I traveled through the days in Naruto World

The Days I Traveled Through in Naruto World Chapter 268

Because of the events of this day, Shizi understood the status quo very well, thinking that Otonin Village was to be eliminated, at least it could not become the bane of Tanokuni.

With the approval of this son, he also decided to send a samurai army to assist Konoha's ninjas in launching actions: "I need a peaceful country, and no mutiny is allowed!"

This mission to defeat Otonin Village, Mute was handed over to Baiyunyeshan and others to complete.After all, he brought it, Konoha's ninja army, this task is considered appropriate to him.

After explaining this task well, the next step is to consider how to awaken the water tree.

Because of Mizuki's identity, she is the eldest lady of the Hyuga clan. If there is any accident in her appearance, I don't know how to explain it to the Hyuga family?So with this in mind, you must first write back to inform Hokage of the situation.

Tsunade had to wait until he knew the news. He heard that it was a very strange illusion, and it was probably related to the illusion of writing round eyes.But there is no Uchiha clan in Konoha village now, and the Kurama clan is now living in seclusion, so now who in Konoha has an understanding of illusion, it seems that only Yurihong is the only one in Konoha.

Naruto ordered people to find Xi Rihong, and handed this task to her: "Mizuki, this child, you should know? She seems to have suffered an illusion in the task of Tian Zhiguo, and there is no way to wake up."

Mizuki is Hinata's older sister and the eldest of the Hyuga clan.

Yurihong who received this order, of course, will soon understand what this task means: "Have a strange illusion?"

"Yes, it is said that it has something to do with the illusion of writing round eyes. If it is a general illusion, I think Mute will not ask for assistance. There are not many people in Konoha village who can study illusion more than you, and your first There is Hinata in the eighth class, so she won't worry about it, right?"

Text Volume 483. Illusion

Because this is a simple task, Yurihong didn't take the eighth class because she didn't want Hinata to worry, and this should be a simple task. Let the children concentrate on their practice first and not be disturbed by foreign affairs.

When she came to Tanokuni, she had already heard of the crusade against Otonin Village.The result was perfect, and Otonin Village, who did not successfully launch a surprise attack, basically had little fighting spirit left.Konoha soon attacked, it would be strange if he was not defeated.

However, there have been battles, but there have been casualties.At the same time, with the destruction of Otonin Village established by Onomaru, the current Tanokuni needs to be rebuilt.But this is a matter for Tian Zhiguo, and it's up to them to decide how to develop in the future.

Xi Rihong saw Mute and asked about the mission.And seeing the appearance of the water tree, he was facing the enemy, still maintaining a posture.

"Is this an illusion in China?" Xi Rihong was not sure, but from this posture, she noticed something: "The one in the water tree is an illusion. It's because of her own reasons."

Mute heard Yurihong say this, it sounds like you understand?Asked: "Do you see anything?"

Pointing to Mizuki's parrying posture, Yu Rihong said something: "I practiced a strange technique with Mizuki. The principle and function are not clear to me. But listening to Mizuki's own explanation, this technique and its use After coming out, they will enter into a state of mutual stalemate together with the target, unless one of them dies will be lifted!"

The weird technique mentioned is the true sword one hundred Podao skill.

Knowing how to cause it, you should know how to start, but from Yurihong's mouth, I learned that this strange technique Mizuki cultivated can only be relieved when one party dies.

This is a headache. Mute said to Xi Rihong, "Could we have nothing to do?"

Theoretically speaking, there is no, because if one party is not dead, the True Sword One Hundred Podao skills cannot be removed.But what if there is a way to try?This is not easy to say.

After thinking about it, Xi Rihong didn't dare to pack the ticket and said: "I can try, can I enter the spiritual world of Water Tree through illusion, if it is her own, there should be a way?"

To untie the bell, you still need to tie the bell. This is the best way I can think of so far.

Don't hesitate, since there is no better way now, we can only do this.Receiving Mute's approval, Xi Rihong formed a handprint, and then tapped the middle of the water tree's eyebrows.

Injecting his chakra into Mizuki's brain, Yurihong's consciousness entered.

Because Mizuki's spirit is trapped in the illusion, the consciousness in the depths is the same, but as a deep research on illusion, he can also guide the young lady of the pommel horse clan who is famous for illusion, and Yu Rihong's illusion skills can be seen.

Of course, it took some effort, but it finally came in.

What you see is a black land and a red sky, and the rest cannot see any other colors at all. Seeing such a world, Yu Rihong knows that this is the illusion that traps the water tree: "It is indeed very strong. Illusion, the illusion ability to write round eyes?"

The illusion of writing round eyes is basically a visual illusion, but it fits such a scene very well, with almost no color.But if this is the case, it won't be impossible to solve it.If you want to come, there should be other reasons, right?

When I first came to this world, the visual experience was the first reflection.Immediately after the evening red faintly, what movement and sound were heard?

The sound is not very clear, it may be a little far away, but following the sound, Xi Rihong still judged that the water tree is in this place!

Walking in the direction where the sound came from, the next moment I finally found the water tree.However, she found that Mizuki didn't seem to suffer at all, but her spirit was pretty good.

When I saw her, I was stunned for a moment, and then greeted her: "Teacher Xi Rihong?"

But I must first mention one thing here, that is, the water tree is trapped in this place, and there is no longer the passage of time.After all, he was trapped in the world of illusion, and there was no concept of time.

So from the perspective of Mizuki, it seemed that after a while, Teacher Xi Rihong appeared.

When Mizuki saw Xi Rihong, it was when she was tossing the moon, stimulating her body with electric current, and screaming violently.The sound Xi Rihong heard just now was the painful cry for help.

Unexpectedly, in this world of illusion, Mizuki was actually playing such tricks with each other?Xi Rihong said to her, "Since you have nothing to do, why don't you go out?"

Originally, Silent thought that the water tree was hit by a very powerful illusion.Even when Xi Rihong was in contact, she did discover that this illusion was very strong.

But I didn't expect that the water tree was in this, and there was nothing wrong with it?If this is the case, it should have the ability to get out of trouble!

However, Mizuki looked up and down when he saw Yurihong, "Are you really Teacher Yurihong?"

Determined that there is no problem, Mizuki shrugged and said helplessly: "I want to leave, but there is no way! I tried the illusion to rebound the first time, but I couldn't solve it at all. reaction."

At the same time, seeing Xi Rihong coming, it seemed to think of something: "You said the situation outside? How is it?"

Because Mizuki was trapped here, he didn't know the time outside. Several days had passed.But seeing the arrival of Xi Rihong, I realized that it might be over.

Here, Yurihong gave the answer: "The sneak attack initiated by Otonin Village was lifted by our support. Thanks to Miss Silent who stayed till the end. And the news I got after I came has launched an attack on Otonin Village and successfully defeated it. Resistance is now pursuing the remnants and considering plans to reorganize the Ninja Village."

Hearing these answers, Mizuki exhaled: "Great, we won."

But speaking of the words here, Xi Rihong saw the person tied to the cross, and could see that this tortured person should be the enemy confronting Mizuki.

Xi Rihong said to Mizuki: "This is not the time to make you feel emotional. You have to go out now. People outside are very worried about you."

The outside situation will not be discussed for now.

But speaking of his current situation, it is not that Mizuki doesn't want to go out, but that he can't do it!

Text volume 484. How to crack?

In order to prove to Xi Rihong, he couldn't leave this place.Mizuki Jieyin uses "solution" to rebound the illusion, but the result is obvious and it has no effect at all.

Seeing such a situation, Xi Rihong frowned, because it was the first time that she saw it.If it is said that the opponent's illusion is very powerful, although this is true, it is not even useless.

Yurihong, who has studied illusion very much, has the most reason to believe that the caster is very powerful.After all, the other party has a writing wheel, maybe the real problem is here!

Xi Rihong looked at the tied person on the cross and asked: "Is this the operator? How could she be tied to this?"

I noticed it earlier, but I only mention it now.

It can be seen from here that this person should be the one who is fighting with each other with Mizuki.I don't know what happened before, and the clothes were almost torn to pieces. They looked ragged and very embarrassed.

There is also sweat coming out of my body. Did something happen just now?Yurihong cast a questioning look at Mizuki.

Seeing such a suspicious look, Mizuki shrugged: "This guy is Oshemaru's subordinate, I just want to know Oshemaru's information. Who told her to keep her mouth open?!"

After hearing Mizuki's words, Yurihong probably understood a little bit.

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