I traveled through the days in Naruto World

The Days I Traveled Through in Naruto World Chapter 279

What Tsunade said was that the Mizuki of that year was affected by the power of Shura and slaughtered a village before being arranged to serve his sentence in prison.

At that time, Mizuki wanted to behave better, so he showed a well-behaved appearance, but this kind of appearance would not work in prison.In the end, he had a fight, and his status was established through his fists.

But now it's not what it used to be. Mizuki said to Tsunade, "I want these prisoners! What you said is not wrong, they are all wicked criminals. But they are all evil people, and only this is in line with evil people. The atmosphere of the island!"

The concept of the wicked is simpler than that of ordinary people. Only a strong fist is the last word. It is their bad habit to fight bravely, but this is also their way of contesting.

Seeing Mizuki's persistence, Tsunade didn't say much. Since he said he was going to give it to Mizuki, he just gave her all this.So nodded and agreed: "Yes! I'll inform the prison in a moment. But here is a ugly thing, I want to say that you lead the prisoners in the prison, you must manage them well, otherwise if you get into trouble, you will be unavoidable. responsibility!"

Because of Mizuki's prison escape that year, Konoha's ninja took a lot of effort.Now that Mizuki wants to take away all the prisoners, Tsunade doesn't want to have any accidents, so that it won't be difficult to end.

Hearing Tsunade's instructions, Mizuki certainly understood that there was a guarantee here.But the Mizuki here needs to ask Tsunade for an order from Hokage: "If these prisoners help me with the task, I hope I can be pardoned!"

After getting Hokage's order, Mizuki came to the prison where he hadn't been in a long time.

The warden here has been ordered by Hokage, knowing that Mizuki is here to take all the prisoners away. Although I don't know why, the order of Hokage-sama is beyond doubt.

Coming to the inside of the prison, it seems to be back to the mode that once held prisoners in prison.Feeling a little strange, Mizuki asked the warden: "Is there anything wrong with the rules I made at the time?"

After I asked, I found out that after Mizuki left, everyone in this prison refused to admit defeat, and immediately fought to become the boss.In order to facilitate the management of the prison, I had to choose to go back to the past and keep all prisoners in prison.

But now Mizuki is back. She used to beat everyone with her fist, and she also controlled the food for all the prisoners.At that time, even Fengshen and Thor, these two brothers were all subdued by her.Although a long time has passed, I believe the mighty power is still there.

Mizuki asked the warden to call all the prisoners together. She stood in a position visible to everyone and said loudly to all the prisoners: "I, your queen, is back! Who else do you remember, remember? me?"

Prison queen, this is the name given secretly by the prisoners back then.

At this time, the water tree has grown a lot, but many old prisoners who were there at that time recognized her at first sight.The two brothers, Fengshen and Thor, were the first to answer, "Big sister!"

These idiot brothers have not forgotten themselves, they still have a little conscience.

Of course, if we let her know that Fengshen and Thor recognize themselves, in fact, if she can always feed them, will this lead to a beating?

Text volume 503. Set sail

The arrival of Mizuki will bring almost all of them, except the prisoners involved in harming Konoha, into their own command.Tell them: "If you want to restore your freedom and not stay in prison forever, you must show your determination!"

There is a Hokage's order here, which can give these prisoners a guarantee that as long as they successfully complete the task, they can regain their freedom.

The prisoners are very convinced by the water tree, because once in this prison, water tree has developed a reward and punishment mechanism, as long as there is merit, there will be rewards, if anyone dares to be lazy and lazy, what is waiting for is severe punishment!Rewards and punishments are clearly the basis of prestige.

No one wants to be kept in jail for a lifetime. All the prisoners want to be able to go out. Otherwise, there would never have been a collective escape under Mizuki's encouragement.

After reaping people's hearts, the water tree numbered all the prisoners, and there were probably more than one hundred people.In order to facilitate management, these people are divided into three levels: large, medium and small teams. Each level of the team has a captain, and each captain is responsible for his own level and the people under his jurisdiction.

"If the team obeys the instructions and achieves excellent performance, the captain will be rewarded. On the contrary, if it does not obey the order and commits any violations, I will deal with the captain of the team first!"

In order to give the prisoners a deep impression, Mizuki smashed a hard rock with a fist, and was directly bombarded into powder.As long as it is a person with a little vision, his complexion will change immediately.

This is what Shuishu wants to achieve. To deal with those detained in prisons, all the rules are nonsense.Only a hard fist can make them obediently obedient!

If you don't have the absolute strength to suppress them, these guys will think you are a bully, and they will continue to cause you trouble.Shui Shu knows this very well: "If you are not ruthless, you can't stand steady!"

Every prisoner has a number, and every prisoner has a team.Just order each captain or call out someone's number.In this way, whether it is a direct order or a top-down order, it can be quickly executed.

Mizuki has ensured its effective management, with the guarantee of both kindness and power.The next step is to go to the villain's island and take back what belongs to you!

However, there are still two things to do for the water tree here.

The first is to change the mental outlook of these prisoners, at least not all of them can wear prison uniforms, which is inconvenient to move.

Of course, these people are still criminals and are not qualified to wear Konoha's ninja costume.In order to solve this problem, Mizuki thought of another solution: "Everyone puts on a suit and a pair of sunglasses."

The change of image is very important. If a person is in tattered clothes and his face is not trimmed, he looks very sloppy at first glance. Who would have a good impression of such a guy?

A group of people wearing black clothes and sunglasses, walking on the street like this attracted the attention of countless passersby.In order to set off such an atmosphere, Mizuki himself also found a black dress.

Such a uniform dress, dark tones, looks extremely serious and has a considerable visual effect.Especially the hostility of the prisoners, so that everyone around was shocked.

This is the first thing Mizuki does!There is a second thing next.

Hiring a big ship, after all, here is going to the villain's island, it is not a wise choice to go.Moreover, Mizuki didn't have that leisurely thought. In order to complete the task as soon as possible, she didn't have much time delay.

It was in the process of hiring ships that there was a little trouble.

Because the sea is not peaceful recently, many boat owners are reluctant to sail, and even those who sail, most of them are reluctant to go to the country of water, the waters extremely close to the island of villain.

One is that the water country is closed all the year round, and there is not much money to make a one-way trip, and the other is that after the change of the villain's island, it has almost become a pirate den. It is said that there have been more than ten incidents of ship looting.

Anyway, he couldn't find a ship willing to set sail. In the end, Mizuki found Hokage to find a way, or a ship from the Sea Country to the Water Country.

However, this ship is not very big, and it has barely packed everyone, and there are not enough rooms in the cabin. Someone needs to eat and sleep on the deck.

Two things, that's it.

But things here are not over yet, because not long after the sail, an opportunity appeared.It turns out that the country of the sea is a vassal of the country of water, and it often pays tribute to the country of water.

If it was a period of time before, there was no problem in the villain's island, and the past year or two had been fairly fine.However, the recent sudden change of the villain's island has made the entire sea area become less peaceful.

The ship of the Sea Country was willing to accept the orders of Hokage, but still thought of having ninjas and providing them with free protection.Unexpectedly, it is really useful now!It was at this moment that a pirate ship flying the skull and crossbones appeared on the deck of the sea.

Looking at the pirate ship flying the skull and crossbones, Mizuki was uninterested in panic, but a cold smile appeared: "I wanted to sign in to the Water Country, and then find a boat to the villain's island? I didn't expect a ready-made one to be delivered. ."

The villain's island is not a place where ordinary people can go.Let alone the harsh local environment, it is also a world of individual cannibalism. People who don't have the ability to go up can only become a fat sheep to be slaughtered.

Waiting for the pirate ship to approach, Mizuki said to the people around him: "Don't move easily, wait for my orders to do things."

Because Mizuki once stayed on the Isle of Wicked Man, he is somewhat familiar with pirates, knowing that there are unwritten rules in pirates: unless they encounter fierce resistance, they will never innocently hurt lives.

Of course, this is not the kindness of the pirates, but a long-term plan. If the pirates kill people unscrupulously, no merchant ships will dare to come over time. At the same time, it will attract the pursuit and killing of various countries.

Besides, if the killing is too heavy and the crew knows that they can't survive, isn't they going to fight the pirates?Every time you plunder, you have to fight, which is a great loss for the pirates.

Mizuki was not afraid that the pirates would threaten herself, but instead thought of controlling the pirate ship so that she could borrow the pirate ship and sail directly to the island of the villain.

Waiting for the pirate ship to be connected to the ship where the water tree is located, she issued an order at this time: "Everyone does it! But don't hurt their lives."

Text volume 504. Unexpectedly

These pirates are basically ordinary people, fierce is very fierce, but it is okay to deal with ordinary people, but it is still not enough to fight against ninjas.

But the pirate leader here is a ninja, who is said to be from the country of water.The strength is not particularly strong, probably only at the level of Zhongren, staying in the water country known as the "Blood Mist", and can't be mixed before running as a pirate.

Because this is a ninja from the country of water, he naturally knows when the country of the sea will come to pay tribute to the country of water.So it came with a pinch, but I didn't expect to hit the iron plate.

Mizuki gave an order, and all the prisoners swarmed up.This guy hadn't had time to perform ninjutsu, and after being beaten by the fat, he threw it out in a big tie.

This poor pirate leader was bruised and swollen by the prisoners.Beat a good guy into a pig's head?Mizuki wanted to laugh, but fortunately he obeyed the order and didn't beat him to death.

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