I traveled through the days in Naruto World

The Days I Traveled Through in Naruto World Chapter 278

Because how to release Chakra before was completely based on the feeling of your body, it can be said to be a kind of practical experience, right?But after experiencing the practice with lake water, from an intuitive point of view, there is a clear understanding.

Mizuki nodded clearly and said, "The training I did before should lay a foundation for the current training, right?"

Ebisu has said that the control stability of his Chakra is not good enough.Using the lake water training in the front, let her have a deeper feeling about Chakra.

The waterfall training that is about to begin now is to test what I have learned before, and to control my chakra steadily, to fight against the torrential waterfall.

Because the waterfall falls continuously, the water tree must use the chakra to continuously check and balance, and any mistakes will make her suffer the impact of the current and fail.

By the way, when talking about waterfall practice, Ebisu said an anecdote: "This waterfall practice has been practiced by three generations of adults, which is to sit under the waterfall and meditate with chakras to block the water back."

Mizuki doesn't know if this is true or not, after all, there is no information on the three generations of Hokage's practice in the story of Hokage.And when she came to this world, three generations had already been a Hokage-sama.So is this an anecdote or something else, but it is not too important.

There were a lot of difficulties in the following cultivation. One was that the water flow in this waterfall was a bit big, and at one time I was a little afraid that things like rocks would wash down.And it's such a big current, falling directly from a high place, you will feel a strong pain when hitting your body.

I almost forgot to say how far Mizuki made this Ebisu roll during this practice.Because she is going to practice under the waterfall, it is inevitable that she will get wet by the water.She knew that this guy was a big pervert, and she was a girl now, how could this guy take advantage?

Regarding Ebisu who was found to be a pervert by Naruto, there is no need to say the bitterness in his heart.Originally lust is a bit of a man, but because of being labeled as a "pervert", it really can't be washed clean for a lifetime.

When Ebisu left with a sad face, Mizuki took off his coat and folded it on the bank of the water to avoid getting wet. Then he walked into the waterfall and started the next practice!

Text Volume 501. The Practice of Water Part 2

Mizuki used a shadow avatar technique to transform several avatars, just enough to be under the waterfall.Let the falling water hit him, and extract Chakra to fight against it!

Reaching out and hitting the waterfall with chakras, the water was splashed everywhere, and the powerful impact was hard to resist.The water tree frowned and exclaimed: "The waterfall is really different from the lake. Although the lake has a much larger stock, it is relatively static. As long as you can master the method, you can make it move. But the water of the waterfall falls quickly. , My chakras are too late to be effective!"

The falling speed of the waterfall is too fast, when chakra hits the waterfall.When Chakra can't face the lake, it can continue to work.This means that if you can't complete the Chakra's effect on the waterfall in an instant, you may never be able to complete the effect.

Mizuki and several of his shadow clones have been practicing several times, and the results are almost the same.Even if all Chakras are violent, it can barely break the line, but the effect is not very obvious, but it looks more like being countered.

When the violent chakra was consumed, the water tree almost fell to the ground with exhaustion.Sitting on the ground, taking a few breaths, looking at the waterfall in front of him, recalling the few practices just now: "Water is impermanent. Although it can gather together in large numbers, it can't be caught like a solid state."

The purpose of this practice is to improve the Chakra control of the water tree.

I remember that Ebisu mentioned that when the water tree released the chakras, there was insufficient stability and chakra consumption, and there was a little problem with too much.

Now Mizuki can see the meaning of this practice: "If this practice can be completed, it really needs a stable release of chakras and maximum use of chakras!"

But speaking of it, Mizuki felt that his practice seemed a bit like Naruto, a special training to be done in the future.The difference is Naruto, who cultivates the attributes of Chakra, and what he cultivates is Wind Dun: Spiral Shuriken.

The water tree here is the control of the chakra of cultivation, so there is still a little difference between the two.I wonder if it can be of value for reference?

Mizuki rested for a while, waiting for Chakra to recover, and immediately reinvested in spiritual practice.Continue to separate a few shadow clones, line up and hit the chakras against the waterfall that is flying down.

In practice after practice, the water tree is still feeling at the same time, wanting to remember every feeling: "Every time the chakra is released, it is obvious that I can feel that it has been offset by the power of the water. But water The characteristic of is that everything is supple. When blocked by Chakra, it will still be scattered and scattered."

I'm a little drunk, and that's the nature of water. How easy is it to go against the current?

After using Chakra several times continuously, it is basically the same, and the water will not be affected in any way.Once again, the water tree burst out of the chakra all over the body, and wanted to borrow the power of the chakra gushing out to force the waterfall back.

But the result was a very obvious failure. On the contrary, the stronger the force was, the stronger the water tree was. The water flow of the waterfall was splashing everywhere, but in the end it fell like rain.

The practice on this first day ended in fruitlessness.

In the next few days, there was almost no progress.Although Chakra's power can resist the impact of the waterfall, when she meets her own resistance, the water will definitely scatter and splash, which is beyond her control.

"Water flow is invisible, chakra is energy, and also has no form. It seems that this time of practice, I am afraid it will become penance!"

Shui Shu was a little helpless, but he still had to persist, otherwise he wouldn't even be able to persist, let alone penance.As long as you feel that the rest is almost the same, as long as you have a little chakra, you will try again and again.

Of course, the water tree is not a brainless stunner, if you can think of a way, you will always use it.For example, it is the art of shadow clone. As the mystery of this kind of ninjutsu, it is unnecessary to say more if you want to come?The experience gained can be retained, even if the shadow clone is removed, it will return to its own body.

As time goes by, day after day, considering the long-term practice, it will inevitably be a little bit depressed.Mizuki will also make the shadow clone, while continuing to do this exercise, the body will do some other practice.For example, hit your own steel boxing, practice soft boxing that you haven't used for a long time, and study your own skills.

But even with this kind of practice, it still feels boring.But in order to make himself stronger, Mizuki must still be patient.

Because she knew very well in her heart that the time left for herself was getting less and less.According to the development of the plot, the fourth Ninja War broke out when she was sixteen.If you do this, only about two years will be left from now on.She must become stronger before that!

"Damn it! Why haven't you made any progress?" I don't know how long I have been practicing, but I just remember that the moon has made two gains and losses.

However, Mizuki can only use "little results" to describe his practice.On the contrary, it's the boxing that I practice occasionally, and I'm still proficient in fighting, as if even the soft boxing is good.

During this period of time, Mizuki found Ebisu and asked if there were any techniques available.However, the answer is "don't know".

Because this method of practice is actually the three-generation practice that Ebisu applied, so he doesn't even know it.After listening to his bullshit, Mizuki quickly let him disappear, don't delay his cultivation.

Mizuki is really depressed: "The three generations have the title of "Ninjutsu Professor" in the ninju world, and they are proficient in five types of chakra attribute escape techniques. Can they surpass themselves in a few years with decades of Chakra research experience?"

Of course, if there is a way, I really cannot say no.For example, if you learn the fairy mode and enter the state of "fairy mode", you can master chakras delicately.Not to mention the upstream waterfall, it is estimated that the mountain can be moved by then.

But this method, Mizuki can only think about it, after all, the fairy model is not easy to learn, and there are risks.It's better to practice down-to-earth. If you can get a little experience on the way to practice, it would be a reward if you want to come here?

Text volume 502. Status

Konoha Village, Hokage's office.

"I'm sorry to disturb your practice, there is an important thing here!"

Originally, the water tree was undergoing penance, and he had been under the waterfall unknowingly, and had been staying for almost three months.But suddenly he got an order from Hokage and summoned her to the office.

At this time, Tsunade took out an important document from the drawer, and handed it to Mizuki's hand: "Here is an information that was just received not long ago: Villain Island has changed its owner!"

"What?!" Hearing this news, Mizuki looked surprised and asked, "What's going on? What happened?"

I hurriedly accepted this document and opened it to view the contents above. It turned out that a whole island riot occurred on the whole villain's island ten days ago. The specific situation is still unclear.

When Hokage sent people to investigate, it was discovered that the forces cultivated in the hands of Mizuki had already been defeated by a newcomer!

There is also a more terrible place here, the villain's island, which was originally under the hands of the water tree, has undertaken the shipping hubs of many countries.Now it's almost a big shuffle!This newly emerged strength is very domineering to control the route, attacking and plundering the passing ships.

Seeing the content here, Mizuki's face turned gloomy, as if water was dripping.The Island of the Evil was created by her alone, which is considered her private property.But now being taken away, how can she not get angry?

At the same time, Tsunade said: "The daimyo has already heard of this news. Don't forget that he has listened to your plan, and the state will give a lot of funding. If you can't fulfill your promises, and all of them are in vain. , You know what this means!"

In the last sentence, Tsunade said to Mizuki very seriously.The silver two of the white flower is not fake, the daimyo is the real master of the country of fire.If it is said that it cannot be done and cannot be fulfilled at the time, a crime of deceiving the monarch cannot escape!

Of course the water tree here is not a fool. Knowing the seriousness of this matter, it is no wonder that he has to interrupt his cultivation.He nodded hard and understood immediately: "I see, this matter is on my body. Since I have solved the villain's island once, I can do it again!"

Seeing that Mizuki is willing to deal with it by himself, this is of course the best thing.What's more, the strength of the villain's island, but she has established it with one hand. If this matter is not handed over to Mizuki, she really doesn't know who to give it to.

After receiving Mizuki's answer, Tsunade agreed with him: "Very good, so I will directly entrust this task to you. The villain's island has changed now. Do you need a little help?"

According to the information obtained, the new forces occupying the island of the villain have quite a few subordinates, let alone hundreds of people.Even if Mizuki is strong as an individual, he is afraid that he will suffer if he is outnumbered.

This is because I have seen information, and Mizuki naturally agreed.Think about it here. Instead of asking Shinobu to support him, he chose another group of people: "I want all the prisoners in Konoha Prison!"

"You want a prisoner in a prison?" Hearing Mizuki's request, Tsunade frowned, "Who is the prisoner? Don't you know what the prisoner is? I remember you all suffered, right?"

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