I traveled through the days in Naruto World

The Days I Traveled Through Naruto World Chapter 267

So at a very early stage, it has already begun to arrange the back hand.Mobilize a few border ninja troops and station them near Tanokuni.

After receiving the information that Otonin Village had determined to initiate a mutiny, the troops stationed at these borders acted immediately.Because Mute has already reached a diplomatic relationship between the two countries on the side of Tanokuni.

This time the action is not considered an invasion, and it belongs to diplomacy: help Tanokuni put down the rebellion!

The Daming Mansion of Tanokuni was being attacked by Otonin Village. Seeing the guards of the Daming Mansion, they weren't the opponent of the ninja.Moreover, our side was rushed to meet, and was defeated steadily for a time.

The leader of the Wind Demon clan, who had no alternative, suggested that everyone retreat to the inner city and hold on, because the castle of the Daming Mansion is a brick structure, which is quite strong and not easy to be destroyed.

At one time, the situation was very dangerous, and the inner city of the retreat road was stuck.But Otonin is not a vegetarian. While using the earthen escape technique to disintegrate the city walls, at the same time the ninjas with fire escape release flames, and others use the wind escape to cheer.

Seeing the rapid increase in the number of casualties, it is the first time for Kosakura to encounter such a scene. It cannot be as calm as in a hospital, but can also be treated symptomatically by judging the condition through some technical means.

It is necessary to stop the bleeding of the injured person in the shortest possible time, so that it is inevitable that Sakura, who has experienced it for the first time, will be in a hurry.

Fortunately, Silent discovered her condition and comforted her: “Don’t be nervous. First determine the wounded’s injury. Only bandaging or medical treatment is needed. It depends on the situation. Remember to give priority to save it. Life is the basic principle!"

After receiving Mute's guidance, although Kozakura started, she was still a little rushed.But I quickly adapted to it, and based on the knowledge I had learned, I quickly determined the means to be treated for each wounded.

If it is a limb injury such as a broken hand or foot, the splint should be fixed and tied.If someone's torso is injured, especially the organs, medical treatments need to be considered.

The most critical one is someone who has suffered a cardiac arrest because of the threat of pain, in order to save this person's life.Kozakura also decided without authorization to open her chest, attach the healing technique to her hand, and then pinch the wounded person's heart to make it beat again.

But as the battle progressed, more and more people were injured.Within an hour, the gate of the inner city was breached. Watching the Otonin people rush in one after another, there was a hand-to-hand fight between the two sides.

Sasame walked and said, "The enemy's offensive is too fierce, and there are ninjutsu and escape, we are not opponents at all!"

The ninjas in Otonin Village are all subordinates of Oshomaru, and their strength is definitely needless to say.But many of the various ninja families assembled here have fallen and declined.

Originally, there was a big gap between the strength of the two sides, not to mention the surprise attack of the other side, and neither one had much defense.How can you resist the enemy's attack?

However, the silence here is very calm, and he said to the people around him and Sasame: "Otonin wants to kill the daimyo. What we have to do is to hold on and buy more time!"

Of course, such a decision must be persisted until Konoha's support has arrived.

Because everyone knows Otonin Village, but Oshemaru personally established it. If they fail, they will definitely not have good results.So everyone has to die!

Fortunately, it was such persistence, desperately resisting the whole night, until the dawn of the next day.

Finally, an eagle's call broke the silence on the battlefield.Silent looked up to the sky. That's right. This is a hereditary eagle raised by Konoha.

The eagle hovered in the wound, and then shouted for battle from all sides. At least hundreds of Konoha ninjas formed a circle to make Otonin dumplings.

The memory that was originally played could not be attacked for a long time, and the sound of the first spirit has been lost.Seeing Konoha's support now, all the will to fight was lost, and immediately turned into birds and beasts and fled.

Seeing the ninjas from Otonin Village fled, the Konoha ninjas who came to support, did not launch a chase for the time being, but first determined their own safety.

The leader of the ninja army is a Shinobu. He often patrols the Baiyunye Mountain on the border. After seeing Mute, he asked about the situation: "Miss Mute, we got Naruto's order. Hearing the rebellion in Tanokuni, we immediately rushed to support. What's the situation now? Are we attacking Otonin Village?"

After a night of fighting, there were wounded people lying everywhere, and Silent was guiding Sakura's treatment.

Mute said to Baiyun Yeshan, "Thank you for your timely rescue and the attack on Otonin Village. Wait for a while. You first send people to find the name of Tanokuni, and to find Hyuga Mizuki."

When the battle happened, Mizuki noticed the situation first and chose to delay the enemy's footsteps.But it's been one night, and I haven't heard from Water Tree yet.

Mizuki is the eldest lady of the Hyuga clan, and also a disciple of Hokage. She is a silent junior.If there is any accident, how can I go back and explain if it is not enough?

Regarding the life and death of this country's name, it doesn't seem so irrelevant, as long as there is nothing wrong with the son.Because it was entrusted to Feng's protection, I believed that with her strength, it would be fine to protect a person.

Here is what I want to say, Feng covered the evacuation of Daming and Shizi last night.

Feng and his two sisters, protecting the daimyo and the son, escaped from the secret passage, and there were guards to prevent the delay.But in order to kill the daimyo, the Otonin people would definitely not give up.

Actually, it was really catching up. The two sides had repeatedly fought in secret roads and in the wild.Platycodon grandiflorum and calamus are injured, and their ability to display is limited.

So it was mainly fighting and procrastination, and by mutual protection, Feng protected the daimyo's son and escaped from another path.Platycodon grandiflorum and calamus protected the daimyo and fled into the nearby deep mountains and old forests to avoid Otonin's pursuit.

One night!The daimyo almost thought that he was going to die and that he was about to be killed by someone. He was terrified and frightened all night. In addition, he said that he had fallen into the water and was wearing wet clothes.

During the day, when I met Konoha Ninja who finally came to help, the whole person seemed to collapse, almost unable to stand still.I couldn't change my breath for several days, so that the next government affairs could only be handled by my son.

Text Volume 482. Illusion

"Da Ming is ill, and the state affairs are temporarily represented by Shi Zi."

Upon receiving this exact news, Konoha's ninja nodded secretly. This is a very good answer.The objects that oneself want to support act as agents of state affairs, which means that the country of Tian will be brought into the sphere of influence of one's own country.

But it’s not the time to talk about this. When all the people are here, everyone sits down and talks about a question: “We found a water tree about one mile away from Daming Palace. But the situation does not look good. According to our inspection It was discovered that she had completely lost consciousness."

Mizuki's discovery was at the place of battle. At that time, he encountered Otonin who had not retreated, and wanted to try to take her away.Fortunately, Konoha's ninja arrived in time. After a conflict broke out between the two sides, the other party was afraid of Konoha's more support, and had no choice but to escape.

But there is a problem left here, that is, everyone finds that the water tree is in an unconscious state.There is no consciousness at all for all the stimuli that occur outside!At the same time, there is a strange place, that is, the water tree and an enemy are parrying each other, and there is no way for outsiders to separate no matter what.

There was an experienced ninja here soon. After a series of inspections, it was immediately judged that Mizuki seemed to have a strong ninjutsu.And the enemies who are parrying her seem to have entered the same state?

Things are almost like this, what we have to do now is to find a way to help the water tree get rid of the control of illusion.

Some ninjas have tried it by disrupting Chakra, but it has no effect.However, I noticed here that the water tree and the opponent's Chakra seem to be connected together!

Silent wanted acupuncture and moxibustion to stimulate, but it was also helplessly failed: "It doesn't work at all. The Chakra of Water Tree is very stable. Even if it is stimulated a little, it will disappear quickly, and it will not reach much. Effect."

This is obviously counterintuitive, because judging from Mizuki's mental state, it is indeed true that the signs of illusion are not wrong.But using the illusion method of cracking, you can't see the slightest effect?

Feng is considered to have studied illusion a little bit. She has also checked the situation of the water tree and seems to be able to see a little way: "If I am not mistaken, this should be the illusion of'magic shackles'. It can be understood as a kind of target. The spiritual imprisonment is like putting a shackle on the human spirit."

I can recognize what kind of ninjutsu this is, but unfortunately there is no cure.Generally speaking, this kind of illusion can be eliminated by entering Chakra from the outside, but it has been said before: No!

Didn't expect that Feng could recognize this illusion?Silent asked in a little surprised: "Can you elaborate on the principle of this illusion?"

Prescribe the right medicine!If the pathology can be found, it will be easy to find the right antidote.

However, what Maple said next is a bit staggering, because this illusion is not a normal illusion, but comes from a visual illusion: "When I was practicing'Konoha Ryu: Willow,' the teacher took this as an explanation. It is said that the writing wheel eyes of the Uchiha clan can draw the opponent’s consciousness into the illusion created by himself as long as he looks at the opponent’s eyes."

Konoha Ryu: Willow is also a kind of visual illusion. Firstly, he swings the ninja sword in his hand. The illusion is like a leaf dancing with the wind. At the same time, it restrains the enemy from moving, and launches a sudden attack from the enemy’s blind spot However, to obliterate the opponent is a deadly trick that can kill the enemy with one blow, and it is also an unavoidable lightning attack technique.

That's right, from the opponent who is fighting with the water tree, seeing the eyes is really the writing round eyes. Is this a kind of illusion performed by the writing round eyes?

The crux seems to have been found, but judging from the current information, this should not be enough to constitute a reason why Water Tree's illusion cannot be eliminated.Even the illusion initiated by Shaolahyan is essentially inseparable from the principle of illusion, as long as it can disrupt Chakra, it should not be useless.

"Is it some special illusion?"

There is no way to know for sure, after all, judging from the information obtained, the opponent is a subordinate of Dashemaru.What kind of terrifying ninjutsu could be created by the personality of the lunatic Oshemaru.

But since it is determined that it is illusion, it is absolutely impossible to escape the essence of illusion, and you need to consult someone who has more research on illusion.

In order to take into account all aspects, Mute has made several preparations. First, let Sakura take care of Mizuki, and then said to Seiko who is temporarily acting as the agent of the national government: "The facts of Otonin Village's mutiny are solid, and we should respond. Crusade against Otonin Village!"

Considering that Otonin Village was created by Oshemaru, if it is really this guy, some kind of powerful illusion that has been researched out?Maybe there will be information in Otonin Village.

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