treated!"

The medical ninja is to save the dead and heal the wounded, and Sakura is following this path.

You know, in the fourth Ninja war, isn't Sakura being a medical officer?Rescue the wounded who were lifted from the battlefield, and it played a great role.

By the way, according to Mizuki's understanding of Sakura, Sakura shouldn't have surgery yet, right?I have been studying with Tsunade for a long time. Although I have already mastered the knowledge of pharmacology, I lack experience in emergency treatment.

The mission this time is a good opportunity. After all, it is a medical ninja in the future. If he can't perform surgery, is it really impossible?!

"So it's like this!" Mizuki nodded, "People of the Wind Demon Clan, do Sasame have any plans?"

They want to eradicate the Otonin Village established by Otoshimaru, but there is still a ninja clan in Tanokuni.It will definitely fill the vacancy in Otonin Village, right?

Because it has a good relationship with Sasamami, I know the development of the Fengmo clan in the past year: "Once used by Oshemaru, they learned a lesson. In the future, they will definitely unite and form a new ninja village, right?"

Is this something you can meet?How can Tian Zhiguo be a country, the necessary military power is definitely needed.Although Otonin Village is not good, it is also the Ninja Village of Tanokuni, so the result can be expected.But as long as it is not led by people with evil intentions, I believe Otonin Village can still go on the right track, right?

Mizuki stretched his waist and relaxed his muscles and bones: "Tanokuni is a good country, but the name of this country is a bit stupid. Even if you want to develop in the future, it shouldn't be an easy task, right?"

But these are all nonsense. After all, Mizuki is the Konoha ninja of the country of fire. How to develop a country like Tanokuni as long as it no longer threatens the safety of the country of Daohu, especially Konoha.

This time the task is also to maintain the stability of the countries around the country of fire, otherwise who will take care of things that are irrelevant to them?

Mizuki relaxed, and chatted with Sakura again. Because of the shift of attention, she finally felt that the pain in her head had been relieved a lot.

What I wanted was to say goodbye to Sakura, and when I was about to go back to sleep, a rustling sound came from the quiet night sky. This sound was very detailed and rhythmic, and I knew that there were many people in action.

The Mizuki here heard it, and Kozakura also noticed it: "It sounds like a lot of people walking through?"

Mizuki immediately gathered the chakras, opened his white-eyed perspective, and expanded the field of vision to see many ninja figures flying on the tree.

Seeing such a scene, as long as you are not a fool, you must understand that there is a problem.Mizuki hurriedly said to Sakura, "Go find Ms. Silent, the ninja from Otonin Village has overrun!"

When Sakura heard this news, she was instinctively stunned.But it came to light right away, and we must promptly inform everyone and prepare for the challenge.

But seeing Mizuki's expression, Sakura asked her: "Mizuki, how about you?"

"I'll delay for a while, they are already very close, and they will rush here without a minute of effort. You must buy a little time for everyone to organize the staff!"

Text Volume 473. White Eyes VS Writer Eyes [Top]

Before they attacked Otonin Village, they killed it first.

Mizuki can guess the intention of the opponent, because what he wants is to prepare for the attack, he will definitely not prepare for the defense. The ninja of Otonin Village grasps this mentality.

Because I had already seen through the white eyes, the ninja of Otonin Village was close at hand, and Mizuki asked Sakura to notify the silence first, and asked them to gather people to prepare for battle.But he rushed towards the direction of the enemy, and the two happened to meet and meet halfway!

In the face of many masked Otonin, Mizuki smiled coldly: "The family said: It's easy to meet bad people when you go out at night. It seems that you are right!"

Roughly estimate the other party, at least about a hundred people, maybe more, but not as much as originally estimated, of course this is good news.

At the same time, when they met Mizuki, all these masked Otonin Village ninjas stopped in front of her.Because they were planning to carry out a sudden attack, they didn't expect to encounter an enemy waiting for them before they got close?Is Konoha's ninja already prepared?

It was just when these Tonin hesitated, a slender figure appeared in front of them.The visitor must be a woman with a good figure, uh~ well, this is a bit nonsense, just to express that the figure of this beauty is perfectly outlined by the tights on her body.

The woman faced Mizuki, looked at her, and said, "Looking at your eyes, it should be a member of the Hyuga clan? It is really unexpected that I can meet a ninja from the Konoha clan in this place."

While the other party was looking at herself, Mizuki was also looking at the other party. Through her blind observation, Mizuki could see that her Chakra was quite powerful!

Unexpectedly, I met a master again, and judging from the opponent's Chakra, it seems to be much stronger than the three ninjas I met before.

Mizuki became vigilant, but there was no expression on his face. He just said pretendedly: "Oh, I didn't expect this beauty to be very familiar with our Hyuga clan?"

Although the other party also has a face mask to cover his face, he can still be seen from the clear outline of his face, and the figure is also outlined.As long as it's not a killer from the back, she must be a pretty beautiful woman. Mizuki believes in her own vision!

But speaking of it, now the two sides seem to be enemies, right?

The other party looked at Mizuki and gave a cold smile: "Yes, the Hyuga clan is the Konoha clan. They have the same white eyes as the Uchiha clan for writing round eyes. They are the same as the legendary reincarnation eye and become the'three big One of the'pupil surgery'. I'm really curious, what will be the effect of writing round eyes and white eyes together?"

When talking about this, this beauty stroked her eyes with one hand.It can be seen that her ordinary eyes have become Sangouyu's pupils.

Of course, the water tree could recognize this iconic change. These eyes are not written in round eyes, but what else can they be?However, if this is the case, Mizuki would know who this beauty is: "I have read a piece of information. Dashemaru is very fascinated by Shao Lunyan. I heard that he has done human experiments to study it. If the information is correct, , You should be the Qiongyue who claims to be Uchiha?!"

Recognize the identity of the other party, but this is useless.

Qiongyue drew out her ninja sword, and Shao Lun Yan had already focused on her: "Yes, but I not only want to get Shao Lun Yan, but I also want your white eyes. This precious thing, Master O Shemaru will be very Interested?"

Seeing that the knife has been drawn out, it is clear that the battle is inevitable.

When the voice fell, Qiongyue's writing wheel was activated, and Mizuki's white eyes immediately saw that there were chakras gathered in the pupils.

"No, Zhuanyan, it's activated!" Mizuki's psychological aspect was dull, because she knew exactly what effect Zhuanyan had.

In an instant, the water tree disappeared in place, and everyone hadn't reacted yet. She had already rushed to Qiongyue's body, and her fist had hit the opponent's body!

But Qiongyue's writing round eyes didn't even look at her slowly, even when his fist hit her, he actually saw Qiongyue's face with an inexplicable weird smile.

Suddenly, the water tree noticed that it was not good. At this moment, the water tree's vision went black and turned into blood red.Numerous negative emotions were instilled in her mind!

"Damn it, illusion!"

Because of being attacked by the illusion, Mizuki's fist slowed down and Qiongyue dodged it cleverly.

The ability to write round eyes can be easily seen through any non-blood succession of physique, ninjutsu, and illusion, and it can be "copied", and at the same time it is born with strong illusion ability.

Easily avoiding the attack, Qiongyue's backhand slashed and cut the water tree's body.However, the sharp blade hit Mizuki's body, and there was no bloody appearance.

The Qiongyue here has a writing wheel eye, which of course can be seen. The water tree attached the Chakra to the body to form an indestructible armor. The sword is not enough to hurt.

Mizuki retaliated with a backhand punch, and the latter used a knife to block it. Instead of forcibly resisting the strange power, he chose to obey the power, so that he was not hurt.

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