I traveled through the days in Naruto World

The Days I Traveled Through in Naruto World Chapter 280

Seeing the ghost who was beaten into a pig's head, there must be no way to interrogate, so Mizuki first used a treatment technique to reduce the swelling on this guy's face.When it was almost time, I asked him: "What is your name?"

At the beginning, he was beaten by someone, and then thrown out by the five-flower giant. I thought I was kicking the iron plate, so I must be dead.But I didn't expect the other party, not only didn't mean to kill himself, but first healed him.The pirate leader hurriedly replied: "Tanikawa."

"Tanikawa?" It sounds like a pretty ordinary name, nothing special, but it's easy to remember.

Hearing Tanikawa’s answer, Mizuki nodded intentionally, and then continued to ask: "Look at the forehead protection on your head, you are a ninja from the Nation of Water? With this kind of ability, what you do not do well, you must Come to be a pirate?"

Because I stayed in the villain's island, I know a little bit about pirates.This is not what ordinary people believe, it has the romance of sailing across the ocean.On the contrary, being a pirate is a very depressing thing. On a sunny day, it is wind and sun. If it is a rainstorm, there is a risk of being buried in the sea at any time.

In the three-dimensional world, there are many entertainment cultures spreading. Pirates are all one-eyed people in the world. This is not for cool images.Because you want to locate in the endless sea, you must rely on the sun to judge the position. Staring at the sun for a long time can easily cause eye diseases, especially the symptoms of "macular degeneration". There is no effective treatment at all. This eye is basically blind.

Really hard to imagine, right?Mizuki's understanding of pirates.Tanikawa couldn't help asking: "Your skin is very white, it is absolutely impossible to be a pirate. How can you be familiar with our pirates?"

The water tree here smiled coldly: "I will tell you, have I ever stayed on the Island of the Wicked?"

Tanigawa was surprised by Mizuki's words, hurriedly opened his eyes, and looked up and down carefully.After a while, his complexion changed, and he asked tentatively: "You won't be the'one' of the Bodhidharma, are you?"

This guy knows: The Bodhidharma?

Tanikawa's voice fell, his face changed drastically, and he immediately exclaimed: "That's right! It must be you. I didn't expect you to come back again!"

Does he know himself?I don't know why, Mizuki has such an idea.

When I asked, it turned out that Tanigawa had been to Evilman Island. It was the period when Mizuki led the Bodhidharma and unified Evilman Island.Although the two have never met, the rumors must have been heard.

Later, Evilman Island had a plan to "consume good", attracting countries to try to improve their image, which once gave Evilman Island a new atmosphere.And it seems that there has been prosperity, which has attracted many pirates to the villain's island and turned into merchant ships carrying goods for resale.

However, this prosperous scene came to an abrupt end not long ago, and it returned to its original shape almost overnight.I have to sigh!

Seeing this guy, Mizuki seemed to have a good understanding of the situation on Villain's Island?Quickly asked: "Do you know the recent situation on the villain's island?"

In order not to let Tanikawa have any concerns, Mizuki promised not to embarrass him and ensure the safety of him and his crew.Of course, this is based on the information of the villain's island, as a condition of exchange!

Of course, Tanikawa here was very cooperative, because Mizuki had treated him and didn't mean to embarrass him.He revealed the information he knew as much as possible: "In the last month, a new force has appeared on the island of villains, and the Bodhidharma will soon be wiped out and dominate the island of villains.”

"I know this. I'm here for this. Can you tell me the point directly?" Mizuki asked him to omit the useless information and asked directly: "Do you know where this power comes from? This power Who is the leader and is there any relevant information?"

Tanikawa thought for a while, nodded and said, "Yes, this new force claims to be the Ami Society. It is not clear where it came from, but it is a bit religious. After defeating the Bodhidharma to dominate the island of villain People, persecute their gods."

"Religion?" Hey~ Can this thing appear?Mizuki was strange: "I heard that right, right?"

But Tanikawa here is quite certain: "There is absolutely nothing wrong! There are a few of my crew members who are not willing to believe in their gods, so they came out specially."

I found these crew members and got a very positive answer.

Given such a situation, there is something that makes Mizuki very puzzled. A strange religious force, is occupying the island of the villain only for preaching?Obviously, there is definitely a problem!

Mizuki continued to ask: "Do you know who the leader of this force is? Did you find out the name?"

This answer was answered by several crew members: "I heard that the name is: Le Zhengli, I heard that it is from the country of Yunokuni, but now it is Rebellion."

"Le Zhengli?" After hearing this familiar name, Mizuki thought for a while, and immediately remembered who the name was: "I didn't expect it to be Yuanjia Luzhai!"

Remember that in a mission in Yunokuni, this guy was encountered. Didn’t expect that now he came to the island of the villain?

But if you remember correctly, isn't this Le Zhengli being beaten and crippled by himself?The bones of the whole body are broken, how can I be here alive?

This inevitably made Mizuki feel strange, but no matter what happened, she must go to the villain's island and take a look in person.

Mizuki said to Tanikawa, "Would you like to take my person to the villain's island?"

Text Volume 505. Coming to the Island of the Evil

Riding a pirate ship, gradually sailing into the harbor, it should be almost two years since I left the villain's island last time.The changes here are not small, because after the water tree is gone, it has attracted capital investment from various countries and established a very strong hub.As a result, there was a boom here, and many old buildings were gone, and new and modern buildings were replaced.

However, returning to the water tree on the villain's island again, he noticed at first glance that the atmosphere here has become much more solemn.Can't tell what it feels like, just the oppression that surrounds my heart.Very uncomfortable!

Even the people around Mizuki felt this. Tanikawa whispered: "When I came last time, I didn't feel this way. It is said that it has something to do with Ami."

Mizuki opened his eyes to look, and found that the entire villain's island was enveloped with energy that was incomprehensible to the naked eye.I wanted to distinguish clearly what it was, but my vision quickly blurred, as if trapped in a mist.

Can it interfere with the observation of white eyes?Mizuki frowned involuntarily: "I'm afraid there will be trouble!"

Something that can interfere with all eyes, if it is not the existence of the blood successor, it must have very powerful strength.What's more, with such a sense of oppression, the most likely thing is the strength of the opponent!

This lack of daring made Mizuki become more vigilant. When she was about to disembark, she found Tanikawa and said to him: "You leave now and go to the country of fire to bring reinforcements."

"I'm going?" Tanikawa said with an embarrassed face: "I am a ninja in the country of water, and I am a pirate, do you think I can go?"

Ninjas between different countries, unless they are invited by a mission, otherwise venture into other countries. This is likely to be regarded as an invasion.

Besides, Tanikawa's profession is a pirate, not to be surrounded and suppressed by officers and soldiers, which is already pretty good.How can he dare to "surrender himself"?

Yeah, this is a problem.Mizuki thought for a while, and simply wrote a letter and handed it to Tanikawa's hand: "You take this letter and promise that there will be no problems."

In order to make Tanikawa no longer hesitate, Mizuki also put out a bargaining chip: "I want to recapture the island of villain, here will definitely become prosperous again, you can't be a pirate for the rest of your life, right? As long as you complete this task, I will Part of the shipping will be handed over to you for consignment!"

People who have never been a pirate will definitely think of the romance of conquering the sea.But Tanikawa, who had been a pirate, knew how bitter this was.

Now that there is such an opportunity to get a decent and profitable opportunity, Tanikawa no longer hesitates.Nodded and said: "Okay, I will set sail immediately to the country of fire!"

With Tanikawa's promise, Mizuki felt more relieved and led his men to land.

Mizuki remembered that when he first came, he saw a chaotic environment, with people fighting and making trouble everywhere, and there was no order at all.

Later, when he left the island of the villain, because the forces on the island were unified, order was gradually restored.But now I come back again and find that I don't know everyone here.

It seems that there is no vitality here. The young boy in his twenties is just sitting on the roadside ground when he is left and right. He has muddy eyes without any response. If he is not breathing, he still has I thought it was a dead person.

Occasionally one or two people walking on the side of the road looked like walking corpses. They didn't even know what they were going to do or what they wanted to do.

"The villain's island has become like this ghost?" Mizuki was very angry, and he managed to build it.Later, I tried my best to win revenue from various countries.

How long was this unexpected?In terms of time, the villain's island has been captured for less than a month, right?

Holding his fist, Mizuki gritted his teeth and swears: "I will definitely ask you Ami Club to pay the price!"

Just when she was gritted her teeth, Fengshen and Lei Shen next to her walked and said, "Sister, when shall we have dinner?"

Looking at these two guys, how can they only eat!Really annoyed and didn't hit them, Mizuki grabbed their ears and angrily said: "Eat, eat, you know how to eat all day long! See you all eat like pigs!"

After a while, I'm going to fight, run to eat and lose my momentum?Mizuki said to them: "Wait until the fight is over and the enemy is eliminated. Eat as much as you want!"

Fengshen and Thor were trained, and they didn't get food.This makes them very embarrassed. If they are facing others, anyone who does not take food to honor them will be beaten long ago.

However, these two idiot brothers were once beaten by Mizuki, and beaten to the sky by a single blow from Asura Bahuang.I believe everyone will be very impressed, right?

Feng Shen Lei Shen heard nothing, pretending to be a pitiful face, and said with a sad face to his fingers: "No food, no strength to fight."

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